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Greed took over California because of the gold rush. It made people thirsty for wealth and land. There, in the newly drawn border between Mexico and the US, a lawless war for control, fueled by the anger and xenophobia of the past war, is led by a group of immigrants who join forces to create the myth of the Latin Robin Hood: Joaquín Murrieta.

  1. Mauricio Leiva-Cock


  2. Diego Ramírez Schrempp


Series Cast

  1. Juan Manuel Bernal as Joaquín Murrieta

    Juan Manuel Bernal

    Joaquín Murrieta

    8 Episodes

  2. Steve Wilcox as Harry Love

    Steve Wilcox

    Harry Love

    8 Episodes

  3. Alejandro Speitzer as Joaquín Carrillo

    Alejandro Speitzer

    Joaquín Carrillo

    8 Episodes

  4. Becky Zhu Wu as Adela Cheng

    Becky Zhu Wu

    Adela Cheng

    8 Episodes

  5. Aida López as Blanca

    Aida López


    8 Episodes

  6. Gustavo Carr as Carrillo

    Gustavo Carr


    8 Episodes

  7. Yoshira Escárrega as Damace

    Yoshira Escárrega


    8 Episodes

  8. Emiliano Zurita as Casey

    Emiliano Zurita


    8 Episodes

  9. Andrew Leland Rogers as Ben

    Andrew Leland Rogers


    8 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 1


2023 • 8 Episodes

Season 1 of The Head of Joaquín Murrieta premiered on February 17, 2023.


(1x8, February 17, 2023)

View All Seasons

The Head of Joaquín Murrieta
The Head of Joaquín Murrieta


Original Name La cabeza de Joaquín Murrieta

Status Canceled


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Type Scripted

Original Language Spanish; Castilian


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