Jake Kasdan — Producent wykonawczy

Odcinki 146


20 września 201124m

Ещё не успев оправиться от расставания со своим бывшим, Джесс проводит переговоры о заселении в новую квартиру и рассматривает в качестве будущих сожителей трёх одиноких молодых людей, живущих месте. Молодые люди взвешивают все «за» и «против». На чашу весов в пользу «заселения новой девушки в квартиру» они кладут следующий аргумент: «У Джесс много подруг модельной внешности». И чаша весов в пользу «заселения новой девушки» перевешивает другие аргументы в пользу «проживания в чисто мужском коллективе».

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27 września 201122m

В квартиру возвращается бывший сосед, Уинстон Бишоп, который надолго уезжал в Латвию играть в баскетбол. Он хочет вернуть себе «большую комнату», где уже поселился Шмидт. Естественно последний не собирается её возвращать. Джесс, наконец, собирается вернуть все свои вещи, которые она оставила в квартире бывшего парня. На помощь приходят её соседи.

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4 października 201122m

Новенькая и её соседи идут на свадьбу друзей. Джесс было поручено играть девушку Ника и уберечь его от Кэролайн, бывшей возлюбленной, которая с ним порвала полгода назад. Однако Ник всё ещё влюблён, и обычный дружеский разговор он принимает за что-то большее. Друзья берут дело в свои руки.

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1 listopada 201122m

Вломившись в комнату Ника, Джесс видит его голым и затем хохочет. На следующий день она пытается безуспешно обсудить произошедшее. Сиси предлагает ей забавное решение этой проблемы. А Шмидт обеспокоен тем, что он единственный не видел гениталий своего лучшего друга.

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Катастрофы Сиси

8 listopada 201122m

Джесс начинает думать, что между ней и Ником может быть нечто большое, нежели просто дружба, и эту мысль активно навязывает ей Сиси. В это время Шмидт проявляет чрезмерный интерес к Сиси, которая осталась у них с ночёвкой на несколько дней.

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День Благодарения

15 listopada 201122m

На День Благодарения Джесс пригласила Пола, учителя из её школы, предполагая, что это будет их первым свиданием. Соседи были этим недовольны, но Джесс уговорила Шмидта помочь, так как пригласит Сиси на праздник. Оказалось, что Пол и Джесс очень похожи, поэтому, как пара, друг другу подходят. Ник расстроен, вероятно, что он ревнует.

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29 listopada 201122m

«Американская молодежь», которую привела в квартиру Джесс, готовится к концерту с колоколами. Уинстон вызывается помочь, однако сталкивается с некоторыми трудностями. Также его увольняют с работы. Он понимает, что иногда нужно «передать мяч». Ник и Шмидт ссорятся из-за денежных проблем. По началу это приводит к забавному беспорядку, но со временем это вырастает в войну.

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Плохо в постели

6 grudnia 201123m

Отношения Джесс и Пола зашли далеко, поэтому новенькая уже думает о предстоящем сексе, точнее о сексуальных играх. Однако она очень волнуется, считая, что недостаточно опытна. Совета Джесс просит у своих соседей. Ник испытывает трудности с походом в парикмахерскую, а Шмидт проявляет себя на вечеринке у беременной начальницы.

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23 декабря

Mid-Season Finale
13 grudnia 201122m

Шмидт приводит друзей в офис на рождественскую вечеринку. Пол говорит Джесс, что любит её, но её чувства не взаимны. Шмидт делает для Сиси специальный аромат, в то время как Уинстон становится друзьями с сыном босса Шмидта.

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История о пятидесяти

17 stycznia 201222m

Джесс соглашается организовать двадцать девятый день рождения Шмидта, используя школьный автобус в качестве автобуса для вечеринки. Она также приглашает своего босса Таню на вечеринку. Ник представляет свою новую девушку Джулию друзьям.

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Джесс и Джулия

31 stycznia 201222m

Джулия, новая девушка Ника и адвокат по совместительству, помогает Джесс бороться за свой проездной билет, но в результате это приводит к ссоре между девушками. Тем временем Уинстон воссоединяется со своей бывшей девушкой Шелби.

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7 lutego 201222m

Джесс ставит условия жизни друзей под угрозу, когда она знакомится причудливым арендодателем против желания Ника. Шмидт борется с тем, как реагировать на повышение своего босса.

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День Святого Валентина

14 lutego 201222m

В День Святого Валентина Джесс заставляет Шмидта помочь ей найти парня на одну ночь. Тем временем Уинстон приходит к своей девушке, Шелби, у которой в разгаре девичник.

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21 lutego 201222m

Джесс вмешивается, когда над одним из её студентов издеваются. Позже она становится мишенью хулиганки, Брианны. Шмидт и Сиси продолжают их встречи ради секса, но Сиси не хочет, чтобы их друзья знали об этом. Ник взволнован, когда Джулия дарит ему кактус, и он пытается выяснить, что это означает в их отношениях.

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6 marca 201222m

Ник ранит себя после игры в футбол в парке и отказывается обратиться к врачу, потому что у него нет страховки. Тем временем, Уинстон должен принять решение о своём автомобиле, а отношения Шмидта и Сиси открываются с эмоциональной стороны.

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13 marca 201222m

Джесс узнаёт из первых рук о фобии Шмидта относительно чистой окружающей среды. Уинстон пристаёт к Нику насчёт выигранных у него в покер денег. Шмидт и Сиси продолжают свои сексуальные отношения, с Сиси в роли доминирующего партнёра, которая появляется в середине ночи.

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Любимый, часть I

20 marca 201222m

Джесс не согласна с отцом студента, Расселом, о приоритетах ребёнка. Ник решает, что ему не нужен сотовый телефон. Уинстон пытается впечатлить Шелби, доказав, что он знает больше, чем Шмидт.

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Любимый, часть II

27 marca 201222m

Джесс и Рассел идут на первое свидание, но Джесс чувствует себя неуютно, когда после встречи Рассел посылает ей смешанные сигналы об их отношениях. С помощью необычного стечения обстоятельств, Уинстон узнаёт об отношениях Шмидта и Сиси.

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3 kwietnia 201222m

Через Уинстона до Джесс доходит новость о том, что Шмидт и Сиси встречаются, и она не воспринимает это хорошо. Джесс решает, что соседи должны быть откровенны, но узнаёт больше, чем ожидала. Между тем Ник обращается к Шмидту за советом насчёт отношений.

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10 kwietnia 201222m

Проведя целую неделю в доме Рассела, Джесс предлагает Расселу остаться в квартире с ребятами на выходные. Однако выходные проходят не так, как планировалось.

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17 kwietnia 201222m

Джесс встречает бывшую жену Рассела Оли и соглашается присматривать за их дочерью, которая западает на Ника. Сиси боится, что беременна от Шмидта.

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24 kwietnia 201222m

Джесс предполагает, что между Расселом и его бывшей женой Оли до сих пор присутствует сексуальное напряжение, поэтому она пытается вызвать у него такие же чувства. Ник пытается выращивать помидоры. Сиси признаётся в любви Шмидту после того, как его госпитализируют после сексуального инцидента с её соседкой по комнате Надей.

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1 maja 201222m

Джесс, всё ещё переживающая расставание с Расселом, проводит ночь с Полом, который потом признаётся, что у него есть девушка. Ник решает наконец съехаться со своей девушкой Кэролайн, а Сиси представляет Шмидта своей бабушке.

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Season Finale
8 maja 201222m

Ник беспокоится о предстоящей совместной жизни с Кэролайн. Все кончается тем, что он, его соседи и Сиси застревают в пустыне без ключей от машины, чтобы поехать домой, так как Ник бросил их в песок.

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25 września 201222m

Jess is laid off from her teaching job and volunteers to be a shot girl at Schmidt's "rebranding" party.

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25 września 201222m

Jess pretends she's someone else when a handsome stranger mistakes her for his blind date. Meanwhile, a patron at Nick's bar claims to be Nick from the future, and Winston's disapproving mother pays him a visit.

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2 października 201222m

Jess and Nick examine their friendship. Elsewhere, Schmidt hopes to impress an attractive Republican by pretending to be one of Mitt Romney's sons.

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9 października 201222m

Jess gets a quartet of very young new neighbors -- and she's determined to win them over, in spite of the fact that to them, she's not a New Girl -- she's an Old Girl

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23 października 201222m

After spending a wild night out with Cece and her model friends, Jess jumps in the driver's seat when she must fill in for Cece at a car show. Meanwhile, the guys question what defines male friendship after Schmidt buys Nick a cookie.

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30 października 201222m

Jess gets a job as a zombie at a haunted house, but is more frightened of her changing feelings towards Sam. Schmidt and Cece are perfectly matched in the costumes they're wearing, while Winston and Shelby are worlds apart in theirs. Nick gets a visit from a former college crush who shows her affection in a scary way.

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13 listopada 201222m

As Jess' job search kicks into high gear, the guys fear her time of the month is also affecting their physical and psychological well-being. Meanwhile, Schmidt begins a "50 Shades of Grey"-type of relationship with his corporate boss, and Nick gains wisdom from an unlikely, hands-on (and mute) source.

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20 listopada 201222m

Jess invites her divorced Mom and Dad over for Thanksgiving dinner and enlists Nick and Cece to help her with a "Parent Trap" to reunite them. Meanwhile, Schmidt's cousin, Big Schmidt, visits, and Winston manipulates them into an escalating battle to prove their manhood.

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27 listopada 201222m

When Jess learns that a friend is pregnant, both she and Cece panic that time is running out for them to have children. Meanwhile, Schmidt seeks advice on how to please Emma, and Nick and Winston visit the zoo to find inspiration for Nick's zombie-themed novel.

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4 grudnia 201222m

Tired of taking showers, Jess and Winston scheme to get a bathtub in the loft. Then, at the bar, Nick meets a tough and beautiful customer with boyfriend troubles. Meanwhile, Schmidt is torn between his boss and trying to win back Cece.

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Mid-Season Finale
11 grudnia 201222m

When the gang attempts to juggle multiple holiday parties in one night, Jess tries to avoid a remorseful Sam, Nick tries to keep up with a sexually adventurous Angie and Winston panics when he gets a cranberry stuck in his ear.

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8 stycznia 201322m

Jess and Sam go on a weekend getaway with Nick and Angie. But this might not be the trip they expected when Jess starts to party and trouble begins. Could jealousy get in the way of a good time?

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A Father's Love

15 stycznia 201322m

When Nick's con-man father suddenly reappears, Jess tries her best to fix the two men's relationship, despite Nick's fears that he's being used in another one of his dad's gambling schemes. Meanwhile, Schmidt teams up with Robby to try to win back Cece.

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22 stycznia 201322m

Nick becomes convinced that a promising student in Jess's adult writing class is a murderer.

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29 stycznia 201322m

Nick and Schmidt go out on a "bro's night," but quickly become infatuated with, and highly competitive over, a beautiful woman attracted to sadness. Meanwhile, Winston falls for a girl with absolutely no interest in him, which only makes him more attracted to her. Then, Jess' decision to have a night alone in the loft doesn't go as planned and involves another round of the drinking game "True American," and a surprising development in her relationship with one of the loft mates.

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Table 34

5 lutego 201322m

The gang attends a dating convention, where Cece hopes to find a prospective husband - even as Schmidt hopes to win her back. Meanwhile, Winston's mojo returns, and Jess and Nick get put in a compromising position in front of Dr. Sam.

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Parking Spot

19 lutego 201322m

When Schmidt discovers a previously unknown, yet highly-coveted parking spot, Jess and the roommates battle it out to see who will get to use it. Meanwhile, Winston has a hard time finding a condom when he gets an impromptu invitation from Daisy.

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26 lutego 201322m

Jess catches the eye of a professional football player, with whom Winston landed an exclusive interview for his radio station. Meanwhile, Nick and Schmidt argue over the planning of their "TinFinity" party celebrating their tenth anniversary of living together, and Cece gets a surprise offer

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Quick Hardening Caulk

19 marca 201322m

Jess comes to a conclusion about her romantic feelings for Nick and she struggles to tell him - until she's hopped up on pain medication. But after admitting her feelings, she finds out he may have been keeping something from her. Meanwhile, Schmidt becomes obsessed with buying a fish, which Winston sees as a metaphor for Schmidt's unresolved feelings toward Cece and Nick plans a bar promotion to impress the bar owner (guest star Odette Annable).

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26 marca 201322m

When a death occurs in Nick's family, Jess, Schmidt and Winston travel with Nick to the Windy City to help him with the funeral preparations and meet his boisterous family members, including his mom, Bonnie; his younger brother, Jamie; and his Boston cousin, Bobby.

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First Date

4 kwietnia 201322m

Jess and Nick, who are caught between friendship and something more, try to break out of relationship-limbo by going on a First Date. Once Schmidt and Winston realize a full-on Jess/Nick romance might be happening, they swoop in to try to sabotage the date.

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Bachelorette Party

9 kwietnia 201322m

Jess decides to throw Cece a surprise bachelorette party while Nick and Winston awkwardly take her fiancé, Shivrang, out for the night. Then, as Schmidt desperately tries to find a real girlfriend in time for the wedding in order to get a “plus one,” he is forced to seek out his old girlfriend from his “fat Schmidt” college days.

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30 kwietnia 201322m

In a series of flashbacks, Jess, Nick, Schmidt, Winston and Cece tell one another how they each lost their virginity. Not surprisingly, when they realize the stories directly affect their present day sex lives, one relationship will change forever.

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Winston's Birthday

7 maja 201322m

Jess' dad chooses the worst day to pay the loft an unexpected visit, forcing a nervous Nick to spend the day alone with him. Jess finds herself with huge opportunity for a new job on the day before Cece's wedding. Schmidt must take a look in the mirror and confront his real feelings about Elizabeth. Meanwhile, Winston psyches himself up for his huge surprise birthday celebration, which no one seemed to remember to throw for him.

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Elaine's Big Day

Season Finale
14 maja 201322m

Cece's wedding day finds Jess and Nick making a decision about their relationship. Meanwhile, Schmidt schemes with a typically overenthusiastic Winston to sabotage the nuptials, although a shocking announcement may be bigger than anything he plans.

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All In

17 września 201322m

Nick and Jess make a romantic run for the border -- but their wild Mexican adventure takes a turn for the worse when Nick is arrested.

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24 września 201322m

Jess has been hired at a new school and is eager to prove herself as one of the cool teachers.

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Double Date

1 października 201322m

Thinking Schmidt has chosen to be with Cece, Jess and Nick invite him to go on a double date with them. Nick is caught between loyalty to his friend and loyalty to his girlfriend when he finds out a shocking secret. Meanwhile, Winston promises to get the foursome a table at an ultra-exclusive restaurant that doesn’t take reservations.

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The Captain

8 października 201322m

Schmidt sets out to sabotage Jess and Nick's relationship.

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The Box

15 października 201322m

Nick becomes irresponsible with the money from his late father's estate, so Jess uses some of the money to pay Nick's unpaid bills, behind his back. With Nick's improved financial situation, Winston feels its finally time to ask Nick for the money he owes him.

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22 października 201322m

Schmidt receives a series of recent e-mails from his favorite actor Michael Keaton, who has sent letters to Nick ever since he was a kid. However, it turns out those letters and e-mails were not from the actor but from Schmidt's mother and Nick, posing as Keaton. Cece indulges in nightly parties to get over her break up with Schmidt.

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5 listopada 201322m

Coach visits the apartment to spend a "guys night out" with the guys, after breaking up with his girlfriend. Nick going to a strip club with the guys, and telling her that they haven't had a conversation about whether or not they're boyfriend/girlfriend or are exclusive, upsets Jess to the point that she has "girls night out" with Cece at the bar.

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12 listopada 201322m

An overabundance of Chinese food take-out menus left at the loft’s front door is the catalyst for an interconnected series of adventures for Jess and the guys.

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Longest Night Ever

19 listopada 201322m

Jess must occupy Schmidt while Cece goes on a date with Coach; Nick and Winston search for Ferguson.

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Thanksgiving III

Mid-Season Finale
26 listopada 201322m

Nick and Jess take the gang camping for Thanksgiving; Coach and Schmidt compete to prove who is the best woodsman; Cece and Winston bond over a shared dislike for the outdoors.

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Clavado En Un Bar

7 stycznia 201422m

When Jess has to make a quick decision about her career, her friends all recall how they ended up at their jobs.

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14 stycznia 201422m

Jess tries to become good friends with Coach by watching Detroit Pistons games with him and becoming a Pistons "fan". However Jess' "fandom" starts to interfere with her relationship with Nick, who is a lifelong Chicago Bulls fan. Winston agrees to shadow Schmidt at his marketing job, where Schmidt is later asked to guide Ed (Bob Gunton), a sixty-something intern, to avoid a company lawsuit over age discrimination.

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21 stycznia 201422m

Nick struggles to throw Jess the perfect birthday party, while Schmidt works overtime to help out Cece in her new job as bartender and Winston and Coach engage in a bake-off.

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2 lutego 201422m

Jess is ready to paint the town purple when a chance encounter finds her and best friend Cece invited to a once-in-a-lifetime mansion party thrown by music legend Prince. Not wanting to miss out on the fun, Nick, Schmidt, Winston and Coach are determined to crash the festivities, building toward an Unforgettable ending.

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4 lutego 201422m

When Nick has an awkward run-in with his ex, Caroline, Jessica tries to convince him he can still be friends with her, by introducing him to her former boyfriend, Berkley. Meanwhile, Coach uses Schmidt's loft to impress a date, but things turn farcically disastrous when Schmidt arrives home with his own potential bedmate.

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11 lutego 201422m

Jess' wild-child sister, Abby, pays a visit and immediately throws the loft into disarray. Meanwhile, Schmidt enlists Nick to be his wingman in crashing a bar mitzvah and Winston throws a dinner party with Bertie, which turns awkward when only Cece and Coach attend.

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Sister II

25 lutego 201422m

Jess panics when her sister, Abby decides to stay in Los Angeles and sets her eyes on one of the loftmates. Meanwhile, Winston procrastinates about checking his test results for the LAPD entrance exam

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Sister III

4 marca 201422m

When Jess moves into Nick’s bedroom, they both must deal with their complete lack of personal space. Meanwhile, Cece worries that Abby is taking advantage of Schmidt, while Coach worries Cece is treating him like one of her girlfriends. Also, Winston struggles with physical fitness.

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Fired Up

11 marca 201422m

Jess hires, then must immediately fire Coach as her school’s new volleyball coach. Meanwhile, Schmidt gets sued and enlists Nick and a procedural television-loving Winston to represent him at the deposition. Also, Cece catches the eye of a much younger man.

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Mars Landing

25 marca 201422m

Jess and Nick face some truths about their relationship, while Schmidt, Winston and Coach scramble to make a better second impression on their hot new neighbors. Also, Cece panics after she drunk-texts Buster

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Big News

15 kwietnia 201422m

Nick and Jess try to keep their breakup a secret; Winston passes the police academy entrance exam and demands a celebration.

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29 kwietnia 201422m

Jess fears someone is trying to sabotage her first middle school dance and she enlists the gang to help her chaperone on the big night.

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Season Finale
6 maja 201422m

Jess and Nick invite the gang along with them on a cruise they booked while still together as a couple.

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The Last Wedding

16 września 201422m

At the last wedding of the summer, the gang makes a pact: Each of them will get lucky by night's end. Jess sets her sights on the best man, who also has caught the eye of a beautiful scientist. Meanwhile, Schmidt and Nick get an indecent proposal. Winston recovers from his police academy training, and Coach panics when he realizes he already has hooked up with every woman at the party.

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23 września 201422m

Schmidt tutors Jess in the not-so-fine-art of dating via mobile apps. Meanwhile, Winston is desperate to make a good impression on his fellow police cadets, which backfires when Nick, Coach and Cece show up at a party thrown by fellow officers.

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Julie Berkman's Older Sister

30 września 201422m

Jess' dad arrives with his new girlfriend, who happened to be Jess and Cece's high-school rival. Meanwhile, Schmidt recruits the guys to be part of a focus group at work to help him land a big new account.

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7 października 201422m

To prove that girls aren't shallow, Jess goes out on a date with a guy whose shortcomings fall way below the belt. Meanwhile, Winston and Cece pit Schmidt and Coach against each other, while convincing them they could be male models.

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14 października 201422m

When Coach's liaison with the school nurse gets messy, vice principal Jess must enforce a new, "no fraternization" policy among the teachers. But the tables soon get turned when she finds herself attracted to the hot new science teacher. Meanwhile, Nick is enjoying being Schmidt and Winston's secretary, after the loft gets a new home phone

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Background Check

4 listopada 201421m

As part of Winston's police academy training, the loft must pass a home visit and background check, which shouldn't be a problem until Jess admits she might be hiding illegal substances in her closet.

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11 listopada 201422m

Nick pretends to be gay to make his status as Jess' "ex" less of an issue to her new beau. To Coach's annoyance, Winston works his "Long Game" on their attractive neighbors, Michelle and Viv. Meanwhile, Schmidt panics when Cece considers having a breast reduction

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18 listopada 201422m

Jess, Coach and Ryan attend a teachers' conference, led by education guru Brenda Brown. Back at the loft, Nick, Schmidt and Winston try to have a wild weekend while Jess is out of town.

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Thanksgiving IV

25 listopada 201421m

With winter coming and everyone still single, Schmidt initiates a "Bangs-giving"-themed Thanksgiving dinner party, to which everyone must bring someone compatible for someone else.

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Girl Fight

2 grudnia 201422m

Schmidt quickly regrets trying to understand the politics of a girl fight when one breaks out between Jess and Cece. Meanwhile, Nick goes on a date with Tran's granddaughter, whom Winston believes is hiding a secret.

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Mid-Season Finale
9 grudnia 201422m

As the gang prepares to depart for the holidays, they quickly find they may be home alone when they are all trapped at the airport.

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6 stycznia 201522m

Nick and Coach become concerned when they meet Winston's new training officer; Jess uses Schmidt in hope of influencing a councilwoman to stop the night construction taking place outside the loft.

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Coming Out

13 stycznia 201522m

A class trip turns disastrous when Jess tries to avoid showing favoritism to Ryan; Schmidt develops an ulcer; Winston becomes fixated on wearing a crystal.

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3 lutego 201522m

Jess helps Schmidt and Nick pitch their new business venture - the "Swuit," a suit made entirely of sweatshirt material - to entrepreneur Lori Greiner. Meanwhile, Winston and Coach decide they will invest in Cece's future.

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The Crawl

10 lutego 201522m

When a new bar opens in the neighborhood, it completes the final piece of the puzzle for Nick's epic Valentine's Day pub crawl. Meanwhile, Jess and Ryan drunkenly contemplate their future, Coach meets a new woman - over and over again - and Schmidt tries to fit into the world of politics.

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17 lutego 201522m

Jess takes a bumpy stroll down memory lane when she and the gang travel to her childhood home in Portland, Oregon, for her father's wedding.

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24 lutego 201522m

It’s a lockdown in the loft when Schmidt’s arachnophobia forces the group go on a spider hunt. In the midst of this chaos, Winston inadvertently makes Jess think that Cece is in love with Nick.

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Walk of Shame

3 marca 201522m

After a night of partying at Bearclaw's, Jess and Cece make their way back to the loft and run into a familiar face. Meanwhile, Coach worries about bringing Nick and Winston around his sophisticated new girlfriend, May.

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The Right Thing

31 marca 201522m

Jess crashes a funeral, hoping to delete a “sext” she recently sent to the deceased. Then, Schmidt’s mom, Louise, arrives in town for a visit to demand he write thank-you notes for his bar mitzvah gifts, and Winston is desperate to be off-duty friends with his police partner, Aly.

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Par 5

7 kwietnia 201522m

Fawn takes Jess to a charity golf tournament, but the Vice Principal lands in the sand trap in her attempts to make a good impression. Meanwhile, Winston meets a beautiful woman and must lie about being a cop.

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Panty Gate

28 kwietnia 201522m

Schmidt takes the fall to help Fawn out of a political scandal. Meanwhile, Jess declares herself a “love doctor” and Coach faces a life-changing decision with May.

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Clean Break

Season Finale
5 maja 201522m

As Coach prepares to move out of the loft, Schmidt also decides to get rid of his non-essentials and in the process discovers what is truly important to him; Jess and Nick reminisce about their “sex mug” and wonder if they still have feelings for each other.

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Big Mama P

5 stycznia 201622m

When Cece and Schmidt ask Jess and Nick to be their Maid of Honor and Best Man, respectively, their first task is to plan the engagement party. But when Jess invites Cece's mom to join in the celebration, Cece is forced to make a surprising announcement to Schmidt.

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What About Fred

12 stycznia 201622m

Jumping back into the dating pool, Jess finds herself dating a dud (guest star Taran Killam), but falls in love with his perfect parents (guest stars Henry Winkler and Julie Haggerty). Meanwhile, Nick (Jake Johnson) and Schmidt have very different ideas about how to run the bar.

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Jury Duty

19 stycznia 201622m

Jess eagerly reports to jury duty, until she discovers she may be up for a work promotion. Meanwhile, Nick reaches his limit with Cece's messiness in the loft.

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No Girl

26 stycznia 201622m

With Jess sequestered at jury duty, Nick turns the loft into an airbnb in order to help pay for Schmidt's upcoming bachelor party. Meanwhile, Winston asks Cece for help when he suspects KC is cheating on him.

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Bob & Carol & Nick & Schmidt

2 lutego 201622m

Nick's cousin and his wife visit with a very special request, which prompts Schmidt to offer Nick a glimpse into the future. Meanwhile, Winston and Cece shop for a wedding dress.

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9 lutego 201622m

A beautiful pharmaceutical rep enters the gang’s life when she agrees to sublet Jess’ room while she is on jury duty.

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16 lutego 201622m

Schmidt and Cece take action when Nick's attraction to Reagan impacts their relationship; Winston teaches Reagan about breakups.

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The Decision

23 lutego 201622m

Reagan challenges Nick and Winston's indecisiveness when she says she will sleep with only one of them; while looking at wedding venues with Cece, Schmidt runs into his college frenemy, Benjamin.

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Heat Wave

1 marca 201622m

Things heat up between Nick and Reagan over who can provide the loft with the best air conditioning unit. Meanwhile, Winston uses his “cop voice” to help Schmidt prep Cece for a newscaster audition.

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Goosebumps Walkaway

8 marca 201622m

Jess attempts to discover the real identity of a juror who was sequestered with her; Reagan prepares to move on; Winston and Cece help Schmidt overcome his fear of public dancing.

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The Apartment

15 marca 201622m

It's time for Cece to move into the loft. While Jess is helping her friend move out of her beloved apartment, she has to finish the school's budget by morning, which the new principal has neglected to tell her. Meanwhile, Winston gets a new partner to avoid having to work side-by-side with Aly.

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22 marca 201622m

After Cece receives an exciting new job offer, Jess agrees to help Schmidt with the wedding preparations, but things don’t go as planned when Schmidt’s dad, Gavin, appears. Meanwhile, Winston and Nick get into a competition over whose job is harder.

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Sam, Again

29 marca 201622m

Jess applies for a job at a progressive new school, but things take a turn when she finds out the principal is dating her ex-boyfriend, Sam. Meanwhile, Nick gets a cold and Schmidt quarantines the roommates to prevent himself from getting sick before his big presentation.

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300 Feet

12 kwietnia 201622m

When Jess is served a restraining order by her ex-boyfriend, Sam, she sets out to clear her name with Winstons help. Nick and Schmidt plot against the owner of a trendy new bar that opened on their street.

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Jeff Day

19 kwietnia 201622m

Jess invents a male alter ego, "Jeff Day," in order to buy a new car from a sexist salesman, but her plan backfires when both Nick and Sam arrive at the dealership pretending to be him. Meanwhile, Schmidt and Cece panic when Winston decides to bring his new prankster girlfriend, Rhonda as his plus one to their wedding.

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19 kwietnia 201622m

Despite being happy with Sam, Jess confesses to Cece that she had a sex dream about Nick. And Schmidt attempts to help Winston land Furguson a cat audition when he finds out Aly's boyfriend is a talent agent for pets.

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Road Trip

26 kwietnia 201622m

After being emasculated in front of Cece, Schmidt insists on a manly bachelor party weekend in Vegas, but the road trip goes awry when the guys end up at a desert biker bar and he must put his newfound bravado to the test.

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A Chill Day In

26 kwietnia 201622m

Refusing to accept that their crazy days are behind them, Jess and Cece abandon their low-key bachelorette party plans and seek a night out to top all others.

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3 maja 201622m

Jess races to make alterations to Cece’s bridal dress, while Schmidt tries to keep his “wedding workshop” a secret at work, and Nick struggles to ask Reagan to be his date to the nuptials. Meanwhile, Winston and Aly try to keep their relationship on the down-low at work.

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Return To Sender

3 maja 201622m

Jess meets Sam’s female best friend, Diane. Meanwhile, Nick is worried Gavin will disappoint Schmidt again and Winston is offended by a reaction to a birthday gift.

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Wedding Eve

10 maja 201622m

On the night before the wedding, Nick and Winston try to help Schmidt re-write his vows and Jess, thinking that Sam is going to propose to her, rallies the gang into playing True American to avoid giving him an answer.

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Landing Gear

Season Finale
10 maja 201622m

Schmidt makes a last ditch effort to convince Cece's mom to come to their wedding, but in doing so, he might miss the special day himself.

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House Hunt

20 września 201622m

Jess tries anything and everything to get her mind off of Nick, who returns from his summer in New Orleans sooner than anticipated. Meanwhile, Schmidt and Cece struggle in the search for their first home and Winston deals with having a long-distance relationship with Aly.

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Hubbedy Bubby

27 września 201622m

Jess and Cece jump on the campaign trail and make a bet with a disbelieving Schmidt that they can recruit voters for the upcoming Presidential election. Meanwhile, Winston teaches Nick about modern phone sex.

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Single and Sufficient

4 października 201622m

When Schmidt and Cece and Winston and Aly invite Jess on their couples glamping trip, members of her singles-only group tag along. Meanwhile, Nick struggles with the next chapter of his New Orleans-set novel after Schmidt gives him "no notes".

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Homecoming (II)

11 października 201622m

Jess and the gang head to New York, where Schmidt believes he is being honored at his high school. Jess meets Det. Jake Peralta and helps him on a case, which leads her to Brooklyn’s 99th Precinct and a fateful encounter with Gina Linetti and Capt. Raymond Holt. Meanwhile, Nick and Winston scramble to make subway fare, while trying to impress Det. Charles Boyle, and Cece faces off with her new mother-in-law.

The crossover starts on Brooklyn Nine-Nine S04E04 The Night Shift (I).

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Jaipur Aviv

18 października 201622m

While the gang helps Schmidt & Cece remodel their fixer-upper, Jess spearheads a vote to let Reagan eventually move back into the loft. Meanwhile, Nick and Winston make a revealing discovery and Schmidt and Cece learn the art of compromise.

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15 listopada 201622m

After Jess announces that she is ready to date again, Schmidt pushes her to give her workout partner, Robby, a fighting chance. Then, when Cece hires a hunky new bartender, Nick struggles to understand male beauty, while Winston's newfound confidence makes him irresistible.

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Last Thanksgiving

22 listopada 201621m

It's Thanksgiving and Jess and the gang are determined to make this year's festivities a success. However, things don't go according to plan when Robby surprisingly shows up and Schmidt's dad arrives heartbroken. Meanwhile, Nick finds out that Regan is postponing her move-in date and Winston deals with his "heroic" injury.

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James Wonder

29 listopada 201622m

In order to land the soon-to-be open principal's position at her school, Jess must impress the disapproving president of the Parents' Council. Winston puts his undercover skills to the test and Nick struggles to come up with the perfect wedding gift for Schmidt and Cece.

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Es Good

6 grudnia 201622m

Schmidt enlists Nick to help him earn the respect of his difficult house contractor. Meanwhile, as Jess and Robby test the limits of their ability to be in a casual relationship, Winston and Cece debate the pros and cons of not being single.

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Christmas Eve Eve

Mid-Season Finale
13 grudnia 201622m

Jess struggles to keep the loft's Secret Santa gift exchange afloat. When Winston believes his online gift order for Cece won't be delivered in time, he and Schmidt must endure going to an actual store to find a replacement gift. Meanwhile, Reagan surprises Nick, who helps makes Jess' Christmas one to remember.

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Raisin's Back

3 stycznia 201722m

When Reagan moves into the loft, Nick tries to "play it cool." Meanwhile, Schmidt embarks on a soul-searching journey when Cece and Winston challenge his love of electronic dance music.

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The Cubicle

10 stycznia 201721m

When Jess insists on covering Robby's medical bill, she is stunned after finding out the total and goes to extremes to find a way to help pay. With Schmidt and Winston's help, Cece attempts to get her new modeling agency off the ground (and out of the loft), but is discouraged when her first client is inspired to change career paths. Meanwhile, Reagan puts off reading Nick's new novel.

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Cece's Boys

17 stycznia 201722m

As Jess tries to find a new vice principal, she discovers that she has a real problem when it comes to making decisions. Meanwhile, Cece enlists Jess and Reagan to help her recruit new models, and the guys are in for a surprise when they enjoy a day at the spa.

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The Hike

24 stycznia 201722m

While on a day hike, Jess and Robby discover something unexpected about their relationship. Also, Winston throws a surprise welcome home party for Aly. Meanwhile, Schmidt and Cece fail to impress their new neighbors.

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7 lutego 201722m

When Nick freaks out after Reagan lands him a book signing, Jess scrambles to boost his confidence and help it go smoothly. Meanwhile, Winston reveals to Schmidt and Cece that he's proposing to Aly, but needs their help to execute the big plan

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Operation: Bobcat

14 lutego 201722m

On Valentine's Day, Jess tries to convince the gang that she is perfectly content being single. Meanwhile, Schmidt competes for a big promotion and Winston's proposal plans to Aly are expedited.

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21 lutego 201722m

When Jess gets nervous about starting her new position as principal, Nick and Schmidt decide to take her on a relaxing day trip to Solvang, which quickly goes "sideways." Meanwhile, with Cece's help, Winston tries to finalize his divorce from Rhonda, but finds that he and Aly are caught in a series of never-ending pranks.

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Young Adult

28 lutego 201721m

When Jess worries that she may not be a cool enough principal, she recruits Nick and "The Pepperwood Chronicles" to help make her popular with the students. Meanwhile, Schmidt hires an eager and overly-aggressive new assistant and Winston realizes that Furguson may be two-timing him.

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Socalyalcon VI

14 marca 201722m

When Reagan returns home from a work trip, Jess is concerned that she has been spending too much time being Nick's "girlfriend." Meanwhile, Schmidt and Cece obsess over security in their new home and Aly reveals an embarrassing secret to Winston.

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21 marca 201722m

Jess avoids her feelings for Nick by taking care of her dad in Portland. While attending a work party with Reagan, Nick panics that they really don't know each other. Meanwhile, Aly prepares to meet Winston's mom for the first time, as Winston admits he hasn't told her they are cops.

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San Diego

28 marca 201722m

As Jess continues to stay with her dad in Portland, they unexpectedly help one another with their love lives. Meanwhile, Nick turns to a reluctant Aly for help with his relationship with Reagan, and Schmidt contemplates using his first name.

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Five Stars for Beezus

Season Finale
4 kwietnia 201722m

Jess is ready to tell Nick of her true feelings for him. Meanwhile, Nick takes a meeting with a book publisher, as Aly helps Winston reconnect with an important person. Then, Cece and Schmidt receive big news.

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Около трех лет спустя

10 kwietnia 201822m

Jess and Nick come back from a book tour for "The Pepperwood Chronicles" across Europe.

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Встреча во вторник

17 kwietnia 201822m

Over a drunken power lunch, Jess and Cece decide to stand up to Russell and demand Jess be given more responsibility in her new job. Meanwhile, Nick struggles to come up with ideas for a new book and Schmidt is desperate to get Ruth to sleep.

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24 kwietnia 201822m

Nervous about Ruth's interview at a prestigious pre-school, Schmidt recruits Jess to help her prepare. Meanwhile, Nick procrastinates writing, and Winston prepares to confront his fear of testifying in court.

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Куда ведут все дороги

1 maja 201822m

The gang gathers for a one-year memorial service for a beloved friend. Meanwhile, Jess discovers Coach owes Nick a large sum of money.

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8 maja 201822m

Jess tries to appease Winston's anxiety about his impending fatherhood by tracking down his long lost dad. Meanwhile, Schmidt goes back to work for the first time since Ruth's birth.

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8 maja 201822m

Nick's plan to propose to Jess is thrown off-course when they decide to get a dog, Winston sees color for the first time and Schmidt worries about Cece getting pregnant again.

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Jess and Nick make two life-changing decisions and Winston and Aly's big day arrives.

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Энграм Паттерски

Season Finale
15 maja 201822m

The gang takes a tour down memory lane, which includes a final round of "True American."

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(prawa strzałka) przejdź do następnego sezonu
(lewa strzałka) przejdź do poprzedniego sezonu

On TV episode pages

(prawa strzałka) przejdź do następnego odcinka
(lewa strzałka) przejdź do poprzedniego odcinka

On all image pages

a otwórz okno dodawania obrazu

On all edit pages

t open translation selector
ctrl+ s prześlij formularz

On discussion pages

n otwórz nową dyskusję
w toggle watching status
p toggle public/private
c toggle close/open
a open activity
r odpowiedz na dyskusję
l przejdź do ostatniej odpowiedzi
ctrl+ enter wyślij swoją wiadomość
(prawa strzałka) następna strona
(lewa strzałka) poprzednia strona


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