The Movie Database Support

I found most of the posters size as well as aspect ratio were incorrect, so I need to upload a correct size/aspect ratio to fix it. And I need to rate them so that it will be the default poster. If someone upload a correct aspect ratio/minimum dimensions, the system can't take it as default instead of rating?.

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Hi Sriram,

If someone upload a correct aspect ratio/minimum dimensions, the system can't take it as default instead of rating?

No, all images on TMDb are ordered by rating. I do have an open ticket to think about adding the ability to set a primary image but it is not high on my priority list.

Our of curiosity, what are some examples of movies that have posters with incorrect aspect ratio's?

An example is here. The above contains aspect ratio of 600x800 which looks bad for an poster. So, if I upload an poster of 500x750, the system was checking my dimensions, so it should take automatically the new as a default one as it matches the correct aspect ratio/minimum poster requirements. If anyone is adding again one more image, then the rating matters.

And if someone is uploading incorrect aspect, is there a possibility of cropping tool like the one in 'Google Contacts?' so that I don't have to edit the image on my editor to match the aspect ratio?.

so it should take automatically the new as a default one as it matches the correct aspect ratio/minimum poster requirements. If anyone is adding again one more image, then the rating matters

If you upload a new image with that is superior and your two votes (one to down vote the bad image and the other to vote yours up) aren't enough for it to take over as the primary feel free to report it and we can help you our by voting too. We always want a better image to take preference, it's just that with less popular films it isn't always as easy.

And if someone is uploading incorrect aspect, is there a possibility of cropping tool like the one in 'Google Contacts?'

This is a possibility for the future but as I've said in the past, uploading images is a "power user" feature. There's a lot of rules for images and if you're not up for the work then it's probably best to not worry about it.


One aspect of this is that some users get confused and create distorted images just to get a perfect aspect ratio. An experienced "power user" will notice that and either report or vote down the bad image. Having it automatically moved to the top image is not good in my opinion.

Also, the default poster aspect ratio for some countries (France the most notable one) is 1:1.33.

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