에피소드 12


Deceive! The Shinsengumi of Criminals

7월 8, 202224m

Ichibanboshi travels the country in search of the masked samurai who murdered his family. He finally finds a group of samurai wearing the same mask as the man who killed his family, but he is arrested by thief-takers attracted by the commotion. Sentenced to die, Ichibanboshi closes his eyes in regret, but...

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Shine On! Keepsake Katana

7월 15, 202224m

The substitutes begin operating as members of the Shinsengumi. Their first job is escorting Sakuma Shozan. However, something seems to have happened between Sakuya and Shozan in the past...

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Ichibanboshi's hostility towards Sakuya increases after learning about his past. He refuses to work with Sakuya and is assigned to go on an undercover mission with Akira to the Yoshidaya instead, but...

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Search! For the Mysterious Magical Swords

7월 29, 202224m

The substitutes search for the source of the magical swords. Ichibanboshi, Gyataro, and Bo visit the orphans Gyataro is familiar with to gather information, but...

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Raid! The Crooked Shirakawaya

8월 5, 202224m

Sogen is baffled by the magical swords that can't be explained by science. Suzuran suggests he and the stumped Sogen go out for a change of pace, and...

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Raid! The Crooked Shirakawaya

8월 12, 202224m

The substitutes officially raid the Shirakawaya. However, Ichibanboshi is taken off the job due to the incident with Tsukito...

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The Shinsengumi is in danger of being disbanded after they screw up a job. Todo successfully convinces Matsudaira Katamori to keep the Shinsegumi intact, but it comes with a harsh condition...

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에피소드 8

8월 26, 202224m

The substitutes discover the enemy's plan to burn down Kyoto and learn of two of their hideouts. Without concrete evidence, they're forced to split up and investigate...

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에피소드 9

9월 2, 202224m

Kyoto is devastated by the enemy's plot. In Todo's absence, the substitutes help restore the city...

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Defend! The Black American Ships

9월 9, 202224m

The substitutes decide to guard the black ship moored in the Osaka bay. They work together to stop the attack against the black ship, but...

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Rush! To the Kyoto Showdown

9월 16, 202224m

As the Choshu forces close in on Kyoto, the substitutes attempt to uncover the goals of the Masked Demons manipulating the Choshu Domain from the shadows. Meanwhile, Tskuito, whose life was saved by Ichibanboshi, decides to...

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Shine On! The Shinsengumi of Criminals

Season Finale
9월 23, 202224m

Through Tsuchimikado's ritual, Tsukito is possessed by Abe no Haruakira. The Shinsengumi fights to take back Tsukito, but Abe no Haruakira's power is overwhelming...

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