The Movie Database Support Forum

Since earlier today, I'm getting results that seem invalid JSON.

(At least unmarshalling in Go(lang) doesn't like this)

For example, with one:

For the genre_id I expect a struct/array. So when it's empty, it should return "genre_ids": []

However, I see a mixture of:

"genre_ids": {}, and "genre_ids": [],

I think I saw this with origin_country for TV Shows as well.

Did something change?

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Hi @MarcoTC,

Yes, I know why this is happening. I'll spend some time tonight/tomorrow morning looking into it.

This is fixed for the movie and TV recommendation methods. You'll have to wait for the cache to expire (~6 or so hours) but everything should be returning a proper empty array now.

Let me know if you see this on any other methods. thumbsup_tone2


All looks good. Thanks!

Sorry, I talked to soon.

The same issue is with origin_country

For example:

Groovy, I'll tweak that one as well.

The genre issue is back but it's now in collections.

Here's an example:

Collections should be fixed now.

Thank you!

Hello Travis,

The issue is back. I am getting both "genre_ids": {}, and "genre_ids": [],

I'm seeing it in recommendations but I'm not sure if it's in others as well. Could you please have a look?

I know why it's showing up again and will look at it first thing tomorrow morning. Thanks Marco.

Hey Marco,

Are you seeing this anymore?

No. All is working great again.


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