תמיכת The Movie Database

Hi all, not sure if this is the place to post this since I couldn't find a suggestion board.

Is it possible to receive a notification when our posts are liked, the way we receive one when people reply to the thread we posted in?

It's not the biggest deal, but there were times when I didn't realize a post of mine had been liked until a long while after, and it seemed like the time had passed to respond. It would be nice to get a heads up (and who liked the post) when it happens.

Thanks! grinning

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Hi @Bunny Sprite,

I'm not sure to be honest, this is the first time I recall being asked for this. I've created a new ticket for me think about this here.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks Travis, I appreciate both your response and any attempt to try to make this a reality! grin

If the staff puts notifications for LIKES then at least the notifications should be separated from the comment notifications.

If everything gets mixed in the same group (like before) it's gonna be way more confusing and members are gonna get their boxes filled with notifications.

Perhaps then a thumbs up avatar next to the bell avatar right below the back button on the lefthand side with a number on it letting you know the number of likes? This way the 2 can be separate and you can receive notification for both. Then make it so you can turn on/off notifications for likes, so you only get notified for comments (if you don't want to receive notifications for likes).

That's definitely a better idea.

I've noticed that some people "like" all their own posts. Would they find it annoying or an extra ego stroke to get such notifications?

@M. LeMarchand said:

I've noticed that some people "like" all their own posts. Would they find it annoying or an extra ego stroke to get such notifications?

Simply disable the ability. The like button should always be greyed out on your own threads and posts.

I never got why facebook allowed it. It seems so uber douchy. Of course you liked it considering you posted it in the first place!

@M. LeMarchand said:

I've noticed that some people "like" all their own posts. Would they find it annoying or an extra ego stroke to get such notifications?

Yeah. People like yourself. LOL!

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