Susan Wokoma בתור Fola

פרקים 26

פרק 1

פברואר 8, 202210m

After their flight from Finland is delayed, strangers Josh and Fola get drunk and sleep together, unbeknownst to their partners back home. When Josh gets home the next day, he is shocked to discover that Fola is his new neighbour

קרא עוד

פרק 2

פברואר 8, 202210m

After Josh and Fola are reunited with their respective partners, things get complicated when Fola’s husband Zack offers his new neighbours an invitation to their house-warming party. Josh’s girlfriend Esther happily accepts, leaving Josh extremely stressed.

קרא עוד

פרק 3

פברואר 8, 202210m

After the awkwardness of the house-warming party, Fola confronts Zack over their non-existent sex life. Fola heads over to see Josh, each realising that there might be more to their relationship than just a one-night stand.

קרא עוד

פרק 4

פברואר 15, 202210m

After another aborted attempt at sex with Fola, Zack impulsively buys some Viagra at the chemists and bumps into Esther. After their prescriptions get mixed up, Zack is embarrassed to realise that Esther will discover what he bought.

קרא עוד

פרק 5

פברואר 15, 202210m

After another aborted attempt at sex with Fola, Zack impulsively buys some Viagra at the chemists and bumps into Esther. After their prescriptions get mixed up, Zack is embarrassed to realise that Esther will discover what he bought.

קרא עוד

פרק 6

פברואר 15, 202210m

Josh goes to see Fola, intent on ending things, but despite their best intentions, they end up sleeping together for a second time. Meanwhile, Zack leaves work early to surprise Fola with his Viagra, only to overhear Fola and Josh having sex.

קרא עוד

פרק 7

פברואר 22, 202210m

As Zack tries to process what he witnessed the night before, Josh and Fola try to agree the rules for their clandestine relationship, only for Josh to unknowingly break them straight away... Meanwhile Esther is planning her ten-year school reunion and is excited to catch-up with some long-lost friends.

קרא עוד

פרק 8

פברואר 22, 202210m

Esther’s school reunion goes disastrously wrong as she is forced to face some difficult home-truths about her life and the decisions she’s made. After an encounter with an ex-boyfriend Fola turns to Josh for help and moral support.

קרא עוד

פרק 9

פברואר 22, 202210m

Reeling the events at her school reunion, Esther bares her soul to her boss, Karen. Realising that she needs to make changes to her life Esther makes a decision about her relationship with Josh.

קרא עוד

פרק 10

מרץ 1, 202210m

Josh gets stressed as he prepares a family meal for his Grandad’s 80th birthday, and to complicate matters he has to ask Zack and Fola for help. Sensing an opportunity, Zack conspires to get Fola and Josh to spend some time alone together.

קרא עוד

פרק 11

מרץ 1, 202210m

Josh gets into a heated argument with his Dad at the family meal. Meanwhile across the road Zack decides that it’s time to confront Fola and tell her that he knows about her and Josh…

קרא עוד

פרק 12

מרץ 1, 202210m

After discovering a family secret, Josh decides to make an announcement about his and Esther’s future. Meanwhile Fola is left reeling from her argument with Zack, but soon realises that perhaps Josh isn’t as committed to her as she thought…

קרא עוד

פרק 13

מרץ 8, 202210m

Still trying to patch-up his marriage with Fola, Zack goes to pick up his Dad from the airport, only to be faced with some devastating news. Meanwhile Josh and Esther decide to fast-forward their wedding plans and begin to organise their joint stag and hen do…

קרא עוד

פרק 14

מרץ 8, 202210m

Josh bumps into Zack and learns that his father has died, but as Fola has temporarily moved out she doesn’t know. As Zack heads off to the funeral, Josh makes a decision and calls Fola...Will she make it to the funeral in time?

קרא עוד

פרק 15

מרץ 8, 202210m

While out on their joint stag and hen do, Esther discovers a secret that threatens her relationship and Josh is forced to make a confession. Meanwhile after bonding at the funeral, Zack and Fola’s relationship seems to be back on track…

קרא עוד

פרק 16

מרץ 15, 202210m

As Josh tries to salvage his relationship with Esther, Fola and Zack rekindle their sexual attraction in the most unusual way.

קרא עוד

פרק 17

מרץ 15, 202210m

Caught between the two women that he loves, Josh asks Nina for some sisterly advice. Realising that he can’t keep lying to himself for ever, Josh decides it’s time to tell Fola how he really feels about her…

קרא עוד

פרק 18

סיום עונה
מרץ 15, 202210m

As the events of the party spiral out of control both Josh and Fola risk their relationships for each other, only for Josh to realise that Fola might not have been entirely honest with him about her relationship with Zack…

קרא עוד

פרק 1

נובמבר 19, 202413m

After the adrenaline of their affair, Josh is keen to take his relationship with Fola to the next level. But Fola wants to take things slowly – not exactly Josh’s speed.

קרא עוד

פרק 2

נובמבר 19, 202414m

A familiar face returns to town. Josh tries to put things right with Fola but ends up making things worse.

קרא עוד

פרק 3

נובמבר 19, 202413m

Fola gets some exciting news but she isn’t sure how to tell Josh. Josh does something bold in an attempt to give Fola space.

קרא עוד

פרק 4

נובמבר 26, 202412m

Zack pays Fola a visit, but things don’t go according to plan. Meanwhile, Josh is regretting his hasty decision.

קרא עוד

פרק 5

נובמבר 26, 202414m

After a disastrous evening, Esther struggles to find her feet, whilst Josh scrambles to cover his tracks.

קרא עוד

פרק 6

דצמבר 3, 202414m

Fola has a surprise in store for Josh, and Zack’s date with Claire takes an unusual turn. Meanwhile, Esther and Lars’s new relationship reaches a moment of reckoning.

קרא עוד

פרק 7

דצמבר 3, 202412m

With everyone gathered under one roof, the stage is set for some big revelations – and an unexpected guest takes the night in a new direction once more.

קרא עוד

פרק 8

סיום עונה
דצמבר 3, 202414m

As everyone reels from the events of the previous night, some big decisions need to be made.

קרא עוד

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