The Movie Database Support Forum

Hi there,

Need some help regarding a PBS miniseries called "The Vote." It is a two part series that was originally given a single entry (tv/104404). This was later changed and given two separate "movie" entries (movie/875336-the-vote-part-1) and (movie/875337-the-vote-part-2). Just wondering what the process would be to eliminate these latter two entires and combine them into a single title, similar to what 104404 used to be. This is not something that was released theatrically and in my opinion makes much more sense being labelled as a TV miniseries.

Any help/wisdom you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks!

PS- As a side note, I'm here primarily as a frequent user of Letterboxd. Currently there are three separate entries on the site for this series (stemming from the three above mentioned TMDB entries), and I think further guidance here would do wonders in determining what should be done on LB.

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"The Vote" isn't a 2 part miniseries by itself, but 2 episodes of the American Experience series. They are listed in the 32th season of that series.

I have remove the 2 wrong movies entries.

"American Experience" is less of a conventional TV series than it is a brand for a series TV documentary films... Each "episode" has a completely different topic, production crew and cast.

Thanks for removing the incorrect entries. Just wanted to be transparent and say I will be adding another TV entry similar to what 104404 used to be. The vast majority of AE productions have independent entries as well on this site, and I think this is enough of a justification for "The Vote" to have one too.

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