Hi, Trying to translate this movie into Danish: https://www.themoviedb.org/translate/movie/49710?language=da But I get validation error about the status. Someone has wrongly set this as "Rumoured". Then i choose "English" instead, and when i try correct this (setting status: "Released", then i get: "It seems as though you are entering text in Danish while browsing in English."
What to do?
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Reply by Travis Bell
on April 3, 2013 at 10:20 AM
Hi morfeus,
The only field we check for the language is the overview. Can you please paste me the text you were entering so I can look into it?
Reply by morfeus
on April 3, 2013 at 1:07 PM
Hi Travis,
Oh, got it fixed now. It was because someone had entered Danish text in the overview field. I deleted it, and then i was able to fix the status validation problem. Someone must have add'ed it, at a time, when there wasn't any language check. Thanks.