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Pour financer ses études, le jeune Charles devient « garçon au pair » de la famille Pembroke qui a trois enfants (une fille et deux garçons). Mais au bout d'un an, les Pembroke vont s'installer à Seattle et la famille Powell emménage à leur place. Charles garde son « poste » et s'occupe désormais de deux filles et d'un garçon...

6 mai 1986

This touching drama series charts the fortunes of three young women who, having returned from their voluntary service as ambulance drivers during the First World War, decide to set up a 'universal aunts' agency to help those less fortunate than themselves. This set comprises the complete series alongside the pilot episode, scripted by Upstairs, Downstairs' Alfred Shaughnessy and screened in 1985 as a drama in ITV's Storyboard anthology.

Penned by a largely female team that includes novelist Fay Weldon, Ladies in Charge stars Carol Royle, Julia Hills and Julia Swift as the ladies of benevolent intent; guests include Imelda Staunton, Julian Glover, Michael Gough, Richard Vernon and, in one of his earliest television roles, Hugh Grant.

Set during the Qing Dynasty of China in the mid 18th century, the drama tells the story of a stubborn official adviser, Chau Bing, and his relationship with the young county official, Shum Kwan-Pok. Bing obtains a secure job as Kwan-Pok's private adviser and the two become good friends. They both try to root out corruption within the Manchu government.

9 avril 1972

Doctor in Charge is a British television comedy series based on a set of books by Richard Gordon about the misadventures of a group of doctors. The series follows directly from its predecessor Doctor at Large, and was produced by London Weekend Television in 1972-73.

Writers for the Doctor in Charge episodes were David Askey, Graham Chapman, Graeme Garden, George Layton, Jonathan Lynn, Bernard McKenna, Bill Oddie, Phil Redmond and Gail Renard.

In this workplace comedy, Takeda, a 47-year-old business executive, is suddenly transformed into an infant with an out-of-control body but a mind that is as sharp as ever. Instead of his favorite food and cocktails, he is forced to switch to meals of porridge and baby formula, with plenty of naps in between. Meanwhile, his subordinates have to cope with the unusual circumstances and learn more about the meaning of understanding and compassion along the way.

I'm In Charge is a 20-episode Chinese drama serial that is shown on every weekday at 9pm on MediaCorp Channel 8. It airs from 27 May to 21 June 2013.

Otokojuku, a private school for juvenile delinquents that were previously expelled from normal schools. At this school, Japanese chivalry is taught through the feudal and military fundamentals. Similar to an action film, the classes are overwhelmed by violence. Only those who survive it become true men.

Ida has just arrived in Oslo to study psychology at the University, after dropping out of her literature studies in Trondheim. Ida's is anxious for most things. Not getting of the bus at the right stop, running out of toilet paper on the public toilet, environmental changes and world war three. But her greatest fear is terror. There is nothing that frightens her more than being a victim of a random attack.

Three years after making a wild promise to a woman in distress, a rigid businessman runs into her again and must decide whether to honor his word.

The ruler of the evil Phantom Empire, Queen Mirage, begins her invasion on Earth using an army of Choiarks and powerful monsters called Saiarks. All across the world, Pretty Cures are dispatched to fight against the Phantom Empire threat. Hime Shirayuki, a princess from the Blue Sky Kingdom, which was taken over by the Phantom Empire, joins the fight as a Pretty Cure named Cure Princess, but always finds herself running away scared. Given a Crystal of Love by the Spirit of Earth, Blue, and told to seek out a partner to fight alongside her, Hime goes to the city of Pikarigaoka and randomly throw the crystal in the air, deciding to partner up with whoever it lands upon. This person turns out to be Megumi Aino, a kind-hearted girl always looking to help others, who is recruited by Hime to fight by her side as Cure Lovely.

In a modern society where top spinners are popular around the world, Somewhere in Seoul, South Korea. Shin, a sixth-grader, enjoys top spinner battles even though he always loses. Shin is targeting his older brother Doyle, an outstanding top spinner player. Meanwhile, my brother finished the final of the Top Spinner World Championship. Suddenly loses consciousness for unknown reasons. Doyle was on his way home when he was approached by a mysterious boy. Doyle had his mental body taken away... Doyle's mental body wanders alone in a dimension other than Earth. It is a world where top spinners have been weaponized. The top spinner and the army of holy beasts within it were running rampant. Meanwhile, if you show Doyle something he wants most, The doctor said he might come to his senses. God vowed that he would show his brother the trophy. Compete against various rivals with the goal of winning the World Championship.

Three naval cadets accidentally get possession of a secret diary that was stolen from Bestuzhev, a vice-chancellor of Russia. If this diary ever gets abroad, the consequences for the country would be grave. The cadets are trying to return the papers to their owner, but there are others who want to get the papers...

16 novembre 2012

Un commissariat, dans la banlieue de Nantes. Un commissariat dans ses moments d’urgence qui ne laissent pas un seul instant aux flics pour souffler. Des histoires qui se croisent, se chevauchent. Le drame interrompu par le dérisoire et le comique à moins que ce ne soit le contraire. Du jardinier amateur à qui on vole des légumes au père qui a tué son fils le prenant pour un cambrioleur, du sportif qui a perdu son sac contenant quelques petites choses surprenantes, au viol d’une jeune fille…

28 août 1993

Les Power Rangers sont des jeunes qui reçoivent des pouvoirs pour défendre la planète contre des monstres en tout genre. Les premières saisons sont avec les mêmes acteurs et les mêmes costumes, mais ensuite les héros et les costumes de Power Rangers changent chaque année. Toutes les déclinaisons sont des adaptations américanisées de séries sentai japonaises, les scènes non costumées ayant été retournées avec des acteurs occidentaux et les scénarios modifiées pour plaire davantage au public occidental.

A traveling show where Degawa & team goes around remote communities by riding electric motorcycle scooters until the charge runs out, and then explores the area until they can find someone who will let them charge up.

26 octobre 2022

Eliseo est le concierge d'un immeuble haut de gamme. En apparence cordial et docile, il s'imagine en fait être l'élément central de la communauté, se mêlant des affaires des résidents et tirant les ficelles comme bon lui semble. Son seul souci est de protéger son emploi, menacé par un projet de piscine.

This work is a human drama that attorney, Taku Kurokawa challenges reversal play with weapons, passion, and science as a weapon to cause "miracle" to clear false charges. Kurokawa who plays Sakaguchi actively opposes fake crime defense, which is said to be impossible, reproduces the events that occurred on the scene in an experiment and tries to elucidate the incident. In addition, Naoki Fujiki appears as a new American lawyer, Kazuaki Wakakura who is swayed by the pioneer, Haruna Kawaguchi , a scientist who lends power to Taku, Kyoichiro Akiro .

Chi Yue is a modern-day action movie star who accidentally time travels back in time into the life of a young widow of the Li family who has a stepson and two stepdaughters. Thrust into a role completely foreign to her, she begins to get closer to her children and works hard to take care of them. She punishes the vicious relatives who dare to bully the kids. She becomes able to house, clothe, and feed the kids thanks to the successful winery and business she starts. She even teaches her eldest son to hunt and encourages her second daughter to study. In turn, the children grow to love and depend on her. But someone is out to harm Chi Yue, causing her to fall into crisis after crisis. Will her modern-day thinking save her... or fail her?

(Source: Chinese = Baidu || Translation = MyDramaList)

~~ Adapted from the web novel "Chuan Cheng Si Ge Tuo You Ping De E Du Hou Niang" (穿成四个拖油瓶的恶毒后娘) by Chi Jin Yin (池金银).

Martin, a child of nine years, is the one in charge in a class during the teacher’s absence. He has to write down at the blackboard the name of the students who talk. It seems an easy task ... until the bully of the class starts to speak.

Deuxième film d'animation issu de la série Gundam G no Reconguista qui la résume.

12 avril 2000

Deux scénaristes tentent d'écrire ensemble un film politique. Cependant leur vision est différente. Entre les deux amis, les discussions vont bon train sur l'orientation de l'histoire du garage "Moliterno & Cie". Gigi et Jean-Do réparent les automobiles, Lola les nettoie et Marthe tient la comptabilité. Le grand-père chante des chansons révolutionnaires à l'enfant de Lola, Vanessa et Mouloud font les marchés. Tout ce beau monde travaille très dur pour s'en sortir. Malgré leurs efforts, l'entreprise familiale est menacée par les factures impayées d'une multinationale.

A clerk has his own duty. A clerk does his own work. This is what a clerk should do.

Hikmat disguises herself as a man when her brother suffers a tragic accident while on his way to get a new job. Hikmat thought about this trick to pretend to be a man to get a job as teacher for the Pasha's children instead of her brother. Hikmat get to know the Pasha's children whom she taught as Hikmat Effendi.

En 1287, un tournoi est organisé à Kharlov. Le prince Sergio de Tula s'y rend avec ses lanciers noirs pour y participer. Il se retrouve face à son frère Andrea.

While performing a puppet show at a nursery, the HappinessCharge Pretty Cures are surprised when one of the dolls starts talking. “Save our kingdom!” Tsumugi, the ballerina doll, pleads. The Pretty Cures accompany Tsumugi to the land of dolls, a girls’ paradise of cute stuffed animals, talking dolls, music and dance ruled by the noble Prince Zeke. But the kingdom is under attack by the forces of Black Fang, a mysterious man who wants to conquer the land for his own nefarious purposes. As sorrow spreads throughout the Kingdom of Dolls, the Pretty Cures come to the rescue.

After a noodle-loving time traveler shows up, Shin-chan and his parents transform into superheroes, fighting monsters three minutes in the future!

S/mileage concert held at TSUTAYA O-EAST. It's also the last tour with their founding name.

Three naval cadets accidentally get possession of a secret diary that was stolen from Bestuzhev, a vice-chancellor of Russia. If this diary ever gets abroad, the consequences for the country would be grave. The cadets are trying to return the papers to their owner, but there are others who want to get the papers...

Comedy special starring comedian, author and all-round lunatic Steve-O, who went from humble beginnings as a circus clown to hitting the big time in 'Jackass'. Expect the unexpected as he performs hilariously outrageous stunts and riotous tricks that hold nothing back.

Muruganandam, a constable and laththi specialist, happens to face the wrath of a notorious gangster and his son. Little did he know that this would put his 10-year-old son's life in trouble.

15 décembre 2022

Blender Studio’s 14th Open Movie is a high-visual-impact, action-packed 2-minutes-long animation inspired by the game cinematics and realtime demos formats.

Known for his striking visuals and outlandish subject matter, maverick director Sogo Ishii is considered to be the master of Japanese punk cinema. In ‘Attack!’, biker gangs meet the Japanese punk scene. Continuation of the filming of "High School Panic" after a stoppage by the production company. Awarded at the 1978 Pia FIlm Festival.

Un caporal de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada empêche un massacre et un fort de tomber dans les mains indiennes.

14 octobre 2023

1795, Holland. The French vanguard is pushing towards the north, through a strong blizzard, beyond the enemy lines. At the head of the cavalry, Major Lahure learns that a British fleet, seeking to escape to England, is trapped by the ice off the coast, and prepares one of the boldest ventures of its time.

Winner of the Golden Rooster Award for Best Film in 2002

Otokojuku, a private school for juvenile delinquents that were previously expelled from normal schools. At this school, Japanese chivalry is taught through the feudal and military fundamentals. Similar to an action film, the classes are overwhelmed by violence. Only those who survive it become true men. (Animenfo)

A young man who was raised in a children's home wants to go to the Chechen war. He believes in his heart that he belongs there and that in those difficult conditions he will make himself visible. After the training, Alexander enters the elite troops of the special forces and leaves for the harsh ordeals that wait for him in the war. He doesn't change his principles and manifests himself as a hero, who won't be a traitor, even if his life depends on it. The concepts of real friendship, love and honor are eternal values. After overcoming all hardships and learning the pain of loss, he finds his love and a home, where they will wait for him, where he comes home from the war...

Part 7 in a long running (8+1 films) action/comedy/melodrama series about a pair of short tempered, amoral, but not evil chinpira (Bunta Sugawara and Tamio Kawachi) thinking too big of themselves. Katsuji finds his long lost mother, who is a rich lady of a respectable family. Comedy and melodrama ensue. A thrilling spectacle with an overly violent ending, and a remarkable, Japan's only post-prison rape comedy, Masa is determined to have sex with the female guard, despite the fact that there is a bar between them. Michi Azuma (topless swordswoman from Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart in Peril) plays a tomboy who wants to join her brothers.

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