Дарья Михайлова as Evdokiya Cherkasova

Episodes 46

Episode 14


Peter pays a visit to Xenia, who, taking advantage of her charm, lures Peter to bed. Dressed in a man's dress, Varya decides to talk to the emperor. Paul listens favorably to her, but he does not intend to change his order against the cavalrymen. Grand Duke Constantine is subdued by Vari's extravagant act and asks her to stay at court. Tolstoy and Lugin await punishment. In the fortress, they unexpectedly meet Stepan, who tells them his story.

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Episode 15


Peter in the house of Xenia learns about the impending coup. He hurries to warn the emperor, but his attempt fails - Kutaisov does not understand the importance of the letter and decides to give it to Paul in the morning. D'Arnie watches Peter and tries to kill him. Palen manipulates Alexander by showing him a warrant for his arrest. Alexander agrees to participate in the conspiracy. Mongo receives a signal that a coup has begun.

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Wet and wounded, Peter gets to The Mikhailovsky Castle. The forces leave him. Among the general bustle, he is found by a street girl Katerina, she feels sorry for the young officer, and she decides to help him. But when the police show up, Peter talks about a conspiracy, and they are taken away. Peter gets into the cell of Lugin and Tolstoy. Peter's injury is serious and his friends fake his death. Peter manages to get out of the walls of the fortress. Paul's murder happened.

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Episode 17


Peter sneaks into Michael's Castle to see Alexander. Realizing that he is hopelessly late, he loses consciousness. Ksenia sends her agent to search for Peter. Soon Gregory returns - he knows where to look for the cavalryman - he and the street girl were taken by the police, they were taken to the Peter and Paul Fortress. Maria Fyodorovna is trying to find out whether Alexander knew about the impending murder.

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Episode 18


Palen brings the wounded Peter to his house. D'Arnie learns that Peter is alive and offers to kill him. But this is impossible - Alexander himself took care of the wounded cavalryman. Ksenia, having heard the conversation, says that she will take care of the patient. Realizing who wounded Peter, she forbids D'Arny to kill him - the Master did not give such an order. Benigsen brings Palin the news that Maria Feodorovna has decided to reign.

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Episode 19


D'Arnie informs Xenia of her departure for Austria and that she will still have to kill Peter if she does not want to lose the position she has already achieved. Perth is extremely dangerous - he has enslaved her will. Ksenia hesitates. When Peter comes to his senses, she decides to give him a choice between life and death – two bottles, one of which is medicine, the other is poison. Peter unmistakably chooses life.

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Episode 20


D'Arnie makes another attempt to kill Peter. This is prevented only by the sudden appearance of Xenia. As he leaves, D'Arnie warns Palen to keep an eye on his daughter. After the accession of Alexander, Russia awakens from its slumber. Universal joy is not shared only by the emperor himself, immersed in himself. The conspirators wait for awards and gratitude, but Alexander sends them out, leaving only Palena at court.

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Episode 21


Having recovered from his illness, Peter is still worried that he could not prevent the assassination of the emperor. He wants to resign. This desire is joined by Lugin, who is disillusioned with autocracy. Tolstoy considers the decision of his friends an unforgivable folly. Emperor Alexander dreams of transforming Russia. To create reform projects, he organizes an Unofficial Committee, to which he invites those who have earned his trust.

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Episode 22


Ksenia tries to talk to Peter. But he is tired of the assurances of love, Peter is irritated and does not intend to discuss this topic anymore. After leaving Ksenia, Peter goes to Olga and offers her to become his mistress. Czartoryski, taking advantage of Elizabeth's weakness and hesitation, shows perseverance. Elizabeth tells Adam that she can't change Alexandra. Alexander is waiting for a decision from Olga. Olga tries to talk to her husband, but Mongo is busy with ambitious thoughts - he is nurturing another project of reforms.

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Episode 23


Peter decides not to resign, which he informs Alexander. He is ready to serve the emperor as before. Alexander is pensive, he understands that not signing the decree is only a temporary measure, it will not stop Palen. Alexander is desperate – he has no one to rely on. Lugin and Pyotr quarrel, Lugin, determined to resign, accuses Cherkasov of indecision. Peter ponders how to rid Alexander of Palen's influence. Ksenia decides to act.

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Episode 24


Eudoxia says that it is Peter's duty to marry Xenia. Peter makes a promise to his mother, but after Evdokia leaves, he does not hide his anger at Xenia. Filer informs Mongo that Peter was dating a girl in the park who is expecting a child from him. Mongo decides that it is his wife. Nobly wanting to put an end to all this, he goes to Peter to abandon Olga. Because of the misunderstanding between them, a quarrel breaks out.

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Episode 25


Peter invites Olga to flee. He considers Mongo a scoundrel who decided to divorce Olga because of something. Olga says that no one cares about her feelings. Peter, realizing that she does not love him, asks Olga to leave. Marquis D'Arnie makes an unpleasant discovery for himself - he really loves Xenia. Realizing this, he decides to let her go, refusing revenge.

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Episode 26


Peter justifies the emperor, believing that he fell into the arranged nets. Deciding that It's All Olga's fault, he goes to her. There is an explanation between Mongo and Olga. At this time, Peter secretly enters the house. Seeing that Olga is alone, he comes out of hiding and announces that she is treacherous and unworthy of his love. At this point, Mongo enters the room. Xenia realizes that Peter used her to get closer to the emperor.

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Episode 27


Mongo figures out his relationship with Peter. Being sure that Olga is pregnant with Peter's child, he only cares about her reputation. Realizing that he has become a toy in the wrong hands, Czartoryski goes to Alexander and asks to be expelled from St. Petersburg. During the "lookouts" Varya braves the hapless groom, Count Bielski... and runs away from home. At the apartment of Peter and Tolstoy, Varya meets Lugin and shares her misfortune with him - now his mother wants to marry her to a neighbor on the estate.

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Episode 28


Peter reflects on D'Arnie's proposal. Tormented by doubts, he appears in Xenia's house: she is the only one telling him the truth. Xenia is unable to resist her feelings, she tells Peter about the danger that comes from DArney and that she loves Peter no matter what. Peter realizes how unfair he was to Xenia. For the first time in a long time, understanding arises between them. At this point, D'Arnie arrives.

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Episode 29


Peter, realizing that D'Arnie is on the threshold of the room, hides behind a curtain - he promised D'Arnie not to see Ksenia. D'Arnie informs Xenia that departure is near. After his departure, Ksenia tells Peter that she will soon leave Russia and stop annoying him. Peter does not want Xenia to leave, he will expel D' Arnie from Russia and Ksenia will stay with him. In this determination, Peter walks away from Xenia. Immediately D'Arnie appears in the room, Xenia terrified - he saw Peter.

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Episode 30


While Peter is haunted by the idea that Olga is Alexander's mistress, Evdokia and Kuragin are trying to draw his attention to something else - he must marry Ksenia. Alexander trusts Peter infinitely. Unaware of Cherkasov's experiences, he sets Olga a date in his chambers and asks Peter to stand on the clock. Peter cannot refuse the emperor - the name of the lady was not called. Czartoryski, who found Olga in Alexander's arms, tells Elizabeth about everything.

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Episode 31


Peter does not succumb to D'Arnie's provocations. A fight breaks out. Olga, being in the arms of Alexander, suddenly faints. Elizabeth resolutely goes to her husband's chambers, Czartoryski cannot stop her. When Elizabeth approaches, D'Arnie leaves Peter and disappears without a trace. After bypassing the cavalryman, Elizabeth opens the door. Elizabeth and Peter see an unambiguous scene – the emperor bent over the lying Olga.

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Episode 32


Peter, having decided to stay with Xenia, realizes that D'Arnie is unlikely to leave them alone. He tries to expose D'Arnie and undermine his influence. Having achieved a meeting with the French ambassador Savary, Cherkasov insists on checking the "fake marquis". And he gets advice not to stick his nose in the wrong business. Peter decides to ask Alexander for help. Evdokia is happy with Ksenia's desire to convert to Orthodoxy, she persuades Kuragin to be Xenia's godfather with her and is looking forward to baptism.

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Episode 33


Olga's divorce does not change Peter's decision - he intends to marry Ksenia. Alexander wants to take advantage of Mongo-Stolypin's divorce to make Olga his keeper. At the meeting, Olga asks the emperor to help save her marriage. Alexander again admires her devotion and love for her husband, he decides to talk to Mongo.

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Episode 34


Night events do not change The determination of Mongo-Stolypin, he insists on a divorce from Olga. Peter exposes D' Arnie. Savary orders his arrest, but D'Arnie manages to escape, almost killing Savary himself. Alexander finally listens to Peter's reasons and declares D'Arnie persona non grata. D'Arnie continues to threaten Mongo: he will not leave Olga alone if Roman does not agree to cooperate with him. Mongo is ready to advise Alexander to start a war with France.

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Episode 35


Olga decides to forget about Peter forever and informs her husband that she is pregnant. Mongo is sure that the child is not his. Czartoryski convinces Elizabeth that Alexander is dating Olga. Elizabeth finds Olga's letter in Alexander's office and realizes that she is being cruelly deceived. Constantine proposes to Vara. Ksenia tries on a wedding dress.

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Episode 36


Olga and Peter understand that fate again gives them a chance to reunite: Ksenia is gone, and Mongo wants a divorce. During their conversation, Alexander enters the room and, seeing them together, is finally convinced that Mongo is right: Olga and Peter are lovers! A carriage with D'Arnie and Xenia rushes from St. Petersburg. The fright has passed, and Ksenia frantically comes up with an escape plan. Elizaveta tries to seduce Okhotnikov, but he realizes that he will only be a toy in her hands.

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Episode 37


Peter tells his mother that he is starting a new life: he is free from all obligations, the emperor has alienated him from himself, and the bride has run away. He goes to Olga to offer her to be together again. Olga informs Peter of her pregnancy. It is the child who keeps her from a rash step and she decides to stay with Mongo-Stolypin. Elizabeth begins to secretly meet with Okhotnikov.

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Episode 38


Olga is surprised to see Mongo and Peter together. To relieve tension, Mongo pours wine on her as well. He changes his mind about killing Peter. Varya tries to find out from Lugin the truth about the murder of Lenchen. Lugin, realizing what is the matter, warns Varya - Konstantin is a dangerous person. Constantine is playing his game. He admires Varya and invites her to become Elizabeth's maid of honor.

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Episode 39


Having become a lady-in-waiting, Varya soon notices a dismissive attitude towards herself on the part of the Empress and her entourage. Varya decides to talk to Elizabeth because Constantine deliberately ruined her reputation. Lugin, having learned from Constantine that Varya is his mistress, challenges the Grand Duke to a duel. At Kuragin's evening, Mongo-Stolypin invites Peter to the card table.

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Episode 40


Deciding to leave St. Petersburg, Peter comes to say goodbye to Evdokia, but Kuragin does not let him on the threshold. Olga realizes that Mongo destroyed everything that was between them. She decides on an impulsive act... Olga runs away from her husband. At the post station, she meets Lugin. He offers her his help. Okhotnikov says goodbye to Elizabeth and leaves St. Petersburg. Elizabeth saves Varya from the claims of Grand Duke Constantine. D'Arny brings Xenia to the outskirts of Paris.

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Episode 41


Eudoxia knows that her son has not died, but has gone on a secret mission to France. After leaving his unit, Tolstoy finds Varya in Elizabeth's chambers. Varya admits that she is a prisoner of Constantine. Alexander invites Tolstoy to his house and informs him that Peter is alive and in France on his instructions. The purpose of Peter's mission is to obtain Napoleon's secret correspondence with the Austrian court. Alexander instructs Tolstoy to take Peter a package for Napoleon.

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Episode 42


Olga brings the wounded Lugin to Spartacus' house. D' Arnie arranges a "check" on Xenia and finds out that the girl does not remember anything. Tolstoy comes to Vara to say goodbye: he leaves, but cannot take her with him. Konstantin takes Varya to his country house and begins to describe the charms of their future life together. Suddenly, Tolstoy breaks into the house of the Grand Duke, and a fight ensues. Tolstoy manages to escape with Varya.

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Episode 43


Olga begs Lugin to flee Spartacus' house. Spartacus finds Xenia in a secret room and realizes that she knows the secret of Peter and D' Arnie. He admits that Ksenia's child is alive, and he plans to raise a superman from a baby. After putting the young woman to sleep, Spartacus informs Charles that he will feed the baby with synthesized milk.

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Sibari comes to Olga's prison cell and she asks for his help. Soon, the young woman is released and brought with the child to Sibari's house. Pauline invites Peter to a masquerade in Sainte-Cloud. Meanwhile, Varya begins to suspect the true reason for Tolstoy's arrival in France. In his belongings, she finds a package with the imperial seal. Having met with Tolstoy, Peter asks him to attend a ball - a masquerade.

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Episode 45


Sibari persuades Olga to accompany him to a masquerade in Saint-Cloud. Varya decides to follow Tolstoy and, dressed in a man's dress, follows him. But suddenly, Tolstoy disappears from her sight. In the secret room, he meets peter. Everything is ready, friends discuss the last details of the operation. Lugin and Spartacus devise a plan to assassinate Napoleon.

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Episode 66


Sibari warns Alexander that England wants to start remaking the world. Elizabeth finds Constantine after an. He begs her not to say anything to Alexander. Elizabeth writes a letter to Okhotnikov in the hope of being with him together at least during the period of Alexander's absence. Leander promises to give independence to Poland, but Czartoryski, who is in euphoria, does not notice the forgery. Kuragin learns about the emperor's double and makes the darkest assumptions.

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Episode 1

October 3, 200550m

The beginning of great changes in the political life of Europe, the time of great generals. In the political arena, the influence of France, England and Russia is increasing. Napoleon Bonaparte is preparing for great deeds, but family battles prevent him from devoting himself to state affairs. Despite the requests of Napoleon, the Bonapartes do not intend to accept Josephine and her children. Napoleon, not wanting to participate in family dramas, goes to inspect the army.

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Episode 2

October 4, 200550m

Varya fails to prevent the duel between Peter and Tolstoy. But the end of the duel is unexpected - Cherkasov and Tolstoy become friends. Evdokia marries Olga for Mongo-Stolypin. Olga, offended by Peter, agrees to the marriage. Peter does not intend to retreat, seeing Olga's hesitation, he offers her a secret wedding. Pavel warns Alexander about the danger of friendship with the Polish prince. Elizaveta tells her husband about Czartoryski's letters. She assures Alexander that she does not find the Polish prince attractive.

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Episode 3

October 5, 200549m

Evdokia learns that Olga and Peter are going to get married in secret, and dissuades Olga. Olga informs Tolstoy and Peter that she refuses to run. Varya's mother, Aglaya, plays the cards of Varya's music teacher, the serf singer Stepan. Kuragin does not hide his feelings for Evdokia, but she is not ready to give an answer. The only thing she asks is to take Peter to Petersburg. Paul is sure that the Grand Duchess Elizabeth dishonored the royal family with her connection with Czartoryski. These thoughts offend Alexander.

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Episode 4

October 6, 200551m

Olga stops the fight between Peter and Mongo-Stolypin. Given a choice, she gives her life to Mongo. Evdokia, seeing the suffering of her son, regrets that she interfered with his happiness. Mongo-Stolypin claims to have saved Peter from the disappointments of family life. Stepan confesses his love to Varya - he ran away from the new owner only to see her. Varya thinks how to save Stepan. Czartoryski confesses to Alexander that he is in love with Elizabeth. Elizabeth hides Czartoryski's letter from Alexander.

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Episode 5

October 10, 200550m

Peter becomes close to the Grand Duke Alexander. Lugin becomes Konstantin's adjutant. Olga begins to get to know the life of the capital, Mongo pleases her with unexpected gifts. Arriving in Cherkasovo to visit Varya and Evdokia, Olga assures them that she is happy, but before leaving, she steals a medallion with a portrait of Peter. Polish conspirators, friends of Czartoryski's youth, ask Adam to assist them in kidnapping Alexander. Czartoryski does not want to participate in this.

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Episode 6

October 11, 200551m

Peter, accompanying the Grand Dukes on a walk, suddenly notices that mysterious strangers are shadowing them. Having begun their pursuit, he soon loses sight of them - in one of the alleys, strangers disappear without a trace. Konstantin persuades Alexander to continue the night walk, he liked the owner of the German tavern - Lenchen. Only in the morning the princes return to the palace. Polish conspirators - Tadeusz and Zosia are plotting the kidnapping of Grand Duke Alexander.

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Episode 7

October 12, 200552m

Peter and Lugin are conducting their own investigation. They explore the lane and find a secret underground hole leading to an inn. Having found out from the owner who else knows about the existence of the tunnel, they lie in wait for Zosya, but she manages to escape. Varya discovers that the medallion is missing, and informs Peter about it. Peter decides to have a frank conversation with Olga - he cannot forget her. Mongo-Stolypin, knowing what kind of medallion Olga wears on her chest, suffers but does not reveal the secret.

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Episode 8

October 13, 200551m

Mongo-Stolypin finds Peter coming to Olga. Olga is afraid of a scandal, but Mongo hides his jealousy and kindly invites Peter to the ball with them. At the ball, Peter confesses his love to Olga, but she, disappointed by the latest events, refuses him. Olga runs away from the ball, and Peter meets Palen's daughter, the adventuress, Xenia. Tadeusz and Zosya try to hurt Czartoryski's national feelings and force him to agree to participate in their plans.

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Episode 9

October 17, 200552m

Peter, the cavalry guards, and the Grand Dukes are trapped in a German tavern. Czartoryski tries to warn Alexander but does not have time, a fight breaks out. Konstantin, shortly before this, goes down to the backroom to Lenchen, trying to achieve reciprocity. But meets only surprise. The Grand Duke has a fit of anger, having come to his senses, he discovers the lifeless body of Lenchen nearby. Protecting Konstantin Lugin accidentally kills her husband Lenchen.

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Episode 10

October 18, 200551m

Czartoryski saves Alexander's life. Tadeusz is killed. Zoya manages to escape. When the police appear, Peter takes away the Grand Dukes, Tolstoy and Lugin remain with the wounded Okhotnikov. Thanks to Peter, the princes manage to evade persecution. When Peter returns to the tavern, his friends are no longer there - they were taken to the police station. Palen reports to Pavel about the night incident in the city.

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Episode 11

October 19, 200552m

The surviving Polish conspirators seek to hide, Zosia threatens the cavalry guards and Czartoryski to avenge their murdered brother. To avoid publicity, Peter takes the Grand Dukes away. Lugin and Tolstoy remain with the wounded Okhotnikov. Mongo-Stolypin is cold with Olga. To avoid suffering, he offers her free family relationships - such as many St. Petersburg couples have. Olga is offended and upset. Palen reports to Pavel about the events of the night.

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Episode 12

October 20, 200551m

Peter asks Alexander for his comrades in trouble. Alexander promises to help, but does not believe in a successful outcome of the case - Pavel is adamant. Olga decides to break off relations with Peter, she writes him a letter and gives it to the batsman. The cavalry guards are transferred to the Peter and Paul Fortress, where they must await punishment. Arriving in Cherkasovo, Aglaya complains of her loneliness, she wants to take Varya to St. Petersburg. Pahlen and D'Arny discuss the possibility of plotting against Paul and drawing Alexander to him.

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Episode 13

October 24, 200552m

Peter, having received the letter, penetrates the house of Mongo-Stolypin for a decisive conversation with Olga. Olga chases him away. Suddenly, Peter learns about the conspiracy against Paul, he cannot help but warn Olga that her husband is involved in this. Mongo, having been a bystander to the transfer of the letter to Peter, recognizes a familiar envelope. He further strengthens his suspicions of his wife's infidelity and decides to join the Masonic order.

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