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Sherlock Holmes uses his abilities to take on cases by private clients and those that the Scotland Yard are unable to solve, along with his friend Dr. Watson.
As Aventuras de Sherlock Holmes e Dr. Watson é uma série de cinco filmes produzidos pela Lenfilm para a Televisão Central Soviética, divididos em onze episódios, estrelados por Vasily Livanov como Sherlock Holmes e Vitaly Solomin como Dr. Watson. Eles foram dirigidos por Igor Maslennikov e filmados na Rússia (então União Soviética) entre 1979 e 1986, e a série foi uma das mais bem sucedidas da história da televisão russa.
Recém chegado em Londres, o Dr. Watson busca uma moradia, aí, ele conhece a sra. Hudson, que concorda em alugar um quarto para ele. Mas, nesse apartamento, mora também o Sherlock Holmes, um jovem muito excêntrico cuja ocupação é muito difícil de calcular. Watson começa a suspeitar que seu vizinho é um agressor, um criminoso. Mas, depois de um tempo, percebe que ele não é o que acha. De fato, Holmes é um detetive famoso, que, de vez em quando, é contatado pelos policiais quando chegam em um beco sem saída nas suas investigações. Aos poucos, eles se tornam bons amigos e companheiros. Juntos, eles têm que resolver muitos quebra-cabeças com os quais poderão deter os criminosos mais astutos.
Sherlock Holmes is a series of Sherlock Holmes adaptations produced by British television company BBC between 1965 and 1968. This was the second screen adaption of Sherlock Holmes for BBC Television.
The first American television series of Sherlock Holmes adventures aired in syndication in the fall of 1954. The 39 half-hour mostly original stories were produced by Sheldon Reynolds and filmed in France by Guild Films, starring Ronald Howard as Holmes and Howard Marion Crawford as Watson. Archie Duncan appeared in many episodes as Inspector Lestrade. Richard Larke, billed as Kenneth Richards, played Sgt. Wilkins in about fifteen episodes. The series' associate producer, Nicole Milinaire, was one of the first women to attain a senior production role in a television series.
Século 22, Nova Londres. A Inglaterra é uma megalópole pacífica onde o crime está sob controle. De repente tudo isto muda. Uma onda de crime jamais vista durante um século abala a cidade. Certa noite enquanto persegue um suspeito, a INSPETORA BETH LESTRADE cruza com um dos maiores cabeças do crime do Século 19, o PROFESSOR MORIARTY e associa a aparição deste fora-da-lei, morto há muito tempo, ao aumento da criminalidade. Decide então, usar a tecnologia para clonar SHERLOCK HOLMES.
Detective television series based on the works of Arthur Conan Doyle. Five films about Sherlock Holmes, shot by Igor Maslennikov earlier, were remounted in 2000, a connecting story about Conan Doyle's literary secretary, Mr. Wood, who is preparing an anniversary collection of stories about Holmes for the beginning of the coming XX century. Sir Arthur receives huge mail every day, addressed not to him, but to Sherlock Holmes. And then one day a letter arrives with a plea for help, and Doyle begins an investigation...
Adaptations of mystery stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's contemporary rivals in the genre.
Sherlock Holmes was a 1951 television series produced by the BBC featuring Alan Wheatley as Sherlock Holmes and Raymond Francis as Dr. Watson. This was the first series of Sherlock Holmes stories adapted for television.
If Arthur Conan Doyle based Sherlock Holmes on a real person to any degree, it was on his former professor, forensic pathologist Dr. Joseph Bell. This series recounts the fictional murder investigations that Bell might have undertaken with the assistance of young student Doyle.
"Sherlock Holmes e Os Sete Anões" é uma série familiar de oito partes, que foi transmitida pela primeira vez no programa da tarde da ARD, de maio a junho, em 1992 .
The brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes investigate crimes in Victorian London with the help of his friend Dr. John Watson in a German series.
Shot in Polish-British co-production series of short stories based on themes of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "father" of the world's most famous detective: Sherlock Holmes.
A series of Canadian Sherlock Holmes TV movies
Here are two Sherlock Holmes stories dramatized for Italian television audiences in the late 1960's: The Valley of Fear and The Hound of the Baskervilles.
Elementar leva Sherlock Holmes para a Nova York dos dias de hoje. Na história de Elementar o detetive, um homem excêntrico que foi consultor da Scotland Yard, vai para Nova Iorque para passar um período em um centro de reabilitação. Quando deixa a clínica ele decide morar no Brooklyn na companhia de Joan, uma ex-cirurgiã que perdeu sua licença quando um paciente morreu. Na época, ela prestava auxílio para o Departamento de Polícia de Nova Iorque. Joan deverá representar para Sherlcok a pessoa que o manterá sóbrio.
The fourth part of the Soviet TV series based on Arthur Conan Doyle's stories about Sherlock Holmes. The film was shot based on the story "The Sign of Four" and the story "A Scandal in Bohemia".
The first part of the Soviet series of television films based on the stories of Arthur Conan Doyle about Sherlock Holmes, filmed in 1979. The film consists of two parts and was filmed based on the story "The Speckled Band" (1st part "The Acquaintance") and the novella "A Study in Scarlet" (beginning of the 1st part and the 2nd part "Bloody Inscription").
The second part of the series of television films based on the stories of Arthur Conan Doyle about Sherlock Holmes. The film consists of three episodes (The King of Blackmail, Mortal Fight and Tiger Hunt), filmed based on the stories of Arthur Conan Doyle "The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton", "The Final Problem" and "The Adventure of the Empty House", as well as small episodes from the stories "The Interpreter's Case", "Silver" and "The Retired Drunkard".
Nova série do Sherlock Holmes produzida pela Max