The Movie Database Support Forum


So, there is validation now, for US film certification.

It consists of: NC-17 G PG PG-13 NR R

My concern is that there are loads of straight to TV movies, which have TV certification instead: TV-Y TV-Y7 TV-G TV-PG TV-14 TV-MA

Shouldn't these be added to the validation?

These are the what is left which doesn't follow current validation:

11  TV-14
6   TV-MA
6   X
5   Unrated
4   TV-PG
4   -
3   Not Rated
2   Approved
2   A
2   Exempt
2   IMDB
2   12
2   UR
2   M
1   NRW
1   10
1   TV-14 V
1   15
1   Y
1   ScreamFest Horror Film Festival
1   TV-Y7
1   None
1   TV Movie
1   USA:Approved
1   passed

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Yes, this is something I still need to get to. The TV certifications need to become available when the type field is set to "TV".

If you can provide a list of IDs for those invalid certifications, I'm sure we can get them fixed and/or removed.

11  TV-14   13470, 134881, 320589, 347123, 348390, 356325, 364902, 376263, 404765, 407948, 410741
6   TV-MA   194724, 336121, 362268, 362838, 371738, 373349
6   X   94746, 96103, 98887, 122711, 143944, 180237
5   Unrated 169801, 323270, 376563, 385104, 407659
4   -   84216, 172550, 172558, 172854
4   TV-PG   313040, 352197, 369364, 387893
3   Not Rated   97806, 114562, 170085
2   12  31897, 374449
2   A   3062, 167408
2   Approved    32087, 392143
2   Exempt  173777, 181666
2   IMDB    157188, 180659
2   M   67639, 138491
2   UR  82164, 174800
1   10  402515
1   15  377626
1   None    177570
1   NRW 402999
1   passed  404870
1   ScreamFest Horror Film Festival 310725
1   TV Movie    69206
1   TV-14 V 393751
1   TV-Y7   205081
1   USA:Approved    167953
1   Y   32703

Interestingly, you can find all the ratings for rather a lot of countries here:

Could be handy for validation on a per country basis.

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