The Movie Database Support

Hi, I didn't see in the documentation that we can get the official Facebook fan page for a given movie. I would like to know if this feature will be add later or if I can already find this kind of information with another API. I can't use the Facebook API because it only give me the people who liked a fan page.

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Hi melvynP,

We don't yet support Facebook or Twitter IDs for anything but people. I've created a ticket for me to look at this in the future.


hello @travisbell

I looked at ticket part but couldn't understand what it for and how to use it. Can you elaborate how to use it and its features?

Hi @mitab86 I only just added the social links to moves and TV shows last month. The API doesn't have them yet but I've been working on the API for a few weeks so I will likely get them added soon.

Thank you @travisbell for every effort

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