The Movie Database Support


In the "contribute" page, I can see many films where the name is missing (not translated into my native language).

I'm willing to help, but I wonder what to do with the movies where the name is the same as the original name. Should we "translate" them as it's marked as "missing movie name" or just blank the field ?

I'm asking because for "Donnie Darko", listed as "missing name" for French, I added the same title for the translation. But I can also see that many "translations" (all same as the original name of course) were removed on July 11th.

I updated some movies with the same "issue", so if I must remove the "translations", no problem, just let me know :)

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Just leave the field blank if the translated name is the same as the original one, otherwise it will be removed from moderators

Thanks, very clear. I can see you made the job before i could revert my changes ;) Thanks for that too.

I took the liberty to make a suggestion about that, to help us all, contributors and moderators :

Not sure it's a good one, but I thought it was interesting to share.

Thanks all for your hard job!


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