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A review by MovieGuys

Written by MovieGuys on March 31, 2019

Ghost Busters meets Dukes of Hazard boys in a Boys Own fun romp. That's how I'd describe the enormously successful series, Supernatural.

This is not one to test the synapses but more a lightweight but entertaining monster mash up. The hero's of the piece Sam and Dean Winchester are kick ass hunters who track down and kill monsters and various other supernatural nasties.

This series sounds formulaic and indeed it is but it manages to be creative enough with its stories, introducing new plot lines and characters to keep things reasonably fresh. No small feat after 14 seasons.

One to e... read the rest.

A review by Fox.red

Written by Fox.red on February 17, 2021

I think it's athe best serial in past 5 years. I recommend it

A review by fkbud66

Written by fkbud66 on September 6, 2021

1st 6 maybe 5 seasons is all u need to watch!, after that no originality!!

A review by watchnrant

Written by watchnrant on October 7, 2024

15 Years of Saving People, Hunting Things: The Supernatural Phenomenon

Why Supernatural Endured for 15 Seasons

Fifteen seasons. Over 300 episodes. That’s not just a show—it’s a legacy. Supernatural wasn’t just about monster hunts or witty one-liners (though it had plenty of those). It was about two brothers, their iconic Chevy Impala, and the kind of storytelling that digs deep, pulls at your heart, and keeps you hooked until the very end.

At its core, Supernatural was a masterclass in blending horror, humor, and raw emotion. It’s no surprise the SPN Familyremains as... read the rest.

A review by watchnrant

Written by watchnrant on December 26, 2024

15 Years of Saving People, Hunting Things: The Supernatural Phenomenon

Why Supernatural Endured for 15 Seasons Fifteen seasons. Over 300 episodes. That’s not just a show—it’s a legacy. Supernatural wasn’t just about monster hunts or witty one-liners (though it had plenty of those). It was about two brothers, their iconic Chevy Impala, and the kind of storytelling that digs deep, pulls at your heart, and keeps you hooked until the very end.

At its core, Supernatural was a masterclass in blending horror, humor, and raw emotion. It’s no surprise the SPN Family remains as passion... read the rest.

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