hi, i want to create a database from your server so write some codes to get all valid data and save them. but right now face a really bad problem sometimes some show will not return a valid crew or cast id and its really strange for example : if i try to get episode 14 of season 2 (S02E14) of tvshow 36 i get this response
{ "air_date": "2006-02-06", "crew": [ { "credit_id": "525331fd19c295794001a5de", "department": "Writing", "gender": null, "id": 1212248, "job": "Writer", "name": "Bruce Miller", "profile_path": null } ], "episode_number": 14, "guest_stars": [ { "character": "", "credit_id": "5253321919c295794001b180", "gender": null, "id": 7472, "name": "Richmond Arquette", "order": 0, "profile_path": "/xW4bb2qsPYilO27ex4Xoy2Ik1Ai.jpg" }, { "character": "", "credit_id": "5253321a19c295794001b1b4", "gender": null, "id": 109151, "name": "Jaime Ray Newman", "order": 1, "profile_path": "/yyzX7ePrSRhm8TGamcNtv5DRgFW.jpg" } ], "name": "A Changed Man", "overview": "Allison gets a minor concussion when slipping in the bathtub. When she goes to get an MRI she has a strange vision about a man she just met.", "id": 812, "production_code": null, "season_number": 2, "still_path": "/9ahdMKbjjQ9ZKTjlcxMZQ8Uyl4i.jpg", "vote_average": 8, "vote_count": 1 }
we have a crew person named 'Bruce Miller' with id 1212248, so when i try to get all data of this person by calling endpoint /person got 404 not found
{ "status_code": 34, "status_message": "The resource you requested could not be found.", "success": false }
but if i try to get some detail by /credit endpoint its get stranger, in credit Bruce Miller is exist but the id of him is not match the id that we got from episode endpoint and this new id is valid
{ "credit_type": "crew", "department": "Writing", "job": "Writer", "media": { "id": 36, "name": "Medium", "original_name": "Medium", "episodes": [ { "air_date": "2005-09-26", "episode_number": 2, "name": "The Song Remains the Same", "overview": "All outside noise is drowned out as a popular song is continuously played very loud, and only in Allison's head. The song gives Allison clues to the whereabouts of a missing coed.", "season_number": 2, "still_path": "/grhClgGAUovD94QNa3ZwfuA8rVA.jpg" }, { "air_date": "2005-11-07", "episode_number": 7, "name": "Judge, Jury, & Executioner", "overview": "Joe serves his jury duty on a case against a man accused of murdering his rich wife. Allison starts having visions about the man but D.A. Devalos orders her not to work on the case because of a conflict of interests.", "season_number": 2, "still_path": "/ktU3JcIdTohLMm6BOPwQUpRzB8c.jpg" }, { "air_date": "2006-02-06", "episode_number": 14, "name": "A Changed Man", "overview": "Allison gets a minor concussion when slipping in the bathtub. When she goes to get an MRI she has a strange vision about a man she just met.", "season_number": 2, "still_path": "/9ahdMKbjjQ9ZKTjlcxMZQ8Uyl4i.jpg" } ], "seasons": [] }, "media_type": "tv", "id": "525331fd19c295794001a5de", "person": { "name": "Bruce Miller", "id": 157125 } }
id that got from episode episode endpoint is 1212248 that is not valid and id from credit endpoint is 157125 that is valid.
plz help me, what is this ?
Best Regards, Peyman.
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Reply by Pem2008
on January 22, 2018 at 4:13 PM
after 16 days still no comments, plz help
Reply by Travis Bell
on January 22, 2018 at 5:31 PM
Looks like there's just some bad data. Based on the fact that there's no change history for that piece of data, it would have originated from the original TV import done in 2013.
I've created a new ticket here to look into cleaning up invalid data like this.
Reply by ticao2 š§š· pt-BR
on January 22, 2018 at 5:31 PM
Go to the team editing page for that episode.
Click the Bruce Miller (1212248). Goes to an error page.
Enjoy that you're there, erase that wrong Bruce Miller (1212248).
Then enter the correct Bruce Miller (157125).
Maybe that will solve the problem.