The Movie Database Support Forum

hi, i am from India and i want to list only Indian movies, please post some working sample , i have tried this|2 but its not working

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Hi there,

We don't really have a way to query the "original country" of a film. The query you have above will search for all the movies that have a release data added in India, but obviously that not anything specific to it being an Indian movie.

I have an open ticket to look at adding a filter on the production country here. I feel like that's not always going to be 100% correct either. Although closer.

Another option could be to look at the with_original_language filter.|2&with_original_language=hi

That returns much more valid results.

Thank you so much :)

@Navdeepkaur said:
Thank you so much :)

You are giving thanks for information given in 2018.
Recently added with_origin_country feature.  

You can also use the old solution.
Filtering by the Original Language is possible.
For example, in the case of India, the &with_original_language parameter can be added.

But beware of duplicity:
A Language with Multiple Countries

en  English 6 (AU+CA+GB+IE+NZ+US)
fr  French 2 (CA+FR)
de  German 3 (AT+CH+DE)
ms  Malay 2 (MY+SG)
zh  Mandarin 3 (CN+HK+TW)
pt  Portuguese 2 (BR+PT)
es  Spanish 2 (ES+MX)

A Country with Multiple Languages

CA  Canada 2 (en+fr)
CN  China 2 (cn+zh)
IN  India 5 (hi+kn+ml+ta+te)
NO  Norway 2 (nb+no)
ES  Spain 4 (ca+es+eu+gl)

There's actually two other filters that might be of interest, with_origin_country and with_title_translation. Feel free to give those a try as well.

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