野沢雅子 as Son Goku / Son Gohan / Son Goten (voice)

Episode 291

Tajemniczy wojownik

April 26, 198926m

Spokojne życie Goku z rodziną i przyjaciółmi ma zostać przerwane. Nowe zagrożenie - potężny i złowrogi obcy - jest w drodze na Ziemię.

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Dzieje Songa

Mei 3, 198926m

Goku i Gohan uczestniczą w spotkaniu na wyspie Roshiego, gdzie Goku przedstawia syna wszystkim swoim starym przyjaciołom. Uśmiechy szybko jednak znikają, gdy na wyspie ląduje niespodziewany gość - Raditz.

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Bojowa drużyna

Mei 10, 198926m

Raditz porwał Gohana i jeśli Goku nie zgodzi się dołączyć do złowrogiego Saiyana, może już nigdy nie zobaczyć swojego syna! Cała nadzieja nie jest jednak stracona, ponieważ przybywa drugi gość, a Goku zawiera nieprawdopodobny sojusz!

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Wrogowie sprzymierzeńcami

Mei 17, 198926m

Piccolo może mieć sposób na powstrzymanie Raditza - Makankosappo! Jest tylko jeden problem. Potrzebuje czasu, aby zebrać energię do wybuchu, co oznacza, że Goku musi walczyć z Raditzem sam!

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Songo poświęca życie

Mei 24, 198926m

Gohan uwalnia potężny atak, któremu nawet Radtiz nie może się oprzeć! Ale tak szybko, jak pojawiła się jego moc, tak szybko zniknęła. Kiedy Raditz przygotowuje się do ataku, Goku musi dokonać ostatecznego poświęcenia, aby uratować swojego syna!

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Juni 7, 198926m

Piccolo zabiera Gohana do dziczy na surowy program treningowy. Tymczasem Goku wyrusza na nową przygodę w następnym świecie, podróżując niekończącą się Drogą Węża, aby dotrzeć do legendarnego Króla Kai!

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Trening Son Gohana

Juni 14, 198926m

Gohan rozpoczyna swój pierwszy dzień treningu Piccolo. Sam na pustkowiu musi szybko nauczyć się dbać o siebie. Ale nie jest to łatwe, gdy jest zmęczony, głodny - i ścigany przez krwiożercze dinozaury!

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Metamorfoza Songohana

Juni 21, 198926m

Korin chce, aby Krillin, Yamcha, Tien i Chiaotzu zgłosili się na specjalny trening! Tymczasem wyczerpujący trening Gohana powoduje, że przechodzi on szokującą transformację!

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Juni 28, 198926m

Aby uciec przed stadem dzikich zwierząt, Gohan udaje się do starożytnej jaskini, gdzie spotyka starego robota Capsule Corp. Robot żyje samotnie w jaskini od ponad 30 lat i nie jest zadowolony z odwiedzin!

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Nowy towarzysz Songohana

Juli 5, 198926m

Przygoda Gohana w dziczy trwa nadal, gdy poznaje nowego przyjaciela dinozaura! Jest szczęśliwy, że w końcu ma towarzystwo, dopóki nie przypomni mu się, że nie wszystkie dinozaury są przyjazne!

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Krótki postój

Juli 12, 198926m

Na planecie Arlia, Vegeta i Nappa zostają więźniami króla tyrana, który rządzi planetą. Po krótkiej walce z potworem Yeddy, Arlianie zdają sobie sprawę, że dwaj Saiyanie to więcej niż mogą znieść.

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Droga bez końca

Juli 19, 198926m

Gohan spędza dzień na dręczeniu T-Rexa. Po drugiej stronie planety trening Tiena i Chiaotzu zostaje przerwany przez Launch. Tymczasem Goku próbuje odnaleźć Króla Kai na Wężowej Drodze.

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Tajemne przejście

Juli 26, 198926m

Goku napotyka dwa gigantyczne ogry, które nie chcą niczego więcej niż używać bohatera jako zabawki! Jeśli uda mu się pokonać ich wyzwania, ogry przysięgają pokazać mu drogę powrotną do Snake Way.

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Książęca gościnność

Agustus 2, 198926m

Wracając na Snake Way, Goku natrafia na dom, który jego zdaniem może należeć do króla Kai! Niestety, mieszkanie jest zamieszkane przez księżniczkę Snake, która zrobi wszystko, by Goku pozostał jej więźniem na zawsze!

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Agustus 9, 198926m

Piccolo odlatuje podczas walki z Raditzem i rozpada się na dwie części! Tymczasem Gohan postanawia popłynąć tratwą przez morze, aby odwiedzić matkę, zostaje złapany przez burzę i nagle przypomina sobie, że nie umie pływać!

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Porzucona wioska

Agustus 16, 198926m

Gohan znajduje schronienie w gangu sierot, które uciekają przed wścibskimi dorosłymi. Przywódca grupy opracowuje plan zabrania dzieci do bezpieczniejszej kryjówki, ale kiedy pojawia się policja, wszystko idzie nie tak!

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Miasto wojowników

Agustus 30, 198926m

Najlepsi ziemscy wojownicy odwiedzają Pokój Wahadła Kami, w którym współistnieją przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość. Po podróży w czasie zdają sobie sprawę, że będą musieli trenować ciężej, aby mieć szansę w walce ze zbliżającymi się Saiyanami.

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Koniec podróży

September 6, 198926m

Gohan kontynuuje trening, ale pełnia księżyca sprawia, że młody Saiyan wymyka się spod kontroli! W międzyczasie Goku dociera do końca Snake Way tylko po to, by pomylić przyjazną małpę o imieniu Bubbles z królem Kai!

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Prawo powszechnego ciążenia

September 13, 198926m

Intensywna grawitacja planety Króla Kai utrudnia trening Goku, ale kiedy dowiaduje się, że Saiyanie są przyzwyczajeni do ekstremalnych warunków walki, Goku jest zainspirowany, by dać z siebie wszystko. Czy to wystarczy?

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Legenda o Kosmicznych Wojownikach

September 20, 198926m

Po tym, jak Goku z trudem uderza Gregory'ego młotkiem, król Kai inspiruje go historią rasy Saiyan - i oferuje mu osobiste szkolenie! Czy to wystarczy, by powstrzymać zbliżającą się inwazję Saiyan?

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Wróg przybywa

September 27, 198926m

Trening Goku został zakończony, więc gang przywołuje Wiecznego Smoka, aby życzyć mu powrotu do życia. Został tylko jeden dzień do przybycia Saiyanów. Niestety, powrót zajmie Goku dwa dni!

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Osobliwe nasiona

Oktober 11, 198926m

Vegeta i Nappa zaznaczają swoje przybycie zniszczeniem całego miasta! Kiedy Z-Fighters stawiają im czoła, bohaterowie muszą zmierzyć się z atakiem Saibamenów pod dowództwem Saiyanów.

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Makabryczna taktyka

Oktober 18, 198926m

Krillin, Piccolo i Gohan stają twarzą w twarz ze złowrogimi Saiyanami i ich diabolicznymi poplecznikami. Złoczyńcy już okazali się przerażająco potężni. Czy ziemscy bohaterowie wytrzymają do przybycia Goku?

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Akt odwagi

Oktober 25, 198926m

Rozwścieczony utratą Yamchy, Krillin uwalnia potężny atak, który niszczy maniakalnych Saibamenów raz na zawsze. Teraz obrońcy Ziemi muszą walczyć z samymi Saiyanami - zaczynając od Nappy.

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Rozpacz dodaje sił

November 1, 198926m

Chiaotzu poświęca się, by uratować przyjaciół przed Nappą, ale gdy dym się rozwiewa, złoczyńca wciąż stoi! Na szczęście Tien ma jeszcze jedną sztuczkę, która może na zawsze uciszyć saiyańskiego wojownika!

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Zawieszenie broni

November 8, 198926m

Vegeta przerwał walkę, a Nappa wykorzystał ten czas, by wpaść w szał! W międzyczasie Goku dociera do końca Wężowej Drogi i ściga się, by dołączyć do swoich przyjaciół - ale czy nie jest już za późno?

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Upragniony powrót

November 22, 198926m

Piccolo, Gohan i Krillin starają się powstrzymać Saiyan przed odnalezieniem Smoczych Kul. Tymczasem Goku wraca na Ziemię na Latającym Nimbusie, uzbrojony w moc większą niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej!

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Podwójna strata

November 29, 198926m

Piccolo dokonuje ostatecznego poświęcenia, aby uratować Gohana przed szalejącymi Saiyanami. Kiedy wszystko wydaje się stracone, Goku powraca na Ziemię z niesamowitym nowym poziomem mocy i stawia czoła najeźdźcom.

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Niezawodna technika Kaito

Desember 6, 198926m

Zablokowany w walce z Saiyanami, Goku daje Nappie brutalny pokaz treningu, który otrzymał od Króla Kai. Złamany i pokonany Nappa musi teraz stawić czoła okrutnemu gniewowi Vegety!

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Trzeci atak

Desember 13, 198926m

Goku postanawia sam zmierzyć się z potężnym Vegetą! Obaj wydają się wyrównani, ale obaj ukrywają swoją prawdziwą siłę. Epicka bitwa trwa - który potężny wojownik odniesie zwycięstwo?

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Metamorfoza ostatniego wojownika

Desember 20, 198926m

Vegeta i Goku kontynuują wymianę brutalnych ciosów, ale akcja nasila się, gdy Vegeta ujawnia sekretną moc Saiyanów: zdolność do transformacji w gigantyczną, niszczącą planety małpę!

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Nikłe szanse

Januari 17, 199026m

Goku odczuwa ciężar w pełni urzeczywistnionej mocy Saiyan Vegety! Największemu bohaterowi Ziemi nie pozostaje nic innego, jak użyć Spirit Bomb. Jeśli jego atak się nie powiedzie, może być całkowicie skazany na zagładę!

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Dar energii

Januari 24, 199026m

Gdy Goku zostaje złapany w szpony gigantycznej małpy Vegety, Krillin atakuje swoim Destructo Disk! Gdy jego wysiłki spełzają na niczym, nieprawdopodobny bohater wychodzi z cienia!

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Wielka odpowiedzialność

Januari 31, 199026m

Goku przekazuje moc Bomby Duchowej Krillinowi, który - pod przewodnictwem Króla Kai - wystrzeliwuje bombę w Vegetę. Saiyan zostaje wysłany w niebo, ale czy zły wojownik naprawdę odszedł na dobre?

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Zdumiewająca przemiana

Februari 7, 199026m

Vegeta zostaje zmiażdżony przez gigantyczną małpę Gohana! Z poobijanym i pokonanym Saiyanem, Krillin rusza, by wykończyć Saiyana ostatecznym ciosem - ale Goku ma inne plany.

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Februari 14, 199026m

Gang opłakuje stratę Yamchy, Tiena, Chiaotzu i Piccolo. Gdy Kami odeszła, Smocze Kule Ziemi zniknęły. Czy ocalali bohaterowie znajdą sposób, aby przywrócić do życia swoich poległych przyjaciół?

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Podróż na koniec świata

Februari 21, 199026m

Bulma przypadkowo niszczy saiyański statek kosmiczny! Na szczęście pan Popo ujawnia istnienie innego statku, który może być w stanie dotrzeć do Namek. Czy uda im się go znaleźć na czas i czy stary statek nadal będzie działał?

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Wyprawa na Namek

Februari 28, 199026m

Goku, Krillin i Gohan przygotowują się do powrotu Saiyanów. W międzyczasie Bulma i Pan Popo szukają drugiego statku kosmicznego, który mógłby przetransportować ją na planetę Namek.

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Kosmiczna pułapka

Season Finale
Maret 7, 199026m

Gohan, Bulma i Krillin wyruszają na planetę Namek w poszukiwaniu magicznych Smoczych Kul, ale ich podróż szybko zmienia się w chaos, gdy napotykają dziwaczną sytuację w próżni kosmicznej!

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Kierunek - Namek

Maret 14, 199026m

Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin are mistaken for friends of Frieza and taken prisoner by an angry army of children! To regain their freedom and continue on their mission, the gang must convince the kids of their innocence.

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Uprzejmi nieznajomi

Maret 21, 199026m

A near-fatal crash landing turns out to have a silver lining when Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin are rescued by two friendly Namekians who agree to help them locate the seven Dragon Balls.

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Przebudzenie wroga

April 4, 199026m

Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma continue their search for the Dragon Balls with the help of their new friend Zaacro. Back on Earth, Goku has escaped from the hospital to begin training for his upcoming re-match with Vegeta.

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Ostatnia pułapka

April 11, 199026m

As Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan close in on the last of the Dragon Balls, they uncover a shocking secret about their Namekian friends. Meanwhile, Goku works to build up his strength, and Vegeta sets his sights on revenge!

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Nowy wróg

April 18, 199026m

Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan finally continue their quest to locate all seven Dragon balls. Unfortunately, the gang soon discovers that they aren’t the only ones seeking the magical orbs!

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Potężna energia

April 25, 199026m

Krillin, Gohan, and Bulma are horrified to see Vegeta’s space pod land on Planet Namek, but the Saiyan Prince is the least of their problems. Yet another epically evil villain has come to Namek in search of the Dragon Balls!

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Na koniec Wszechświata

Mei 2, 199026m

With the odds are rapidly mounting against them, Krillin and Gohan will need some serious help if they hope to recover the Dragon Balls from Frieza and his henchmen.

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Nameczanie kontra tyran

Mei 9, 199026m

Krillin and Gohan get their first glimpse of Frieza’s cruelty as the villain unleashes his henchmen upon an unsuspecting Namek village. Frieza wants the fifth Dragon Ball, and he is prepared to learn its location by any means necessary!

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Bezwzględny żołnierz

Mei 16, 199026m

Gohan risks his life to rescue a Namek boy from the clutches of Frieza’s evil henchmen. Now Gohan and Krillin have an even bigger problem on their hands: Dodoria is chasing them, and he won’t stop until he has his revenge!

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Straszliwe odkrycie

Mei 23, 199026m

Dodoria’s search for Krillin and Gohan brings him face to face with an unexpected foe - Vegeta! The Saiyan prince has a score to settle with Dodoria, and the time for a final showdown between these two powerful villains has arrived!

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Mei 30, 199026m

Goku’s journey to Namek takes an unexpected detour when his spaceship is knocked off course by an asteroid! Goku has to act fast to get his ship back on track because he’s headed straight for the fiery center of a star!

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Rozmowa z Kaito

Juni 6, 199026m

With his new abilities, Vegeta quickly tracks down and forcefully acquires another Dragon Ball. Now, there is only one magic orb left to find, and Dende knows who has it - the Eldest Namekian!

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Trzeci przeciwnik

Juni 20, 199026m

King Kai becomes concerned after learning that Goku is on a collision course with the ruthless Frieza. Meanwhile, back on Planet Namek, the battle between Vegeta and Zarbon has begun!

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Przemiana trzeciego przeciwnika

Juni 27, 199026m

Vegeta’s latest battle heats up as Zarbon reveals his true power: the ability to transform into a monstrous beast! With his increased size and strength, Zarbon seems ready to turn the lights out on the Saiyan Prince - permanently!

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Spotkanie z Wodzem Nameczan

Juli 4, 199026m

When Krillin speaks to the Eldest Namekian, he gets a double surprise! Not only does he receive a Dragon Ball, but the sleeping powers within him are awoken! Will Krillin’s incredible new strength be enough to save his friends?

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Cudowne ozdrowienie

Juli 18, 199026m

Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu continue training, but their workout gets intense when Piccolo challenges them all to a three-on-one bout! Back on Namek, Frieza’s henchmen try to revive Vegeta in order to obtain the missing Dragon Ball.

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Kto zaśmieje się ostatni

Agustus 1, 199026m

Vegeta escapes from the clutches of Frieza, and steals the Dragon Balls in the process! Elsewhere, Goku’s journey through space grows perilous as his ship is caught in a powerful magnetic storm!

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Szczęśliwy dzień Vegety

Agustus 8, 199026m

Krillin returns from his meeting with the Eldest Namekian only to be greeted by a pair of unwelcome visitors: Vegeta and Zarbon! Meanwhile, Gohan discovers the seventh and final Dragon Ball!

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Tajna armia tyrana

Agustus 22, 199026m

The Ginyu Force has been dispatched to Planet Namek to help search for the Dragon Balls. Unaware of this new threat, Krillin and Gohan struggle to keep the seventh Dragon Ball from falling into Vegeta’s evil hands.

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Powodzenia Bulmo

Agustus 29, 199026m

While Krillin and Gohan visit the Eldest Namekian, they leave the seventh Dragon Ball their hidden camp. When the Dragon Ball mysteriously disappears, Bulma must embark on a daring underwater adventure to get it back!

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Rozpacz Bulmy

September 5, 199026m

Bulma is taken hostage by Frieza’s evil henchmen, who force her to lead them on an underwater quest for the Dragon Balls. Without Gohan and Krillin to save her, she’ll have to outsmart her captors — or wind up sleeping with the fishes!

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Tajna armia przybywa

September 12, 199026m

Krillin and Gohan complete their journey to Guru’s house, but little do they know, Vegeta is hot on their trail! Can Guru unlock Gohan’s hidden powers in time to hold off the rampaging Saiyan’s wrath?

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Siły uderzeniowe

September 19, 199026m

The Ginyu Force has arrived on Planet Namek! Now, Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan must form an uneasy alliance as they stand face to face with five of the fiercest warriors in the universe!

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W szponach wroga

September 26, 199026m

The battle with the Ginyu Force begins, as Gohan and Krillin launch a barrage of explosive energy blasts at Guldo! The Heroes are rendered helpless by Guldo’s Mind Blind technique, and this time, there is no one to save them!

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Bardock - The Father of Goku

Oktober 17, 199048m

The tale of Bardock, the father of Goku, and his rebellion against his master the mighty Frieza.

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Dewastujący podmuch

Oktober 24, 199026m

The battle with Guldo may be over, but the real nightmare is just beginning! Recoome, the most massive member of the Ginyu Force, is ready to fight, and even the mighty Vegeta’s attacks have no effect on this monstrous foe!

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Pojedynek z niepokonanym

Oktober 31, 199026m

With Krillin and Vegeta both out of commission, only Gohan remains to carry on the fight against Recoome! The young Saiyan must summon every ounce of his strength and courage in order to face this powerful foe.

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Legendarny wojownik

November 7, 199026m

Goku has arrived on Planet Namek, and without a second to lose! Gohan and Krillin are hanging by a thread, held at the mercy of the Ginyu Force! Has Goku’s training in 100-times gravity prepared him to face these powerful foes?

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Starcie Songa z wrogiem

November 14, 199026m

As Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan look on, Goku easily deflects the attacks of Jeice and Burter, two of the Force’s fiercest warriors. Could Goku have become what Vegeta thought was only a legend: a Super Saiyan?

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Kapitan Sił Specjalnych

November 21, 199026m

When Goku proves too much for Burter and Jeice to handle on their own, Jeice retreats in search of reinforcements. Now, the real test for Goku and his newly-acquired powers is about to begin as Captain Ginyu enters the fight!

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Kapitan rzuca wyzwanie

November 28, 199026m

As the battle between Goku and Captain Ginyu rages on, Gohan and Krillin steal the unguarded Dragon Balls from Frieza’s ship. It’s a race against time, and our heroes must unlock the power of the Dragon Balls before it’s too late!

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W poszukiwaniu magicznego zaklęcia

Desember 5, 199026m

Goku astounds Captain Ginyu with his amazing new powers, but the Captain still has a few tricks up his sleeve! Meanwhile, Frieza arrives at the home of the Eldest Namek and begins a battle with the noble warrior, Nail!

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Chytre posunięcie kapitana

Desember 12, 199026m

In an attempt to save the Elder, Nail fights a hopeless battle against the ruthless Frieza. Meanwhile, finding himself no match for Goku’s superior abilities, Captain Ginyu unleashes his ultimate attack, the Body Switch Technique!

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Siedem Kryształowych Kul

Desember 19, 199026m

Armed with the Dragon Radar, Gohan and Krillin recover the seven Dragon Balls from their hiding places. But before they can summon the Eternal Dragon to make their wish, they are confronted by a powerful new enemy - Goku?!

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Pod postacią Songa

Januari 16, 199126m

After taking control of Goku’s body, Captain Ginyu turns his attention to Gohan and Krillin! With Goku trapped in the Captain’s broken body, it’s up to Gohan to stop the rampaging Ginyu!

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Fatalny błąd

Season Finale
Januari 23, 199126m

As the bout between Captain Ginyu and Vegeta heats up, Goku summons the last of his strength and tricks his foe into reversing the Body Switch Technique. Now, Goku, Krillin, and Gohan must join forces with Vegeta for the battle with Frieza.

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Magiczne słowa

Januari 30, 199126m

Having acquired all seven Namekian Dragon Balls, Krillin and Gohan are ready to summon the dragon and make their wish. There’s just one problem: they don’t know the password!

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Spełnione życzenia

Februari 6, 199126m

With the help of young Dende, Krillin and Gohan learn they will be granted three wishes! But even as Krillin and Gohan call upon the dragon, Vegeta races to the scene on a mission to wish for mortality!

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W jedności siła

Februari 13, 199126m

With the Dragon Balls gone and his plan in ruins, Frieza unleashes his fury upon Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin. Elsewhere, the newly-revived Piccolo finds himself on Planet Namek. Will his arrival be enough to turn the tide?

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Niezwyciężona siła

Februari 20, 199126m

Frieza reveals a dark secret from Vegeta’s past, but the villain has an even more shocking secret in store for the Z-fighters! As the monster’s power level rises to terrifying new heights, all hope for the universe seems lost!

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Riposta Son Gokana

Februari 27, 199126m

Frieza claims his first victim, Krillin, and Gohan must summon every ounce of his strength in order to save his friend. Can the young Saiyan put a stop to Freiza’s ruthless onslaught, or is he destined to become the next victim?

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Szatan Serduszko przybywa

Maret 6, 199126m

Gohan and Krillin continue their struggle against the overwhelming powers of Frieza, but as the fighting reaches its peak, a new warrior arrives on the battlefield to aid them in their efforts!

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Szatan Serduszko kontra Frezer

Maret 13, 199126m

Piccolo quickly takes control of the battle with Frieza, and the putrid purple monster is shocked to learn the secret behind his opponent’s powers!

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Pierwsza transformacja

Maret 20, 199126m

Just as it appears that Piccolo has gained the upper hand, Frieza quickly dashes all hopes for victory by revealing his second monstrous transformation!

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Druga transformacja

Maret 27, 199126m

Unable to watch as Piccolo is overwhelmed by Frieza, Gohan springs into action! Meanwhile, Vegeta devises a risky plan for transforming himself into a Super Saiyan!

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Utrata przyjaciela

April 3, 199126m

Having reached his ultimate form, Frieza is determined to destroy the remaining Z-fighters one by one, but Vegeta boldly announces the end of Frieza’s tyrannical reign! Are Vegeta’s claims true? Has he become a Super Saiyan?

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Songo powraca

April 10, 199126m

Despite his new powers, Vegeta proves no match for Frieza! Meanwhile, Goku’s time in the rejuvenation chamber is nearly complete! Can he reach the battlefield in time to save his friends?

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Tragiczny koniec Vegety

April 17, 199126m

Goku rejoins his friends on the battlefield, but not before Vegeta is defeated by Frieza! As the Saiyan Prince clings to life by a thread, he reveals the secrets of his violent past.

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Czy Songo dotrzyma obietnicy

April 24, 199126m

Feeling a new sense of connection to the dwindling Saiyan race, Goku wages war on the monstrous Frieza! As the fight intensifies, Frieza directs his energy blasts at Namek itself, turning the planet into a lava-spewing war zone!

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Songo walczy z Frezerem

Mei 1, 199126m

Goku and Frieza continue their epic battle! An underwater attack puts Goku on top until Frieza traps him in an energy ball! It's fun and games for Frieza, but the exploding ball may prove deadly for Goku!

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Niekończąca się walka

Mei 8, 199126m

Frieza vows to beat Goku without using his hands, but the mighty Saiyan soon makes the mosnter eat his words! Elsewhere, Captain Ginyu uses his Body Switch Technique on Bulma, leaving her trapped in the body of a frog!

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Próba zastraszenia

Mei 15, 199126m

Captain Ginyu returns to the battlefield in Bulma's body! Can Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan handle this Femme Fatale? Later, Frieza powers up to fifty percent of his maximum, and Goku finds himself completely outmatched!

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Kolejna porażka Songa

Mei 22, 199126m

Goku’s powerful Kaio-Ken attack has no effect on Frieza, who is still only fighting with fifty-percent of his power! Just as it seems Frieza has won the battle, a dream-like vision helps Goku ascend to a higher level of power and strength!

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Szansa na zwycięstwo

Mei 29, 199126m

Once again, Goku is rescued by a vision! This time, Vegeta talks to Goku from beyond the grave to offer new hope and encouragement! But when Goku realizes that the battle against Frieza is futile, he turns to his last resort: the Spirit Bomb!

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Ostatnia zagrywka

Juni 5, 199126m

Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu find themselves in serious trouble when the Ginyu Force invades King Kai’s planet! Meanwhile, as Frieza thwarts Goku’s efforts to gather energy for the Spirit Bomb, Piccolo must enter the battle!

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Juni 12, 199126m

Chaos erupts on King Kai’s planet as the Z-fighters battle the Ginyu Force! Back on Planet Namek, the life and death struggle between Piccolo and Frieza rages on, and Goku completes his Spirit Bomb!

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Zjawia się legendarny wojownik

Juni 19, 199126m

A victory celebration comes to a halt when Frieza reappears! With no reserves left, Goku watches helplessly as Frieza directs his fury at Piccolo and Krillin. Enraged by the loss of his friends, Goku undergoes a wild transformation!

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Straszliwa zemsta

Juni 26, 199126m

Engulfed in golden light, Goku announces that he is now a Super Saiyan! Frieza is unimpressed - until the fighting begins! In a raging battle, Frieza is horrified when he realizes that Goku is now superior to him in every way!

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Trudny finisz

Juli 3, 199126m

Finding himself no match for Goku, Frieza attacks Planet Namek! Unable to react in time, Goku is forced to watch helplessly as the fiery blast rips through Namek’s core! Can anyone survive such incredible destruction?

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Totalna moc

Juli 10, 199126m

With only minutes to go before the planet explodes, Frieza reaches his maximum power! Meanwhile, Gohan and Bulma race back to Goku’s spaceship. Can Goku defeat Frieza in time to rejoin his son and fly to safety?

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Życzenie Kaito

Juli 17, 199126m

The battle between Goku and Frieza rages on! Back on Earth, the seven Dragon Balls have been restored, but with Namek’s destruction imminent, can Kami and Mr. Popo summon the Eternal Dragon before it’s too late?

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Dzielny syn

Juli 24, 199126m

Frieza’s victims have been wished back to life, but as they begin to rise, Goku falls - overwhelmed by Frieza’s devastating assault. Sensing his father’s defeat, Gohan rushes to the scene as the universe’s final hope.

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Ostatnie życzenie

Juli 31, 199126m

Guru and the people of Namek have been brought back to life, and the dragon Porunga has reappeared to grant the last of three wishes. While a newly enraged Goku resumes his onslaught against the evil Frieza, Dende races to make the final wish!

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Iskierka nadziei

Agustus 7, 199126m

Goku chooses to stay behind and finish his fight with Frieza. With Namek set to explode any second, there seems no way for Goku to defeat Frieza and escape in time! Has the Super Saiyan made the greatest mistake of his life?

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Ostatnie chwile przed katastrofą

Agustus 14, 199126m

Time grows short for Goku as each passing second brings Namek closer to ultimate destruction. As the Super Saiyan’s strength increases with every blow, it appears his epic battle with Frieza has at last reached its conclusion!

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Kres władzy tyrana

Agustus 21, 199126m

Frieza lashes out in a blind rage, launching a reckless volley of energy attacks. In the face of Goku’s superior power, the evil tyrant’s greatest fear has finally been realized: defeat at the hands of a Super Saiyan!

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Porażka Frezera

Agustus 28, 199126m

Even after being sliced into pieces by his own energy disk, Frieza isn’t ready to release his stranglehold on the universe. With what little power he has left, Frieza fires a final energy blast after Goku as he leaves the battlefield!

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Śmierć bohatera

September 4, 199126m

Even though it looks like Goku is trapped on the exploding planet Namek, Dende has a good reason to celebrate: the Dragon Balls have the power to bring Goku back! But if that’s the case, why does everyone still look so sad?

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Songo żyje

Season Finale
September 11, 199126m

It is a time of joyful reunions as old friends long absent are finally wished home with the Dragon Balls! Krillin and Yamcha are brought back from the spirit world, but Porunga, the Namekian dragon, has startling news about Goku!

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Następca wszechmogącego

September 18, 199126m

Gohan's going fishing, Krillin's found a girlfriend, and it looks as though peace has once again returned to the Earth. But a terrible evil lurks beneath this tranquil surface: Garlic Junior has escaped from the Dead Zone!

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Diabelska trucizna

September 25, 199126m

With the help of the Spice Boys, Garlic Junior releases the Black Water Mist upon an unsuspecting world. As the dreaded fog spreads, so does Garlic Junior's control over the Earth!

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Bitwa w raju

Oktober 2, 199126m

As Piccolo attempts to hold off the Spice Boys and the infected Z Fighters, Gohan and Krillin race toward Kami’s Lookout to retrieve the one thing capable of reversing the effects of the Black Water Mist: the Sacred Water!

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Napad furii i grad ciosów

Oktober 9, 199126m

With Piccolo infected by the Black Water Mist and Kami trapped in a glass bottle, Garlic Jr. allows his Spice Boys to “have sport” with Earth’s heroic defenders. Will Spice’s energy blast finish off Krillin for good?

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Szatan górą

Oktober 16, 199126m

Krillin, after suffering a Spice Boys beating, attempts to free Kami and Mr. Popo, but he soon falls prey to the Black Water Mist. Gohan is the only hero left who can save the Earth, but can he do it with his two best friends against him?

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Rosnąca moc zła

Oktober 23, 199126m

Piccolo and Krillin spring their trap, revealing that they have pretended to be infected by the Black Water Mist! Enraged, Garlic Jr. transforms using the energy of the Makyo Star and warns that the Sacred Water’s effectiveness will soon expire.

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W drodze po cudowną wodę

Oktober 30, 199126m

Garlic Junior and his Spice Boys harness the evil power of the Makyo Star to become stronger than ever, but Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo are ready to battle this new threat!

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Diabelska sztuczka

November 6, 199126m

In a last ditch effort to save his friends, Gohan launches an all out assault on Garlic Junior! Meanwhile, deep within the Lookout, Kami and Mr. Popo are under siege by the Former Guardians!

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Kres czarnej magii

November 13, 199126m

Blinded by rage and desperate to destroy his enemies, Garlic Junior uses his power to open up the Dead Zone! With Piccolo and Krillin out of commission, Gohan is the only one left who can stop him!

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Mara i Krilan

November 20, 199126m

Even though peace has been restored on Earth, Krillin faces his toughest challenge ever: surviving a shopping trip with Maron! And it looks like she’s picking out a wedding dress! Are Krillin and Maron planning to tie the knot?

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Frezer kontratakuje

November 27, 199126m

Gohan’s cracking the books, and his new tutor is cracking the whip! But study time is almost over, for a powerful evil is racing toward the Earth! Gohan’s worst fears have come to life: Frieza has survived!

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Tajemniczy wybawiciel

Desember 4, 199126m

The Earth faces its darkest hour as Frieza and his father King Cold rapidly approach! Without Goku to assist them, the Z-Fighters prepare to launch a desperate attack against the most powerful evil the universe has ever known!

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Frezer niemile zaskoczony

Desember 11, 199126m

Frieza and King Cold descend upon the Earth, but a mysterious warrior has come to thwart their diabolical plot for revenge. Does this brash young hero have what it takes to stand up to these twin titans of evil?

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Kim jest tajemniczy wojownik?

Desember 18, 199126m

After defeating Frieza and King Cold, the mysterious stranger announces the exact time and place of Goku's arrival on Earth. Can this young Super-Saiyan really predict the future?! Gohan and the others are determined to find out!

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Dobrze strzeżona tajemnica

Januari 15, 199226m

After testing Goku in combat, the mysterious stranger reveals his true identity! What does his timely arrival mean?! In a startling conversation with Goku, this powerful hero from the future tells all!

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Nowa technika Songa

Januari 22, 199226m

The future has been written - or has it? That’s what Goku and the rest of the Z-Fighters must decide as they hear Trunks’ ominous warning. The Androids are coming! And they just might be bringing the end of the world with them!

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Wielkie przygotowania

Januari 29, 199226m

Gohan learns some new tricks, Vegeta pushes himself to the breaking point, and Yamcha struggles just to keep up as everyone prepares to face the looming Android menace! But will all their preparations be enough?

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Kolejny egzamin

Februari 5, 199226m

ChiChi wants a car! Goku and Piccolo take a day off from training to enroll in driving school. These two mighty warriors may be the Earth’s only chance for survival, but what are the chances they’ll learn how to parallel park?

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Cyborgi przybywają

Februari 12, 199226m

Three years have come and gone, and the day of reckoning has finally arrived! The Androids are here, and they’re wreaking havoc on an unsuspecting city! Goku and his friends must now put their training to the test!

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Februari 19, 199226m

Yamcha is held at the mercy of the ruthless Android 20, and Goku and the others must race to help their friend. Believing their power to be far superior, the Androids tempt Goku’s rage by leveling half of the city!

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Tajna broń cyborgów

Februari 26, 199226m

The battle with the Androids begins as Goku launches an all out assault against Android 19. The Super Saiyan seems to have the fight under control, but something is about to go horribly wrong!

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Powrót Vegety

Maret 4, 199226m

Attacked from within by a crippling virus, Goku is helpless against the maniacal Android 19. But just when it looks like the end for Goku, Vegeta appears on the scene! And he’s got a few big surprises in store for the Androids!

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Maret 11, 199226m

In his first fight as a Super Saiyan, Vegeta takes control of the battlefield and defeats Android 19 in convincing fashion! Unwilling to share 19’s fate, Android 20 runs for cover in the mountains!

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Gdzie są cyborgi?

Maret 18, 199226m

Vegeta, Piccolo, and Gohan lead an exhaustive search through the mountains for Android 20. But the hunters are also the hunted! Android 20 lurks in the shadows, ready to strike, and it looks like Piccolo is his first target!

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Gdzie jest laboratorium?

Maret 25, 199226m

Our heroes make a startling discovery: Android 20 is none other than Dr. Gero himself! Before they can act on this new knowledge, the diabolical doctor flees to his secret laboratory, where he intends to awaken more killer androids!

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Koszmar staje się rzeczywistością

April 1, 199226m

The race is on, as the Z-Fighters search frantically for Dr. Gero’s hidden laboratory! But rather than stop the androids before they’re activated, Vegeta wants a challenge! Despite Trunks’ warning, he chooses to fight the androids alone

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Nowe cyborgi

April 8, 199226m

Dr. Gero escapes to his mountain hideout and brings his killer androids to life. Without the help of Goku, all hope seems lost. Dr. Gero appears one step closer to ultimate vengeance, but his evil creations have a vendetta of their own!

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Nieustraszony cyborg

April 15, 199226m

Vegeta and Android 18 have a showdown on the highway. Trunks and the others are there to help, but the Saiyan prince insists on fighting his opponent man-to-android! Will Vegeta’s overconfidence be his undoing?

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Nierówne szanse

April 22, 199226m

In an earthshaking battle, the beautiful Android 18 brings Vegeta to his knees. But before she can deliver the final blow, Trunks steps in to help. Soon an all out war between good and evil begins, and the androids have the upper hand.

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Decyzja Szatana Serduszko

April 29, 199226m

Vegeta, Trunks, Tien, and Piccolo realize a grim truth: unless they can increase their powers quickly, they’ll have no chance against the androids. In a drastic move, Piccolo flies to Kami’s Lookout and makes a most unexpected proposal!

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Songo jest w bezpiecznym miejscu

Mei 6, 199226m

The androids hit the road in pursuit of Goku, but they’re delayed by some hyperactive hoodlums. Krillin and Trunks race to move Goku to a safer hiding place, and Kami wrestles with Piccolo’s difficult offer.

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Zły znak

Season Finale
Mei 13, 199226m

The Z-fighters retreat to Master Roshi’s house to plan their next move. Meanwhile, Bulma makes a startling discovery: the wreckage of a second time capsule! Where did it come from, and more importantly, who was in it?

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Pasażer drugiego wehikułu czasu

Mei 20, 199226m

Trunks and Krillin join Bulma at the crash site of the mysterious time capsule and find an eerie clue: the shell of a large, locust-like creature! Whatever arrived in the time capsule isn’t human, and it’s on the loose!

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W jedności siła

Mei 27, 199226m

An insect-like monster threatens to turn Gingertown into a ghastly graveyard! In response to this new menace, Kami fuses with Piccolo, and the resulting Super Namekian flies to Gingertown for a showdown of epic proportions!

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Potężna moc potwora

Juni 3, 199226m

Gingertown becomes a battlefield as Piccolo confronts Cell. This monster from the future gains his strength by sucking the life out of his victims! But that’s not the creature’s only talent. He also knows the Kamehameha Wave!

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Czwarty cyborg

Juni 10, 199226m

Heavily-armored tanks fail to halt Cell’s rampage, and now it’s up to Piccolo to stop the monster! As the Namekian fights for survival, Cell reveals that he’s actually an android, the ultimate achievement of Dr. Gero!

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Błąd Szatana Serduszko

Juni 17, 199226m

Piccolo cleverly distracts Cell long enough to regenerate his arm. The Namekian is ready for another round, and Krillin and Trunks have arrived to provide backup! With the odds mounting against him, Cell makes a tactical decision.

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Tajemnica narodzin Komórczaka

Juni 24, 199226m

With hopes of saving the future, Trunks and Krillin race to destroy Dr. Gero’s lab. Meanwhile, Piccolo and Tien search for the elusive Cell. But how can they stop an enemy who knows their every move?

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O czym marzy Songo?

Juli 1, 199226m

In South City, Cell plows through more civilians and accidentally runs into Krillin! Goku finally gets back on his feet, but with Cell and the other androids in full stride, can the Saiyan hero still make a difference?

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Iskierka nadziei

Juli 8, 199226m

As Cell continues his deadly march, Goku hatches a plan to squeeze a year’s worth of training into just one day! Back at Master Roshi’s, the android trio arrives looking for Goku! Can Piccolo hold them off until the Saiyans return?

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Spotkanie z cyborgami

Juli 15, 199226m

Behind the closed doors of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Vegeta and Trunks struggle to push past the level of Super Saiyan! Down on Earth, Piccolo challenges Android 17 to a battle!

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Komórczak bliski celu

Juli 22, 199226m

Stronger than ever after fusing with Kami, Piccolo leads the attack against the androids! It looks like the Super Namekian has things under control until Cell arrives on the battlefield! Can anyone stop this hideous monster?!

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Niezwyciężona bestia

Juli 29, 199226m

Just as Cell is about to absorb Android 17, Piccolo bravely steps in and foils the monster’s plan! Does the Super Namekian really have a chance at stopping Cell on his own?! Or is he simply putting off the inevitable?

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Summer Vacation Special

Agustus 3, 199244m

In the streets of West City, Goku and Gohan, wearing sharp tuxedos, discuss the first three movies of Dragon Ball and the first seven of Dragon Ball Z.

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Potężny przeciwnik

Agustus 5, 199226m

When Android 16 claims to be as strong as Cell, it seems like a wild boast! But after he launches an offensive that throws Cell against the ropes, it becomes clear that the big android has the power to back up his words!

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Roboty są zbyt słabe

Agustus 12, 199226m

It’s android against android as 16 clashes with Cell. Android 16 is the stronger fighter, but Cell is far too driven to be stopped now! With an underhanded attack, Cell moves one step closer to his gruesome transformation!

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Agustus 19, 199226m

With an onslaught of psychic blasts, Tien gives Androids 16 and 18 a chance to escape, but the powerful attack rapidly drains his strength. Tien may have saved the androids, but can he save himself?

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Agustus 26, 199226m

Trunks and Vegeta emerge from the time chamber after a year of intense training. Goku and Gohan are next into the room, but with Cell nearing his ultimate form, can the fighters afford to wait another day?

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Vegeta u szczytu formy

September 2, 199226m

Cell obliterates a chain of islands in search of Android 18! Vegeta, fresh from the time chamber, is ready to test his new strength against the monster, but is he really stronger than a Super Saiyan?

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Na kolana

September 9, 199226m

It’s show-and-tell for Vegeta as he demonstrates how much difference a year of training can make! Meanwhile, back in the time chamber, Gohan struggles to become a Super Saiyan.

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Arogancja Vegety

September 16, 199226m

Vegeta quickly pounds Cell six feet into the ground! With his back against the wall, the monstrous android attacks Vegeta’s weakest point: his arrogance! Can the Saiyan Prince resist Cell’s tempting challenge?

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Dragon Ball Z Atsumare ! Gokû Wârudo

September 17, 199226m

Goku and his friends pose questions for the viewers about the Dragon Ball series.

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Decyzja Krilana

September 23, 199226m

With beautiful Android 18 in his sights, Krillin clutches the controller that will shut her down forever. But when the moment arrives, the little man hesitates! All the while, Cell looms overhead, hungry for perfection!

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Preludium do terroru

September 30, 199226m

With the remote control smashed, Krillin and Trunks must save Android 18 from Cell’s power-hungry grasp. But Vegeta has other plans in mind. Will trunks attack his own father to save humanity?

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Czas grozy

Oktober 14, 199226m

The earth’s greatest fear has come true: Cell is complete! Can anyone stop the android nightmare in his final, perfect form? As the heroes nervously line up, a glimmer of hope shines from above. Gohan is a Super Saiyan!

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Vegeta w niebezpieczeństwie

Oktober 21, 199226m

After allowing Cell to reach his final form, Vegeta is ready for the challenge he was promised. But as Cell easily deflects the Saiyan’s every blow, it’s clear that Vegeta has more on his hands than he bargained for!

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Triumf Trunksa

Oktober 28, 199226m

Tapping into the deepest wells of his energy, Vegeta summons one last attack: the Final Flash! Meanwhile, Trunks struggles to decide whether or not to help his father. Vegeta’s pride is at stake, but so is his life!

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Trunks ratuje Vegetę

November 4, 199226m

Vegeta lies unconscious after his battle with Cell, and Trunks unleashes his hidden powers to save his father’s life. With Goku and Gohan still training, Trunks is the only person standing in the evil android’s way.

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Trunks z przyszłości ocalony

November 11, 199226m

Trunks vows to stop the future from repeating itself; Cell can’t wait for the future to unfold. It’s all up for grabs as the two warriors prepare for battle. Only one future will survive. Whose will it be?

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Upiorna propozycja Komórczaka

Season Finale
November 18, 199226m

Realizing that his powers are no match for his opponent, Trunks accepts defeat, only to be given a second chance when Cell proposes a tournament! Is Cell really interested in competition, or does he have a sinister motive?

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Dlaczego turniej?

November 25, 199226m

While Trunks tells the others of Cell’s plans to hold a tournament, the diabolical android begins his preparations for the competition by constructing a fighting arena. Do the Z-Fighters have a chance, or is this a contest that only Cell can win?

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Dziwne widowisko

Desember 2, 199226m

Cell breaks into showbiz, literally! The sinister android hijacks a television station in order to announce his "Cell Games" to the world! But are there any challengers left with the strength and courage to get into the ring?

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Powrót Songa

Desember 9, 199226m

Panicked Earthlings flee their homes to escape Cell’s wrath, but all hope is not lost! Back at the Lookout, Goku and Gohan finally emerge from the Time Chamber. After a quick trip to size up the competition, Goku is ready to battle Cell!

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Przed turniejem

Desember 16, 199226m

With nine days until Cell's tournament begins, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Trunks plan to return to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. But Goku decides that he and Gohan have had enough training! What does Goku know that the others don't?

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Fałszywy alarm

Januari 13, 199326m

Gohan stumbles upon a village that has retreated to a nearby shelter, and when he discovers that the owner of the shelter is capitalizing on the villagers' fear of Cell, he comes up with a Super Saiyan solution to the problem!

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Urodziny Son Gokana

Januari 20, 199326m

As the Cell Games draw near, Goku enjoys his remaining time with friends and family! First he fishes with Krillin, then he strolls down memory lane with Chichi, and finally it's time for a very special boy to blow out the candles!

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Atak na Komórczaka

Januari 27, 199326m

When the Royal Military foolishly tries to stop Cell with ordinary weapons, the attack quickly becomes a suicide mission! Goku is determined to revive the fallen soldiers, but that will require new Dragon Balls!

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Nowy wszechmogący

Februari 3, 199326m

With help from King Kai, Goku travels to Namek to recruit a new guardian for the Earth! Most of the Namekians refuse the offer, but there’s one little guy who can’t wait to go! Dende is back, and he’s going to create a new Dragon!

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Kryształowe Kule

Februari 10, 199326m

Goku comes face to face with an old adversary: General Tao! The search for the Dragon Balls led Goku to the aging general, but unless the Super Saiyan can solve the crafty villain’s puzzle, the search may end in vain!

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Ostatnie dwadzieścia minut

Februari 17, 199326m

The wait is over, and the Cell Games are ready to begin! The Z-Fighters arrive ringside, only to discover another challenger already on the scene. It’s none other than World Martial Arts Champion, Mr. Satan!

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The History of Trunks

Februari 23, 199348m

It has been thirteen years since the Androids began their killing rampage and Son Gohan is the only person fighting back. He takes Bulma's son Trunks as a student and even gives his own life to save Trunks's. Now Trunks must figure out a way to change this apocalyptic future.

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Uczniowie Herkulesa

Maret 3, 199326m

Caroni and Pirozhki, Mr. Satan’s top students, make a spectacular entrance to the ring, but are they really ready to rumble with Cell? Don’t miss a minute of the fun, because this fight could be over fast!

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Pierwsza runda

Maret 10, 199326m

The main event begins! Now free of distraction, Goku steps into the ring to face Cell. The Earth shakes and the heavens tremble as these mighty super warriors collide! And that’s just the warm up!

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Wielkie starcie

Maret 17, 199326m

Cell attacks Goku with a dazzling array of moves: the Destructo Disk, the Special Beam Cannon, even the Kamehameha Wave! So far, Goku has been able to match Cell blow for blow, but how will the Super Saiyan fare against such a lethal arsenal?

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Ukryta tragedia

Maret 31, 199326m

As the battle intensifies, Cell quickly grows tired of the rules he created for the tournament. With a flick of his finger, the Android destroys the ring, instantly turning the Cell Games into a deadly fight to the finish!

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Songo rezygnuje

April 7, 199326m

Goku blasts Cell with a Kamehameha Wave that reduces the android to a pile of cinders, but his triumph is short-lived. The monster shows his amazing resilience by fully regenerating himself!

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Ostatni zawodnik

April 14, 199326m

After surrendering to Cell, Goku names the next challenger to enter the Cell Games: Gohan! Goku has supreme faith in his son’s abilities, but the young Saiyan will need a lot more than his father’s confidence if he’s going to survive!

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Tajemnica Son Gokana

April 21, 199326m

The fight between Gohan and Cell intensifies, but the villain’s attacks seem to have no effect on the boy! Could the young hero really have the power to defeat the evil android once and for all?

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C16 zniszczony

April 28, 199326m

Cell is determined to unleash Gohan’s full potential, but the boy refuses to fight, prompting the android to torture Gohan’s friends instead! Next, Cell does the unthinkable by spawning miniature Cells to attack the Z-Fighters!

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Małe Komórczaki

Mei 5, 199326m

Gohan boils with rage as the Cell Juniors wreak havoc on the Z-Fighters. The boy struggles to resist the urge to fight, but he’s a powder keg waiting to explode, and Android 16 appears ready to light the fuse!

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Brawo Son Gokan

Mei 12, 199326m

Spurred by Android 16’s dying words, Gohan’s hidden power is finally unleashed! With his new strength and speed, Gohan easily destroys the wicked Cell Juniors, but his sights are set on a bigger target!

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Komórczak znokautowany

Mei 19, 199326m

Cell’s desire for battle turns into a nightmare as Gohan unleashes the full fury of his strength. The evil android powers up to his maximum level, but will it be enough to spare him from the wrath of Super Saiyan?

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Koniec koszmaru

Mei 26, 199326m

Gohan’s Super Saiyan strength appears to have no limit, and the young hero delivers a blow so severe it causes Cell to cough up Android 18! As the monster wears down, Gohan prepares to end the battle once and for all!

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Juni 2, 199326m

Clearly overmatched by Gohan, Cell initiates his last line of defense: a self-destruct program that will blow up the entire planet! With only seconds to spare, Goku risks everything to transport Cell away from the Earth.

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Juni 16, 199326m

The nightmare continues! Cell explodes, but a particle of his nucleus survives the blast, providing all the android needs to regenerate himself! Restored to his ultimate form, Cell returns to the Earth more powerful than ever!

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Jaki ojciec taki syn

Juni 23, 199326m

After easily dispensing of both Trunks and Vegeta, Cell announces a new plan. First, he’ll destroy the Earth, and after that, the Universe will be his next target! Can this weapon of ultimate destruction be stopped?

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Dzień wyzwolenia

Juni 30, 199326m

The final showdown begins! While Goku telepathically coaches Gohan from the Other World, the Z-Fighters jump in for a five-sided attack! Gohan has the potential inside him, but can Goku show him how to unlock it?

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Na Ziemię powraca pokój

Juli 7, 199326m

Cell is finally defeated, but the Z-Fighters still have much to resolve! Can they make it to the Lookout in time to heal the badly-injured Gohan? Is Android 18 still a threat? And can our heroes find a way to bring back Goku?

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Drugie życzenie

Juli 14, 199326m

After Goku’s decision to stay in the after-world, Krillin uses the final wish to save Android 18, but does he have the courage to reveal his true feelings? And is anyone brave enough to break the news of Goku's passing to Chichi?!

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Upiory przyszłości

Season Finale
Juli 21, 199326m

Peace and order have been restored on Earth in the present, but Trunks’ future world is still a place of darkness and despair! Once he arrives home, the future will be forever changed!

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Kto żyje w Zaświatach?

Juli 28, 199326m

When Goku hears about a martial arts master known as the Grand Kai, he rushes to meet him for a lesson! Meanwhile, Cell, Frieza, King Cold and the Ginyu Force have teamed up to take control of Other World!

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Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans (1)

Agustus 6, 199326m

Dr. Raichi, a survivor of the Tuffle race that was eliminated from Planet Vegeta by the Saiyans, is trying to take revenge on the surviving Saiyans by killing them and Earth's population. Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Trunks, and Vegeta must find and destroy generators emitting deadly Destron Gas before all life on Earth is extinguished, then find Raichi and stop him.

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Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans (2)

Agustus 6, 199326m

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Jeszcze jeden turniej

Agustus 11, 199326m

Goku must train for 10,000 years before he can study under the Grand Kai! But when the West, South, and East Kai’s decide to hold an Other World Tournament, Goku gets his chance! All he has to do is defeat the greatest fighters of all time!

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Agustus 18, 199326m

The Other World Tournament advances to the Quarter-Finals, and the battles are out of this world! Goku's opponent, Arqua, appears to be a wimp, but things change quickly when he transforms the entire ring into water!

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Niezwykły finał

Agustus 25, 199326m

Goku advances to the final round of the tournament where he will face the warrior Pikkon! Sparks of energy fly as the brawlers battle for the title! When Pikkon reveals a Piccolo-like secret, Goku must up the ante! It's Super Saiyan time!

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Nowy mistrz

September 1, 199326m

Goku may be a Super Saiyan, but can he withstand Pikkon's unbelievable Thunder Flash Attack?! And that's not all! While Goku's been fighting in Other World, seven years have passed on Earth, Gohan is now a teenager!

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Pierwszy dzień w szkole

September 8, 199326m

On his first day of high school, Gohan stops a truckload of bank robbers by turning Super Saiyan. Now, the city can't stop talking about this mysterious "Gold Fighter!” Can Gohan get through class without revealing his secret identity?

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Międzygalaktyczny wojownik

September 15, 199326m

Afraid he’ll be recognized by his classmates, Gohan gets Bulma to design a retractable super-hero costume that he can activate in an instant. Say goodbye to Gohan - and hello to Saiyaman!

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Pierwsza randka

September 29, 199326m

Gohan thinks being a super-hero is a snap until a pretty girl named Angela discovers his secret. When Angela threatens to tell all unless he goes on a date with her, Gohan's life suddenly becomes more complicated than ever!

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Videl w trudnej sytuacji

Oktober 20, 199326m

When the Red Shark Gang kidnaps the mayor and demands a showdown with Mr. Satan, it's Videl who answers the challenge. Gohan knows Videl is in over her head, but he can't leave his classroom to help her without blowing his cover!

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Spotkanie twarzą w twarz

Oktober 27, 199326m

When a greedy circus promoter kidnaps a baby dinosaur, all he sees are dollar signs! Little does he know, that the dinosaur is a close, personal friend of the Great Saiyaman!

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Mistrzostwa zapowiadają się ciekawie

November 3, 199326m

Lights! Camera! Action! The Great Saiyaman is about to become a movie star! But the hero’s brush with stardom better not take long, because he has to hurry up and tell all of his old friends the big news: Goku’s coming back!

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Niedaleko pada jabłko od jabłoni

November 10, 199326m

While training for the upcoming tournament, Gohan discovers that Goten has already reached the level of Super Saiyan! Sparks fly when the brothers spar, but the main event happens when Videl meets Chichi for the first time!

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Jak dorównać ptakom?

November 17, 199326m

With the Tournament fast approaching, Videl and Goten must learn to fly! Miles away, Vegeta holds a training session of his own, and his young son, Trunks, has a big surprise in store for him

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Spotkanie starych przyjaciół

November 24, 199326m

Videl learns to fly, and Gohan and Goten do some last minute honing of their Super Saiyan skills. On the island where the tournament will be held, a special guest arrives! What do you say to a hero who's been dead for seven years?!

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Jak za dawnych dobrych lat

Desember 8, 199326m

High school jock, Sharpner, discovers his crush, Videl, has her heart set on the mysterious Great Saiyaman! Refusing to be replaced, Sharpner vows to ruin the caped fighter by unmasking his true identity and capturing it on film!

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Mały Trunks jest wielki

Desember 15, 199326m

The action begins as the World Martial Arts Tournament opens with the Junior Division! Thirty-five young fighters vie for the prize, but the matches prove to be more comedy than competition - until Trunks steps into the ring!

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Trunks vs Son Goten

Desember 22, 199326m

Goten and Trunks breeze through the Junior Division of the tournament until they find themselves going head-to-head in the finals! Who will win this exciting match? This is one championship fight you won't want to miss!

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Gohan and Goten are having a hot bath outside in the middle of winter. A dead Goku suddenly appears in front of his sons with the help of his Instant Transmission. The three Saiyans reflect back on the events that occurred during the Cell Games.

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Niechaj zwycięży lepszy

Januari 12, 199426m

The match for the Junior Division World Championship continues as Goten and Trunks battle for the title! The winner of this final joust becomes the new World Champion! Can Goten outwit the cunning Trunks?

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Fałszywy mistrz

Januari 19, 199426m

After winning the championship, Trunks fights an exhibition match against Mr. Satan! Can the Champ hold on to his reputation as the world's strongest fighter? Meanwhile, two mysterious figures reveal themselves to Goku!

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Januari 26, 199426m

Trunks and Gohan infiltrate the adult competition at the tournament by donning the disguise of Mighty Mask. The pairings for the day’s matches are selected. The first to fight: Krillin vs. Pintar, a man easily ten times Krillin’s size!

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Szatan Serduszko wycofuje się

Februari 2, 199426m

Piccolo stuns the crowd by surrendering to his mysterious opponent before the first punch is thrown! Next into the ring is Videl, who must face the enormous Spopovitch. Will she be able to handle such a large job?

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Przeciwnik małej Videl

Februari 9, 199426m

Videl takes to the ring for what is expected to be an easy victory over Spopovitch. She hits the towering brute with everything she’s got, but her attacks have no effect. It seems Spopovitch is possessed by a supernatural power!

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Pierwsza porażka

Februari 16, 199426m

To everyone’s horror, Spopovitch delays his inevitable victory for the purposes of torturing Videl! It appears the muscle-bound thug isn’t going to stop until he kills her! Will Videl make it out of the ring alive?

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Son Gohan zdemaskowany

Februari 23, 199426m

Gohan’s identity is finally discovered as he takes his place on the tournament floor, but he has bigger things to worry about. His opponent, Kibito, is determined to see him transform into a Super Saiyan!

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Zagadka się wyjaśnia

Season Finale
Maret 2, 199426m

When Gohan transforms into a Super Saiyan, Spopovitch and Yamu spring into action! Armed with a mysterious energy-draining device, the pair launch an attack on the golden-haired teen.

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Maret 9, 199426m

The Z-Fighters race to stop Babidi’s cronies from delivering the pure energy that will be used resurrect the dreaded Majin Buu. Will they find Babidi’s hidden spaceship in time?

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Pierwszy pokład

Maret 16, 199426m

Piccolo and Krillin are turned to stone by Dabura! Determined to save their friends, Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta board Babidi’s ship only to find themselves trapped! Can they save their friends and find their way out?

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Niespodzianka na drugim pokładzie

Maret 23, 199426m

At each stage of Babidi’s ship, Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta must face a fearsome warrior, each more powerful than the last. There’s no room for error! Even the tiniest mistake will enable Babidi to steal their energy for Majin Buu!

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Nieugięty Songo

April 13, 199426m

Babidi unleashes his monster Yakon to steal the Z-Fighters’ energy for Majin Buu. The battle at Stage Two is sure to be intense, as Yakon is one of the most fearsome creatures in the universe!

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Wznawiamy turniej

April 20, 199426m

At the World Martial Arts Tournament, the five remaining competitors enter the ring for an all-out Battle Royale! The fists fly as Number 18, Mighty Mask, and Mr. Satan duke it out to decide who will be the next Champion of the World!

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Zdemaskowany wojownik

April 27, 199426m

The battle heats up as Number 18 and Mighty Mask take their fight to the skies! Number 18 gives it everything she’s got, but her attacks prove useless against her masked opponent. Could she find the edge she needs to win?

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Coś za coś

Mei 4, 199426m

As the final bout of the tournament continues, Number 18 throws the defending champ for a loop by offering to throw the fight! Meanwhile, Babidi has selected his warrior for Stage 3: Dabura, King of the Demon World!

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Wyzwanie dla Son Gokana

Mei 18, 199426m

The intense battle between Gohan and Dabura rages on, but just as the Stage 3 clash reaches a heated peak, Dabura stops the fight! Why has the evil giant conceded, and what is the great discovery he claims to have made?

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Ciemna strona Vegety

Mei 25, 199426m

In an all-out assault against Vegeta, Babidi uses his power to undo the unsuspecting Prince from within! Vegeta is stripped of his good qualities by the wicked wizard, and becomes the heartless warrior that he once was!

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Piekielne starcie

Juni 15, 199426m

Evil Vegeta gives Goku an ultimatum: fight - or watch him annihilate more innocent lives! Goku vows to settle the score between them once and for all, but the Supreme Kai steps between the Saiyans with a bold declaration!

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Juni 22, 199426m

The battle between Goku and Vegeta has begun! With Babidi’s magic enhancing his already incredible strength, Vegeta matches Goku move for move, but every blow the Saiyan Prince lands is a boost for Majin Buu!

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Usprawiedliwienie Vegety

Juni 29, 199426m

With the fight between Goku and Vegeta supplying vast quantities of energy for Majin Buu, there’s not a moment to lose! Can Gohan muster up the strength to stop the evil wizard before it’s too late?

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Oczekiwane przybycie

Juli 6, 199426m

The seal encasing Buu is finally broken! Supreme Kai insists on retreat, but Gohan refuses, launching an incredible series of energy attacks. When the shell opens, nothing is inside! Gohan, however, knows it’s no time to celebrate.

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Pozory mylą

Juli 13, 199426m

With his big pink belly and infantile behavior, Buu doesn’t fit the bill of a galaxy destroyer - until he hurls Dabura into a cliff with a single blow! Gohan senses a limitless power, and the Supreme Kai insists this is the end!

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Uwaga! Niebezpieczeństwo!

Juli 27, 199426m

Supreme Kai must use his unique fighting powers to keep Buu at bay - or lose his life! One mile away, Goten and Trunks stumble upon Piccolo, still frozen in stone, and accidentally shatter him to pieces! And there’s more! The King of Demons returns!

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Olbrzymie ciacho

Agustus 3, 199426m

Free from the grip of Babidi, Vegeta decides to seek his revenge by destroying the monster Majin Buu. Assuming Gohan to be a victim of the voracious villain, the Super Saiyan goes ballistic. Can Vegeta bring down Buu?

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Vegeta rzuca wyzwanie

Agustus 17, 199426m

With Goku and Gohan missing in action, it’s up to Vegeta to end Majin Buu’s reign of terror. The Saiyan prince gives it his all, but Buu’s powers may be more than he can handle!

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Poświęcenie ojca

Agustus 24, 199426m

Trunks and Goten save Vegeta from a savage beating, but the prideful prince is determined to destroy Majin Buu by himself. Vegeta is prepared to risk everything to defeat this foe, but is he really ready to give up his own life?

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Trzeba wszystko zacząć od początku

Agustus 31, 199426m

Majin Buu’s flesh is scattered on the battlefield, but his mystical power is rebuilding the monster into one deadly piece! Babidi is recovering, too, having narrowly survived Piccolo’s attack!

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Dwaj nieobecni

September 7, 199426m

Anxious to undo the massacre caused by Vegeta, Bulma and the others search frantically for the seven Dragon Balls! Meanwhile, the injured Goku finally awakens, and Dende uses his healing powers to bring him back to speed!

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Jedyna nadzieja w nowej technice walki

September 21, 199426m

Goku hatches a plan for defeating Majin Buu: Fusion! By joining two fighters of equal size and strength, an entirely new fighter can be created. But only one such pair remains—Goten and Trunks! Can the young half-Saiyans save the world?

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Poszukiwani: Trunks i SonGoten

September 28, 199426m

Babidi seeks vengeance against Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks! Plastering images on everyone’s mind, Babidi threatens to terrorize humanity until the trio is brought forward! Meanwhile, Gohan is taken to Supreme Kai’s world!

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Święty Miecz Królestwa Bogów

Oktober 12, 199426m

Goku begins training Goten and Trunks in the art of Fusion. Meanwhile, Gohan, having been healed in Supreme Kai’s world, tries to remove the legendary Z-Sword to use in the fight against Majin Buu!

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Spotkanie dwóch sił

Oktober 19, 199426m

Majin Buu launches into a feeding frenzy, transforming an entire town’s population into chocolate! Gohan draws the ancient Z-Sword, Goku struggles to teach Goten and Trunks the art of Fusion, and an unlikely hero is asked to join the fight!

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November 2, 199426m

As Goten and Trunks train to stop the vicious Majin Buu, Idasa’s jaded mother tells Babidi exactly where Trunks lives! The Z-Fighters must now find a way to stop the evil wizard before he reaches Capsule Corp!

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Ktoś tu chyba blefuje

November 9, 199426m

Trunks searches frantically for the lost dragon radar, and Goku powers-up to an unimaginable level: Super Saiyan 3! Will this newfound strength be enough to stop Majin Buu from destroying West City?

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BuBu się buntuje

November 16, 199426m

Goku uses his new Super Saiyan 3 abilities to combat the evil Majin Buu, buying Trunks the time he needs to locate the missing Dragon Radar. But now that Goku has started the fight, he may not be able to escape!

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Songo musi wracać

November 23, 199426m

Liberated from his master, Majin Buu becomes even more destructive than before, wiping out entire cities in mere seconds! Earth’s only hope now rests on the shoulders of two young warriors: Goten and Trunks!

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Czas się rozstać

November 30, 199426m

Tensions rise for Goten and Trunks as their duel with Majin Buu approaches. Meanwhile, Buu prepares for the upcoming battle by building himself a home! Elsewhere, Goku bids a poignant farewell as he finally returns to Other World.

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Rozstania i powroty

Desember 7, 199426m

While Trunks and Goten continue their quest to perfect the Fusion Technique, Gohan seeks to master the Z-Sword. Back on Earth, an encounter with a blind boy reveals that there is another side to the belligerent Buu!

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Złamany miecz

Desember 14, 199426m

When Gohan’s intense training breaks the legendary Z-Sword, all hope seems lost until Old Kai emerges and from the legendary weapon. Who is this aged fellow, and does he really have the incredible power he claims to possess?

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Grzech pychy

Desember 21, 199426m

After many comical misfires, Trunks and Goten finally perfect the Fusion technique, and Gotenks is born! Defying Piccolo’s command, the super-kid immediately leaves to go fight Majin Buu! Is Gotenks ready for the fight of his young life?

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Senior Bogów

Januari 11, 199526m

As Majin Buu continues to terrorize humanity, a lone savior appears: Mr. Satan! His Megaton punch won’t be enough to stop the monster, but this unlikely hero may have a few surprises in store for Buu!

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Cisza przed burzą

Season Finale
Januari 25, 199526m

While the Z-Fighters continue training in preparation for their battle with Majin Buu, Mr. Satan devises some sneakier plans to take the villain down. But will he even need to carry them out? Is Majin Buu having a change of heart?

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Trzy wcielenia BuBu

Februari 1, 199526m

When Mr. Satan inspires Majin Buu to give up his evil ways, it seems the professional pretender has really saved the world! But when a deranged madman suddenly spoils Buu’s good mood, the pink terror goes on another rampage!

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Niespodziewana wizyta

Februari 8, 199526m

The Battle of the Buus begins as Majin Buu fights his evil counterpart! The good Buu gets a taste of his own medicine when he’s turned into chocolate! Evil Buu gobbles him up, and a horrible transformation takes place! Who is this radical new Buu?

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Pusta Planeta

Februari 15, 199526m

When the new and improved Majin Buu makes a surprise visit to the Lookout to challenge Gotenks, every second becomes a test of survival! And where are Trunks and Goten during the chaos that erupts?... Sound asleep, of course!

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Dziwna taktyka

Februari 22, 199526m

Before he can unleash his fury on the remaining Z-Fighters, Majin Buu is coaxed into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Inside, Trunks and Goten are training diligently, but will they have enough time to perfect their new moves before Majin Buu arrives?

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Super Duchy Kamikadze

Maret 1, 199526m

The long awaited rematch between Majin Buu and Gotenks begins! But when Gotenks’ fighting techniques come up short, he is forced to improvise - resulting in some of the craziest attack moves ever!

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Wrota dzielące dwa wymiary

Maret 8, 199526m

The battle between Gotenks and Majin Buu rages on inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. On the outside, family and friends wait anxiously for Gotenks and Piccolo to reappear. Can they successfully defeat Majin Buu and make it out alive?

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To spotkanie źle się skończy

Maret 15, 199526m

Powered by his insatiable hunger, Majin Buu escapes the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, leaving Piccolo and Gotenks trapped inside. Krillin and the gang are forced to fight the monster on their own. Will Buu finally make a meal out of the good guys?

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Starcie tytanów

Maret 22, 199526m

Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks continues his fight with Majin Buu, and the Lookout is caught in the crossfire! As Gotenks turns up the power, so does Majin Buu - and by the time it’s over, one of them will be in way over his head!

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Iskierka nadziei

April 26, 199526m

Gohan continues his training on the World of the Kais. Meanwhile, Gotenks briefly takes the upper hand in the battle with Majin Buu before his techniques begin to fall apart. Will Gohan be ready in time to step in and finish the fight?

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Tajemniczy powrót Dendiego

Mei 3, 199526m

When Gotenks’ fusion unravels, it appears the end has finally come for Goten and Trunks. But just as things seem their worst, Gohan descends on the scene with his newly awakened powers! Finally, the tables are turning on Majin Buu!

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Szukanie ocalałych

Mei 17, 199526m

After being dominated on the battlefield, Majin Buu blows himself up in a desperate attempt to destroy Gohan! But is this just a ploy? Gohan seems to think so! Is Majin Buu plotting an ambush or simply trying to buy a little time?

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Fatalny błąd

Mei 24, 199526m

Majin Buu reappears, ready for battle, but rather than continue his fight against Gohan, Buu stages a clever deception to absorb Gotenks and Piccolo. With the wisdom of Piccolo and the power of Super Saiyan Gotenks, Buu transforms into “Super Buu!”

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Powrót do życia

Mei 31, 199526m

After absorbing Piccolo and Gotenks, Majin Buu’s powers have increased exponentially! Armed with some new tricks, Majin Buu is poised for global destruction. Now that Gohan is alone and weakening, is there anyone who can stop the monster?

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Magiczne kolczyki

Juni 7, 199526m

Goku watches helplessly from Other World as Majin Buu sets his sights on Gohan. Luckily the Old Kai reveals a secret source of power that could save the day. Is Goku ready to bond with his son and put an end to Majin Buu’s reign of terror?

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Odmowa Vegety

Juni 28, 199526m

After Majin Buu absorbs Gohan, Goku’s plan to join forces with his son is ruined. But an unlikely ally arrives on the scene—Vegeta! Will the Saiyan Prince put aside his differences and agree to merge with Goku?

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Narodziny nowego superbohatera

Juli 5, 199526m

The bodies of Goku and Vegeta join to form a new Saiyan warrior. The monster Majin Buu is impressed by the strength of his new opponent, but refuses to take him seriously. Will Majin Buu’s arrogance be his undoing?

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Nadal grozi nam niebezpieczeństwo

Juli 12, 199526m

The newly-formed Saiyan warrior Super Vegito matches Majin Buu punch for punch. But the monster’s new opponent stirs up an uncontrollable anger within the very heart of the beast. Will Majin Buu’s frenzy mean the end of planet Earth?

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Dziwna postawa Vegetto

Juli 19, 199526m

The battle rages on between Vegito and Majin Buu! The Super Saiyan Combo seems to have the fight well in hand. But is Vegito tempting fate by toying with Buu? What terrible tricks does the wily, pink monster still have up his sleeve?

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Błąd, który może drogo kosztować

Juli 26, 199526m

Having been reduced to a coffee-flavored candy, it seems nothing can stop Vegito from being consumed by the evil Majin Buu. But when the gumdrop fights back, Buu realizes that the battle is far from over!

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Piekielny labirynt

Agustus 2, 199526m

When Majin Buu absorbs Vegito, the fused Saiyan separates into Goku and Vegeta once again. Deep within the villain, they reveal their plan to rescue Gohan and the others. Can the duo survive the digestive process and carry out their mission?

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Agustus 9, 199526m

Dangers abound as Goku and Vegeta continue their search for Gohan and inside of Majin Buu’s body! After meeting some disgusting bedfellows, they finally find what they’re looking for as they enter Majin Buu’s head!

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Dwugłowy potwór

Agustus 16, 199526m

Goku and Vegeta reunite the others only to be attacked by Majin Buu! The showdown proves that fighting Buu inside his own head is a mind-bending experience. Can Goku and Vegeta survive in this twisted house of horrors where all is Buu?

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Wyjście awaryjne

Agustus 23, 199526m

When Super Buu’s body begins to mutate once again, Goku and Vegeta have to get out fast! But what awaits them should they manage to escape? What will the insidious Buu turn into next?

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Następną ofiarą będzie Ziemia

September 6, 199526m

After the cords of attachment to the roly-poly Buu are cut by Vegeta, Majin Buu should mutate into a much weaker form. But instead he gets even stronger! This baffles everyone but Kibito Kai, who discloses Majin Buu's bizarre history!

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Tragedii ciąg dalszy

September 13, 199526m

With Earth erased from existence, Majin Buu begins his search for Goku and Vegeta, leaving entire worlds destroyed in his wake. But when Buu's hunt leads him to the World of the Kais, Goku and Vegeta draw the line!

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Groźba wisi nad drugim światem

September 20, 199526m

With Majin Buu ready for a fight, Kibito Kai is stunned to see Goku and Vegeta playing a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors! Rather than use the Fusion Technique to join their powers, the duo has decided to fight Buu one at a time!

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Songo stawia wszystko na jedną kartę

Oktober 18, 199526m

When Super Saiyan 3 Goku collapses from exhaustion, Vegeta enters the fight, but he doesn’t last long! Just as Majin Buu is about to deliver the deathblow, Goku makes a comeback!

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Minuta prawdy

November 1, 199526m

Goku's powers are fading, and he must end the battle before it's too late! Enter Vegeta, who begins a furious battle with Buu to buy Goku the time needed to gather energy. Outclassed by his opponent, can the Saiyan Prince survive!?

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Opatrzność zsyła pomoc

November 8, 199526m

When Vegeta falls, Mr. Satan steps in to take up the challenge! It appears the wannabe hero has signed his death warrant, but when Buu attempts to attack, the monster is crippled by agony!

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Nameczański Smok

November 15, 199526m

As good Majin Buu wages an all-out war against his evil counterpart, Vegeta asks Dende to summon the Dragon on the new Planet Namek. With the good Buu's power dwindling, will Vegeta have enough time to carry out the final phase of his plan?

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Strategia ostatniej nadziei

November 22, 199526m

Goku awaits the arrival of the Earthlings’ collective energy to vitalize the Spirit Bomb, but the energy isn’t coming! Have the people of the Earth turned a deaf ear to Vegeta’s plea for help at this most critical hour?

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Niewdzięczność ofiar

November 29, 199526m

The foolish Earthlings ignore Goku, but when Mr. Satan asks for help, the humans have a change of heart. Will their outpouring of energy arrive in time? Goku can only wait and watch as Vegeta crumbles under the might of Majin Buu!

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Songo atakuje

Desember 13, 199526m

After the good Buu and Mr. Satan free Vegeta, Goku launches the Spirit Bomb! Unfortunately, the weary Saiyan doesn’t have enough power to deliver the blast, and Buu sends it right back at him! Will Goku be destroyed by his own attack?

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BuBu i pieniążki

Desember 20, 199526m

When Goku and his companions return to Earth after defeating Majin Buu, they are welcomed with open arms. But nobody is happy to see the good Buu! Can Mr. Satan’s pink pal manage to fit into society? Or is he destined to become an outcast?

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Odnalezione szczęście

Januari 10, 199626m

Goku has his hands full guarding four dragon eggs from the dangers of the wild, but even if he can save the baby dragons, he will soon face an even more dangerous peril: an angry Chi Chi!

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Trzecie pokolenie

Januari 17, 199626m

It’s been ten years since the demise of evil Majin Buu, and Earth is once again at peace. Gohan is a scholar. Trunks and Goten are strong, young teenagers! Vegeta and Bulma have a new daughter! And Goku is a grandfather!

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Stary znajomy

Januari 24, 199626m

A new World Tournament is set to begin! With help from Majin Buu, Goku rigs the drawing so he faces a mysterious fighter in the first round of the finals! Is this timid, little village boy called Uub really as strong as Goku thinks?

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Songo zaczyna nowe życie

Season Finale
Januari 31, 199626m

Uub grows stronger as the battle rages, soon becoming the Saiyan’s equal, but before the match is decided, Goku makes a startling revelation! With his plan revealed, Goku and Uub depart the arena, leaving a stunned crowd in their wake.

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Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!

September 21, 200826m

Goku and his family and friends encounter Vegeta's brother, and a threat from Vegeta's past shows up and causes trouble.

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Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans

November 11, 201026m

Dr. Lychee may be the last of the Tuffle people, a race that was completely wiped some time ago by the Saiyans. He now plans to take revenge on the remaining Saiyans, Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, and Gohan. He creates a machine that will emit Destron, a gas that could destroy all life on Earth. The Saiyans, plus Piccolo, only have 72 hours to destroy these machines and find Dr. Lychee. When trying to destroy the final machine, Vegeta discovers that it is protected by an impenetrable energy barrier. Frieza, Cooler, Turles and Lord Slug appear and engage the heroes one on one. The heroes continue to lose against their foes. It is revealed that these ghost warriors are made of Destron gas and cannot be beaten unless the gas is neutralized. The barrier is destroyed by Bulma, who also came with the antidote for the Destron gas. She then manages to stop the gas. The heroes kill Frieza and the others. The heroes track down Dr. Lychee on the Dark Planet and engage him, discovering that his ghost warriors are generated by a machine called Hatchiyack, a device powered by the Tuffles' hatred for the Saiyans. It is also revealed that Dr. Lychee is a ghost warrior himself, generated by Hatchiyack. When Vegeta vaporizes Lychee, preventing him from re-materializing, the hate of the last remaining Tuffle causes Hatchiyack to exceed its limit. Hatchiyack appears in a powerful android body, whose power is said to match or perhaps even exceed that of Broly, according to Goku. Hatchiyack devastates the heroes until the Saiyans (after having transformed into their Super Saiyan states) and Piccolo combine their powers together into one massive wave of energy, ending the threat of the Dr. Lychee. At last Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks and Piccolo return to Earth just as the Dark Planet explodes.

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Episode of Bardock

Desember 17, 201126m

The continuing adventures of Goku's father Bardock, who traveled through time and met new friends and enemies.

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