Chase W. Dillon as Young Che

Episodes 3


May 6, 202119m

Che finds himself stuck in an elevator with a white woman and is forced into an unwanted discussion about police. The NYPD gets creative with a public service announcement, and a mother discovers her son wants to be a cop.

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Bourbon & Water

May 6, 202120m

Che reminisces about getting dumped while having a drink at a familiar bar. Schoolkids get a lesson on the dangers of addiction. An ex-doctor offers a cure for losing steam in the bedroom. Grace recalls her first date with a rich man.

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Dudley Gets Shot

May 6, 202118m

In this "very special episode," Che tries to help his friend after seeing him get shot… without calling an ambulance. A town hall honors the lives claimed by COVID-19. An entrepreneur spearheads the latest "urban" workout craze.

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