Episódios 20


Episode 1

26 novembro 200745m

The divorced couple KONG HOI CHUEN and MIU LING are fighting with each other at home and both of them want to win the “battle”… Time flies back to the Valentine’s Day three years ago before the couple met each other. CHUEN was the boss of a marriage bureau while LING was very popular among men. LING devoted herself wholeheartedly to her boyfriend HEI CHI even though he was irresponsible and had been disappeared for 3 months. LING found CHI finally and CHI brought her to her “dream house”. The two of them sneaked into the dream house and made love with each other. After that, CHI drove LING back to the town and kicked her away. CHUEN passed by at that very moment and consoled LING. They fell in love with each other swiftly and they got married in the same year. In the past 3 years after marriage, CHUEN had been working really hard to support the family but LING wanted him to spend more time with her.… ...

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Episode 2

27 novembro 200745m

After quarreling with LING, CHUEN drinks heavily and he decides to spend the night in his office. He discovers that the mainlander who failed to get married, WUER WUJIAO, is still staying in his office. JIAO begs CHUEN to help her but CHUEN is drunk at that time. JIAO therefore tries to make CHUEN believe that he had slept with her but LING has discovered all these by chance. LING wants to reconcile with CHUEN but CHI suddenly comes to find her. CHI reminds LING of their unforgettable romance three years ago in the same house and CHUEN overhears all these. JIAO suddenly arrives and LING misconceives that CHUEN wants a divorce. In order to win, LING proposes the divorce to CHUEN. CHUEN wants to kick JIAO away but he misconceives that JIAO wants to commit suicide so he finally agrees to let her stay. LING and CHUEN’s marriage ends in divorce eventually but both of them have no intention to leave the house.… ...

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Episode 3

28 novembro 200745m

CHUEN and JIAO pretend to be deeply in love in front of LING and LING feels very unhappy. CHUEN’s parents MIU HUNG and WING YI come to visit him from the mainland. CHUEN didn’t inform them about his divorce so he tries hard to cover it up. HUNG meets LING. LING knows that HUNG likes him very much so she tries not to tell him the truth. YI meets JIAO in CHUEN’s office and she finds JIAO very impressive. CHUEN’s parents eventually discover that CHUEN has divorced LING. HUNG scolds CHUEN angrily while YI supports his decision. YI even asks LING to return the precious family gemstone to CHUEN. JIAO goes to a salon to look for the owner YU TAK. JIAO lost contact with her boyfriend HO NAM while trying to run away from their enemy BIG BOLD. She therefore travels all the way to Hong Kong to look for him. NAM’s follower TAK wants JIAO to meet other followers of NAM…

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Episode 4

29 novembro 200745m

LING suddenly brings a group of people to do renovation works at CHUEN’s office. CHUEN is puzzled for he hasn’t realized that LING has got a share of his office after their marriage. LING concentrates too much on fighting with CHUEN and she is late for work. Surprisingly, her strict boss HELEN didn’t blame her at all. A very handsome instructor comes to work for LING’s fitness center. LING is surprised to discover that this instructor is CHI. In order to expand his business, CHUEN asks his good friends PAK SUM and FOK KAM to help. On the other hand, LING asks her good friend, CHUEN’s secretary CHIU CHING, to “steal” CHUEN’s customer. LING continues to invites 2 other good friends WOOK PIK and SIN BING to become members. Since some of the male members do not show up for the matching event, LING asks KAM and CHI to join in. PIK is a doctor and she finds KAM interesting.… ...

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Episode 5

30 novembro 200745m

KAM dates PIK successfully and PIK develops good impression on him. This is because LING has secretly told KAM everything about PIK. YI wants JIAO to get pregnant as soon as possible. She secretly put some love potions in the soup and gives it to CHUEN. After drinking the soup, CHUEN feels really hot and he tries to make love with JIAO but JIAO kicks him away. CHUEN runs out to the living room where he meets LING. He tries to kiss LING but LING scolds him angrily. KAM dates with PIK again and CHUEN tries to disturb them. Their date is hindered and they finally realize the bet between CHUEN and LING. CHUEN and LING try very hard to ask for their friends’ mercy. After this incident, CHUEN and LING decide to continue their battle by organizing separate events. The one who gets better response from his/ her events will be able to occupy more space of the house.… ...

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Episode 6

3 dezembro 200745m

BOLD captures CHUEN and threatens JIAO to disclose the hiding place of NAM. JIAO insists that BOLD has recognized the wrong person. BOLD believes in her and he even gives her compensation for the damages made. CHUEN and LING organize matching event but their members complain that the participants’ quality is really bad. Among the participants, they point out that CHING’s cousin LULU and KAM are especially poor in quality. CHUEN and SUM decide to transform KAM into a charming man. LING decides to transform LULU into a mature and elegant lady but CHI suggests that it is better for her to take a more sexy approach. After the “transformation”, both KAM and LULU become very popular among other members. In order to improve their company’s service, both CHUEN and LING try to invite their friends to join the team. However, CHUEN is upset for LING has invited CHI to the team.… ...

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Episode 7

4 dezembro 200745m

While washing the clothes, JIAO mistakenly damages the jacket that LING borrowed from CHI. JIAO tries to apologize to LING and she accidentally discovers that LING didn’t commit adultery with CHI. CHI invites his divorced friend LAI to join the club while PIK invites her old patient KIT to join the club. CHUEN interviews KIT and realizes that she used to be a prostitute but she wants to settle down in a relationship now. CHUEN helps to design a brand-new image for KIT and matches her up with LAI successfully. During the celebration dinner, LING is unhappy and she leaves early. CHI accompanies her home. LING’s high heel shoes are broken accidentally and CHI carries her on his back. Their relationship thus starts to grow again. SUM discovers that LAI is dating with a celebrity MIMI and he becomes suspicious on LAI. CHUEN doesn’t believe in SUM so SUM carries out investigation secretly.… ...

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Episode 8

5 dezembro 200745m

LAI and KIT treat PIK for a dinner. They tell PIK that they’re planning to leave Hong Kong and get married. LAI suddenly receives a phone call and realizes that his company needs to make compensation to customers for the poor quality of some products. LAI meets PIK and PIK voluntarily lends him 500 thousand dollars. CHUEN meets KIT and they learn that LAI suddenly collapses at PIK’s clinic. They rush to the clinic and realize that PIK is handing over a cheque to LAI. KIT reveals that she has already sold her house and shop to raise money for LAI. At this moment, MIMI suddenly arrives… CHING tries to take revenge for PIK. She makes a fake medical report of SUM that reflects that SUM is suffering from venereal disease and she sends this report to the press. CHI dates LING again but there are a lot of accidents on his way to meet LING. These accidents are actually created by LING’s friends BING and PIK.… ...

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Episode 9

6 dezembro 200745m

Both CHUEN and LING get the same points on their “battle” for the ownership of the house so each of them can pick up one room for exclusive use. LING chooses the kitchen while CHUEN chooses the toilet. This really gives LING a hard time at home. CHUEN’s parents finally discover the details of the “contest”. HUNG is enraged. He accidentally hurts his buttocks and is sent to the hospital. BING’s ex-boyfriend suddenly appears and proposes marriage to BING. BING reluctantly reveals to everybody that everything was CHI’s plot. BING and CHI argue with each other angrily and CHI realizes that he truly loves LING. LING receives a free mobile toilet from a company and her business performance has improved a lot, too. She shares this good news with friends but BING believes that all these are arranged by CHI. HUNG recovers. JIAO agrees to carry him on her back all the way home in order to help improving his relationship with CHUEN.… ...

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Episode 10

7 dezembro 200745m

After the fight, LING helps CHI to treat his wounds. CHI seizes the chance to declare his love to LING but LING declines him courteously. In order to improve the business, CHUEN asks KAM to introduce the scientific matching technique to their company. By using this technique, CHING discovers that her husband LONG is very popular among women. She is so worried that she goes to his office to make a mess and LONG scolds her angrily. While LING is using the mobile toilet, the wall of the toilet suddenly breaks off and LING feels extremely embarrassed to be seen by all the neighbors. The mobile toilet is damaged because some government officials had tried to remove the mobile toilet before but JIAO stopped them. A female celebrity is dating the head of a triad society and SUM takes pictures of them secretly. He is shocked to discover JIAO at the spot. TAK informs JIAO that all the followers of NAM are arrested.… ...

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Episode 11

10 dezembro 200745m

JIAO misconceives that LING has cooked the finger of NAM. She is enraged and attempts to kill her with a knife. CHUEN discovers that finger accidentally and returns it to JIAO. He thinks that JIAO is a troublemaker and decides to kick her out of the house. JIAO leaves the house sadly and she collapses on the way. She wakes up to find herself inside a hospital. It was BOLD who sends her to the hospital. The doctor tells JIAO that she has got a tumor in her brain. JIAO already knows it and she faces this bravely. BOLD appreciates her optimistic personality very much. BOLD brings CHUEN to the hospital and forces him to take JIAO home again. Since LING doesn’t have any toilet to use, CHI invites her to live in his home. CHUEN’s scientific matching technique has become very popular and LING fights back by organizing love workshops held by CHI and BING.… ...

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Episode 12

11 dezembro 200745m

JIAO needs to renew her visa in China. CHUEN accompanies her and helps her to search for NAM. Inspired by BING, CHI sends LING a special gift when having dinner with her. LING is touched and finally accepts his love. LING obtains the ownership of the house’s toilet since her business performance is better than CHUEN in the recent performance review. BING and PIK’s house is waterlogged. LING suggests them to move to her house but only PIK agrees to come. Since the lock of the toilet door is not functioning properly, SUM goes into the toilet while PIK is taking a shower. The two of them start a quarrel with each other angrily. SUM arranges an interview with CHUEN in the magazine. They are later invited to the TV station for another interview. CHUEN invites LING to join the interview and SUM is upset. During the interview, CHUEN deliberately allows LING to dominate the conversation.… ...

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Episode 13

12 dezembro 200745m

CHUEN receives a travel booklet that reminds him of the past and he suddenly feels sad. CHUEN wants to buy back the house but the quarrel between SUM and PIK has ruined the negotiation. SUM complains that PIK is troublesome. Trying to be humorous, CHUEN suggests him to chase after PIK in order to gain her trust. SUM takes it seriously and decides to pursue PIK with his charm. SUM plays tricks on PIK and she is injured. He then brings her to his home to take care of her injury. PIK finds her own photos and some love letters to her at SUM’s home. She is shocked and runs away. Later, PIK tells her girlfriends about this and her friends suggest her to accept SUM. CHI and LING are living in the same house now. CHI invites LING to watch a movie after dinner but LING prefers to take a rest at home. CHI goes out to watch movie alone. He meets BING on the way and they decide to go together.… ...

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Episode 14

13 dezembro 200745m

After sleeping with CHI, BING takes a picture of them secretly while CHI is sleeping. SUM asks PIK out and introduces his granduncle WONG HONG to her but PIK believes that HONG is just an actor employed by SUM. LING’s birthday is coming. CHUEN is hesitated and doesn’t know if he should send her a homemade cake. TAK is fond of JIAO secretly but he doesn’t know what to do. BING tries to hide away from LING. All the other friends believe that BING has bought LING’s beloved handbag so she tries to hide it away. They therefore go to BING’s house to investigate. PIK accidentally discovers the photo of BING and CHI. SUM accompanies PIK to visit a patient who is critically ill. He is shocked to discover that this patient is TSUI YEE, the woman who cheated him while they were dating long time ago. After the death of YEE, SUM brings HONG to her grave. HONG is actually the granduncle of YEE.… ...

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Episode 15

14 dezembro 200745m

SUM meets PIK while tidying up YEE’s belongings. He realizes that PIK had been taking good care of YEE and he is deeply touched. SUM discovers that PIK likes dolls and he prepares a princess dress to her for joining the ball organized by the marriage bureau. PIK suddenly becomes abnormal during the ball and SUM finally discovers her secret… LING returns home to pack up her belongings. She discovers the gift that CHI prepared for her and she is deeply touched. CHI proposes marriage to her and she agrees happily. LING visits CHUEN to return the house key. She also informs him that she will marry CHI and CHUEN is speechless. TAK informs JIAO that NAM has been back. BOLD tries to corner NAM with his followers but they are falsely incriminated to a drug smuggling case. JIAO meets NAM again. NAM anxiously asks JIAO to return the Xinjian knife to him.… ...

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Episode 16

17 dezembro 200745m

NAM searches through the house to look for the knife while everybody is sleeping but he fails to find the knife. BING returns Hong Kong and she reconciles with PIK. She meets LING and LING has forgiven her, too. LING decides to give up the ownership of the house. SUM and PIK has no choice but to give up their plan. PIK deliberately acts impatiently in front of SUM and she turns SUM’s house into a strange setting. Trying to break up with PIK, SUM also acts disgustingly in front of her and turns her toilet into a mess. Somebody calls CHUEN to inform him that LING has been kidnapped. CHUEN turns to SMALL for help. SMALL tells CHUEN that this is actually the plot of NAM. NAM eventually comes out to reveal the truth. He tells CHUEN that he only treats JIAO as a tool to achieve his goal and BOLD has been sent to the jail because of his tricks. SMALL takes video of the whole conversation secretly.

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Episode 17

18 dezembro 200745m

JIAO tries hard to clean up the house but she has turned the house into a mess. CHUEN and TAK bring her to the psychiatrist and finds that JIAO is trying to erase the unhappy memories in the past by means of housework. After having a quarrel with CHI, CHUEN discovers that he has lost all his senses on his legs. The doctor tells him that this is caused by psychological factors. CHUEN therefore abandons himself for he is disabled now. SUM brings PIK to a dirty restaurant on the street to displease her. Some gangsters nearly suddenly fight with each other and SUM tries hard to protect PIK. SUM and PIK visit CHUEN. CHUEN discloses to PIK that SUM approached her just because of the house. PIK is enraged and they finally break up. JIAO asks LING to help CHUEN but LING rejects her because she will marry CHI soon. CHUEN decides to shut down the marriage bureau.… ...

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Episode 18

19 dezembro 200745m

CHUEN’s parents are shocked to learn about his disability and they rush to visit him. LING teaches CHING how to run the marriage bureau. She also suggests her to organize networking balls. SUM invites PIK to the ball. He declares his love to PIK on the stage but PIK is not touched at all. SUM doesn’t give up but PIK accidentally hurts him with a knife. CHUEN runs away from the house. JIAO finds him but CHUEN reveals to JIAO that he wants to end his life. In order to trigger his will to survive, JIAO pushes him to the sea. She then jumps into the sea to rescue him even though she doesn’t know how to swim. CHUEN recovers miraculously after this incident. LING’s mother suddenly arrives from Canada since her husband has passed away. LING requests to move back to the house for she doesn’t want her mother to know about her divorce. CHUEN is delighted to have her back.… ...

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Episode 19

20 dezembro 200745m

LING and CHUEN pretend that they are still married in front of LING’s mother. They even organize a celebration for their 4th wedding anniversary. JIAO is drunk and she tells LING the truth about her fake marriage with CHUEN. LING and CHUEN are both drunk and they end up making love to each other. TAK visits JIAO and finds that she has collapsed. CHUEN rushes to the hospital and TAK finally reveals to CHUEN that JIAO has got a tumor in her brain. LING wants to sell the house in order to start a new life but CHUEN calls the police to stop her. LING asks CHI to postpone their wedding date so that she could settle the house issue. CHI tries to make love to LING but LING cannot concentrate at all for she suddenly misses CHUEN. BING reminds CHI to think through his marriage plan with LING while drinking with him. She questions CHI if he truly loves LING or he just doesn’t want to lose the “fight” again.… ...

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Episode 20

Season Finale
21 dezembro 200745m

LING tries to destroy everything in the house. CHUEN locks her in the house and refuses to give her any food unless she agrees to sign an agreement to transfer the ownership of the house to him. LING refuses to surrender and she eventually collapses. CHUEN is nervous and he brings her food and water immediately. LING wakes up and the two of them fight with each other again. After the fight, they calm down and have dinner together. However, both of them claim that they had put poison inside the food of the other… CHI and LING is having a wedding ceremony in Canada. CHI suddenly receives a phone call and learns that BING has got a traffic accident. CHI is shocked and he runs away immediately… On the other hand, CHUEN and JIAO are also getting married on this day. However, CHUEN finds that JIAO has left him a letter and disappears… Both CHUEN and LING finally realize their true love.… ...

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