The Movie Database Support

I have a lot of Mexican movies, most of which never received any official studio release nor an official title translation of any kind... and when I'm trying to search for the films and correct their info, I see their translated titles on pages instead.

Is there any way to force the site to show me the original film titles?


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Nope, I remember seeing another thread about it some weeks ago too. It'll always display the translated title, but for movies, it'll also list the original title in the movie facts section below the cast. I don't know about series though.

This is not currently possible but I have an open ticket for this here. It's something I'll think about for sure.

Thanks. I asked because a lot of translated film titles were... um... pretty nonsensical from my point of view. I didn't want to remove them because that would be kinda rude of me to do so. Hope this happens one day.

a lot of translated film titles were... um... pretty nonsensical from my point of view

If they are incorrect you should report them and a moderator will investigate.

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