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12 agosto 2022

Inu-Oh era uma figura da vida real, um dramaturgo de Sarugaku Noh que foi extremamente popular no século XIV. No entanto, ele é praticamente desconhecido para as pessoas hoje em dia, pois poucos documentos sobre sua vida sobreviveram. Agora, cerca de 600 anos depois, este projeto de Inu-Oh retrata a irmandade entre o lendário Inu-Oh, que desapareceu da história, e um certo tocador de Biwa. Além de tudo, o filme é cheio de cenas de música e dança.

Consul Keyser, a factory owner, is vacationing with his daughter Marion on a Mediterranean island, hoping to bring her together with his assistant Dr. Thomas Steffen. On this island, however, the passionate fisherman Michael Lutz and his somewhat neglected admirer Barbara Holstein already spend their vacations.Michael asks the singer Bob Stuart, together with his band in their ghost costumes to drive away the annoying newcomers again. However, it no longer comes to this, because on behalf of Gina, the wife of the local police chief, real gangsters appear with the tourists and finally flee with their dinghy. So now the vacationers have to rely on each other willy-nilly, and the couples finally find each other.

Taking place after the events of Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger's final episode, in order to protect peace not only in Chikyu, but throughout the universe, Hymeno Ran meets with Space Federation President Tsurugi Ohtori, and Rita Kaniska cooperated with Space Police Earth Branch Chief Doggie Kruger. Meanwhile, the OhgerCrown, the proof of kingship owned by Gira Husty, has been stolen by the Donking, a member of the Alienizer gang, and his servant Ihab. Gira and Prince join a battle fight to retrieve the OhgerCrown, the prize for winning the battle fight. Prince wins steadily, but when he meets a boy who is determined not to lose in order to save his sister, he senses something is wrong.

Ali Baltaoglu, a construction magnate with high-fying ambitions and deep ties with the government who dreams of carrying Europe’s Alps to the Black Sea in a Dubai-like metropolitan city concept, sponsors three guys -who are not even in the flm business- to flm a documentary about the urban legends of Turkey’s Black Sea region. Ali Baltaoglu plans to use the documentary as a covert advertisement and propaganda tool for the beneft of his mountain city project 'Kackar MegaMount 2023' which was planned to be built within Kackar Mountains National Park.

Joined by a reticent driver who cannot drive, they set out to locate the legendary Swearing Ofu Hodja, a saintly and foul-mouthed imam with supernatural powers who works miracles, supports nuclear fusion, and condemns all kinds of authority. The team tumbles through a series of misadventures brought on them by the mysterious hodja, changing their lives forever in this war between matter and meaning.

1 janeiro 1989

Produced at International Video Colony Ohrid, Macedonia 1989. Screened in retrospective at Alternative Film/Video Belgrade Festival 2014.

In 1943 Japan is facing defeat. This makes Shinkichi, a straight, selfless student-patriot, ever more restless. He can no longer stand his soft "behind-the- gun" role of munition factory worker. School-mates one after another are going to the front, where he feels he should be. The last straw is an official report of his father's death in the Battle of Attu in the Aleutian Islands. He rushes to the naval air corps training camp at Tsuchiura along with his close school-mates Naito, Yamada, Saito and Tagawa as Volunteer pilot trainees leaving his mother and sweetheart weeping and helpless.

A fashion designer travels the world, discovering the magic of topless women.

For thirty years in the late-twentieth century, the people of Tahiti survived dozens of offshore nuclear tests by the French government. Since the country was colonized in 1880, the blasts left Tahitians picking through the remnants of their islands and culture in an effort to keep indigenous knowledges alive. The film offers a poetic glimpse into contemporary Tahiti, and the colonial struggles its people still face as they strive to sustain their way of life.

Uma psiquiatra abriga uma jovem que está fugindo de um culto misterioso, sem nem perceber que esse gesto pode colocar a própria família em risco.

29 setembro 1970

Oh In Colour was a comedy television sketch programme broadcast on BBC TV in 1970. It ran for one six-episode series from September to November 1970. It was written by and featured Spike Milligan, who was accompanied by different stars every week. It was shown after the thoroughly more popular Q5, also written by Milligan and Neil Shand. It is likely the programme was written to bridge the long production gap between Q5 and the next series, Q6, which did not appear on TV screens until 1975.

Due to the BBC's then-policy of deleting old programmes to save film, only one episode is currently known to exist, which, ironically, given the programme's title, exists only in black-and-white.

Uma mulher obstinada desvenda o complexo mistério do desaparecimento da filha, que entregou para adoção.

Ohji Inoue

Efeitos VisuaisAdult Baby

Inae Oh

AtuaçãoKings of Blah

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