The Movie Database Support Forum

Hi, I was thinking - why not start 2 new APIs - one for awards for awards (national level awards like Oscars and Caesars, international awards like Cannes and Locarno), regional awards (like Saturn Award), etc. and one for external reviews from credible sources (like Roger Ebert, MetaScore, Rotten Tomatoes Score, etc.) ? I can myself start it if volunteers are needed (I can also enumerate the structure in which to expose the results of these APIs), and then others can follow suit and contribute?

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I'm not sure if we'll store links to external reviews or not (need to think on this) but awards are already planned. Should be complete at some point in the next few months. You can keep an eye on the blog for information about this when I add support for them.

That's great news, Travis. Thanks! Will the award data be available for TV Series as well? I hope so. And as for the reviews, any reason why you might not do it? I mean, all major film websites do it, IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, etc.. ? If your problem is that the URLs may change frequently, thus rendering the data here obsolete and would require much more frequent updates than the other data here, may be you can allow only really standard movie review site URLs, like those from New York Times, or Roger Ebert, or Vincent Cranby, etc. ?

Will the award data be available for TV Series as well?

Yes, the plan is to create the awards section for all three media types, movies, TV shows and actors.

And as for the reviews, any reason why you might not do it?

I think it's partly about what you mention, the maintenance of them. But it's mainly to do with a separate project I've been working on for a few months that would have some overlap so it's mostly to do with executing the other project first, and then seeing what's left. I started this back in January but then got severely side tracked in February and March and haven't had time to go back to it.

Perhaps you can start with really standard ones then, like Rotten Tomatoes page url (for movies where there is one such page), Roger Ebert site, New York Times, etc. ? RT itself gives APIs via Fandango to browse it for more reviews internally, all what is needed is the movie id, so the RT URL will prove to be very useful.

Hey @travisbell, did the Awards feature ever get added? I haven't seen it in the docs. Thanks!

@zaydek Not yet, no.

Fast response @travisbell! Thanks––no worries. Where is TMDB based?

No problem. Award data is still planned, that and trivia I kind of have tied together in my head and will definitely be moving on it at some point.

I'm based in Calgary.

Hey @travisbell, Any update on the Awards API? Thanks

No update at this time.

P.S. I’ve moved all of my feature planning to Trello. You can vote for and/or watch this ticket here.

As a newbie with fresh eyes, the capacity to add awards seems a good idea. It definitely helps ppl decide if they want to see something. Great job btw everyone !

Make sure to vote for it! And don't worry, it's a high priority item for me. I'm working to get there every day...

Thanks Travmeister ! Dumb question: where do I vote?

where do I vote?

You need to create a Trello account and then vote for this feature. You can find other interesting TMDB ideas on these Trello boards:

@travisbell said:

Make sure to vote for it! And don't worry, it's a high priority item for me. I'm working to get there every day...

Hi, any update on this?

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