Kristen Johnston incarnant Sally Solomon

Épisodes 139

Cinq sens plus un

9 janvier 199630m

Quatre aliens arrivent sur Terre, prennent une forme humaine sous les identités de Dick, Sally, Harry et Tommy, la famille Solomon, dans le but de réaliser des expériences et d'observer la vie sur la planète.

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Par le bout du nez

16 janvier 199630m

Quand Tommy tombe malade après avoir embrassé Dina, sa partenaire de labo, les autres aliens tombent également malades pour la première fois et pensent qu'ils sont en train de mourir.

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Des verts et des pas mûrs

23 janvier 199630m

Quand Nina se renseigne sur la date de naissance de Dick pour mettre ses dossiers à jour, il ne comprend pas le concept de l'âge et d'agir selon son âge. Dick informe les autres aliens qu'ils doivent savoir quel âge ils ont et quand ils sont nés.

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Guerre des sexes

30 janvier 199630m

Dick donne à Tommy la tâche de considérer le lycée. Pendant ce temps, Sally, dans sa quête de découverte du sexe, va a un rencard et rentre à la maison en riant bêtement, toute émoustillée. Elle est dévastée quand Brad, son rencard, ne l'appelle pas comme promis.

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Un coup fumant

6 février 199630m

Sally se plaint à Dick qu'en tant qu'adjointe, elle ne peut jamais prendre de décisions. Dick croise des étudiants de sa classe dans un restaurant. L'un d'eux fume et Dick est fasciné parce que ça lui donne un air sophistiqué. Dick décide de s'y mettre et se retrouve accro à la première bouffée.

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Aux innocents les mains pleines

13 février 199630m

Dick ressent le besoin d'affection, et quand un câlin de Harry ne suffit pas, il pense au Dr Albright. Il ressent de la jalousie pour la première fois quand le Dr Albright se montre chaleureuse envers un ami qui débarque soudainement.

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Ô Solitude

20 février 199630m

Sally a pour mission de faire des recherches sur les secrets de beauté des femmes. Tommy croise August, une fille de l'école. Quand le Dr Albright quitte la ville pour quelques jours, Dick se sent dévasté et abandonné.

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On est peu de chose

27 février 199630m

Les relations sont tendues entre Tommy et sa petite-amie August quand Cheryl, une cheerleader, fait surface. Dick, Sally et Harry se rendent à une fête en l'honneur du Dr Hanlin, un membre de la faculté détesté de tous. Quand le docteur meurt en plein milieu de la fête, Dick est confus quand il apprend que le docteur, appréciant son honnêteté, souhaitait qu'il fasse son éloge funèbre.

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Le Démon de midi et quart

5 mars 199630m

Dick confie au Dr Albright que lui et Sally n'arrêtent pas de se disputer, et Mary lui dit que c'est pareil avec son jeune frère Roy. Mais quand Dick rencontre Roy, il l'apprécie immédiatement et l'inviter à dîner, pendant lequel Roy raconte une histoire selon laquelle il aurait été enlevé par un vaisseau alien dans un champ de maïs. Mary est embarrassée et les Solomon alarmés.

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Un air de vérité

12 mars 1996

Le Dr Albright use de flatteries pour convaincre Dick d'aller à une réunion du personnel à sa place, mais Dick se met le groupe à dos en révélant innocemment les vraies pensées de la docteure, à savoir que ce sont de vieux bonhommes insupportables et ennuyants. Le Dr Albright en veut à Dick qui apprend que la vérité peut être relative.

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La Tête de l’art

19 mars 1996

Sally dirige une vente de gâteaux à l'école de Tommy et grâce à des techniques de l'armée, forme les autres mères et battent des records de vente. Dick et Harry prennent des courts d'art où Mary Albright apprend la peinture et Harry, qui n'a jamais excellé dans quoi que ce soit sur Terre, se découvre un véritable talent.

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Le Prix à payer

26 mars 1996

Harry a un nouveau job dans un club vidéo et prend son travail très au sérieux. Tommy est l'un de ses premiers clients, il loue une vidéo sur un spectacle de magie de David Copperfield en pensant que ça lui évitera de lire le roman de Dickens. Dick persuade le Dr Albright de l'accompagner à Chicago pour recevoir un prix en anthropologie, mais ils se retrouvent coincés dans une tempête de neige.

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L’Ami né

2 avril 1996

Les Solomon rencontrent leurs voisins les Muller, qu'ils observaient de loin jusqu'ici. Dick propose à Frank Muller de devenir amis, lequel est curieux mais réactif. Cependant, quand les Solomon vont les voir à trois heures du matin et avouent aux Muller les avoir espionnés, leur amitié prend un coup. Dick trouve cela injuste et ressent de la colère pour la première fois.

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Souvenirs, souvenirs…

9 avril 1996

Quand Nina dit à Dick que Stanford n'a pas de registre à son nom et que Dick s'offusque, le Dr Albright découvre qu'il est impossible d'obtenir des réponses claires sur le passé de Dick. Elle devient alors certaine que Dick est en réalité Manny Rosenberg, un activiste pendant les années 60 qu'elle a connu et qui se cache du FBI depuis des décennies.

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Les hommes sont exclus

21 avril 1996

Quand Dick confronte Sally sur son problème d'addiction au shopping, elle décide qu'il est temps qu'elle et Harry trouvent du travail pour gagner de l'argent. Se sentant exclu quand Nina et le Dr Alrbight passent du temps entre filles, Dick s'habille en femme et s'incruste dans une réunion pour femmes dans la salle des profs, exprime son ressenti et humilie le Dr Albright.

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Un passé pas si simple

23 avril 199630m

Quand Dick et Sally rencontrent le professeur de Tommy, ils apprennent qu'il a du mal à s'intégrer. Sally est plus intéressée par le beau professeur, M. Randell. Les aliens sont perplexes quand Tommy annonce qu'il leur faut une identité ethnique puisque pour eux, tous les terriens se ressemblent. Dick fait des recherches sur le problème.

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Haut les cœurs !

30 avril 1996

Quand ils se font voler leur autoradio alors qu'ils sont au centre commercial, Harry et Sally vont le signaler au commissariat et discutent de mesures de sécurité. Dick pense qu'ils exagèrent, mais quand il se fait voler au distributeur, il perd foi en l'humanité et demande que justice soit faite.

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Dick joue les pères

7 mai 1996

Tommy se moque de Dick car il fait tout ce que le Dr Albright lui dit de faire. Sally, Harry et Nina le rejoignent, alors par rébellion, Dick informe Mary qu'il ne viendra pas à sa fête, mais qu'il ira à un enterrement de vie de garçon dans un club de strip-tease.

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14 mai 1996

Quand Dick apprend que le Dr Albright a obtenu un bureau plus grand et le laisse avec un nouveau collègue excentrique, il est dévasté et tente de la faire revenir. Mais elle refuse, alors Dick passe quelques coups de fil.

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21 mai 1996

Tommy a envoyé un rapport au chef des aliens, l'Énorme Cerveau Central, pour dire que Dick perdait du temps à courir après une terrienne. Quand Dick l'apprend, il est déterminé à sortir avec le Dr Albright. Nina intervient au nom de Dick, et le Dr Albright accepte d'aller dîner dans un restaurant japonais où Dick la surprend avec ses prouesses de chef.

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Un "Dick" peut en cacher un autre (1)

22 septembre 199630m

Alors que Dick est emprisonné dans le sous-sol, le plan du Méchant Dick est de mettre enceinte toutes les femmes de l'Ohio. Avec Dennis Rodman comme guest-star.

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Avec l'aide des autres aliens, Dick s'échappe du sous-sol et gagne contre Méchant Dick. Dennis Rodman revient en tant que guest-star.

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Hotel Dick

29 septembre 199630m

Choqué du traitement des aliens dans un blockbuster de science-fiction, les Solomon vont à une convention de science-fiction pour se faire entendre. Pendant ce temps, la première expérience de Sally dans un hôtel la rend accro au service de chambre.

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Adieu, Monsieur Hymen

6 octobre 199630m

Les Solomon ont des problèmes relationnels. Sally et M. Randall se querellent, et Dick leur recommande de faire l'amour pour régler le problème. Harry a un rencard à l'aveugle en vidéo, et August teste la fidélité de Tommy.

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C'est celui qui Dick y est

13 octobre 199630m

Quand Albright a peur d'être vue avec Dick en public en tant que couple, les Solomon découvrent l'obsession des humains de ce que pense autrui. Pendant ce temps, Sally fait des étincelles quand elle croise l'officier Don et décide de devenir policière, ce que Dick lui interdit. Quand à lui, Tommy est frustré de ne pas avoir de moyen de locomotion.

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27 octobre 1996

Quand Harry se porte candidat au conseil municipal, Dick découvre la complexité du système démocratique et a du mal à faire le bon vote.

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Dick et les blaireaux

3 novembre 199630m

Pendant la fête des anciens élèves de Pendleton, Dick apprend l'importance de la place de la compétition pour l'être-humain. Tommy a le béguin pour sa professeur de chant. Sally fait de Nina sa meilleure amie. Harry décroche un boulot d'agent de sécurité.

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Tu seras un génie, mon fils

10 novembre 1996

Pour flatter son égo, Dick force Tommy à aller dans une école pour enfants surdoués. Sally, quand à elle, est prise pour une drag-queen et Harry s'essaye à la magie.

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Un bébé tombé du ciel

17 novembre 199630m

Mme Dubcek demandent aux Solomon de garder son neveu, encore bébé. Dick découvre qu'il n'est pas très doué pour s'occuper d'êtres-vivants quand il tue le poisson du Dr Albright.

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Y aura-t-il une dinde pour Thanksgiving ?

24 novembre 199630m

Sally devient irritante dans son rôle de femme quand Dick invite Mme Dubcek et sa fille Vicki pour le repas de Thanksgiving. Mais Harry et Vicki s'entendent bien. La fête bat son plein quand Tommy se bat avec Dick et s'enfuit dans une salle de billard.

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L'homme le moins drôle du monde

8 décembre 199630m

Jaloux, Dick décide de montrer à Mary combien il est drôle après qu'elle a demandé à un autre professeur de présenter une levée de fonds universitaire qu'elle organise. Pendant ce temps, Harry perd son chat bien-aimé, et Sally construit une étagère pour y ranger ses chaussures, ce qui donne lieu à beaucoup d'humour digne du vaudeville.

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Noël chez les Solomon

15 décembre 1996

Les Solomon vivent leur premier Noël. Dick est désabusé, mais finit par trouver l'esprit de Noël. Sally décroche un boulot où elle emballe des cadeaux au centre commercial. Harry devient l'assistant du Père Noël mais découvre que ce n'est pas le vrai. Tommy essaye de trouver le cadeau parfait pour August. Albright se soûle avec des gâteaux au rhum.

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Fierté mal placée

5 janvier 1997

À cause de sa fierté pour sa place de parking, Dick quitte son travail à l'université pour un job dans un fast-food. De son côté, Harry perd la mémoire et devient paranoïaque à penser que les aliens vont prendre le contrôle de la Terre.

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Roméo, Juliette et Dick

12 janvier 199730m

Quand Tommy demande à Dick de réaliser sa production du lycée de "Roméo et Juliette", Dick prend son rôle un peu trop au sérieux. Tommy est accessoiriste et quand Mme Dubcek boit la potion de sommeil de Juliette, Harry prend sa place et divertit ses amis. Sally demande à l'officier Don de régler le problème d'amendes de stationnement du Dr Albright mais celui-ci ne peut rien y faire.

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L'art de la manipulation selon Dick

2 février 199730m

Alors qu'il rend service au Dr Albright, Dick se foule la cheville et découvre le pouvoir de la culpabilité. Harry, qui voudrait avoir sa propre chambre, emménage dans une cabane dans un arbre. Pendant ce temps, Tommy utilise Sally pour vendre du chocolat pour une collecte de fonds pour l'école.

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Mariage à la française

16 février 1997

Un français demande à Sally de l'épouser pour pouvoir rester dans le pays. Sally planifie son mariage et donne des taches à la famille. Tommy découvre qu'il a un talent pour l'art floral. Pendant ce temps, Dick est inspiré pour parler mariage avec le Dr Albright.

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La face cachée de Mary

9 mars 199730m

Sally et Harry échangent de travail. Sally découvre que le boulot de Harry est plus compliqué qu'il n'y paraît, tandis que Harry apprécie de s'occuper de la maison et y trouve une raison d'être. Tommy découvre, pour son plus grand plaisir, qu'August n'est pas parfaite.

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Un changement radical

16 mars 199730m

Coupable d'avoir roulé sur un écureuil, Dick devient activiste pour les droits des animaux, et impose ses opinions au Dr Albright et à sa famille. Pendant ce temps, Tommy écrit une lettre à un chroniqueur après avoir oublié de demander à August d'être sa cavalière pour le bal de printemps.

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Qui porte la culotte ?

23 mars 1997

Quand la famille accuse Dick d'être dominé par Albright, Harry l'aide à prendre confiance en lui. Pendant ce temps, Sally et Tommy se confrontent au Monopoly.

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13 avril 1997

Le Dr Albright échoue à se faire accepter de la haute société de Rutherford, alors que Dick se fait accepter mais découvre que ce n'est pas aussi bien qu'on le dit. Pendant ce temps, Sally et Harry essayent la lutte. Pour impressionner une fille, Tommy arbore le style punk à l'école.

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Insensible Dick

27 avril 1997

Dick est contraint de prendre des cours de sensibilité car il est trop dur avec ses étudiants et l'un d'eux s'en est plain. Harry accompagne Vicki à sa réunion d'anciens élèves du lycée. L'officier Don essaye d'apprendre à Tommy à conduire.

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Recherche Assistant Désespérément

4 mai 199730m

Quand Nina se sent insultée, elle en a assez et démissionne. Harry devient le secrétaire de Dick et du Dr Albright.

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Le Quart D'heure De Dick

11 mai 199730m

Sally devient une pseudo-célébrité quand elle frappe Mark Hamill dans un restaurant, et Dick est jaloux. La vie de lycéen de Tommy est affectée par la célébrité de Sally. En tant qu'assistant de Sally, Harry a pour obsession de maintenir Sally tout en haut.

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La Tentation Du Diable

11 mai 1997

Une bibliothécaire intelligente et timide est attirée par Dick, et Sally se rend compte pourquoi elle est attirée par l'officier Don, c'est à cause de son uniforme. Pendant ce temps, Tommy et Harry écrivent un épisode pour la série "X-Files : Aux frontières du réel".

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Le Premier Rêve (1)

18 mai 1997

Quand le Dr Albright annonce qu'elle part à Bornéo pendant un an, Dick décide de la demander en mariage. À cause de son anxiété, Dick fait son premier cauchemar, ce qui mène les autres aliens à penser que son cerveau est en rupture, ce qui stresse Sally et Tommy.

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Le Premier Rêve (2)

18 mai 1997

Shaken by dreams, the Solomons may have to return home for repairs. But Dick doesn't want to go---he wants to marry Mary.

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Fun with Dick and Janet (1)

24 septembre 199730m

Sally, Tommy and Harry return from the home planet with a surprise for Dick: a bride-to-be.

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Fun with Dick and Janet (2)

24 septembre 1997

Dick tries to hide his Janet predicament from Mary; Officer Don suspects that aliens have landed.

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Tricky Dick

8 octobre 199730m

Dick and Albright wage a war of practical jokes and Sally tires of Don when she meets a yoga instructor. Meanwhile, Tommy joins a rock band, with Harry as his roadie.

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15 octobre 199730m

Dick meets Albright's parents; Sally decides to move in with Nina.

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Scaredy Dick

29 octobre 199730m

Dick quakes at the prospect of a physical exam. Meanwhile, Sally and Tommy house-sit Albright's house on Halloween. Which is bad news for neighborhood trick-or-treaters.

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Moby Dick

5 novembre 199730m

Dick compensates for the loss of Mary's affections with a gain in another area: he puts on weight. Meanwhile, Tommy thinks August is cheating on him.

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Eleven Angry Men and One Dick

12 novembre 199730m

Dick gets jury duty for the first time and struggles to deliver a guilty verdict for a clearly guilty man. Meanwhile, Sally, much to Officer Don's distress, falls for a cockney 'artist' called Seth, and makes herself over to look and sound just like him. Elsewhere, Harry and Tommy volunteer themselves for Mary's class project - they must communicate without words for five days.

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A Friend in Dick

19 novembre 199730m

Sally has a new boyfriend and Dick has a new friend: Don. Meanwhile, Harry goes to school.

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Seven Deadly Clips

3 décembre 199730m

The Solomons reflect on their sinful ways in an episode that illustrates their misdeeds in clips from past episodes.

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Tom, Dick and Mary

3 décembre 199730m

Dick has a new rival for Mary's affections: Tommy; Sally gets a job; and Harry must do without TV (commander's orders).

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Jailhouse Dick

17 décembre 199730m

Dick decides to "rehabilitate" one of Officer Don's prisoners, so he pays his fine and takes him home; Mary decides to give away the dog Dick gave her.

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Dick on a Roll

7 janvier 199830m

Dick hurts himself playing in a wheelchair, which puts him in one for real; Dubcek's daughter Vicki opts for celibacy, much to Harry's chagrin.

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The Great Dickdater

21 janvier 199830m

Dick decides to date again, so he goes to Sally and Officer Don for advice; Harry and Tommy find a wallet with $200 in it, and decide to give the money back to its owner.

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36! 24! 36! Dick (1)

25 janvier 1998

Venusians disguised as gorgeous women plot to plunder Earth of its riches.

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36! 24! 36! Dick (2)

25 janvier 199830m

Dick, Harry and Tommy set out on a cross-country odyssey to save Earth from a Venusian plot.

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Pickles and Ice Cream

28 janvier 199830m

Pickles, Harry's pet from the home planet, suddenly materializes--in human form. Meanwhile, Sally decides that she's pregnant.

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Auto Eurodicka

4 février 1998

While Dick is using the Solomons' car for "casual" sex, Sally decides that she must have a car of her own.

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Portrait of Tommy as an Old Man

25 février 199830m

Tommy, an old man on the home planet, says he's tired of being a kid and "retires"; Mary tells Dick she wishes she had become a singer, so Dick decides to make her wish come true.

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Stuck with Dick

18 mars 199830m

Dick wants to get back with Mary, so he's in luck when they find themselves locked in the school library overnight. Meanwhile, Sally, Harry and Tommy search for Dick.

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My Daddy's Little Girl

1 avril 199830m

Albright's father walks out on his wife and into Sally's life; Harry begins his career as a radio shock jock when he walks into Rutherford College's radio studio and finds it unoccupied.

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The Physics of Being Dick

15 avril 199830m

Dick demands that Sally and Harry go to work, so she signs on as Albright's assistant and he gets a job tending bar. Then Dick decides on a career change: he wants to be cop.

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Just Your Average Dick

28 avril 1998

Albright derides the Solomons as "weird," so Dick decides to make them "average."

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Dick and the Other Guy

28 avril 199830m

Conclusion. Dick has a rival for the title of Pendelton's nuttiest professor with the arrival of the mysterious Dr. Liam Neesam. Meanwhile, Sally thinks she's losing her touch with men.

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Sally's been reading romance novels, and decides to try out her fantasies on Don; Dick thinks the college cafeteria's cashier hates him; Harry receives surprising results on his GED exam.

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When Aliens Camp

13 mai 199830m

Dick orders the Solomons to go on a family-only camping trip. Then he invites Mary to go along.

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The Tooth Harry

20 mai 199830m

Dick tapes a promotional video for Pendelton; Don gives Sally a key to his apartment; and Nina and Harry find each other.

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Eat, Drink, Dick, Mary

20 mai 1998

Harry and Vicki prepare for an evening of amour. Then Vicki's jealous ex crashes the party. Meanwhile, Tommy "comes out" as a gourmet chef.

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Dr. Solomon's Traveling Alien Show

23 septembre 199830m

Randy "sells" Harry to a circus, where he achieves popularity as the act "Hargo the Alien". In order to try to find him, Tommy and Vicki visit a psychic, but it turns out that she's actually seen the Hargo act herself and so knows where Harry is. Meanwhile, the loss of Harry means that the aliens' annual status report cannot be sent, so the Big Giant Head punishes Dick for not submitting it by slowly shutting down his brain.

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Power Mad Dick

7 octobre 199830m

After Mary is made the new Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, Dick uses her position to his advantage and ends up firing his arch nemesis, cafeteria worker Lucy, who then files a grievance. Sally prepares to lose her virginity to Don, but afterwards finds that she cannot talk to anyone about it, much to the other Solomons' annoyance.

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Feelin' Albright

14 octobre 199830m

Dick attends a function with Mary and finds that, because she is Dean, he is ignored by everybody except the wives of the other Deans. In order to prove his worth, he decides to hold a fashion show to raise enough money to have the dilapidated statue of Admiral Pendleton restored. Meanwhile, Sally is horrified when she learns that Don had dated other women before her, and strives to track them all down. Harry and Tommy try to raise their own funds by setting up a lemonade stand.

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Collect Call for Dick

21 octobre 199830m

The Solomons discover a brand of new collectibles called Fuzzy Buddies (a parody of Beanie Babies) when eating at a fast food diner, and Dick soon becomes so obsessed with collecting them that he begins to lose control of his family's finances. Tommy's coach is annoyed at his lack of team 'pep' and so makes him the school mascot - a giant owl called Hootie. Things goes wrong, however, when Tommy becomes so high on school pep that he attacks the coach.

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What's Love Got to Do, Got to Do With Dick?

28 octobre 199830m

Dick is annoyed that Mary, in her new position as Dean, has little time for him anymore, and is even more annoyed when he is told that he has to share is office with new professor Jennifer Ravelli. Despite his initial dislike, and attempts to stay loyal to Mary, he soon begins to fall for Ravelli. Sally tries to fix Nina up with Don's cop friend Eric, but becomes irritated when they don't take to each other. At Happy Doug's bar, Tommy fixes up an old 'love tester' machine but is disappointed when it classifies him as 'cold fish' and Harry 'hot stuff'.

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I Am Dick Pentameter!

4 novembre 199830m

In order to be with Jennifer, Dick breaks up with Mary, who agrees, doubting that he'll find another woman and not knowing that he already has. After a few dates with Jennifer, Dick begins to find her annoying, especially her like of rhyming her words with his. Meanwhile, Sally, Harry and Tommy experiment at home, by first swapping the furniture from the kitchen with that of the lounge, and then moving all of it into one room.

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D3: Judgement Day

11 novembre 199830m

Dick is all ready to dump Jennifer and try to win back Mary's heart, but then discovers that his relationship with Jennifer has made her jealous. Wanting the old Mary back, who had time for him over her job, he attempts to capitalize on her jealousy by making his romantic interludes with Jennifer very obvious. Officer Don introduces Sally to bowling, but becomes exasperated when she refuses to play by the rules, and so invites Harry and Tommy behind her back.

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Indecent Dick

9 décembre 1998

When Playpen magazine arrives at Pendleton, looking for students to pose nude, Sally decides to take part. While Dick encourages this, Don is furious. Dick is horrified when he discovers that Mary posed nude for an art shoot twenty years ago, and tracks down the photographer. Harry decides to test if clothes are "all a big scam" by becoming a nudist. Tommy has his eyes on his new lab partner, Alissa Strudwick.

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Happy New Dick!

15 décembre 1998

As 1998 comes to close, Dick worries that he hasn't accomplished anything worthwhile and struggles to do something to make the past year count. Meanwhile, Officer Don becomes annoyed with Sally after she uses her feminine wiles to persuade him to get tickets for Rutherford's exclusive Starlight Room, then changes her mind when he succeeds. At Happy Doug's bar, Harry and Tommy plan an explosive New Year's party and Harry hires on his old night school friends, Larry and Mrs. Deguzman, but they turn out to be layabouts.

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Two-Faced Dick

5 janvier 199930m

After three years, the Big Giant Head has finally accepted Sally's request to have her body changed for a man's. For their convenience, the bodies of Dick and Sally are switched. Now, in each other's bodies, Dick and Sally must try and maintain each other's romantic relationships and get accustomed to the changes that their new gender brings, while waiting for their request to be switched back to be accepted. Meanwhile, Harry is left in charge of Happy Doug's when Doug goes on vacation, but becomes worried when a group of burly, tough-looking bikers arrive.

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Dick Solomon of the Indiana Solomons

12 janvier 199930m

An invitation arrives in the mail from an 'Aunt Florence', inviting 'Richard Solomon' to attend a Solomon family reunion in Indiana. This is obviously a mistake, so Dick phones Florence to set the record straight. Upon discovering that Richard is so estranged that his family wouldn't recognize him anyway, he decides that the aliens could do with some roots and accepts the invitation. Upon arriving, however, it becomes clear that the only reason the real Richard is estranged is because of an old family fallout - and it hasn't burned out yet.

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Dick and Taxes

2 février 199930m

When Harry's boss Doug starts deducting income tax from Harry's paycheck, the Solomons realize that they have never filed a tax return and that they owe $9500 to the government. To combat this, they invent the 'brilliant' notion of lying on their tax return and Dick reworks the sums so that the government owes them several hundred thousand dollars. Sally attempts to help by setting up a failed home hairdressing business, but when women start arriving for haircuts, Harry and Tommy 'camp up' and take to the 'salon' to help. Lying doesn't work, however, and the Solomons are faced with an audit - and the threat of being exposed as aliens.

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Sally Forth

9 février 199930m

Dick is in a dispute with the Dubceks because Mrs. Dubcek won't fix his sink until he pays the rent, and he won't pay the rent until she fixes his sink. Eventually, Mrs. Dubcek ends up shutting off the Solomons' power, while Vicki invites Harry to move in with them. Sally has other things on her mind; after voicing to Officer Don that she is fed up with living with the other Solomons, he has proposed to her - but she doesn't know if she is ready. Meanwhile, Tommy deliberately lands himself in detention with his dream girl Alissa, so that he has a chance ask her out.

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Paranoid Dick

16 février 1999

When a meeting is rescheduled without her having been notified, Mary begins to have doubts about the longevity of her position as Dean, and Dick leads her to become paranoid that there is a conspiracy to have her removed from her job. The pair decide to investigate, and end up breaking into Judith's office by night for evidence, only to be caught by the police. Vicki Dubcek decides that the best thing Sally needs to help her get over her break up with Don is a weekend of riverboat gambling on the Cincinnati Queen, a floating casino - where Harry manages to win big, while Sally gets her lips on a Neil Diamond impersonator.

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The House That Dick Built

23 février 1999

Dick begins to feel that the unit is falling apart when Sally announces her plans to move out, and he tries in vain to clip her wings. That isn't the last of his problems, however, since Harry is considering having a baby with Vicki - despite the possibility that it could turn out to be an alien. Meanwhile, Tommy sees babysitting with Alissa as an opportunity to prove to a dubious Harry that she really is his girlfriend.

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Superstitious Dick

2 mars 199930m

Dick is up for a prestigious grant but his chances look somewhat marred when he and Mary receive chain letters, and Mary, upon throwing hers away, becomes victim to a series of misfortunes. Dick looks toward superstitious rituals and lucky charms for help. Don treats Tommy and Alissa to a series of ice hockey games for which he bought tickets for when he was dating Sally, but Tommy begins to worry that he isn't manly enough to compete with the likes of the players. Sally and Harry visit a hardware store, where Sally takes a liking to a series of workers, while Harry is mistaken for an employee, due to his bright orange shirt.

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16 mars 199930m

Dick realizes that he doesn't know how to use a computer and strives to learn how to use one. When he does it takes over his life and he becomes a recluse. Sally and Tommy decide to do away with their old TV in favor of a newer, better one, but end up becoming addicted, wanting all the latest features. Harry and Vicki, however, are trying to get pregnant, but the medical-science part of it is turning Harry off.

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Dick, The Mouth Solomon

6 avril 199930m

Sally rencontre un bel Américain d'origine Italienne dans un restaurant. Elle apprend que tout le monde le connaît sous le nom de " Sammy le boucher ". Persuadés qu'il fait partie de la Mafia, Sally et Tommy se mettent à le côtoyer...

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Citizen Solomon

29 avril 199930m

Dick, Tommy, and Harry begin to notice that, since Sally moved out, their apartment has become filthy. Mary suggests that Dick hires her maid part time, but, to her annoyance, Dick ends up stealing her full time. When Sally finds out that she has been replaced, she is hurt. Tommy has managed to get himself in charge of the school newspaper, but he becomes so dedicated to printing the absolute truth that he begin to worry school officials and even alienate his girlfriend Alissa.

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Alien Hunter

4 mai 1999

It is the day before Dick's birthday and he has ordered Sally, Harry and Tommy to throw him a surprise party. When in class he meets a woman called Charlotte Everly who appears to be very taken by his 'brilliance'. Charlotte first claims to be auditing his class, then later claims to be a reporter, then an intellectual groupie. She and her son wangle her way into his birthday plans, cancel his party and lock the guests that do arrive in the basement. She then reveals to Dick that she knows that Dick is an alien - and she wants to cut him open. Kathy Bates' appearance in this episode spoofed her role in the film Misery, when Dick refers to her as his "number one fan".

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Dick vs. Strudwick

11 mai 199930m

Dick is jealous when fellow physics professor Vincent Strudwick publishes a critically acclaimed, bestselling book on physics, and, while Mary busies herself showing the visiting Nobel Prize winners around the campus, he decides to write a second book that will better Strudwick's. He then realizes, however, that he cannot publish all the secrets of the universe without raising unwanted questions, and so looks for another way to get at Strudwick, using Tommy and Alissa - who, it turns out, is Strudwick's daughter. Sally and Don decide to start hanging out as friends, but soon find themselves unable to resist each other.

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Near Dick Experience

18 mai 199930m

When Sally, Harry and Tommy are nearly crushed by a chandelier in a restaurant, they feel reborn, as if they are discovering everything for the first time. Dick is jealous, however, and while Sally and Harry volunteer themselves at a homeless shelter, he strives to have a near-death experience so that he might enjoy life like they do - and a faculty trip into the mountains presents itself as the perfect opportunity. Meanwhile, Tommy decides to waste no more time in his life - and asks Alissa to marry him.

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The Big Giant Head sends a message that he intends to visit Earth, so Dick quickly orders Sally to move back in and Harry to stop attempting to make a baby with Vicki. He then attempts to prepare Mary for his visit by telling her that an 'old college chum' is visiting and that she would be well advised to discuss how much he has learned in bed. Harry tries his best to avoid Vicki, but eventually resorts to telling her that he can't father a child with her right now. When the Big Giant Head arrives on Earth, he is unimpressed with Dick, his leadership skills and his choice of girlfriend, while being impressed with Sally, her style, and her body.

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Dick's Big Giant Headache (2)

25 mai 1999

Dick is suffering the humiliation of having been demoted from High Commander to Harry's assistant, performing the most menial jobs, while Sally has been promoted to his old role. Tommy is preparing for his high school prom with Alissa, but when the Big Giant Head insists on coming, things start to slide, especially when Vicki, who missed out on her own high school prom, turns up. After ruining the prom for Tommy and Alissa, the Big Giant Head whisks Vicki off to his bachelor pod in space.

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Episode I: The Baby Menace

21 septembre 199930m

The Solomons are relieved when Vicki's baby turns out to be human, but horrified when she announces her plans to sell her story to the papers. When a reporter comes sniffing around, Sally gives Dick the title of Security Officer and orders him to kill him; however he can't, so she makes him High Commander and herself Security Officer so that she can kill the reporter herself. Dick then reminds Sally that he is now the High Commander, and that there is nothing she can do to reverse it.

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Dick for Tat

28 septembre 199930m

When a drunk Mary tells Dick she once had a fling with his archenemy Vincent Strudwick, he is outraged and decides to get even with the pair of them by convincing Strudwick's wife to sleep with him. Tommy supports Dick's decision, imagining double dates - himself with Alissa and Dick with Strudwick's wife. Meanwhile, Sally gets the hots for Don after he starts riding a police motorbike, but the pair crash and Don ends up in full body plaster.

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The Fifth Solomon

2 novembre 199930m

Dick crashes the car into a tree and calls an insurance company to cover it, but the salesman informs him that in order to be covered, he needed to have taken out insurance before the crash. Instead, the salesman manages to convince Harry to buy insurance, but then ignores all of Harry's attempts to call him. Dick, meanwhile, is pleasantly surprised when he discovers just how much more advanced his rental car is than the old Rambler, and so sells the latter for scrap; however, the Solomons soon begin to miss it.

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Dial M for Dick

9 novembre 199930m

Mary invites the Solomons on a murder mystery weekend, thinking that it might prove a fun activity. However, she goes down with food poisoning and retreats upstairs to her room. Downstairs, meanwhile, the Solomons are horrified when the first murder takes place, believing it to be real and, annoyed at the apparent lackadaisical efforts of Scotland Yard detective "Inspector McAffrey", they decide to try to solve the mystery themselves.

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Dick and Tuck

16 novembre 199930m

When Mary and Nina talk about how good looking Harrison Ford is, Dick decides that he himself is hideous and visits a plastic surgeon to discuss having his face surgically altered. However, when the surgeon tells Sally that she might benefit from having some plastic surgery herself, she becomes paranoid and believes herself not to be good enough for Don. Harry, meanwhile, is chuffed when the surgeon tells him that his face is perfect.

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Dick, Who's Coming to Dinner?

23 novembre 199930m

Dick is confused when Nina won't let him accompany her to her Black Student Union meeting, believing it to be a Weight Watchers type club; so, in an attempt to understand the concept, he mistakenly takes the Solomons to a racist white power rally. Dick realizes that the rally was a bad idea, and tries to make it up to Nina by firing her, to release her from what he calls her 'servile role' (as he and Mary's assistant), but she informs him that she is happy in her job. Meanwhile, Sally, Harry and Tommy are preparing to take part in a poetry competition and decide to use racism as their subject.

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Sex and the Sally

30 novembre 199930m

Tandis que Sally apprend ce qu'est la contraception, Dick s'intéresse à la façon de donner un pourboire. Quant à Tommy et Harry, ils découvrent la mendicité.

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Charitable Dick

14 décembre 199930m

At a charity auction for the Rutherford Boys Home, Dick wants everybody to applaud him and so starts a bidding war with Studwick for a painting and ends up paying seventeen hundred dollars for it. Meanwhile, Don complains when Sally's snoring keeps him up all night, so she decides to try to stay awake all night so that he can sleep, but ends up keeping him awake anyway. Back at home, Harry and Tommy have been given the job of devising a new mission statement, and so try to work out what their purpose is on Earth.

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The Loud Solomon Family: A Dickumentary

11 janvier 200030m

Mary reveals to Dick that she has been observing his family for a number of years and that she would like to make a documentary about them, in order to show how the 'typical American family' has changed. Unfortunately, Mary's film soon begins to create tension among the family and accusations that Dick is an abusive father, Tommy is a bed-wetter and Sally is secretly a lesbian start flying around, so Harry decides to become an alcoholic so as not to be left out.

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Gwen, Larry, Dick & Mary

25 janvier 2000

Mary is tired of spending all of her time with Dick's family and so suggests that the pair befriend another couple - her tennis partner Gwen and her husband Larry. Dick is apprehensive but quickly warms to the pair; however, they soon start brushing he and Mary off, so Dick finds them at the tennis club, where they tell him that it's because they find Mary to be tedious and self-absorbed. Meanwhile, Sally, Harry and Tommy are forced to use the laundromat when their washing machine breaks down, and immediately fall in love with the place, even setting up a laundromat court, in which Sally, imitating several of the phrases and mannerisms of Judge Judy, settles squabbles over people's washing.

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Dick Puts the ID in Cupid

8 février 200030m

Valentines Day is approaching and Tommy hopes to get a hotel room and lose his virginity to Alissa, however, he is nervous when he discovers that she is sexually experienced and so loses his virginity to Mary's niece Tiffany first. Meanwhile, Dick discovers that Mary is seeing a therapist and, paranoid, he starts seeing her too, in order to find out what Mary has been saying about him. Paranoia fills Sally also, when Don gives her a gift which he teasingly says is from her 'secret admirer', and she mistakenly believes she has a stalker.

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The Big Giant Head Returns

22 février 200030m

Vicki Dubcek returns with her baby Eric Travis, telling of how she has cleaned up her act and become a proper mother. Unfortunately, however, the Big Giant Head decides to return to Earth and claim his son, but upon seeing Vicki with Eric, he falls in love with her and asks Dick to transform her hatred of him into love. Meanwhile, Harry admits that he is still in love with Vicki, but Dick tells him that he cannot have her because the Big Giant Head will punish him; whilst Tommy attempts to help Sally beat her addiction - shoes.

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Rutherford Beauty

22 février 2000

Dick begins to have erotic fantasies about Nina, and makes the mistake of telling Mary about it, leading to an argument between the three of them. Dick is confused, and Don explains to him that his confession makes Mary feel as if she no longer excites him. Meanwhile, Sally falls under the spell of Margaret Williams, a lifestyle guru very similar to Martha Stewart, and an impressed Mary asks her to cater for a fund raiser she is holding. However, Sally becomes annoyed when the guests do not appreciate all the hard work she has put in.

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This Little Dick Went to Market

14 mars 200030m

After hearing of how well his colleagues are doing in the stock market, Dick claims that he has earned enough money to share a holiday with Mary in Cancun. As a result, Dick is forced buy into the market in order to actually pay for the holiday, but he soon begins to lose money when the company he invests in is rumored on CNN to have overspent. Meanwhile, Sally cannot stand it when a tougher woman than her arrives in town, in the form of police officer Janice. Janice and Harry, however, take to each other.

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Youth Is Wasted on the Dick

21 mars 200030m

Dick tries to experience youth for the first time by partying with his students during spring break, but his drunken antics are wasted on Mary, who is trying to relive a favorite, and more relaxing, family outing. Meanwhile, Don and the police have moved into the Solomons' apartment in order to survey a video pirate living opposite. Sally is hugely turned on when she sees Don ordering his fellows about, but he is emasculated when tough government agent Jack McMannus arrives and takes over the operation, and Sally becomes attracted to him.

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Dick Strikes Out

28 mars 200030m

Pendelton University has a new chancellor, who causes anger when he cuts funding and takes away tenure, so Dick holds a meeting, in which he convinces the faculty to resign en masse. Unfortunately, the chancellor accepts the resignations and leaves everybody in the faculty, bar Dick - who withdrew his own, without a job. Upon finding out about his betrayal, the faculty protest outside Dick's classroom and Mary refuses to be seen with him. Meanwhile, Tommy begins working at a pretzel store with his girlfriend Alissa, but begins to dislike working with her and gives Sally and Harry free pretzels, with which they start their own business right in front of the store.

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Shall We Dick?

18 avril 2000

Dick and Mary are getting ready for the annual Rutherford Badger Day Dance Contest, but there's a small problem - Mary can't dance. Harry however has teamed up with Nina, but when Dick sees just how good a dancer she is, he orders Harry to let him dance with her instead. Meanwhile, Tommy and Don become exasperated when Alissa and Sally become friends and try on nearly everything in the clothes store. Jealousy arises, however, when Tommy discovers that Sally saw Alissa naked in the changing room, and then Sally discovers that Alissa accidentally walked in on Don changing in the Solomons' toilet. After Dick (and Nina) win the dance competition, the episode closes with a wordless pas de deux, complete with orchestral accompaniment of George Gershwin's "He Loves and She Loves", in a tribute to the final scene of the 1957 film Funny Face starring Fred Astaire and Audrey Hepburn. A portion of the film's choreography is re-created by Dick and Mary.

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Dick and Harry Fall in a Hole

2 mai 200030m

Dick and Harry fall into a large hole in the woods, which covers over when they attempt to climb out. Dick then panics, whilst Harry remains in a relaxed, zen-like state. A hole expert, named Angus 'The Hole' McDuff is called to the scene and devises a plan to build a second hole in order to access the one Dick and Harry are stuck in; however he becomes highly offended when Sally belittles his idea.

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Frankie Goes to Rutherford

9 mai 200030m

Frank, un ancien étudiant de Mary, revient à Rutherford pour une série de cours avec elle, ce qui rend Dick jaloux. Pourtant il ne devrait pas s'inquiéter car ce fameux élève est homosexuel !

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Dick Solomon's Day Off

16 mai 200030m

It's a nice day and Dick doesn't want to be stuck in the workplace, so he decides to do something that he thinks has never been done before - fake a sick day. Mary soon finds out what he's up to and decides to join him, and the pair run into Strudwick, who is doing the same thing. Meanwhile, Sally, Harry and Tommy find a police scanner that Don has left lying around and begin listening to a woman named Andrea's phone conversations. Things take an interesting twist, however, when Harry begins dating her.

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The Big Giant Head and his new wife Vicki Dubcek arrive back on Earth, where the Big Giant Head takes Dick to a jazz club and admits that his marriage is troubled, and that he would like to get to know him better. As his overlord becomes increasingly more clingy, Dick begins to wonder what the reason behind it is. Meanwhile, Sally gets the wrong idea when she hears Alissa giving Tommy advice about his Valedictorian speech, and saying that it is a time to move on, and so, thinking that Tommy is about to get dumped, she finds Alissa and breaks up with her on his behalf. Harry finally asks Janice out on a date and the pair get together after a meal at the gym; however, Vicki is jealous, her old love for Harry stirring admits her troubled marriage.

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The Big Giant Head Returns Again (2)

23 mai 2000

The Big Giant Head has revealed to Dick that he is his father, and so would like to get to know his girlfriend Mary better; however, Mary gets drunk at the dinner party and reveals that she has slept with over forty men in her lifetime. The Big Giant Head orders Dick to break up with Mary so he decides to run away with her, before Tommy reminds him that Earth children defy their parents all the time. Meanwhile, Vicki invites Harry's new girlfriend Janice to Tommy's graduation, where she attempts to kill her from beneath the bleachers; however, Sally quickly realizes what's going on and rushes to intervene before it is too late. The time comes for Tommy's speech, but he puts aside talking about his achievements to try to convince Alissa to forgive him.

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Les Liaisons Dickgereuses

24 octobre 200030m

Mary's wealthy sister Renata Albright has donated a large sum of money to have an extension built onto Pendelton University, but Mary knows that it is in fact a spiteful gesture designed to quite literally block the sunlight into her office. To retaliate, Dick schemes with Mary that he will woo Renata, win her, and then break her heart. Meanwhile, Sally and Harry are given ten thousand dollars by Renata to convert their house into a teen center.

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Fear and Loathing in Rutherford

31 octobre 2000

Tommy is still reeling from his breakup with Alissa, but Sally and Harry convince him that if he can find an excuse to go over to her house, he can persuade her to watch a movie with him. When the pair leave the house together, however, Strudwick is suspicious and confronts Dick. Mrs. Dubcek suggests that they could have eloped, so Dick and Strudwick rush off to track them down before there's a baby on the scene, managing to accidentally abandon Mary in the process. Meanwhile, Tommy has rented a scary movie to watch with Alissa, in the hope that it might bring her into his arms, but Sally and Harry decide to show up and make it more real.

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14 novembre 200030m

Dick and Mary decide to go on a double date with Sally and Don, but things start to become uncomfortable when Dick and Sally begin talking incessantly about how good their other half is in bed. The next day Dick and Sally come to realize that neither Mary or Don said anything about how good they are, and immediately worry that they aren't. Meanwhile, in a food store, Mary and Don run into each other and, consumed by what they'd heard about each other in bed, share a kiss. Elsewhere, Harry and Tommy follow in the footsteps of Jack Kerouac and take to the open road.

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Dick'll Take Manhattan (1)

21 novembre 200030m

The Solomons visit a parallel universe, in which they are living in New York City, where Dick is a highly regarded attorney, Sally writes a sex column and Harry is President of NBC, while Tommy is a star on Saturday Night Live. Despite this, Dick is unhappy because he cannot find Mary; however, upon entering a basement bar he discovers her, a failed actress-turned torch singer who has renamed herself Kiki Lyle. Meanwhile, Sally discovers that Don is the Mayor of New York, and that she isn't his girlfriend, but his mistress.

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Dick'll Take Manhattan (2)

28 novembre 2000

Dick takes Mary up to his penthouse and wines and dines her, but she tells him that she doesn't believe in true love anymore, no matter how hard he might try to persuade her otherwise. Meanwhile, Sally isn't happy being second fiddle to Don's wife so she asks him to break up with her. Don, however, wants to run for president and so refuses, so Sally breaks up with him; while at NBC, Tommy's huge ego and demand for a high pay on Saturday Night Live leads Harry to fire him.

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Why Dickie Can't Teach

5 décembre 200030m

Tommy is looking for a college to attend and Dick steers him away from the big names such as Harvard and tries to convince him to attend Pendelton instead. Upon taking one of Dick's classes, however, Tommy decides that Dick is a lousy teacher and that he would rather look elsewhere. Outraged, Dick orders Tommy to go to Pendelton. Meanwhile, Sally is concerned that Don isn't listed one of Rutherford's ten most powerful men and so she gets him a job working for one of them.

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12 décembre 200030m

The Solomons' say goodbye to Tommy as he goes to college, but Dick soon begins to miss him and attempts to convince him to come home. Tommy, however, is enjoying college life and doesn't want to, so Dick convinces him to pull an elaborate freshman prank to gain himself popularity, but really in the hope that Tommy will be expelled. Meanwhile, Sally and Harry are interviewing candidates for Tommy's replacement and although their best candidate appears to be a woman called Christie, when a handsome man named Bryce walks through the door, Sally hires him on the spot.

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Red, White & Dick

19 décembre 200030m

After hearing the crowd sing The Star Spangled Banner at a baseball game, Dick realizes that humans are passionate about their country of origin and attempts to become more American, only to discover that he actually has a Canadian passport. Meanwhile, the other Solomons' work on the basis that all Americans are equal, and start an equality system in the house, putting Harry in charge, who makes everybody wear the same uniform and rations household items, until Tommy begins to fear that they are losing their individuality.

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Dick Digs

9 janvier 200130m

When Dick accompanies Mary on an archeological dig, he is disappointed when the only thing he finds is a small pointed rock. Mary realizes, however, that it is an ancient spearhead and becomes upset, revealing that she has never found anything before. So, in order to make Mary happy, Dick steals a ceremonial wedding moon that was found the previous day and lays it for Mary to find. Meanwhile, the Rutherford Garlic Festival is on and Sally, Harry and Tommy decide to turn their attic apartment into a hotel, but things soon become hostile between them as they attempt to make their 'hotel' good enough to get a four star rating in the Crown Travel Guide.

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There's No Business Like Dick Business

16 janvier 200130m

After playing assistant to a magician at a child's birthday party, Dick decides to himself become a magician, with Sally as his assistant. They become a huge success, performing shows night after night at a local club, but show business soon starts to eat away at their offstage relationship until they hate each other. Meanwhile, Mary joins a defense class after being mugged in the park, while Harry joins the class as the man in the padded suit that everyone attacks.

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A Dick Replacement

30 janvier 200130m

Dick and Mary visit a psychic together, who claims that the pair are from two different worlds and predicts that Dick will one day up and leave Mary. Horrified at this news, Dick decides to find a replacement boyfriend for her, settling on a man called Gary; who thinks he's actually being offered Dick's position of physics professor. Meanwhile, Sally and Harry decide that if the psychic really knows that they are aliens, then they must kill her, but in a way that isn't possible for her to predict.

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Dick's Ark

6 février 200130m

Dick has bought a new camera, with which he makes Mary angry, by constantly taking her picture against her wishes. As a result, Mary decides that the two need some time apart. Meanwhile, Sally's coat is ruined when Harry wears it out in the rain, but he claims that the Channel 10 weatherman said it was going to be sunny. Sally marches down to the station and tries to convince them to pay for her coat, but it soon becomes apparent that Sally is excellent at predicting the weather, so they give her the position. Dick, however, is worried that Sally's spot on prediction of the weather will attract unwanted attention and so, when she discovers that Rutherford is to be hit by tornados, he orders her to report otherwise.

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You Don't Know Dick

13 février 200130m

Nina accuses Dick of knowing nothing about Mary, so in an attempt to prove her wrong, when Judith walks into the office announcing that she has two tenth-row tickets to a Gordon Lightfoot concert, Dick claims to already have front row tickets. Of course, he doesn't, and so attempts to find a pair of front row tickets before it is too late. Meanwhile, Sally tells Chaz, the Channel 10 anchorman, that she would like to start presenting the news instead, and so he agrees to let her interview Lightfoot in the company's box at the Rutherdome; but really, he intends to seduce her.

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My Mother, My Dick

20 février 200130m

Mary's mother Martha arrives in town and Dick decides to tell her what Mary really thinks of her - that she ruined her childhood. Angry, Martha tries to attack Dick and falls over, ending up in hospital. When Dick goes to visit, however, Martha tells him her side of the story, and a deeply moved Dick takes her side and promises to tend to her during her recovery. Meanwhile, Harry and Sally get a nasty surprise when throwing junk in the time space portal - a new alien.

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Glengarry Glen Dick

17 avril 200130m

After hearing a pitch for a timeshare, Dick is sold and, unable to afford it entirely, he convinces Don to pay the other half. When Dick, Mary, Sally and Don take their first holiday there, however, they find it to be dismal; small and windowless, with nothing in the surrounding area but a prison. Meanwhile, Tommy has finally outgrown Harry, leading Harry, paranoid that he is shrinking, to consult a doctor.

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Dick Soup for the Soul

1 mai 200130m

Dick accompanies Mary and Nina to a book-signing for a self-help book entitled 'A Road Map to Happiness', and despite first thinking it stupid, Dick opens the book and is immediately converted. He then concludes that his relationship with Mary stands in the way of his happiness, and attempts to break up with her. At college, Tommy is attempting to get into a fraternity but is doubtful that he'll pass the entry rituals, so he enlists Sally's help, but she just ends up making it harder. Meanwhile, Mrs. Dubcek gives Harry the job of painting the kitchen ceiling, and he is determined to create a work of art.

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Mary Loves Scoochie (1)

8 mai 2001

Dick discovers that Mary has been receiving elaborate love letters from a mystery man named 'Scoochie' and confronts her about it. She reveals that she has been receiving them for years but has no idea who Scoochie actually is, so Dick pretends that it has been him all along. This goes wrong, however, when the real Scoochie arranges to meet Mary at the Medieval Festival. Meanwhile, after another alien unit operating in Ohio wins an award over the Solomons at the Alien Award Show, Sally and Harry make it their mission to track them down, and eventually move in with an Amish family, who they believe to be the other unit, since they are so different.

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Mary Loves Scoochie (2)

15 mai 2001

With the identity of Scoochie revealed to be Liam Neesam, who had visited Pendelton three years ago, Dick is panicked, and follows Liam and Mary to dinner, where he overhears Liam offering her a job with a six-figure salary. The other Solomons suggest that Dick reveal himself as another alien in order to gain Liam's respect. When he does, however, Liam reveals that he doesn't care for Mary, but that she is part of a huge plan to transform the Earth's entire population into monkeys, and rename it Planet Monkey World, so that it may be an exhibit for aliens. Meanwhile, Sally, Harry and Tommy discover that their favorite movie, Arthur 2: On the Rocks' has a 'prequel' - Arthur.

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The Thing That Wouldn't Die (1)

22 mai 200130m

Mary is having trouble dealing with what she has just seen - Dick transforming Liam into a monkey, which he had done to stop him doing the same to the Earth's population. Dick consults the other Solomons and they decide that the best approach is to deny everything. Meanwhile, Mary meets with Nina and Judith, who confess that they believe Dick to be an international terrorist, so when Dick and Mary next meet, she demands that he tell her the truth about himself. So, Dick tells Mary that he and the others are aliens. Mary's reaction is first disbelief, then shock, and then she finds it sexy to be dating a spaceman. Elsewhere, the local store has been robbed and Sally catches Don hiding in the frozen foods freezer, where he admits that he hid because he was scared. Harry takes a different line and asks the shopkeeper Sam out on a date, but later runs into her working at a posh restaurant, where she instructs him to call her Samantha. Confused, Harry believes that he is dating twins.

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The Thing That Wouldn't Die (2)

22 mai 200130m

The Solomons are struggling to take in the news - they have been ordered back home due to Dick's transgression with Liam. Dick's first instinct is to ask Mary to come, so he takes her to the planetarium before breaking the news to her that they are leaving, and asking her if she will join them. Meanwhile, since admitting his fear to Sally, Don has decided to quit the police force and open a muffin store, but Sally is disgusted by this career choice and decides to whip Don into shape - and turn him into a hardy police officer. At home, Harry and Tommy are attempting to organize a farewell party for the aliens, but have no money, so they decide to max out their credit cards and not worry about paying the bill, since they'll be halfway across the galaxy - they even hire Elvis Costello to sing Fly Me to the Moon.

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