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En un mundo en el que los humanos con mutaciones son tratados con miedo y falta de confianza, un instituto de mutantes nace para combatir esta situación y lograr la coexistencia pacífica con la humanidad.

Two years have passed and the new school year begins again. With it comes the resurrection of the Gifted program, and a hidden threat from the Ministry led by Darin, a new teacher. Time, a promising new student and member of the newest gifted generation, seek change within the school while upholding its hierarchical structure.

Filled with danger and more complications than it seems, what will the final battle be like? Who will be victorious? Will Pang and his companions be able to maintain their friendship and ideals? Can they defeat Director Supot? Or They Will Fail?

Ritdha Wittayakom High School has a "Gifted Program." The program offers special classes to a handful of "special" students chosen by the school administration. Incredibly, Pang, a tenth-year student from the lowest academically ranked class, passes the Gifted Program placement test. His entrance to the Gifted Program is filled with much confusion as he and his new friends begin to feel something strange about their new class isn't quite right. They come to learn that the Gifted Program was designed to awaken the "potentials" within them, potentials beyond those of ordinary humans. However, as these potentials are discovered, their use begins to expose unanticipated danger. Before long, their new abilities reveal a secret the school's officials were trying to keep hidden.

27 de diciembre de 2019

Una pintora en Estambul se embarca en un viaje personal mientras descubre secretos universales sobre un sitio arqueológico de Anatolia y su vínculo con su pasado.

Un chico corriendo al lado del tren... dos amigos de la infancia, una triste despedida. Así comienza la historia de Amaumi Haruhiko un estudiante que va a la academia Shimano en la ciudad del eterno arcoiris, Narasakicho... Una ciudad donde ocurren dos misteriosos fenómenos, Uno es el arco iris sobre la ciudad que nunca desaparece, el otro es un fenómeno mágico llamado gift, un regalo que se puede dar solo una vez entre dos personas que se aman, si es reciproco puede convertirse en algo muy especial.

The shop of a certain person wearing a mask sells gifts for people that you hate. There are four levels of gifts; making the receiver ashamed, scaring the receiver, hurting the receiver, and making the receiver die. Do you hate someone so much to give them this gift? Your hatred is their responsibility.

13 de junio de 2016

Costume designer Kong Hyun Soo fights against trials and hardships in order to succeed and find her happiness.

12 de agosto de 2023

Natsuki Amakusa (Masuda Takahisa), an overconfident genius detective with extraordinary deduction skills, meets Yuya Shiki (Ukisho Hidaka), a cool high school student who guessed the culprit at the scene of a suspected suicide. Yuuya possesses a special talent that allows him to see the shadows of murderers.

30 de abril de 2024
8 de julio de 2008

Seven psychics undergo a series of challenges designed to test their abilities in clairvoyance, telepathy and mediumship, among others. At the end of each episode the judges decide who stays and who goes, until the final instalment, when the audience gets to decide which of the remaining spoon-benders is truly The One.

Una madre, cuya hija es secuestrada y asesinada, tiene la oportunidad de volver atrás en el tiempo justo dos semanas antes del incidente teniendo que correr para salvarla antes de que muera de nuevo. Junto a ella se encuentra un investigador privado que le ayuda cuando retrocede en el tiempo, y su marido, un abogado de derechos humanos que es un apasionado de su trabajo, que alberga un secreto. Además, participa su primer amor, un detective de la división de crímenes violentos, graduado de la academia de policía y número uno de su promoción, considerado como futuro material de comisario de la policía, que también la ayuda a encontrar al sospechoso que matará a su hija en dos semanas.

16 de abril de 1997

Gift is a drama that aired on Fuji TV. It first aired in Japan from April 16, 1997 to June 25, 1997 every Wednesday. It features music by Bryan Ferry and Howard Jones. It raised several issues in Japanese society, due to its casual use of a butterfly knife and its resulting violence.

An original medical murder mystery surrounds an unknown killer coccus (bacteria), that leaves no trace in the victim's body, which enables it to be used as the perfect weapon to kill. Fujimaki Tatsuomi is a pathologist working at the Pathlogy department at Meikyo Medical University Hospital. He's looked down upon by the other staff around him, and his relationship with Maho his wife, a former nurse, has cooled down.

After a patient's suspicious death, he makes a new discovery; when the deadly bacteria "Gift" invades the body, the patient soon dies, but the "Gift" leaves no trace thereafter, enabling it to be used as the perfect weapon to kill. As a result of this discovery, Fujimaki's life dramatically changes. While searching for a way to treat his ailing wife's heart disease, he becomes embroiled in a conspiracy surrounding the killer bacteria "Gift."

When Aihara Ame was a high school student in Nagasaki, she wasn’t confident in herself due to her past. Asano Taiyo was a student attending the same school as Aihara Ame. He was the only person who talked to her brightly. With him, she was able to see her life positively for the first time in her life. She had feelings for him. After her graduation, she went to Tokyo to fulfill her dream of becoming a patissier without telling Asano Taiyo about her feelings for him.

After 8 years, she returns to Nagasaki. One day, she meets Asano Taiyo, whom she has never forgotten, and is elated to see him again. An accident soon occurs, and Aihara Ame falls into deep despair. A man appears in front of her and introduces himself as a guide from the afterlife. He tells her that if she gives her heart to him, he will make a miracle for her.

15 de enero de 2019

Through their passion, and armed with their tremendous talent, children of all over the world are reinventing the word “gifted”. As they progress, these young athletes, musicians and artists, must reconcile their dream of surpassing themselves with their young age, and their day-to-day lives.

The shop of a certain person wearing a mask sells gifts for people that you hate. There are four levels of gifts; making the receiver ashamed, scaring the receiver, hurting the receiver, and making the receiver die. Do you hate someone so much to give them this gift? Your hatred is their responsibility.

15 de agosto de 2020

There is a magical land called Cozy Land where live the cute Bunny, the smart Cro, the cheery Elo, the friendly Annie, the sleepyhead Oliver, and the kindhearted dragon Dibo who has special ability to make a gift that is always the perfect solution.

Una niña es secuestrada y asesinada en la jurisdicción de gangbuster del detective Yang Chun Dong, 3 años en el trabajo. Durante el caso, se da cuenta de que la escena del crimen es el mismo que el papel misteriosa que vio una vez en la calle y empieza a rastrear a Joon quien lo dibujó. Justo en ese momento, es arrestado pero Chun Dong se da cuenta de que Joon tiene la capacidad de la 'psico-metría' para ver el pasado con solo tocar a alguien o algo con su mano derecha. Ha vivido su vida solo culpándose a sí mismo por su habilidad, pero había estado dibujando pistas sobre los crímenes de la misma. Sin embargo, se convierte en un sospechoso del asesinato. Chun Dong utiliza el poder de Joon para localizar a los verdaderos criminales como él cree que Joon es el único testigo del caso. ¿Será el caso resuelto?

3 de septiembre de 2014

Childhood best friend with a genius IQ become bittersweet rivals when they both fall for Mark.

Kaden Mackenzy, a teenage girl with the ability to communicate with the dead, stumbles upon a secret that has been haunting the small town of Peabody, Massachusetts for ages. Kaden's gift suddenly becomes her curse as these interactions soon unfold a mystery of a historic and vicious nature.

21 de enero de 1993

Psychic descendents of an African tribe reunite to save Earth. 5000 years ago certain members of the Dogon tribe in West Africa were granted psychic powers by good aliens to counterbalance the effects of Ogo, a bad alien intent on taking over Earth and killing all life to remake the planet for his own purposes. Descendents of the tribe who inherit the psychic powers are given an ancient book to read and pass on. Every 32 years, in connection with the orbiting of the star Sirius B, Ogo returns to kill a few more of the psychics in his ongoing bid for power.

13 de diciembre de 2015

A thesis short film by SandOtnim, The Gifted reflects on the problems of today's Thai education system which focusing on students' grade. It is now an Indicator of the academic excellence of students that separated them into groups, or judged them as the losers as they have a bad grade; even though they have good skills in other things besides academic knowledge.

El joven Ben Carson tenía muy pocas posibilidades en la vida. Hijo de padres separados, criado en la pobreza y rodeado de prejuicios raciales, se volvió un niño irascible y mal estudiante. Aun así, su madre nunca perdió la confianza que tenía puesta en él. Insistiendo en que aprovechara las oportunidades que ella nunca había tenido, fomentó su imaginación, inteligencia y lo que es aún más importante, la confianza en sí mismo. Esa fe en sí mismo sería su don, el cual le llevaría a hacer realidad su sueño de convertirse en uno de los mejores neurocirujanos del mundo... (FILMAFFINITY)

31 de mayo de 2024

Barbara (Ginger Lynn Allen) possesses a special ability to control the will of others. After years of causing pain to others, her only hope to save herself is by confessing her sins to a mysterious priest and his undead assembly.

A look at the unusual process used in the making of the film Shortbus (2006) featuring interviews, behind the scenes footage and clips from the feature film. Director John Cameron Mitchell starts with the concept of using real sex in a film with a positive message. The cast of unknowns is selected from homemade audition tapes and then a callback audition workshop. More acting workshops are used to develop the characters and script. The project overcomes a number of obstacles and the rest of the film's development is followed up until its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival.

Sheku Kanneh-Mason made history in 2016 when he became the first black winner of the BBC Young Musician competition. Sheku has six musically gifted siblings and this film explores their extraordinary talents and issues of diversity in classical music. We follow Sheku and his brothers and sisters and examine the sacrifices that parents Stuart and Kadie make in order to support their children in pursuing their musical dreams. Told through the prism of family life we get an understanding of what it is that drives this family to be the best musicians they can be. At the heart of the story is 17-year-old Sheku, and we see him coming to terms with his Young Musician win and the pressures and opportunities it brings. His life is changing dramatically as he now has to learn to deal with the challenges of becoming a world-renowned cellist.

25 de junio de 1989

A young boy can transfer his body energy into ESP and heal sick people. While the subject of scientists' studies, he runs away to try to find out about his past and why he is the way he is.

1 de enero de 1992

This video is about the idea of narcissistic transference, sexual dependency, and the failure to distinguish between the self and the loved one. It is also about using love to create a border between oneself and political and psychological oppression.

1 de mayo de 2018

Phil Heath is considered one of the most muscular men on the planet. He travels the world making a living from his 'muscles' as one of today's elite-level professional bodybuilders. From the hard work at the gym to the pressures of competing to maintaining a positive relationship with his family, it's all part of Phil's quest to become Mr. Olympia; the ultimate bodybuilding title. In Gifted, we peek behind the curtain of one of the world's most fascinating and bizarre sports. Can Phil achieve his dream to become the greatest bodybuilder in the world? The film includes behind the scenes footage at the Olympia, gut-wrenching training, interviews with Phil's family, friends, and body building community. Gifted is a documentary for both people that know little to nothing about bodybuilding as well as bodybuilding aficionados, taking them on a journey of one man's attempt to fulfill his destiny.

30 de abril de 1980

La directora de un colegio privado, tras el fracaso del anterior año escolar, donde hubo un cero por ciento de titulados en el Bachiller, decide maximizar la disciplina y el control. Firmes normas de vestuario, cámaras de seguridad en las clases, detectores de humo en los lavabos para que los estudiantes no fumen, y severas técnicas de aprendizaje, pero, debido a los graves problemas de conducta de los estudiantes, todos estos intentos parecen resultar en vano...

The Gifted Hypothesis is about a working-class child prodigy, born with the ability to hear and compose music, fighting the limitations of his social status to make the most of his incredible talent. The film shines a light on the unfortunate reality that in modern society, it’s better to be born rich than gifted.

A group of friends are planning how to spend their summer vacation. One plans to go to the Seychelles with his American girlfriend. At the airport she dumps him for another guy. He has no money so he steals a backpack and goes camping. Somehow he meets a pretty girl and convinces her to share his tent. But a famous singer sees the girl and wants her too. He convinces the luckless guy to act like a fool and the girl leaves him and goes with the singer to the French Rivera.

Excerpts from the 1969 Off-Broadway production at the Cherry Lane Theater of To Be Young, Gifted and Black: The World of Lorraine Hansberry, adapted by Robert Nemiroff, Hansberry's widower, and directed by Gene Frankel.

21 de septiembre de 2017

Las hermanas DeMaurier pensaron que habían enfrentado su mayor desafío con el descubrimiento del tesoro del Capitán Cook. Pero cuando un misterioso extraño aparece en su casa desesperado por su ayuda, ¡Isabella, Sarah y Christina vuelven a la acción!

Cinco jóvenes mutantes que acaban de descubrir sus habilidades, son encerrados en unas instalaciones secretas contra su voluntad y luchan por escapar de su pasado y salvarse a sí mismos.

20 de enero de 1997

A story about twelve years old Vincent Leblanc whose brilliant mind often helps his family, but sometimes causes a lot of problems...


DirecciónMukhtiar Chadha

Gifty Norbet

ProducciónThe Fisherman

Gift Igweh


Gift Jiji

Vestuario y maquillajeAmina

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