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Consell: Podeu fer servir el filtre "y:" per a estrènyer els vostres resultats per any. Exemple: "Star Wars y:1977".

16 g de 2010

Dom Cobb és un expert en apropiar-se dels secrets del subconscient dels altres mentre dormen. La seva estranya habilitat l'ha convertit en un home molt cotitzat en el món de l'espionatge, però també l'ha condemnat a ser un fugitiu. Dom no pot dur una vida normal i això l'angoixa. La seva única oportunitat de revertir la seva situació seria fer exactament el contrari: la incepció, és a dir, implantar una idea en el subconscient en lloc de sostreure-la. Tanmateix, el seu pla es complica a causa de la intervenció d'un personatge misteriós.

25 , de 2008

Jonathan McQuarry és un comptable de vida gris, però el seu nou amic Wyatt, un advocat poderós i atractiu, l'introdueix en un misteriós club sexual conegut com "La llista". En una de les trobades, en Jonathan coneix la dona dels seus somnis, però ben aviat es converteix en sospitós d'un seguit de fets molt greus.

6 , de 2012

As a killer named Cinderhella stalks the student body at the high school in Grizzly Lake, a group of co-eds band together to survive while they're all serving detention.

2 " de 2017

Nothing is as it seems in this riveting World War 2 thriller as a wary soldier goes to investigate a mysterious German monarch at his secluded mansion, leading him into a web of deceit and a dangerous love affair with a local Jewish woman.

8 l de 1987

Laurie Shoat, a young mother, struggling with post-partum depression, is found dead and her baby is missing. The police assume it was a murder-suicide, but her husband Jack isn't convinced. He believes that his baby may still be alive and begins a search to clear his wife's name and to find the infant.

26 e de 1946

After marrying her long lost love, a pianist finds the relationship threatened by a wealthy composer who is besotted with her.

The Reception takes place in an isolated mansion on an island, but the host is mysteriously absent. A storm traps everyone inside, and the atmosphere turns sour when it is revealed, by way of a video, that each of the guests has a criminal past. A death ensues, and then another... the mansion quickly turns into a jail. Inspired by Agatha Christie's Ten Little Indians.

Stephanie i Sabrina són germanes bessones. Mentre que Stephanie és una mestressa de casa insatisfeta, Sabrina pertany a l'alta societat londinenca. Després de reunir-se a Venècia per celebrar el seu aniversari, cadascuna decideix viure la vida de l'altra. Així és com Sabrina es converteix en mare i esposa. Stephanie, per la seva banda, se sent una mica insegura en la relació amb un atractiu estudiant.

21 " de 1993

An ex-call girl hires private investigator Jon Kane to find her missing husband.

11 " de 2013

A widowed reporter recruits the help of a federal agent to investigate her late husband's secrets, but the two become the target of unknown attackers. When FBI Agent John Nelson’s key informant, Miles, is abducted and shot, all that’s left is a severed finger. In order to find a new lead, Nelson travels to New York City to inform widowed magazine reporter Rebecca Scott that her long dead husband, Miles, had only recently been murdered to see if she had heard from him in recent years. Perplexed, Scott joins Agent Nelson in the wealthy enclave of Australia’s Gold Coast to find out what really happened. The two soon discover Miles may have been part of an elaborate “Ponzi scheme” to bilk investors, and a vengeful billionaire, out of millions of dollars. As more layers of Miles’ secret life are exposed, can the two stay ahead of the mysterious attackers who will stop at nothing to halt their investigation?

20 " de 2023

A group of film students are methodically killed off by a mysterious slasher, but as the film plays out through their individual perspectives, we learn more about the darkly comedic truth behind the murders.

25 , de 1994

A forensic psychatrist of the Police Department falls for a fatal attraction that threatens to terminate his marriage, his career and his life.

13 n de 2004

A heroic high school teacher leads a band of students trapped in school by violent drug-runners.

19 n de 2023

A pickpocket who has been wanted by the police, trying to kill a friend who had cooperated with the police to take him to jail.

Després de ser forçada a donar la filla en adopció quan era menor d'edat, Laura està emocionada de donar-li la benvinguda a Bree. Més tard descobrirà que és una sociòpata amb tendències assassines, i a més un perill.

This "Inception" prequel unfolds courtesy of a beautiful Motion Comic, and explains how Cobb, Arthur and Nash were enlisted by Cobol Engineering.

29 n de 1990

When a wealthy socialite kills her husband, she claims self-defense. The cop assigned to the case is suspicious but becomes obsessed with the sensual young woman.

1 n de 2003

Erin, a struggling actress, has little faith in men. She works for a detective agency, her job is to seduce married men and let their wives catch them in the act. But lately, Erin is been getting threatening phone calls and someone is trying to hurt her. Is it her boss, who's in-love with her? or is it a former "client" trying to get back at her? or maybe, this new man she's been seeing?

En Philip, un novel·lista americà que s'ha instal·lat a Londres durant un temps, dialoga amb diverses dones: la seva amant, la seva esposa i altres personatges femenins, reals i ficticis.

Since the death of his colleague, which was partly his fault, Lieutenant Nick Gentry lives a lonesome life. Reporter Joan wants to write a story about him, and seems to be interested in other ways too, but he rejects. Instead he falls in love with his new neighbor Irene and witnesses how she's repeatedly beaten up by her husband Allan. One day, when Allan threatens her with a gun, he shoots him. Certainly self-defense -- until it turns out, that Alan's gun was made inoperable...

9 g de 2012

Dr. Daniel Pierce, a neuroscientist and professor, is recruited to help the federal government crack difficult cases. His intimate knowledge of human behavior and masterful understanding of the mind give him an extraordinary ability to read people, but his eccentric view of the world and less-than-stellar social skills can often interfere with his work.

11 l de 2018

Cameron Black is the world's greatest illusionist. At least, that's what people used to call him—before his greatest secret was exposed and his career destroyed. Even worse, Cameron has good reason to believe this was no accident.

13 e de 2022

In a distant future where humans are forced to leave Earth, a spacecraft carrying a 3D-printed crew of specialists is sent to terraform a new planet.

11 n de 1999

A group of eight troubled 6th grade students from Benedict Arnold Middle School in Oak Forest who continually find themselves in detention. The kids are constantly trying to stay out of detention and out of trouble.

The show's premise revolves around a pair of twin sisters who were separated when they were young, and as adults the younger sister is forced to act as a "replacement" for her wealthy twin who wants to temporarily leave her husband and his family to enjoy a life of luxury with multiple lovers.

26 de 1985
7 n de 2013

A detective goes undercover to investigate the murder of her best friend.

Hola, em dic Raign, soc la de les ulleres. Em presento perquè normalment passo bastant desapercebuda. A l'institut em preocupa més aprendre que fer relacions socials, però també tinc amics. La Joy i en Norman són tan estudiosos com jo, i en Brett és una mica desastre. Tots quatre hem d'unir forces en molts reptes científics que són autèntiques aventures. Hem descobert que a la sala dels castigats de l'escola hi ha una entrada secreta. Porta a un laberint de túnels plens de trampes que protegeixen el laboratori ocult de l'inventor Alexander Graham Bell. És fabulós!

5 " de 2020

During the period of martial law in 1960s Taiwan, some teachers and students from Cui Hua High School were arrested for possessing banned books. A female student fell to her death and rumors spread of a ghost haunting the campus. Thirty years later, the draconian culture of the school remains unchanged as a new transfer student uncovers the dark secrets behind the school’s haunting.

Lian En is a god who has lied too much and has now attracted bad karma. One day, he meets a high school student who will change his destiny forever!

Kidahum is married to a man of weak personality. He decides to marry another woman, who is Safiah, and from here the quarrels and conflict between the two co-wives over the husband begin.

Rao Chengtian (played by Wang Xi) is a genius computer crime expert who likes to challenge crime. Recently, Senior Inspector Zhuang Zhanpeng (Guan Lijie) of the Commercial Crimes Division of the Hong Kong Police has spotted him and vowed to convict him. Once, Zhan Peng arranged everything for committing a crime, and thought that he would be able to catch him in a seamless manner. Unexpectedly, there was an accidental shooting case, and all efforts were in vain. Zhan Peng was even more unconvinced. On the other hand, Jia Ming, a police academy graduate, met the courier Jianer (played by Myolie Wu), and Jianer is Chengtian’s half-sister, but they still don’t know. Later, Jia Ming was found when he kindly helped his classmates enter the police school database to falsify their grades and was dismissed.

Krao Supakarn's life changed when he witnessed his mother committing suicide after being raped and then his father dying of grief. He was taken care by his uncle, Pa. From a young age, he studied hard and worked whenever he had free time on Pa’s grape vineyard. He excelled in school, with one thing on mind: to take revenge on the Wichawet family.

Mr. Wichawet passed away leaving his fortunes to his three children: the eldest son Asit, the second daughter Orn and Nuch. Asit is married to Lita.

29 " de 2018

Lovers re-uniting. Families looking to reconcile. A gathering of high-school buddies. In each case, the reunion is the spark that sets events in motion. Deadly Deception investigates stories of everyday reunions that ending in tragedy.

The sudden and mysterious demise of his father Phipop leads Pithai to discover that his girlfriend Kamolthip was in fact his father's lover, and therefore a prime suspect in his death. To escape she runs off with another man and Pithai begins to blame Chadathan, her younger sister who has always had a secret crush on him. She soon finds herself in a love trap with Pithai that binds them together, but will they ever be able to escape the cycle of love, revenge, and pain?

A few years pass after Paulina Martinez gets married to Carlos Daniel. She is now Paulina Bracho and she is now going to school. She has two loving step-children who love her and a new child of her own with Carlos Daniel. Everything seems like a happy end to the original story. But, when Paulina goes to the Doctor to check up on an exam, only the worst happens, she thinks she has anemia, but the doctor has discovered that she has cancer and has only 6 months to live, now she must hide her secret from her husband, his children and her new baby. She then must find courage in herself to tell everyone who loves her the truth...she also must set up Carlos Daniel with a new woman, she chooses the new maid and tells her the truth, but strangely enough Paulina does not seem to deteriorate form her illness, the maid becomes anxious and wants Carlos Daniel to fall in love with her, she would do anything to get his hands on him even if it meant ending Paulina's life...

1 i de 2016

Detective Ukyo Sugishita confronts crime on the basis of his own convictions. He has a partner that works for him in the Special Task Unit. For the first 7 seasons, Ukyo’s first partner is Kaoru Kameyama. He is a good-natured, hot-tempered, straightforward and somewhat scattered detective. Beginning in Season 8, Takeru Kanbe replaces Kameyama. Contrary to his predecessor, Takeru is a lanky, cool, conceited and confident detective. From Season 11 to Season 13, Ukyo’s partner is a young detective Toru Kai. Toru is a son of Deputy Director-General of The National Police Agency. But he became a detective by his own effort. And starting with Season 14, Ukyo’s current partner is Wataru Kaburagi, an elite bureaucrat who came to the Metropolitan Police Department on temporary assignment. As the first partner without any career of a police officer, he will face challenging cases together with Ukyo.

Deception is an Irish prime time television drama airing on TV3. The series, created by Gert Thomas, premiered on Monday 7 January 2013.

19 n de 2023

A pickpocket who has been wanted by the police, trying to kill a friend who had cooperated with the police to take him to jail.

A private detective is drawn into a complex murder mystery when he is hired to track down a missing young woman.

In the Susukino red light district of Sapporo, a private detective (Yo Oizumi) drinks alcohol with his driver Takada (Ryuhei Matsuda) in his favourite bar. There he receives a phone call from a woman who identifies herself as Kyoko Kondo. The woman asks the detective to complete a simple task. The detective, having an excellent sense for danger, thinks the work is easy and accepts the case. The next day he begins the investigation.

The Detective is a series of Hong Kong mystery thriller film directed by Oxide Pang, and starring Aaron Kwok as a private investigator.

Adventures of the child-duo Rico and Oskar, one of them is quite more sluggish, but precisely because of fantasy and own world view; the other one is a smart whiz, but scared for life.

Llargmetratges basats en la sèrie de televisió Detectiu Conan.

Psychic Detective Yakumo film series.

Child detectives Tiril and Oliver manage their own detective bureau.

A former police with a mental disorder works with an elite inspector in a series of murders seemingly connected to past cases. They find themselves in a race against time to find out the truth and the mastermind behind these murders.

A series of murdering arose in SuZhou village, and the civilians only could see the white skeleton soldiers left at the scenes. Di, RenJie is the most well-known detective during that time, so he gets into the investigations digging out the truth for justice.

The character of Recep İvedik, created by Şahan Gökbakar, met with the audience for the first time in 2005 on the television show “Dikkat Şahan Çıkabilir”. Since the first movie released in 2008, Recep İvedik movies have broken Turkish Cinema rating records countless times. Recep İvedik, in his own words, is aggressive, complex; but in essence, he is a docile person like a cat. Recep İvedik is still the most watched Turkish film in abroad and achieving numerous successes outside Turkey. All the films of the series have reached approximately 30 million cinema audiences around the world.

The live action drama TV specials based on the Japanese Case Closed series.

Lupin the 3rd vs. Detective Conan (Japanese: ルパン三世VS名探偵コナン, Hepburn: Rupan Sansei Vāsasu Meitantei Konan) is a Japanese animated crossover television special between the Lupin III and Detective Conan series

A series of movies featuring the Kaiju Raiga (Known as Reigo before he evolves into a Bi-pedal monster)

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