The Movie Database Support Forum

I thought since most of us like our media with artwork we could share tips on sources that host good quality artwork.

Apple TV for instance is great for fanart with and without logos. They have a huge catalog of movies and tv series and you can usually get a 4K image by simply changing the resolution in the images web adress. For logos both Disney Plus and Netflix is pretty good. The resolution isn't great, but there's a pretty large catalog and Disney Plus always gives you the logo in your local language, which may otherwise hard to find.

Hope you have loads of more and better sources to share.

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I so wish I'd had a thread like this when I started looking for art, so I'll happily throw in the places I look. - Generally decent artwork as well as the only place I've yet found to fully support disc images (unlike TMDB). However, they are extremely picky about what images they will accept literally down to the pixel (I've had art denied for being 1px under the exact dimensions they wanted, then having it denied again when I fixed it because sizing it up 1px was counted as "stretching"). There are also very notable gaps in what they have as they quite openly have a policy of "we'd rather have nothing than not have something perfect" (this is something that multiple mods have directly told me). So decent source to look in, but not great as a primary or exclusive source. They also store their images in pretty low quality, with posters stored very specifically at 1000x1426, banners at 1000x185, and thumbnails/landscapes at 1000x562.

The following are a few good resources I've found for clear png images. None are exclusive, but all decent places to look.


Movie-Screencaps - This is a decent place for high quality screencaps, but the collection isn't that extensive. Worth checking, but don't be surprised if they don't have what you're looking for.

Moviemania - This is a great source for high quality images, both poster and landscape, of textless wallpapers that can easily be cropped or manipulated into posters or backgrounds. Again the collection isn't that extensive, but what they have is great.

Wallpaper Abyss - This is an absolutely fantastic source for backgrounds, usually extremely high quality (higher than 4k) and many more options than I've seen almost anywhere else. The interface is not great, but if you can figure out how to navigate it you'll find some awesome artwork here.

Beyond that generally I make liberal use of googling, in particular the little-used "search google for this image" option and looking for visually similar images or the same image in higher quality if I find a good one saved in low resolution.

I typically start with a Google search, find the highest quality poster that looks official, and modify the URL if needed to get the full-res version. If that's not good enough, I'll do a reverse image search with Tineye. If I've looked everywhere, and the image is just shy of the minimum size, I'll photoshop it with a little content-aware fill. For backdrops, unless there are official hi-res stills, I'll capture a frame from the video.

Aside: I have officially given up contributing images to tvdb due to their nitpicking. They would rather have no image at all than one that is slightly substandard.

@benfishbus said:

Aside: I have officially given up contributing images to tvdb due to their nitpicking. They would rather have no image at all than one that is slightly substandard.

If you think the nitpicking on TVDB is bad, you should see the ludicrous levels of it on Those people are insane.

@Tobby said:

I thought since most of us like our media with artwork we could share tips on sources that host good quality artwork.

Apple TV for instance is great for fanart with and without logos. They have a huge catalog of movies and tv series and you can usually get a 4K image by simply changing the resolution in the images web adress. For logos both Disney Plus and Netflix is pretty good. The resolution isn't great, but there's a pretty large catalog and Disney Plus always gives you the logo in your local language, which may otherwise hard to find.

Hope you have loads of more and better sources to share.

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