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25 de junio de 2021

El atrevido pasado sexual de una mujer choca con su presente de casada con hijos cuando el exchico malo con el que no puede dejar de fantasear vuelve a entrar en su vida.

14 de junio de 2019

A voyeuristic documentary series about titillating sexual and erotic experiences.

6 de marzo de 2024

Esta serie es la adaptación del libro de Manuel Jabois "Nos vemos en esta vida o en la otra", que se basa en la entrevista que Gabriel Montoya Vidal, "Baby", le concedió en 2014 sobre su vinculación con el mayor atentado yihadista cometido en suelo europeo en marzo de 2004.

2 de mayo de 2021

Hitler’s Secret Sex Life exposes the myriad of rumours, theories and disputed historical accounts of Adolf Hitler's sexual psychology. There is no shortage of experts on Hitler's sex life who consider his predictions to be a barometer of the dictator's twisted psyche. Each episode will address a specific time period of Hitler's alleged and proven sex life and explores the role it played in shaping his behaviour.

Ban Ji Eum tiene una habilidad extraordinaria: puede recordar todas sus vidas pasadas. Después de que su vida anterior se ve interrumpida por un trágico accidente, se propone volver a conectarse con las personas de su vida pasada en la actual. ¿Los recuerdos de su vida número 18 sabotearán el romance en su vida número 19? ¿O el amor perdurará a lo largo de diferentes vidas?

7 de julio de 2016

From $6 subs to the most sought-after ingredients on the planet—Matty Matheson eats it all, with friends new and old.

26 de noviembre de 2018

Documentary series exploring everyday life on board various ships in the Royal Navy fleet.

15 de octubre de 2012

Sex, Death and the Meaning of Life is a three-part television documentary presented by Richard Dawkins which explores what reason and science might offer in major events of human lives. He argues that ideas about the soul and the afterlife, of sin and God's purpose have shaped human thinking for thousands of years. He believes science can provide answers to some of these old questions we used to entrust to religion.

Set For Life is an American game show hosted by Jimmy Kimmel. It premiered on Friday, July 20, 2007 at 8:00 PM Eastern on ABC, and ran until August 31 in that time slot. ABC never officially announced the show's cancellation, but there has been no official word on the return of the show.

The game is based on the British version, For The Rest Of Your Life.

Viewers are invited inside the creative routines and personal stories of a collection of master craftspeople living on Canada's Eastern Seaboard, whose life experiences have shaped their work in tandem with their own two hands. Each episode documents the artistry of such crafts as stone carving, wood turning, sculpting, felting, and metalsmithing.

9 de julio de 2013
24 de enero de 2018

Narra la historia de una joven que fue vendida de pequeña, Nefes. Vedat es el hombre de negocios que la compró; una persona con mucho carácter que no deja a Nefes y a su hijo vivir en libertad.

Cuenta la historia del cuarteto formado por un exfutbolista amable y en quiebra, un cirujano rico y esnob, una ejecutiva poderosa y arrogante y una estafadora con corazón de piedra que sufren un accidente de avión el mismo día que se conocen y terminan muriendo. Al conocer la Muerte, son advertidos de que su momento aún no ha llegado y que deben volver a la vida para resolver sus problemas personales. Sin embargo, Muerte advierte que, en un año, uno de ellos realmente morirá y los cuatro deciden aprovechar esta segunda oportunidad para lograr sus mayores metas en la vida.

Los hermanos Sora (18 años) y Shiro (11 años) son un par de NEETs, (gamers) concretamente se les define como hikikomori, quienes juntos forman a los blancos, llamados así porque su nombre de usuario está en blanco. Entre los dos tienen 4 jugadores y en el primer capítulo, sin hacer trampas, logran vencen a 1200 jugadores ellos solos.Son considerados una leyenda urbana. Ambos coinciden en que el mundo real como un juego basura. Un día reciben un e-mail de un desconocido que dice algo así como: "¿Alguna vez los hermanos se han preguntado si no son de este mundo?". En ese momento solo se preguntan de que como sabe que son hermanos ya que nunca lo han dicho. Junto al mensaje hay un enlace, Sora decide darle al enlace que hay adjunto con el e-mail y les lleva a un juego de ajedrez. Shiro, a pesar de tener 11 años es una genio y se sabe todos los estados posibles del tablero. Con muchos esfuerzos y la ayuda de su hermano, consiguen vencerle. Luego les envía otro e-mail diciendo: "Si hubiera un mundo donde todo se resuelve con juegos... un mundo en un tablero, donde las reglas y el objetivo estuvieran claros ¿Qué pensarían de eso?", y en ese momento, Sora responde: "Si existe un mundo así, entonces, nosotros claramente hemos nacido en un mundo equivocado". En ese momento todo se apaga y se encuentran cayendo en picado. Un niño aparece con ellos y comienza a explicarles los 10 mandamientos del extraño mundo y les dice que se llama Tet, que es el único Dios, y que ese mundo se llama Disboard. En Disboard hay 16 clases Exceed (la posición que ocupa cada una de las razas), en la que los humanos somos la última por no poder utilizar la magia.

One Life to Live is an American soap opera broadcast on television for more than 43 years on the ABC network, from July 15, 1968, to January 13, 2012, and on the internet as a web series on Hulu and iTunes via The Online Network since April 29, 2013. Created by Agnes Nixon, the series was the first daytime drama to primarily feature ethnically and socioeconomically diverse characters and consistently emphasize social issues. One Life to Live was expanded from 30 minutes to 45 minutes on July 26, 1976, and then to an hour on January 16, 1978.

25 de enero de 2017

Chief Kim: ¿Puede la política corporativa convertir a una persona mala en una buena? Kim Sung Ryong (Namgoong Min) es un habilidoso contador que trabaja para mafiosos. Logra entrar en una compañía llamada grupo TQ como gerente medio en el departamento de contabilidad con la intención de desfalcar dinero de la empresa. Al tener que lidiar con la contadora de primera Yoon Ha Kyung (Nam Sang Mi), el prodigio financiero Seo Yool (Junho) y la alegre pasante Hong Ga Eun (Jung Hye Sung), Sung Ryong se ve enredado en medio de las intrigas de la oficina y descubre otros engaños de parte de los que detentan el poder y que amenazan con derrumbar a la empresa. Sung Ryong poco a poco comienza a darse cuenta que prefiere luchar contra la corrupción corporativa y por los derechos de los empleados que completar la misión que originalmente vino a realizar. ¿Podrá triunfar en su nuevo objetivo contra todo pronóstico?

Ver The Rational Life online: En una empresa en gran parte dominada y dirigida por hombres, el camino hacia la promoción de Shen Ruo Xin es difícil. Ha pasado un año desde la competencia por el puesto de directora del departamento legal, pero Liu Pei, la vicepresidenta de la empresa, sigue poniéndole las cosas difíciles.

Dirty Sexy Things was a British concept documentary series that aired on E4 about eight models preparing for eight shoots which culminated in an exhibition for fashion photographer Perou. A promo for the show began airing on E4 at the end of June 2011. The show is sponsored by Rimmel London.

The series featured eight episodes, the first of which aired 10pm Monday 4 July 2011 on E4 and again on Saturday 9 July on Channel 4.

La última tecnología nos ayuda a descubrir la vida en la Tierra desde una nueva perspectiva. Hoy en día hay satélites que capturan espectáculos naturales a una escala épica y están tan avanzados que pueden incluso rastrear animales y personas.

Jung-sik and Ji-young got married after a hot relationship, but it has cooled down. One day, Yoon-soo and Sun-young move in next door. They have been married for 5 years, but still look like they're madly in love. Ji-young talks to them about her problems and they decide to help her sex life.

Delaine es una madre y esposa dedicada que diseñó su vida e identidad en torno a su familia. Cuando descubre que su marido tiene un amorío, se obliga a entender que su matrimonio está destrozado y ya no puede subsistir por medio de mentiras y excusas. Presionada por sus amigas, Delaine conoce las citas online y comienza a escribirse con ‘The Duke’. Aunque vive lejos, la atrapa; las opiniones que él tiene sobre la sexualidad y el poder sobre las mujeres la asombran . A través de su ‘tutoría’ Delaine comienza a salir con hombres de su ciudad y redescubre lo que le ha echo falta desde hace muchos años. Pero, ¿qué pasaría si ella y The Duke se conocieran?

1 de enero de 1992

A movie director has his eyes set on creating a film focusing on where sex fits into a relationship. While casting auditions for his newest film, he becomes enamored by a woman and learns more than he ever could have imagined regarding commitment. Is there "life" after sex?

Die Klosterschulerinnen (released in the U.S. as "Sex Life In A Convent"), the 1972 Eberhard Schroder German nunsploitation religious nun Catholic sexploitation thriller ("Little Girls with BIG Ideas") starring Doris Arden, Sascha Hehn, Josef Moosholzer, Ulrich Beiger, and Elisabeth Volkmann

8 de junio de 1998

A look at the sex lives of the guys who make L.A. adult movies.

Paul Dedalus is at a crossroads in his life. He has to make several decisions; should he complete his doctorate, does he want to become a full professor, does he really love his long-standing girlfriend, or should he re-start with one of his other lovers?

Live action film adaptation of a romance that was turned into a book after making a splash on the Internet bulletin board “2 Channel.” Humorously depicts a 29-year-old virgin who meets a prostitute, and struggles with love. Directed by Iizuka Ken of Arakawa Under the Bridge.

22 de septiembre de 2016

Barbara y Guille se aman y ella quiere tener un hijo con él.Tras un trágico accidente, Barbara nota cambiado a Guille, que se ha convertido en alguien sombrío y extraño. Comienza a juntarse con un hombre que le ofrece una estabilidad sin pasión, Nils. Aunque trata de adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos, la memoria del amor perdido se convierte en algo que atormenta a la joven. Sin embargo, un día comprende que lo más importante no está perdido.

25 de julio de 1928

Dr. Benchley is addressing the Ladies Club on the subject of the reproductive habits of the polyp, a small aquatic organism. Although he is not able to display his live specimens, he has prepared a series of pictures of his subjects. He explains that the subject is made more complicated by the fact that polyps are able to change their sex from time to time. Then he presents some of the pictures of his specimens and the experiments that he has done with them.

After being released from prison Wil (Wil Lewis III) tries to reconnect with the daughter he didn't get a chance to raise and live a life free of crime. After a chance encounter with Candy (Genesis Hines} a streetwalker who's in desperate need for protection she propositions him with a business opportunity he cant decline. Associates from Wil's past try to pressure him to get back into the life of drug dealing but he refuses as his business venture with Candy has begun to flourish. After one of his former partners is robbed Wil is compelled back into the life he tried so hard to avoid. As Wil navigates the dope game again he is unknowingly pursued by a dirty cop seeking revenge. Life comes full circle for Wil as he copes with the pressure of being a drug dealer in the mean streets of Detroit city. Based on a true story. —Wil Lewis III

Hailed as the UK’s most influential comedian of all time, legendary Scot Billy Connolly is coming to cinemas with this brilliant show from his final stand-up tour. Recorded in 2015, during the Australian leg, this whip smart routine is a riotous journey filled with outrageous tales and blistering observations of everyday absurdities. Screening as a special one-night-only event, Connolly will also muse upon his career, life and legacy in a deeply personal interview filmed exclusively for cinema audiences.

A moving documentary made to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Penlee Lifeboat Disaster on 19 December 1981. The eight-man crew of the RNLB Solomon Browne, the lifeboat from the Penlee station in Mousehole, Cornwall, put to sea in an exceptionally severe gale to rescue the five-man crew of the MV Union Star, a cargo ship whose engines had failed two miles off the coast and which was in danger of being swept onto the rocks. The Solomon Browne was initially able to rescue the captain's family and one of the crew from Union Star but, as they attempted to rescue the captain and the remaining crewmate, radio contact with the Solomon Browne was lost and both crews perished.

Dr. Mikami is an elderly somewhat clumsy, very popular therapist, his patients turn to him with all possible and impossible questions. Because Dr. Mikami's specialty is sexual clarification... The world's best-selling sex literature was filmed here in a manner close to the original. And the openness of the image shows the shocking conflicts of young people in scenes that were never filmed. Shocking documents about sex life from the doctor's office.

Mucho antes que las revueltas de Stonewall y el informe Kinsey, vivió el doctor Magnus Hirschfeld. Siendo un joven judio gay en el Berlín del siglo XIX, Hirschfeld no sólo luchó a favor de los derechos de los gays, sino que fue su descubridor.

Rosa von Praunheim, co-fundadora del movimiento de lucha por los derechos civiles para los gays en Alemania y directora de cine, cuenta la historia de Hirschfeld en un exuberante drama histórico. Enlazando una historia fascinante de descubrimiento y romance con una mordaz afición por la política, Von Praunheim presenta este convincente relato del doctor que fundó el primer grupo político gay en 1897 y la primera institución médica para gays, el reconocido Instituto de Ciencia Sexual, que prosperó hasta la llegada del regimen nazi. En Einstein of Sex (apodo que dio a Hirschfeld la prensa americana) un legendario pionero del sexo se encuentra con un inconformista director para crear juntos una celebración de la historia gay.

Los Angeles in the year 2005: 19-year-old lads move through an apartment that has been equipped with webcams and looks like some sort of futuristic internet doll's house. Not-quite-so-young men fulfil their sexual dreams as protagonists in bareback productions. And, at private sex parties, almost every second guy has either taken part in a porn film or wants to. In 1997, I followed on camera the fortunes of a group of men who had chosen to wok - either artistically or commercially - with their bodies. This footage later become part of my 1998 documentary, SEX/LIFE IN L.A.. I'm still in touch with some of the men in that film, these include: lone battler Kevin Kramer, mature shooting star Cole Tucker, American boy-next-door Matt Bradshaw and friends of the occasional model John Garwood, who died of an overdose in 1998. Some of these men have successful careers behind them, others have left the sex industry altogether.

Director Wes Anderson and The Life Aquatic crew discuss the effort that went into crafting the world of Steve Zissou. Join us as we dive deep into the costumes, set design, and visual effects of this wild action adventure film.

Betty reveals her history through the images of her art and shows how she used her creative talent to promote women's sexual pleasure and health. Nearly 200 pieces of original art created over the last 45 years make this film a must see for art and sex lovers alike. Beginning with the early years of self-exploration to the courageous sharing of her own sexual growth, Betty Dodson teaches as she entertains. See this feminist icon as she has never been seen before, the artist, the sexual innovator and humanist all rolled into one dynamic person.

A couple struggles to make a kinky sex tape in the wake of the Kavanaugh hearing.

The developers of the hit game Sea of Thieves reminisce over 5 years of development.

An uncompromising look at the lives of sex workers in an area of Leeds where, if you're buying or selling sex, you won’t get arrested.

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