The Movie Database Support

The documentation says that there are fields for created_by, genres and networks, but I've tried several series and these fields are returned (matter of fact, only a few seem to be available). Is this just a data problem (this info hasn't been entered for these series), or have it been decided not to support these?

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Hi Dan,

I'm not sure if I follow. Every id I tested (1418, 1, 11, 111) has these fields. Can you give me an example id?

Keep in mind, the data might not always be present, so they might be empty arrays.

My bad, I guess most of the info is in the series item, not anything else. Thanks for the quick reply.


I found out my confusion. It looks like when you do a query, you only get a subset of the info, and you have to do a search by id to get the rest of the data. Was this by design? It means I have to do two accesses when it would seem one would suffice.

And is there not a way to get the actors for tv shows? I don't see fields in either the series/season/episode for this (like there are for movies).

Sorry for all the posts, I see know I can get them by making yet another call for credits. But this means that I have to make 3 calls to get the information that I can get for a movie in one call. Not only is this bad for the app (makes it appear slow) but it drives a lot more traffic to your website. Any chance of getting a series and season return that contains all the info?

Assuming when you say "when you do a query" you're referring to search, search will never return more info than the basic fields we already do.

With regards to building a request for the item detail, you can use append_to_response. You can read more about this in our documentation. But the basics look like this:,images


Sigh, I knew that (I've been using the Movie API for quite some time). That gets me down to 2 accesses.

OK, just once more :-), I don't see MPAA ratings for TV Shows, is this not available?

Nope, not yet. There's an open ticket for that here. I'll be looking at that soon.

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