The Movie Database Support

Hello, maybe i am wrong, but it is correct that currently the Biography field is not supporting multiple languages? It would be nice if the biography are available in different languages, like the movie title. Can you add this in the future? Maybe the integration into the API and website is difficult but it would be nice :)

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You are correct. There's an open ticket for that here. It will be supported at some point, I'm just not sure when.

Until then, biographies are assumed to be English only.


ok thanks :) Let me know when this feature is avaiable :)

First: I do not want to annoy you. But is there any progress? or can you estimate/say when do you have time to work on that? Big thanks anyway :)

I already can see biographies in various languages as spanish, french, german, even russian and there is no advice that they should be only in english, maybe it would be better to make this more clear

If you see any please report them. This is something that will be getting looked at soon but until then, as I already mentioned, everything added now is assumed to be English.

Any news on this?

Hi Crops,

Nope, you can follow the ticket for updates. Lighthouse will automatically email you when I start working on it.

Can i ask the status of this feature?

Another thing that bothers me a bit about the biographies is that on top and bottom of almost every biography is the following sentence: "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" and "Description above from the Wikipedia article ..., licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia."

Is it possible that with the change of the multiple-language biography feature you can add something like a "source" or "copyright"-field where i can link/paste the source-page of which I have copied it. Then the biography-textbox would only contain the actual biography-text and the source information would be separated. In my opinion a much clearer approach.


I don't think that would work since you aren't supposed to copy texts like that. However, while the first Wikipedia notice is not really needed - I delete it when I see it - the second notice is standard if you copy a text from there. Ideally users would write their own overviews, but that is not easy and takes a lot of time (which is why the Wikipedia approach is used more frequently).

I do the same as lineker, I delete the "top Wikipedia line" when I come across them.

Translated biographies could very well be the next next thing I work on, so it's coming down soon. Lists are the next big feature I'm hitting, and after lists this one is likely to be next.

I could look at doing an attribution field. Are there other "free to use with attribution" sources out there that you have in mind?

Nice to hear that "translated bio's" are the next thing :)

Ok then i will do the same and delete the "top Wikipedia line" (or is it possible to write a script or something else that is searching on all existing biographies "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia \n" and auto-delete it??)

Right now i don't have any "free" sources in mind. ...don't know if / wikipedia / some other german websites are "free" to use/copy.

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