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1999 年 03 月 05 日

The mysterious Professor Dreshko teaches Anatomy at the Faculty of Medicine. During an exam, he discovers among the students a blonde girl with light eyes and curly hair who reminds him of an old flame. She is Lourdes, the daughter of the rector of the university and she is about to get married.

2020 年 01 月 01 日


2013 年 10 月 25 日


2016 年 10 月 31 日

The Boulet Brothers host a competition of drag performers who don't just push the envelope - they chew it up and spit it out. With themes like Zombie and challenges like being buried alive, this ain't your momma's drag competition.

1991 年 09 月 03 日

Little Dracula is a British series of children's books and an American animated television series that originally aired on FOX. Little Dracula revolves around a green-skinned child vampire who aspires to be like his father, Big Dracula, yet also enjoys rock 'n roll and surfing.

2002 年 05 月 29 日

Dracula is an Italian 2 part TV-miniseries, directed by Roger Young. It is based on the 1897 novel of the same name by Bram Stoker, though it updates the events of the novel to the present day.

1979 年 02 月 27 日

The Curse of Dracula is an American horror television series that premiered on February 27, 1979 on NBC as part of the series Cliffhangers.


2006 年 09 月 21 日

The misadventures of Vlad and Ingrid, who have moved to Britain from Transylvania with their father Count Dracula.

2024 年 04 月 23 日

After Mina Murray is reunited with her childhood friends Jonathan and Lucy Harker, they are all invited on a cruise to Transylvania with a mysterious man named Count Dracula.

1977 年 12 月 22 日

Count Dracula is a British television adaptation of the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker. It first aired 22 December 1977. It is among the more faithful of the many adaptations of the original book. Louis Jourdan played the title role.

2022 年 10 月 25 日

This spin-off series features drag icons from the main show’s previous seasons. They will compete in a grand championship of drag artistry and physical challenges for a $100,000 grand prize, along with the headlining spot on the upcoming world tour and the first ever Dragula Titans crown and title.

1990 年 09 月 29 日

Dracula: The Series is a short-lived syndicated series about Count Dracula and his struggles with Gustav Van Helsing, as well as Gustav's young nephews — Maximilian and Christopher Townsend. They were also aided by a schoolgirl, Sophie Metternich. Romantic tensions developed between Chris and Sophie. The series was filmed in Luxembourg, and produced by Phil Bedard and Larry Lalonde, best known for their work on John Woo's Once a Thief and Kung Fu: The Legend Continues.

The series formula was relatively straightforward, with the four heroes learning of some plot by Lucard/Dracula and attempting to foil it, with at least some success. In keeping with the novel, but not most film and television lore, vampires could walk in sunlight but lacked their powers. Anyone bitten just once by a vampire transformed into a zombie-like servant. This process could be stopped by applying holy water to the bite.


1996 年 01 月 01 日
1978 年 10 月 15 日
2021 年 05 月 02 日

Kamran Kamerva is informed that his son has been arrested for setting up betting sites abroad and that agents will come to him soon. Upon hearing this news, Kamerva boarded his helicopter and ...

2016 年 02 月 06 日

A dark comedic adventure about the titular Bunnicula, a vampire rabbit, Mina, his owner, and her two pets, Chester the cat and Harold the dog. Instead of blood, Bunnicula feeds on carrots to sustain himself which gives him super abilities which come in handy on his and his friends escapades.

Dracula is a video-taped television play adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel Dracula, part of the series Mystery and Imagination. Denholm Elliott played Count Dracula with Susan George as Lucy Weston.

1988 年 09 月 06 日

在位于特兰斯瓦尼亚某座山顶的一桩阴森古堡内,生活着令周围居民毛骨悚然、谈之色变的传奇人物,他就是著名的吸血怪鸭达寇拉伯爵(戴维·杰森 David Jason 配音)。这个几乎拥有不死之身的怪物一度是所有人的噩梦,可是某天不知道什么原因,达寇拉竟然变成一个不爱吸血、崇尚素食且胆小怯懦的小贵族。阴森狰狞的老管家雨果(杰克·梅伊 Jack May 配音)无时无刻不在设法让达寇拉重新变成吸血鬼,而身形巨大的天然呆女佣南妮(布瑞恩·楚门 Brian Trueman 配音)又总是无意中破坏着一切。加上可以在规定时间内瞬间前往世界各地的城堡。达寇拉展开了一次次惊险刺激、快乐有趣的大冒险……

1931 年 04 月 24 日


2014 年 10 月 03 日

  15世纪中叶,作风彪悍残忍的穿刺王弗拉德(卢克·伊万斯 Luke Evans 饰)在土耳其苏丹的扶持下回到故乡特兰西瓦尼亚,建立起一个和平祥和的国家。然而此时此刻他仍受制于土耳其苏丹王穆罕默德(多米尼克·库珀 Dominic Cooper 饰),苏丹要求弗拉德献上一千个男孩充军,包括他儿子在内的孩子们都将成为嗜血统治者的牺牲品。不愿孩子重走自己当年血腥之路的弗拉德奋起反抗,屠杀使者。为了赢得战争的胜利,他闯入神秘而恐怖的断牙山,期望借助传说中的怪物之手击退土耳其的入侵者。   他为了国家不惜抛弃良知和灵魂,由此注定了千古悲剧的开始。吸血鬼德古拉的传说由此上演……

公元1462年,土耳其人入侵君士坦丁堡,并威胁到整个基督教。罗马尼亚大将军德古拉伯爵(加里•奥德曼 饰)临危受命征讨,不料就在他获胜之时,城内谣言四起, 盛传他已战死沙场。他的妻子伊丽莎白(薇诺娜•赖德 饰)因悲痛欲绝而投河自杀,班师回朝的德古拉看到的只是妻子的尸体。由此他迁怒于上帝,从而化身投入邪恶势力,以吸食鲜血延续生命,成了一个不死的吸血僵尸。四百年后,故事辗转到了1897年的伦敦,年轻律师强•纳生(基努•里维斯 饰)受命到罗马尼亚特兰斯瓦尼亚属地的德古拉家族城堡去办理这位贵族后裔在伦敦的地产手续。为此,他将与未婚妻——美丽的美娜(薇诺娜•赖德 饰)分离。德古拉城堡的主人公正是已化为吸血鬼的德古拉伯爵,他发现美娜与伊丽莎白惊人相象,认为美娜就是莉莎的转世再生。他决定找到美娜,找回那一份遗失了四百年的真爱。他将约拿囚禁在城堡之中,带上成箱子的故乡泥土:这是他力量的源泉,乘船一路呼风唤雨来到伦敦。他的到来复苏了伦敦的黑暗力量。吸血蝙蝠与狼人醒了,伦敦处于一种神秘的恐怖之中。而美娜却总在冥冥之中听到一种心灵的神秘的召唤,在恐惧中又带有一种强烈的向往...  

A countess from Transylvania seeks a psychiatrist’s help to cure her vampiric cravings.

1931 年 02 月 14 日


  西班牙知名B级片导演赫苏斯·佛朗哥(才华多到自己给自己编导的电影配乐,电影很有好莱坞范儿)执导,男主角是跟他多次合作(主要合作了博满洲系列)的克里斯托弗·李。另外, 赫伯特·罗姆(汉默版《歌剧魅影》等)、克劳斯·金斯基(《诺斯费拉图》翻版)、 玛丽亚·罗姆(赫苏斯·佛朗哥电影里的常客),杰克·泰勒这几位跟LEE常常搭档的演员们均有参演!电影的亮点除了布景,演员,就是剧本了。电影剧本很用心思,细节到细微词句变化,相信会是原著党最爱的版本。

Whilst vacationing in the Carpathian Mountain, two couples stumble across the remains of Count Dracula's castle. The Count's trusted servant kills one of the men, suspending the body over the Count's ashes so that the blood drips from the corpse and saturates the blackened remains. The ritual is completed, the Count revived and his attentions focus on the dead man's wife who is to become his partner; devoted to an existence of depravity and evil.

1988 年 12 月 01 日

Dracula's wife, Vanessa, comes back to life and attacks Raymond who has a waxworks museum, where he displays notorious monsters and murderers.

1958 年 05 月 08 日


2000 年 12 月 22 日

故事从很久很久之前的远古时代就已经开始了,温西森是一个非常非常古老的家族,在家长马修(克里斯托弗·普卢默 Christopher Plummer 饰)的领导下,他们牢牢的控制着凶恶狡诈的吸血鬼一族,阻止他们在人间作恶伤人。这样的平衡一直持续到了新千年,直到以马库斯(欧玛·艾普斯 Omar Epps 饰)为首的盗窃团伙潜入了温西森家族的老宅。   盗贼们偷走了看似珍贵的陪葬品,却也在无意之间解开了加在吸血鬼一族身上数千年的诅咒,吸血鬼素心了,人类的末日即将来临。面对如此危机的情况,温西森家族重新回到了久违的战场,面对他们的就对手。然而,这一次,在长久的禁锢之下,这群吸血鬼们变得更加邪恶,更加凶残。

1893年,英国律师托马斯(彼特•麦尼科 Peter MacNicol 饰)奔赴特兰西瓦尼亚,在当地居民的惊恐中拜见了德古拉伯爵(莱斯利•尼尔森 Leslie Nielsen 饰),并为其代理购买了一座英国修道院。德古拉次日将托马斯蛊惑,使其变成了自己的忠仆。主仆两人来到英国伦敦,德古拉见到了修道院左近精神病院的管理者斯沃德医生,斯沃德医生女儿的美丽朋友露西令德古拉心怀吸血念头,同时,托马斯因为吞食昆虫被斯沃德医生控制在精神病院中失去自由。德古拉吸食露西血液得逞,后者陷入昏迷,焦急的斯沃德医生请来医学院教授范海辛(梅尔•布鲁克斯 Mel Brooks 饰)相助,才知道吸血鬼来袭的真相。范海辛率众人与德古拉及其仆人展开了一场拉锯式的吸血攻防战……

Four women spend the night in an old deserted sanitarium on a mountain. They each in turn fall into the the evil hands of a doctor…

1979 年 07 月 20 日


A woman travels to her past life with the help of Santo's past life regression machine

1970 年 12 月 23 日

The Prince of Darkness casts his undead shadow once more over the cursed village of Kleinenberg when his ashes are splashed with bat's blood and Dracula is resurrected. And two innocent victims search for a missing loved one... loved to death by Dracula's mistress. But after they discover his blood-drained corpse in Dracula's castle necropolis, the Vampire Lord's lustful vengeance begins.

Set in London in the early 1970's, supposedly for teen thrills, Johnny organises a black magic ceremony in a desolate churchyard. The culmination of the ritual, however, is the rejuvenation of Dracula from shrivelled remains. Johnny, Dracula' s disciple, lures victims to the deserted graveyard for his master's pleasure and one of the victims delivered is Jessica Van Helsing. Descended from the Van Helsing line of vampire hunters her grandfather, equipped with all the devices to snare and destroy the Count, confronts his arch enemy in the age-old battle between good and evil.

Fracchia is desperate: he has to sell a house with at least five bathrooms within three days or his boss will fire him. Incredibly, he and his pal Filini manage to find the perfect house, a castle in Transylvania owned by some count Vlad... things get even worse when they meet the Count and his sister, who has a crush on Fracchia and decides to marry him!


1978 年 06 月 01 日

A Romanian vampire-hunter tracks Dracula's servant to Los Angeles, home of the last of his line.

1945 年 12 月 07 日


The collection of Wes Craven's Dracula Films



A series of low budget horror films starring Miles Jonn-Dalton as Count Dracula.

The erotic adventures of Countess Dracula

The Blacula Collection




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