The Movie Database Support


We're looking for a movie given by a title for this last year, as follows: nevertheless, we want to search for at least two years like 2016 and 2017, Could we do it with only one api callback? i.e: 2016|2017 or 2016,2017 (This two expressions do not work..)

Thank you very much in advance,

With best regards.

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Could you give us please any, an update of this?

Thank you!

You posted it in the wrong section, you should move it to the API Support area for better visibility. please move your query to API Support board.

I will close this thread now.

@k3sh there was no need to close it, he already moved it to the right place from what I can tell.

Opsie, my bad.

Thank you for the correction thumbsup

Hi RIki,

Unfortunately search does not support multiple year queries at this time, only one. I've created a new ticket for this to think about. For now the best I can suggest is doing multiple queries and then joining them locally if that can work (depending on your use case).

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