תמיכת The Movie Database

I noticed that with_cast is supported as a parameter for discover/movie but not for discover/tv https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/discover/tv-discover If it isn't supported then what is the best way to get tv shows that a given actor has been in?

Thank you, Paul

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Hi Paul,

Unfortuately, there isn't really a way to do that kind of a search with TV discover right now. I have an open ticket for this here. I don't have an ETA on when I think it will be completed but I will update this thread when it is.

Hello. I just wanted to bump this thread item and ask if there was an ETA on tv discover with cast querries yet? Thank you.

I don't think anything has changed, as there is still open ticket here. But returning to your original question - you can also call tv_credits API method to get the same results, so why don't use this?

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