Care Bears: Adventures in Care-a-lot is an animated television series by SD Entertainment, Cookie Jar Entertainment and Shari Lewis Enterprises that premiered on CBS's KEWLopolis line-up from September 15, 2007 to December 6, 2008, and is designed to be an immediate follow up to the movie Care Bears: Oopsy Does It!. It was the third Care Bears television series made and was produced by Sabella Dern Entertainment, the same company that made Care Bears: Oopsy Does It!. It features songs with music by Andy Street and lyrics by Judy Rothman.
Along with the other shows in the KEWLopolis block, this series fulfills the federal "E/I" requirements.
Series Cast
Last Season
Season 2
Season 2 of Care Bears: Adventures in Care-a-lot premiered on September 13, 2008.
Status Ended
Type Scripted
Original Language English
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