Caspar Hoffmann as Lennert Hofer

Episodes 6

Nice Mischpoke

April 19, 202225m

Charly, Benny and Hamid are great friends. But things are rough at their new school. Cell phones are being stolen and Charly and Hamid are being bullied by a gang. But the friends support each other. Benny is much more worried about his sick grandfather. He passed on his passion for caves and Benny shows his friends a fascinating cave.

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Quarrel among friends

April 19, 202225m

Benny's grandpa dies. As a parting gift, he gave him a necklace with a Star of David. When Benny wears it openly to school, he too becomes a victim of the bullies. Benny has to endure hostilities and jokes about Jews. But not only the gang around Lennart makes front against Benny. Hamid also has a big problem with the fact that Benny is Jewish. A fight flares up between the two friends and Charly no longer understands the world.

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In the mess - where do you stand?

April 20, 202225m

Hamid is suspected of being the school's cell phone thief. This fuels the argument between him and Benny. Because Hamid accuses Benny of having planted the cell phone on him. Benny is at a loss and seeks consolation at his grandfather's grave. Meanwhile, in the mosque, Hamid wants to find out where all the hatred for Jews comes from. Charly wants to save the friendship of the three and catch the true cell phone thief. So the three friends suddenly go their own way.

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Complete nonsense!

April 20, 202225m

Charly, Benny and Hamid's friendship is broken. Not only is Benny threatened at school, but Hamid's big brother Raduan's gang is also targeting him. Hamid stands between his brother and Benny. Who should he stick with? Charly has now found out who is stealing cell phones at school. Feeling alone, Benny is eventually attacked by Lennart's and Raduan's gangs.

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Baffled about Benny

April 21, 202225m

Benny has disappeared since the attack on him! Hamid's conscience is plaguing him because he witnessed the attack and didn't help Benny. The search for Benny begins. Charly asks if the gang around Lennart and Jasmin has something to do with Benny's disappearance. And Hamid confronts his brother, who hates Jews. When Hamid finally confesses what he knows about the crime, he and Charly want to look for Benny together.

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Season Finale
April 21, 202225m

Charly and Hamid find Benny. He fell in his cave and his life is in danger. After Benny's rescue, the three friends hatch a plan to finally fight back together. They ensure that the gangs around Lennart and Raduan are punished. But they also fight against the silence and looking away at their school. So they confront the principal and confront her with all the hatred they have experienced.

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