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I just had my API key approved, when I enter it into Synology video station I get a message that it failed? Any clues?

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@dkeene1030 said:
APi key failed
I just had my API key approved, when I enter it into Synology video station I get a message that it failed? Any clues?

Take a test.
Click to go to your Profile > API:
At the bottom of the page, below, you'll find the Example API Request.
Use this example to do a search using your browser.
You will receive the basic data of the Movie Fight Club (1999)
If it works, your Key is OK.

When there is a problem, the TMDb Server sends a message.
Can you tell which message the server sent?
Here is a list of possible messages:

all good thank you Ok to close

Hi, did exactly this. Example API Request was working Video Station still doesn't

Then you should ask on Synology forums, as on our end everything is fine shrug

In my case I receive this message. What I can do? {"status_code":7,"status_message":"Invalid API key: You must be granted a valid key.","success":false}

@Naranjoi said:

In my case I receive this message. What I can do? {"status_code":7,"status_message":"Invalid API key: You must be granted a valid key.","success":false}

Do the same as I said in the first answer:

Take a test.
Click to go to your Profile > API:
At the bottom of the page, below, you'll find the Example API Request.
Use this example to do a search using your browser.
You will receive the basic data of the Movie Fight Club (1999)
If it works, your Key is OK.

If it does not work, let us know right here.

If you are in India, probably the problem is with the Internet Service Provider or ISP.
See here:

Hello, thank you very much for your reply. I have followed your directions and the message is as follows: {"status_code": 7, "status_message": "Invalid API key: You must be granted a valid key.", "success": false} My location is Europe, so I beg you to help me solve the problem.

Thank you very much

Can you make a new post in API section, set it to private so no one except to mods can see it and put your API key there? I will try to check it.

Hello, I have the same problem I think. If I go to my profile, I find Example API Request and I load that page in my browser I receive info of the movie Fight Club.

When I try to load my app (I am learning online and following the steps of the course, everything seems ok, but the app is not loading and I can see this in the debug console: I/flutter (25487): {status_code: 7, status_message: Invalid API key: You must be granted a valid key., success: false}

I am using my API Key generated yesterday, my location is Spain (Europe). Do you want me to open a new post and show you my API Key?

Thank you in advantage.

I am using my API Key generated yesterday, my location is Spain (Europe). Do you want me to open a new post and show you my API Key?

Yep. This is the easiest way for us to check first if there is some other problem (e.g. some mistake in API url request your application is making). Just set your post to private, so only mods can see the key.

Just an extra question, how can I set it to private? I tried to make a new post in API Support, but I can't see the way to set a post private.

First you must create a post and then click on the Make Private link.

Were these issues solved? And if so, can you tell us how? said:

Were these issues solved? And if so, can you tell us how?

Open a new thread.
In this one, 3 different issues and problems are already mixed.
And in the new one you open, follow the instructions below.
Describe your problem. Or if that's the case:
In order for someone to help you with API Request questions,
it is critical that you post here the API Request you are using.
Not the programming code you used to build the API Request.
But the API Request that is sent to the TMDb server.
Remember to replace your Key with THE_KEY , or something like that.

Hello FromChina,
I only get:

{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/yguBaPk5V0nZCcSBthre4YFMAgk.jpg","belongs_to_collection":null,"budget":63000000,"genres":[{"id":18,"name":"Drama"}],"homepage":"","id":550,"imdb_id":"tt0137523","original_language":"en","original_title":"Fight Club","overview":"A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primal male aggression into a shocking new form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground \"fight clubs\" forming in every town, until an eccentric gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion.","popularity":46.648,"poster_path":"/a26cQPRhJPX6GbWfQbvZdrrp9j9.jpg","production_companies":[{"id":508,"logo_path":"/7PzJdsLGlR7oW4J0J5Xcd0pHGRg.png","name":"Regency Enterprises","origin_country":"US"},{"id":711,"logo_path":"/tEiIH5QesdheJmDAqQwvtN60727.png","name":"Fox 2000 Pictures","origin_country":"US"},{"id":20555,"logo_path":"/hD8yEGUBlHOcfHYbujp71vD8gZp.png","name":"Taurus Film","origin_country":"DE"},{"id":54051,"logo_path":null,"name":"Atman Entertainment","origin_country":""},{"id":54052,"logo_path":null,"name":"Knickerbocker Films","origin_country":"US"},{"id":25,"logo_path":"/qZCc1lty5FzX30aOCVRBLzaVmcp.png","name":"20th Century Fox","origin_country":"US"},{"id":4700,"logo_path":"/A32wmjrs9Psf4zw0uaixF0GXfxq.png","name":"The Linson Company","origin_country":"US"}],"production_countries":[{"iso_3166_1":"DE","name":"Germany"},{"iso_3166_1":"US","name":"United States of America"}],"release_date":"1999-10-15","revenue":100853753,"runtime":139,"spoken_languages":[{"english_name":"English","iso_639_1":"en","name":"English"}],"status":"Released","tagline":"Mischief. Mayhem. Soap.","title":"Fight Club","video":false,"vote_average":8.4,"vote_count":22779

Not really the Fight Club like so:

@Jannemann said:

Hello FromChina,
I only get:

{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/yguBaPk5V0nZCcSBthre4YFMAgk.jpg","belongs_to_collection":null,"budget":63000000,"genres":[{"id":18,"name":"Drama"}],"homepage":"","id":550,"imdb_id":"tt0137523","original_language":"en","original_title":" Fight Club ","overview":"A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primal male aggression into a shocking new form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground \"fight clubs\" forming in every town, until an eccentric gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion.","popularity":46.648,"poster_path":"/a26cQPRhJPX6GbWfQbvZdrrp9j9.jpg","production_companies":[{"id":508,"logo_path":"/7PzJdsLGlR7oW4J0J5Xcd0pHGRg.png","name":"Regency Enterprises","origin_country":"US"},{"id":711,"logo_path":"/tEiIH5QesdheJmDAqQwvtN60727.png","name":"Fox 2000 Pictures","origin_country":"US"},{"id":20555,"logo_path":"/hD8yEGUBlHOcfHYbujp71vD8gZp.png","name":"Taurus Film","origin_country":"DE"},{"id":54051,"logo_path":null,"name":"Atman Entertainment","origin_country":""},{"id":54052,"logo_path":null,"name":"Knickerbocker Films","origin_country":"US"},{"id":25,"logo_path":"/qZCc1lty5FzX30aOCVRBLzaVmcp.png","name":"20th Century Fox","origin_country":"US"},{"id":4700,"logo_path":"/A32wmjrs9Psf4zw0uaixF0GXfxq.png","name":"The Linson Company","origin_country":"US"}],"production_countries":[{"iso_3166_1":"DE","name":"Germany"},{"iso_3166_1":"US","name":"United States of America"}],"release_date":"1999-10-15","revenue":100853753,"runtime":139,"spoken_languages":[{"english_name":"English","iso_639_1":"en","name":"English"}],"status":"Released","tagline":"Mischief. Mayhem. Soap.","title":"Fight Club","video":false,"vote_average":8.4,"vote_count":22779

Not really the Fight Club like so:

I don't think I understand what your problem is.
This answer you posted is the correct answer from the Fight Club movie.
Having a problem with your Sinology NAS ?

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