The Movie Database Support Forum

When viewing a list and sorting by title, the results are alphabetized somewhat oddly. For instance, this is how the site sorts:

  1. A Clockwork Orange
  2. Awakenings
  3. Black Moon
  4. Taxi Driver
  5. The Departed
  6. Tokyo Story

The way most people would naturally sort these movies (and thus search for them in an alphabetized list) is:

  1. Awakenings
  2. Black Moon
  3. A Clockwork Orange
  4. The Departed
  5. Taxi Driver
  6. Tokyo Story

You can get pretty complicated with alphabetization rules if you want—there are literal chapters of styles manuals devoted to it—but chopping The|An|A from the start of the title is good enough for English titles.

2 Antworten (Seite 1 von 1)

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Hi dpmccabe,

Yes, all it's doing right now it looking at the first letter.

Lists are going to get completely overhauled later this year and this is only one of the many things that will improve. Thanks for the report.


Can the sorting be looked at again?

Specifically, how does a title followed by a number get sorted? e.g. "UFC 1", "UFC 99", "UFC 100", etc.

Where do the sort titles show up? I assumed Plex was getting sort title from a TMDB manually edited field but is this not the case?

I honestly thought there would be other titles in similar situations but episodic numbers are not seen in films much I guess.

I did see this series which includes spelled out numbers, something to consider:

  • Scenes from Under Childhood, Section Three (1969)
  • Scenes from Under Childhood, Section Four (1970)


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