Jamie Chung hahmona Siena

Jaksot 4

Liquid Courage

6 elokuu 2007

Cappie turns to Rusty for his brain power when the volcano for Kappa Tau's legendary Mt. Vesuvius party fails to erupt. Meanwhile, Casey and Evan are back on track as he introduces her to his powerful parents over dinner. But an unexpected appearance by Rebecca, a Senator's daughter, instantly bonds her to Evan's parents, leaving Casey to feel like an outsider with this blue-blood clan.

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Depth Perception

3 syyskuu 2007

Allies become enemies when both Casey and Frannie are nominated for the title of Omega Chi Sweetheart. Who will prevail in this the ultimate cat fight? Meanwhile, as Rusty's relationship with Jen K. heats up, he longs for more private time with her but his judgmental roommate Dale is always around, making it difficult for the two lovebirds to spend time alone.

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Black & White and Read All Over

10 syyskuu 2007

When a scandalous story in the college newspaper hits stands trashing the Greek system, the brothers and sisters of Omega Chia, Zeta Beta Zeta and even Kappa Tau are in a frenzy to figure out who the undercover culprit could be. Meanwhile, after navigating some troubled waters with her boyfriend, Ashleigh turns to Calvin for support and even goes so far as to hit on him, only to learn he has a secret.

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A New Normal

24 maaliskuu 2008

Rusty and Casey return to CRU but must contend with the backlash from Jen K's story, and deal with the fallout from their relationships. Meanwhile, Cappie and Rebecca must make a choice about their relationship.

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