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Shadetree Mechanic is a television series that aired on TNN for 8 seasons from October 4, 1992 to May 14, 2000. It featured automotive repair and maintenance tips. The show was hosted by Sam Memmolo and Dave Bowman. Shadetree Mechanic has been superseded by Crank and Chrome and 2 Guys' Garage which air on SPEED TV and now Motorhead Garage on Velocity.

Shadetree Mechanic was produced by Cinetel Productions

The term "shadetree mechanic" is a general term for people who enjoy working on automobiles in their spare time, usually in their own driveways, taking up basic DIY upgrades as well as basic maintenance. Amongst some people the term has also developed a negative connotation, suggesting that shadetree mechanics often cause more damage than improvement to their cars. It can also be a name for someone who enjoys working on professional tasks for the sake of hobby or past time.

"The Shadetree Mechanic" is also a pseudonym and title of a technical reference column used by the Performance Boats Magazine writer J. Jay Forbes. The column focuses on basic high-performance boat and engine maintenance.

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Original Language English


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