The Movie Database Support

Is there API for getting trending searches as available on the website?

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Hi there,

There is no method right now but I've created a new ticket to think about this here.


Hey @mitab86,

The /trending API methods just went live. Docs are going up shortly, but I thought I'd mention that the methods are:

Daily Trending

Weekly Trending

I just started collecting the data here so they're going to be growing and collecting better data over the next few days.

Super travis. Thank you

How do I get the next page of a trending tv api call? the result indicates there are more pages than the one I get after api call

concat &page=2 on the given URL for next page

I think it would be great to add this paging info to the documentation. BTW, are there any other hidden parameters that can be used with this endpoint? I've seen a discussion on filtering by region for trending items - looks like this is still not implemented, is it?

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