The Movie Database Support Forum

Is there an attribute that lists the color, black-white property of a movie? I realize that some movies would have both...

If there is no attribute is there a way to deduce it?

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The tagword black and white!

Thanks for the quick response...

I'm sorry I'm totally new to the API

Where can i find the tag, is it a property on the movie detail > /movie/{movie_id}?

Or are you referring to keywords?

Thank you!

I think @alltimemarr is referring to keyword.
Tagword does not exist in TMDb.
And make a test here
In 2017 there are 11 films.

Hahaha yes keywords. I combined the words keyword and tags hahahaha. 😂😂😂😂😂

I'm personally not a fan of that keyword and any similar ones ("black and white and color" is one I hate). I would actually vote to get rid of it since it's only added for 500 movies (out of thousands and many appear to be modern movies made in black and white). It would be better to wait for another solution. Compare it to IMDb where they have a Technical Specs section with such data.

@lineker said:

I'm personally not a fan of that keyword and any similar ones ("black and white and color" is one I hate).

Same here, I don't mind the black and white one that much, but black and white and color... it can apply to every movie :) although it probably means a black and white movie shifting to color. Or like Shindler's List with the red coat/jacket. But even then... I think it's even more trivia.

Ya, I think we need a technical specs area. That's the correct solution. There's lots of data to collect there beyond the colour the movie was shot in too.

I recall imdb's original interface exposed technical data such as detailed-cinematography info (sometimes even listed what kind of film was used). It was easy to recognized b&w, color or mixed (e.g. movie such as Tarkovsky's Stalker).

It also had very detailed sound-mix info...once again it was easy to recognize a silent movie.

TMDB data & service are amazing! Is there a process outline for upgrading it? In other words is there a way I can help improve it?

@travisbell said:

Ya, I think we need a technical specs area. That's the correct solution. There's lots of data to collect there beyond the colour the movie was shot in too.

Is there something I can do to help?

I have this tracked as a feature for the future. It's not an item I expect to get to very soon as there is lots of other more important things to finish.

There's nothing more that you can do, thanks for the offer though.

Switching here from IMDB to TMDB... let's say for political reasons.

And there are a few things I miss here. One of them is this: color/b&w info. The other is aspect ratio. I think a website called "the movie database" should have these. Two visual characteristics. There are other characteristics or data that you can't tell watching the film like the year or country. But these are visual, you can get them with your eyes (and perhaps a ruler for the aspect ratio).

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