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12 de abril de 2019

La Agencia para la Investigación y Defensa Paranormal (AIDP) encomienda a Hellboy la tarea de derrotar a un espíritu ancestral: Nimue, conocida como "La Reina de la Sangre". Nimue fue la amante del mismísimo Merlín durante el reinado del Rey Arturo, de él aprendió los hechizos que la llevaron a ser una de las brujas más poderosas… Pero la locura se apoderó de ella y aprisionó al mago para toda la eternidad. Hace siglos consiguieron acabar con esta villana, enterrándola profundamente, pero ha vuelto de entre los muertos con la intención de destruir a la humanidad con su magia negra.

Una joven termina en un sanatorio mental para chicas después de presenciar cómo un extraño estrangulaba a su madre. Pero lejos de ser un lugar de reposo y curación, el hospital termina revelándose como un campo de siniestros experimentos de la perturbadora Doctora Fletcher.

Marek, un joven policía que se hace pasar por un clérigo, tiene la tarea de averiguar sobre la desaparición de unos presos atormentados en un monasterio cerrado.

11 de noviembre de 2007

A teenager feels an endless fascination for his cellular which will enable him to reach his aim: alluring the pretty high-school girl he's in love with. Unfortunately, this special "addiction" will not be without negative consequences on the behavior of the boy...

20 de marzo de 2019

Three starkly different people deal with the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Brussels in May 2016. A Flemish doctor, whose son is a fighter jet pilot on a mission in the Middle East, is forced to confront his loneliness. A young man from Algerian descent is asked by his brother to do him a deceivingly simple favor. An Italian woman, who works in the heart of the European Institutions, is slowly losing control under the pressure of her demanding life. The same question that seems to haunt the city looms over their lives : where do we go from here?

Tras la ruptura de un acuerdo milenario entre la humanidad y los poderes invisibles de un mundo fantástico, el infierno en la Tierra está cada vez más cerca. Un líder despiadado, que se maneja tanto en el mundo de los humanos como en el de las criaturas, decide traicionar a sus ancestros, y despierta a un ejército imparable de criaturas diabólicas. Ahora, en este momento de debilidad, el superhéroe más duro deberá combatir contra el imparable líder y su ejército. Es rojo, caliente e incomprendido es Hellboy (Ron Perlman).

30 de octubre de 2019

A family moves into an old house, unaware of its diabolic, bloody history. The film features two separate stories from different time periods: the Villareal family from the present time, and the Domingo family who lived in the same house back in the 90s.

It's called the House of Evils, where beasts in human flesh prowl the corridors and the most dangerous residents aren't the luscious inmates, but the predatory guards. For the crime of assaulting her lover, Saya Mizushima has been sentenced to three years in the most brutal prison facility in Japan. It wasn't supposed to be a life sentence, but unless the woman now known as Inmate 611 can learn how to hold her own against both the ruthlessness of her fellow inmates and the brutal harassment of the guards, she's got little chance of walking out with both mind and body intact. Stripped, shackled, but not yet broken, an international chain gang of red hot models and actresses lead by Akira Kiuchi, Harumi Nemoto , Youko Kamon, Yoshimi Asada and Kei Mizutani prepare to march into the flames of the damned in HELLHOLE: INMATE 611!

Acompañado de Liz Sherman y Abe Sapien, Hellboy es enviado a investigar una serie de sucesos paranormales que están teniendo lugar en una mansión.

1 de enero de 1988

Hadley’s Hellhole finds a female reporter (Clancey McCauley) and an archeologogist (GW Lawrence) investigating the reopening of an old mine that was rumored to be haunted by the men who died in a cavein back in the 30’s. Will they find themselves confronting the ghosts of the past and will they be able to escape?

Cuando experto en antigüedades abre un extraño pergamino y es poseído por espíritus malignos, las autoridades recurren a Hellboy para que les ayude. Hellboy tendrá que enfrentarse a los demonios gemelos del Trueno y el Rayo y evitar que consigan una espada mágica que tiene el poder de traer a sus hermanos dragones a este mundo.

27 de noviembre de 2007

Max Harper es un criminal que decide secuestrar al hijo de una de las mujeres más ricas del estado. Su novia y un grupo de amigos le ayudan en el rapto y se refugian en un caserón abandonado mientras tratan de cobrar el rescate. Sin embargo, no tardarán en descubrir que el niño que han secuestrado no es del todo normal.

11 de noviembre de 2009

To surprise her daughter on her birthday, a mother saves up and buys a second-hand cellphone. But before she can get home, accident befalls her and she ends up dead. The phone was stolen by a janitor who was trying to make ends meet. His excitement over the phone is cut short when strange things started happening. He along with his friend team up to uncover the truth behind the unusual phone and the mysterious voice that keeps on calling.

3 de mayo de 2024

This was a project where I edited a non-horror film/tv show as horror.

21 de abril de 2021

Helldose is an anthology where the hostess leads her guests to prove five different flavors from the depths of hell.

As archaeologists excavate a mass grave of British sailors, Sam Willis explores Antigua's ruins and sees how the Caribbean's sugar islands were a kind of hell in Nelson's time.

Indonesian film about a Punjabi girl getting tricked into living with a big time pimp. Uncle MG as they call him, abducts virgins, and forces them to submit to his hymen bustin ways. The not so attractive gals get several chances to marry Uncle MG, or it's into his private jail. Old wives become queen bees, and must submit to the guards.

20 de septiembre de 2019

La película de “historia de amor de ciencia ficción” está ambientada en Kyoto en el año 2027, y muestra los lugares famosos como los santuarios sintoístas Fushimi Inari Taisha y Kamo. La película se centra en Naomi Katagaki, un estudiante de secundaria. Un día, una persona que se llama a sí misma Naomi, siendo 10 años mayor, aparece frente al joven Naomi. Juntos, deben cambiar el futuro y salvar a una compañera de clase, Ruri, con quien Naomi comienza a salir en tres meses.

A pathetic minor league Soccer Goalkeeper was given a task - to spend 1 Billion in thirty days, if successful he will get 30 Billion. However, he's not allowed to tell anyone about the task and he must not own any valuables by end of it.

A lonely otaku is fired from his job. He is rescued in a ruined building by a strange girl in a sailor suit. When he wakes up, the girl becomes a figure. The young man and the pretty figure begin to live together.

"Hello, Saturday" is the rebranding of popular Chinese show "Happy Camp", hosted by He Jiong and with a fixed group of regular celebrity members.

The program showcases the talent of various stars as well as social topics through creative and diverse content and games. It aims to spread positive energy whilst keeping up with the current trends and leading youth culture.

Hellholes is an original Web Dark Comedy/Horror from Atom Film Studios about a man who discovers his trailer home is a portal into another dimension. Since its debut in late 2006, the series has quite successfully been streamed on the Atom Films website, where it has already received over 800,000 viewings. This is compared to other very successful web-based movies, such as the award-winning Pink Five series, whose viewing figures are well over 3 million.

22 de julio de 2016

Cinco estudiantes universitarias con personalidades muy diferentes, comparten una casa llamada "Belle Epoque". Yoon Jin Myung es estudiante de último año de administracion de empresas. Ella está muy ocupada estudiando y trabajando por lo que sufre de la falta de sueño. Kang Yi Na tambien estudia administracion de empresas. Ella es popular debido a su aspecto sexy. Tiene mucha seguridad en sus encantos por lo que esta rodeada de chicos. Es liberal y extrovertida. Jung Ye Eun es estudiente con especializacion en nutrición, quien está totalmente dedicada a su novio. Ella es clara acerca de lo que le gusta y lo que no. Song Ji Won estudia Ciencias de la comunicación. Ella tiene una personalidad brillante y alegre. Tambien le gusta mucho beber. Esta obsesionada con conseguir un novio. Yoo Eun Jae se especializa en psicologia, es muy tímida e introvertida, pero tiene un gusto único para los hombres.

22 de noviembre de 2010

A talk show with an emphasis on regular people, regardless of age or gender, that aims to help take down communication barriers by sharing stories about life.

Hello! Sandybell is an anime series made by Toei Animation in 1981. It was aired in Japan by TV Asahi.

In the original title when it is made in Japan, her name is the spelling to which "E" is attached to an end by "Sandybelle".

Similarly to Silver Fang, the show is relatively unknown in the U.S. but was quite popular in Asia, Latin America, Arab countries and Europe, particularly Scandinavia.

Hello! Morning (ハロー!モーニング) is a weekly television show starring the lead Hello! Project group Morning Musume (although originally, all Hello! Project members were featured). It has aired 11:30 to 12:30 Sundays on TV Tokyo. It has been on the air from April 2000 until April 2007. The name of the show is often abbreviated as ハロモニ (Haromoni). The last episode of Hello! Morning was aired April 1st, 2007 after 354 episodes. The show was replaced with a new show called Haromoni@, which is somewhat shorter and has a different concept.

Detective Goro Nanase and his colleagues of "Akatsuka Detective Office" are based in Shimo-Akazuka of Itabashi-ku, Tokyo. The detectives take on a string of challenging cases that no one else wants to take on.

Animated comedy with Andrei Merzlikin about the adventures of the bandit Boris who rose from the dead. He awakens in the morgue and decides to reveal the secret of his own death, enlisting the help of a young medical trainee Artem. What is the avenger capable of, who has been in the other world and is eager to punish the killers? Boris is capable of a lot.

Anne Shirley goes through quite a lot of adventures before she ends up in Green Gables. She is living with a family and helps out by looking after the kids, helping in the chores around the home... Meanwhile she discovers more about who she is, that her name is "Anne" and not "Ann"... And she just is her adorable but a bit crazy self.

23 de junio de 2009

Hello Baby is a South Korean reality show where celebrities experience parenthood by raising children ages 5 and under. The main purpose is to see whether or not the celebrities make "good" parents.

Morimura Aiko is a junior high school student who is short for her age. Her father went on a yacht ten years ago and his whereabouts remained in obscurity. Her mother, a designer for hats, left for Paris, leaving Aiko in the care of her uncle, Mr Fujinami. Aiko had a pet dog, Papi, but it died in a car accident. Around the same time, another dog, Spank, appears before her. Having gone through so many unfortunate events in her life, Spank's presence begins to brighten up Aiko's life and put a smile on her face.

2 de agosto de 2014

An unexpected package is delivered to a school boy, Chatan. Chatan opens the box, but there is only an ordinary toy cube inside. However, as soon as Chatan touches the cube, a car-transformation robot appears.

A coming-of-age story that follows a group of students with an interest in debate.

Freshman Bai Yu studies Culture Industry Management at Yingli University. He mistakenly attends the new member selection meeting of the debate club and ends up joining the club together with Yi Xiao Xi and others. Final-year student Gao Ting Ting, who dreams of winning the national University Debate Championship, now puts all her hopes on the new team. But the teacher in charge wants to give their practice room away, and in order to keep the room, Ting Ting’s team has to place first in the university’s own debate contest. Will their team of rookies with clashing personalities be able to achieve it?

Intern sports reporter Tang Xin was tasked to interview the champion of the 50-meter pistol event. She was surprised to find out its Shen Qing Yuan, her shooting coach which she secretly liked four years ago. During the interview, Tang Xin was taken aback by Shen Qing Yuan's cold attitude, and she begins stuttering, causing her to almost lose her job. Tang Xin finds reasons to get near Shen Qing Yuan and tries to solve the root of the problem. In the shooting team, she meets all kinds of contestants, each with their unique stories and life backgrounds. Finally, she managed to produce a shooting program that was well-received by the audience and solves her workplace crisis. With psychologist Ding Fang's help, Tang Xin helps Shen Qing Yuan resolve the knot in his heart and makeup with his former comrade Du Ling Feng. Carrying dreams and love in their heart, they stand on the shooting stage together, aiming higher toward glory.

25 de septiembre de 2017

Life changes for Nandita when she receives a series of MMS with romantic messages that expose her husband Ananya's extra-marital affair with Nina. As the mystery thickens, Nandita realises that the MMS can actually be aimed at her.

Lee Soo Ha, nieta de Jae Ahn del clan Lee y propietaria de la mansión del clan Hwa Ahn Dang, está tratando de salvar el lugar de la quiebra. Hwang Dong Gyu, es el nieto mayor del presidente del grupo TOP, está intentando comprar Hwa Ahn Dang debido a que su abuelo, quien una vez fue un sirviente en la casa, no puede descansar en paz a menos que pasar sus últimos días en la suite principal de Hwa Ahn Dang. Hwang Chan Min,es el primo mujeriego de Dong Gyu, es su rival en los negocios y el amor. Seo Hwa Ran, es una modelo que tiene una historia secreta con y tiene un plan secreto para Hwa Ahn Dang (y Chan Min), y Lee Joon Yong, es el hermano de Soo Ha y amigo de Chan Min, quien no puede olvidar a una chica de Hwa Ahn Dang que conocio cuando era un niño.

17 de diciembre de 2019

Recreations of different fairy tales starring Hello Kitty and other Sanrio characters.

6 de noviembre de 2017

Yoo Eun Ho tiene una habilidad especial que le permite leer las mentes de las personas, siempre y cuando pose sus manos sobre alguna parte de su cuerpo. Debido a ésta habilidad especial él no puede abrir su mente hacia las demás personas. Un día él conoce a Han Ye Ri. Él se da cuenta que ella dice lo que piensa, pero también se da cuenta de que ella tiene dos personalidades diferentes.

The Sun sisters are two siblings with vastly different personalities and life paths. One of them, Sun Xin, is a brave and independent woman who values freedom and isn't afraid to fight for what she believes in. She is also known for her beauty and generosity. Sun Xin's career is flourishing, as she works in the internet industry and has a bright future ahead. On the other hand, Sun Xiang is a sweet and affectionate woman who loves to socialize and laugh. Despite her innocent and kind nature, she is also exploring her own strengths as a food blogger. Her life may seem plain, but it is full of flavorful experiences and happiness, despite the struggles she may face. Both sisters are hardworking and determined to achieve their dreams, contributing to a society that is full of vitality and prosperity.

Hellboy es un superhéroe creado por el escritor y dibujante Mike Mignola. Un medio demonio bien intencionado cuyo nombre verdadero es Anung Un Rama. Hellboy trabaja para el B.P.R.D., una agencia internacional no gubernamental, y lucha contra las fuerzas oscuras, incluidos los nazis y las brujas, en una serie de cuentos que tienen sus raíces en el folclore, las revistas pulp, las aventuras vintage, el terror de Lovecraft y la ficción de terror.

Hellboy Animated son películas animadas originales directas a video basadas en los cómics de Hellboy.

The story is set in 1967 in Yasothon Province, Thailand, where Yam is a hard-working, humble, and kind farmer—kind, that is, except when it comes to the attentions of Joei, the homely maid of Soy, who is the girlfriend of Yam's cousin, Tong. Yam nurses stray and injured animals of all kinds, but he never has nice things to say to Joei. Despite this, she persists in flirting with Yam and making unwanted physical advances. Meanwhile, Soy and Tong cuddle, kiss and hug each other at every opportunity.

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