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In the late 1980s, a Dutch anti-terrorism detective sets out to take down an IRA cell ruthlessly targeting English military personnel on leave in the south of the Netherlands.

Series Cast

  1. Hadewych Minis as Jeanine Maes

    Hadewych Minis

    Jeanine Maes

    4 Episodes

  2. Aoibhinn McGinnity as Fiona Hughes

    Aoibhinn McGinnity

    Fiona Hughes

    4 Episodes

  3. Jacob Derwig as Frank Maes

    Jacob Derwig

    Frank Maes

    4 Episodes

  4. Michel Sluysmans as Martin de Waard

    Michel Sluysmans

    Martin de Waard

    4 Episodes

  5. Kerr Logan as Patrick Lynch

    Kerr Logan

    Patrick Lynch

    4 Episodes

  6. Porgy Franssen as Sjuul Livestro

    Porgy Franssen

    Sjuul Livestro

    4 Episodes

  7. Declan Conlon as Declan Moore

    Declan Conlon

    Declan Moore

    4 Episodes

  8. Peter Blok as Advocaat Daniël de Lange

    Peter Blok

    Advocaat Daniël de Lange

    4 Episodes

  9. Ian Beattie as Corey O'Keeffe

    Ian Beattie

    Corey O'Keeffe

    4 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season



2022 • 4 Episodes

In the late 1980s, a Dutch anti-terrorism detective sets out to take down an IRA cell ruthlessly targeting English military personnel on leave in the south of the Netherlands.

The Irish Cause

(1x4, January 23, 2022) Season Finale

View All Seasons

The Spectacular
The Spectacular


Status Ended


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Type Miniseries

Original Language Dutch; Flemish


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