The Movie Database Support

Hey, If you do a tv/2691/credits?api_key= query (Two and a half men) it now gives you an empty cast array. This seems to be a result of someone adding a new season without adding the cast. I see that you have added "a season regular" feature, but shouldn't the user who adds a new seasons also have to add the current cast before being able to save?

Thank you for your time. Alex

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Hey AlexNorway,

Since we’re just getting into the first round of adding new seasons, there’s a lot of cast members that haven’t been added with the option of “add to every season” which is currently the only way that the cast will be added to newly created seasons.

I’ve thought about making new seasons assume the previous season’s cast but haven’t implemented this yet. I’ve created a ticket for this to think about.


Thank you very much sir!

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