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24 avril 2019

Deux amis inséparables au lycée se retrouvent à New York après s'être perdus de vue, mais leur nouveau terrain de jeu est radicalement différent.

1 juillet 2006
16 septembre 1991

While attending prep school at Warfield Academy, James Bond Jr. with the help of his friends I.Q. (supposedly the grandson of Q) and Gordo Leiter (supposedly the son of Felix Leiter), fights against the evil terrorist organization SCUM (Saboteurs and Criminals United in Mayhem). Expanding on his uncle's famous line, James Bond Jr.'s catch phrase was "Bond, James Bond. Junior."

Thirty years ago, Qiao Zu Wang and his wife welcomed their fifth child into the world. But what should have been a time of rejoicing soon turned into a period of overwhelming grief as Zu Wang’s wife slipped quietly from this world. Now left to raise his five children alone, Zu Wang’s true colors were revealed. Selfish and unfeeling, Zu Wang turned all of his focus inward, leaving his children to fend for themselves. Realizing his father would never be the man he ought to be, the eldest son, Yi Cheng, voluntarily stepped into the role of caretaker. Fully aware of the fact that they were now on their own, the younger Qiao siblings, Er Qiang, San Li, Si Mei, and Qi Qi, came alongside their big brother, willing to do whatever was necessary to keep their family together. Despite overwhelming odds, the Qiao siblings not only survived but thrived.

L'anime se concentre sur les batailles entre le mystérieux extraterrestre Dark Spinner et l'unité de défense secrète Earth Granner pour la Earth Energy, une énergie générée par la rotation de la Terre.

Kwon Do Hoon est un tireur d'élite expert et un agent secret travaillant pour le Service national de renseignement. Pour dissimuler sa véritable identité, il mène une double vie en tant qu'employé régulier d'une société commerciale, gardant même sa femme Kang Yoo Ra dans l'obscurité. Bien qu'il soit occupé par son travail, Kwon Do Hoon chérit profondément sa femme. Pendant ce temps, Kang Yoo Ra, une femme au foyer dévouée, cache un secret. Leur existence tranquille est bouleversée lorsque Tae Koo émerge, menaçant leur façade soigneusement conçue.

Narumi, un jeune garçon, hanté par le souvenir de son frère disparu, se retrouve impliqué dans une affaire étrange concernant des enfants spéciaux appelés les "blade children".

Viewers are welcomed into the lives of emergency specialist Dr Alex Hynes, wildlife expert Dr Peter Ricci, Bondi local Dr Kate Adams, recent graduate Dr Danni Dusek, private-practice owner Dr Lewis Hunt and mobile-vet sisters Drs Alison and Audrey Shen. Share the excitement, drama and tears of joy as these dedicated vets save the lives of beloved pets and exotic animals every day.

28 février 2005

Love Bond is a warm family show which follows two families, the Gei and the Lam, who are neighbors in the same building. This series also marked the fifth collaboration between Michael Tao and Kenix Kwok following the first three installments of the Detective Investigation Files Series and 2004's Shine On You.

Nakagawa Arisu is in the 3rd grade of high school and 18 years old. Her mother died when she was 11 years old. She has since lived with her father, who works as a firefighter. Having been influenced by her mother, Nakagawa Arisu has dreamed of becoming a curator who travels abroad often for work. But her life changes when she learns she is pregnant.

Meanwhile, Naruse Toko is about to turn 40 years old soon. She works in the art world as someone who connects art and business. Naruse Toko is dedicated to her work and she hasn't been in a romantic relationship for 10 years. Nakagawa Arisu and Naruse Toko, who are totally different people, happen to meet and their encounter changes their lives.

Because of humility and a cold-blooded agreement he was taken from the warmth of his mother's chest, but the bond of love is going to bring them back together again.

Pantagarn, hi-so godlike, has the label of tragically handsome. Everywhere he appears, tragedy ensues. His looks and personality are complete opposites, no one can handle him, except his father. Pantagarn doesn't care about anyone, anyway. His father pushes him out of his life so he can enjoy his new life, with new family. Pantagarn believes that his step mother and her children weren't enough to come and take his father fortune, but now they have included her niece in this money sucking. Who did they think they were? Pantagarn won't have it. The target is Prapai, the young girl who dares to defy him. Since this girl is defiant and knows no limits, he will punish her, or will punishment turn into something else?

Suea and Mook had known each other since young age, they grew up together and had unsaid promise of undyingly loving each other but their separation was inevitable since Mook's father had to move abroad for his career. They eventually got together because Mook had to return to Thailand for a funeral, and it was then that they met after almost 10 years. Their happiness wasn't easily earned, there were many people wanting to take advantage of Suea's fortune, and had to get Mook out of the way.

Yun Ze is a successor of a medical group. To secure the inheritance and to save his life, his father Zhao Hua deceived Xiu Huan and coaxes his illegitimate son Yun Cong into donating his bone-marrow and organs to sustain the life of Yun Ze. When Shi Yuan came into the life of the two brothers, Yun Ze gradually falls in love with her, not knowing that Yun Cong has discovered Shi Yuan likes Yun Cong.

21 août 2018

"Bondeparet" follows the life of the winning couple from the previous season of the Swedish reality dating show "Bonde söker fru". We follow the everyday life of the farmer and his/her spouse as they build a new home and a new life together.

Who is best at entertaining the Danes? That's what hosts Maria Fantino and Christian Bonde from the Curling Club will compete for in a new Saturday entertainment program. Over 6 Saturdays, Maria and Christian will do everything they can to find out what the Danes want! In a contest that sends the two hosts to all corners of the country and culture, they will compete for the audience's favor and votes when they take to the stage Saturday after Saturday to entertain us all.

Two-part special celebrating 15 years of the Swedish reality show Bonde söker fru. Presented by Linda Lindorff and featuring interviews with former participants from the show.

The show features game-loving celebrities who, as "Games Bond" instead of "James Bond", will thoroughly investigate the most popular titles recommended for this autumn! The show's MC, Kaminari, and Misuzu Furukawa of Denpa Gumi Inc. will provide live commentary on the games and show the appeal of the titles in depth!

28 avril 2017
4 juin 2023

A solitary figure at an empty bar, CIA clinical and forensic psychologist, Dr. John Flemington, is planning to visit his girlfriend in Mexico when he is pressured by mysterious underground operatives to join them on a secret mission. He really doesn't have a choice. A film in the drama/thriller/suspense spy genre, with esoteric origins.

Tanjiro finds his family slaughtered and the lone survivor, his sister Nezuko Kamado, turned into a Demon. To his surprise, however, Nezuko still shows signs of human emotion and thought. Thus begins Tanjiro's journey to seek out the Demon who killed their family and turn his sister human again. A recap film of Kimetsu no Yaiba, covering episodes 1-5 with extra footage.

Une conspiration se trame depuis longtemps à Raja, un petit pays à l'ouest de Tempest, autour d'une mystérieuse puissance connue sous le nom de « Reine ». Lorsqu'un slime (créature la plus banale qui soit) ayant évolué en un roi-démon nommé Limule Tempest croise le chemin de Hiiro, un survivant des Ogres, une incroyable aventure commence ! Elle sera faite de rencontres avec de nouveaux personnages, mais leurs liens seront mis à rude épreuve…

Un mystérieux groupe de ninja attaque par surprise le village de Konoha et provoque de grands dommages. Le cauchemar d'une autre guerre mondiale ninja pourrait bien devenir réalité. Sasuke, qui avait quitté Konoha pour partir à la recherche de son frère Itachi, apparait dans ce film car il est chargé de chercher un rouleau qui guérira les blessures d'Orochimaru. Ce film est principalement basé sur la relation entre Naruto et Sasuke.

Yusei Fudo, plongé en pleine mélancolie, décide de faire un tour en moto avec ses amis. Soudain, un mystérieux duelliste masqué nommé Paradox, apparaît et lui vole sa carte fétiche Dragon Poussière d'Étoile puis s'enfuit dans une brèche du temps. Au même moment, le monde est sur le point de s'écrouler. Pour empêcher cela, Yusei doit voyager à travers les époques et retrouver les héros du passé et du présent soit : Yugi Muto et Jaden Yuki. Tous doivent s'unir afin d'empêcher la mort de Pegasus, le créateur du duel de monstres, et que le monde des duels sombre dans le chaos…

Au lendemain du fameux festival de la neige lancé par Subaru, Émilia semble bien songeuse. La vue de toutes ces statues de glace lui rappelle en effet de douloureux souvenirs.

31 octobre 2016

A romantic evening for two takes a turn for the worse when the both of them have unexpected intentions for each other.

24 novembre 2022

“Bonding Humanity (Perhaps Manifesto)” is created by deliberately rearranging, reorganising and juxtaposing fragments from New Yugoslav Film* ("Yugoslav Black Wave") and its cinematic heritage related to the interplay between collective spaces and their uses. Personal, social and political contexts intersect into a dialogic narrative form that advances possibilities for new interpretations. The voiceover manifesto is manoeuvred to evoke personal trajectories and collective memories. By involving the essay film as a tool for creative exploring, one is able to discover and question the borders of an uncertain past, present and future. Having in mind that it’s subject - a patchwork of decontextualised memories - be they artificial or authentic, personal or historical, is something to be nursed.

Women in love features black women talking about their public and private lives. Their discussion of families, lovers, and the way they move through society is as entertaining as it is informative.

AV PICTURES PRESENTS " Nameless Bonding"Directed by Adeetya M. Jhainsi & Produced BY Viren Singh,THIS SHORT FILM IS BASED ON LGBTQ community's internal feelings,love friendship &,and their rights. STORY ABOUT a road trip two stranger who met and Destiny bonded them with each other. Sometimes we don't know what will come in our life and they both were unintelligent, what will happen after they met, but it's all about "Destiny". They connect with each other , the feelings grow-up for each other and finally they get someOne who understands each other.

An exploration of the relationship between two teenage boys while they videotape an unknowing female, engage in mental masturbation, and talk about what they would like to do to her. Or maybe, what they really would like to do to each other. They talk and talk and talk until their words become meaningless and incoherent.

Pour rendre service à Tôko, Takashi Natsume se rend dans une ville proche. Une ville où sa grand-mère, Reiko, a brièvement vécu alors qu'elle était lycéenne. Par hasard, alors qu'il est sur le chemin du retour, Takashi croise la route d'une personne ayant autrefois côtoyée Reiko.

In 2010, a musician, Watanabe Toshimi was planning to go back to his hometown in Fukushima to do farming. His son Toui was going to re-take high school entrance exam which he had failed the previous year. Both looked forward to starting new chapters in their lives. In 2011, Toshimi had to cancel his plan because of the Great East Japanese Earthquake. His hometown was within 20 km of the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant. To cheer up his father, Toui who passed a high school entrance exam promised him to go to school every day. Toshimi promised Toui to make him bento every day.

A l'époque des pirates, le capitaine Monkey D. Luffy et son équipage de pirates voguent en quête du fabuleux trésor du seigneur des pirates, Gol D. Roger. Entre océans, combats et magie c'est un épic voyage qui attend nos héros..

Un monte-en-l'air est poursuivi par la mafia pour avoir dérobé une pierre précieuse de grande valeur. Il se retrouve obligé d'aider la police pour se débarrasser des gangsters qui le poursuivent.

L'équipe Raimon a été invité par la Cinquième Secteur étrangement à un camp de soccer. Quand ils sont d'accord, les choses se passent de la main, car il a été révélé que la Cinquième Secteur veut éliminer une fois pour toutes dans l'île appelée Dieu Eden. Maintenant, l'équipe Raimon a besoin de former plus difficile, pour être en mesure de démontrer qu'ils ont la force de se battre et de prouver les faits et gestes de cinquième secteur mal.

L’histoire est centrée sur le passé commun entre les trois frères de cœur Monkey D. Luffy, Portgas D. Ace et Sabo plus précisément à Dressrosa.

Né en Azerbaïdjan à la fin du XIXe siècle, au sein d'une famille allemande qui regagne bientôt son pays, Richard Sorge, sympathisant puis militant communiste, devient agent du Komintern en 1921. Mi-journaliste, mi-informateur, il voyage entre l'Allemagne et l'URSS puis, en 1928, rejoint Shanghai, sous couvert d'une activité de correspondant pour la presse allemande. En 1933, après un passage à Berlin pour peaufiner sa fausse identité de reporter allemand, il atterrit dans la ville japonaise de Yokohama sous le nom de code «Ramsay». En 1941, il alerte Moscou de l'imminence de l'invasion allemande, mais Staline ne tient pas compte de son avertissement

Fluffy, le chien de compagnie de Jimmy Five, a disparu. Il développe un plan infaillible pour sauver le petit chien, mais il aura besoin de l'aide de ses amis fidèles : Monica, Maggy et Smudge. Ensemble, ils affronteront leurs adversaires et vivront d’incroyables aventures pour ramener Fluffy à la maison !

An erotic delight for the senses.

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