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6. jún, 2022

LJ, a production designer for film, who grew up caring for her reclusive mother, Lorraine. Lorraine believes in the existence of a shadow figure called LILOM, a creature from folklore in the old town of Sta. Castella, where she and LJ used to live. As LJ struggles to understand her mother’s fear of shadows and the outside world, she serendipitously lands a major break: a job in a movie based on the Lilom folklore itself. The film is helmed by a charming young director named Ben.

16. september, 1995

Brotherly Love is an American sitcom that ran from September 16, 1995 to April 1, 1996, on NBC, and then moved to The WB, where it aired from September 15, 1996 until May 18, 1997. The series was created by Jonathan Schmock and Jim Vallely, and produced by Witt/Thomas Productions in association with Touchstone Television and Walt Disney Television. The primary focus of the series is on the relationship of three brothers, played by Joey Lawrence, Matthew Lawrence and Andrew Lawrence.

7. október, 2005

A young gay couple must overcome dark, mystical forces conspiring against them, starting with a vengeful 19th century witch and her cheating warlock fiance.

13. september, 2021

Zervakis & Opdenhövel. Live. is a weekly journal hosted by Linda Zervakis and Matthias Opdenhövel.

9. september, 2020

Forbidden love is a Hindi romantic thriller short film starring Ali Fazal, Patralekhaa, and Omkar Kapoor. Unable to come out of the closet to his parents, Neel gets married to his partner Dev's sister, Keya. Will Neel succeed in living a dual life, or will his truth destroy everyone involved?

13. máj, 2022

Explore 6 unique yet universal stories of human connection and love in its varied forms – romantic, platonic, parental, sexual, familial, marital, self-love.

Live from Bremen has been described as the successor to Casper and the Mandril Agreement, as the show has the Mandril Agreement's Lasse Rimmer and Lars Hjortshøj as permanent fixtures, as well as Casper Christensen as lead author and man of ideas. The show is broadcast live from Bremen, the former Private Theater in Copenhagen, and is followed by Casper Christensen's talk show ALOHA! sent from the same place. Live from Bremen is inspired by the American sketch and satire show Saturday Night Live.

23. október, 2018

A dating series exploring the real-life dating interactions of sexy, successful and grown black men and women in their 30s and 40s who are each looking for lasting love and an authentic relationship. A unique twist on a typical dating show, Ready to Love highlights the men's observations and experiences in the search for true love in Atlanta.

22. september, 1984

The Finder of Lost Loves TV show was a 60 minute drama series on ABC about a private investigator who specialized in finding lost loves from the past for his heartbroken clients.

17. marec, 1998

From commitment phobics to blissful newlyweds to wedlock veterans, For Your Love depicts love in all of its romantic, challenging and chaotically hilarious stages. This sophisticated romantic comedy series was created and is executive produced by Yvette Lee Bowser. Set in the suburb of Oak Park, Ill, the series follows couples bound by friendship and family as they traverse the many phases of life and love in all their glorious complications. At the start of the series, Sheri & Dean were the relationship "veterans," having been together for 15 years, married for the last four. Malena (Sheri's best friend) & Mel were newlyweds, moving next door to Sheri & Dean. Bobbi & Reggie (Mel's younger brother) were dating, two "commitment-phobes" who were more devoted to each other than either would readily admit.

17. február, 2020

Pätnásťročná vedkyňa Ashley Garciaová sa sťahuje na druhý koniec krajiny za kariérou v odbore robotiky. Zároveň skúma biele miesta na mape moderného dospievania.

21. september, 2023

When he was a little child, Halil İbrahim lost his father due to a blood feud and was exiled to Istanbul. Twenty years later, he returns to his homeland in the Karadeniz region as a handsome, powerful young man. He plans to marry the girl he loves, Yasemin, and start a new life. However, events do not allow this. Halil İbrahim embarks on a journey of revenge, and his life will change completely when he encounters Zeynep from the Leto family.

14. máj, 2022

Follows three successful couples through their business and personal lives, in the DC, Virginia, Maryland area.

The drama follows the life a woman who ends up losing everything after living a turbulent life. When she starts anew from the bottom, ironically, her life blossoms. The value that holds us together is not blood nor law, but rather love and affection between us.

3. jún, 1963

A pair of modern young men and women grew up through a love affair full of thorns and thorns. Zhu Chongmin, a boy from a middle-class family, falls in love with Zhou Xiuzhong , from a wealthy family whose environment is far from his. Their love is under pressure, and their families have conflicts.

13. apríl, 1972

Love Thy Neighbour is a British sitcom, which was transmitted from 13 April 1972 until 22 January 1976, spanning seven series. The sitcom was produced by Thames Television for the ITV network. The principal cast included Jack Smethurst, Rudolph Walker, Nina Baden-Semper and Kate Williams. In 1973, the series was adapted into a film of the same name, and a later sequel series was set in Australia.

20. január, 2011

10 O'Clock Live is a British comedy/news television programme presented by Charlie Brooker, Jimmy Carr, Lauren Laverne and David Mitchell.

The programme was commissioned following the success of Channel 4's Alternative Election Night, fronted by the same four presenters, in May 2010. The first series appeared in 2011, with two subsequent series broadcast in 2012 and 2013.

The song "Bernie" by the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion is used for the show's theme.

Eda Yildiz je mladá krásna kvetinárka, ktorá sama investovala do svojho vzdelania. Tvárou v tvár musí čeliť problému, keď jej zrušia medzinárodné štipendium. Bez neho nebude môcť pokračovať v štúdiu a zostane jej iba maturita. Za všetko môže jeden muž – bohatý a atraktívny architekt Serkan Bolat. Serkan navrhne Ede, že jej štipendium vráti, keď bude dva mesiace predstierať, že je jeho snúbenica. Serkan tak chce vzbudiť žiarlivosť u svojej bývalej priateľky Selin, ktorá sa krátko po ich rozchode zasnúbila s iným mužom a chce ju získať späť. Hoci Eda jeho ponuku najprv odmietne, napriek svojej nenávisti k tomuto mužovi, je neskôr donútená Serkanov návrh prijať. Kým spoločne predstierajú, že sú zasnúbení, začne sa medzi nimi rozvíjať vášnivý a turbulentný vzťah. Pretože láska je zložitá a preto je taká úžasná.

30. september, 2014

The unfiltered internal monologues of a young man and a young woman are exposed as they begin a new relationship together.

5. jún, 2015

In the late 1960s, the Beach Boys' Brian Wilson stops touring, produces "Pet Sounds" and begins to lose his grip on reality. By the 1980s, under the sway of a controlling therapist, he finds a savior in Melinda Ledbetter.

A boy who grew up at the circus decides to leave his old life and go after the love of his life.

Camile Stollerová a jej dieťa sú vo svojej komunite dobre známe: Esme ako vážne chorá dcéra pripútaná na invalidný vozík a Camile ako dokonalá opatrovateľka a matka. Vyzerá to ako rodinná idylka, až kým Camile nenájdu dobodanú na smrť v jej dome. Esme zmizla a všetci predpokladajú, že ju uniesol vrah. Keď sa však Esme nájde, vypláva na povrch strašné tajomstvo: nebola unesená, ale utiekla so svojím priateľom Scottom po tom, čo s ním spolupracovala na vražde svojej matky. Okrem toho je Esme dokonale zdravá, duševne aj fyzicky. Vysvitne, že sa stala obeťou Munchausenovho syndrómu, ktorým trpela jej matka, manipulátorka a tyranka, ktorá ju prinútila uveriť, že je chorá.

22. jún, 2022

Lina is about to graduate high school and has her sights set on her future at MIT. But when her mom gets sick, she encourages Lina to follow in her footsteps and have “the summer of a lifetime” in Rome. Using her mom’s old diary as a guide, she explores the romantic and magical city, where she just might find love... and gelato, of course.

29. júl, 2021

Aspiring pop star Erica ends up as the entertainment at her ex-fiancé’s wedding after reluctantly taking a gig at a luxurious island resort while in the wake of a music career meltdown.

Sam je mladý úspešný astronóm, pre ktorého však znamená láska jeho milovanej Lindy omnoho viac, ako všetky vesmírne objavy. Preto nie je veľmi nadšený správou, že žena jeho života sa rozhodne opustiť rodné mestečko a odísť na dva mesiace pracovať do New Yorku. V deň jej návratu mu príde iba list, v ktorom mu Linda oznámi, že zostane v New Yorku, kde si našla iného milenca. Sam za ňou okamžite vycestuje s pevným odhodlaním získať si ju späť. Nasťahuje sa na opustený pôjd oproti bytu, kde Linda žije so svojou novou láskou - Francúzom Antonom. Objedná si z hvezdárne zariadenie, vďaka ktorému si premieta na stene zväčšený obraz diania v náprotivnom byte. Starostlivým pozorovaním, prácou s rôznymi grafmi a výpočtami dospeje k záveru, že milenci sa čoskoro rozídu, pretože sú celkom odlišní. Realita je však celom iná.

21. jún, 2015

A couple on the brink of divorce decides to keep their marital woes a secret as they help their daughter plan her wedding. As the two work together on the happy occasion, they soon discover that their own marriage might just be worth saving.

21. apríl, 2000

Monica Wright and Quincy McCall grew up in the same neighborhood and have known each other since childhood. As they grow into adulthood, they fall in love, but they also share another all-consuming passion: basketball. As Quincy and Monica struggle to make their relationship work, they follow separate career paths though high school and college basketball and, they hope, into stardom in big-league professional ball.

9. január, 2016

Leah thinks all is fine coasting along in a relationship with the ever-predictable Edward until he surprises her and enrolls her in a conflict-management class. In the class, Leah finds herself locking horns with a handsome, radio talk-show host who thrives on making waves. Through the course, Leah develops new friendships, an inner strength she never knew she had and discovers real love should never mean settling for the easy and predictable.

11. november, 1994

Not long after they cross paths at an art gallery, architect Ray Reardon and hypnotically sensual Lena are married with children. But as strange incidents occur, Ray begins to realize he may not really know the woman he married.

13. október, 2011

Keď sa hovorí o love, nemusí ísť nutne o lásku, môže ísť aj o peniaze. A o oboje ide aj v novom milostnej dráme zo súčasnej Bratislavy. Slovensko-český koprodukčný film Love mladého talentovaného režiséra Jakuba Kronera sa stal v priebehu pár týždňov najväčším diváckym hitom v slovenských kinách za posledných niekoľko rokov. Hlavný hrdina Maťo (Michal Nemtuda) býva spoločne s kamarátom Tomášom (Jakub Gogál) na sídlisku v slovenskej metropole a nežijú si vôbec zle. Dennodenne sa však pohybujú za hranicou zákona, pretože sa živia krádežami áut. Jedného večera vstúpi do Maťovho života študentka Veronika (Kristína Svarinská), do ktorej sa zamiluje, ale v niečom jej nehovorí pravdu. A tá sa nakoniec za veľmi dramatických okolností prevalí.

29. apríl, 2022

A single woman who decides to take a chance on love again by catapulting her life from Paris to Los Angeles. From awkward dates to touching surprise encounters, she understands the journey to love is a journey towards herself.

14. október, 2017

Megan Quinn, an aspiring architect, faces multiple tasks – developing her hometown lake into a commercialized entertainment center, forcing Mrs. Frances Figgins, her childhood mentor, out of her family’s home, and helping out at her family café after her father breaks his leg, all while also dealing with the return of her childhood sweetheart, Joe, who broke her heart.

23. september, 2005

The klutzy yet stunning Rebecca Sommers walks in on her hunky boyfriend in bed with another woman. They break up and Rebecca starts to fall apart, but, with the help of her close girlfriends, she begins to date again. Unfortunately, the men she meets all happen to be crazy. John, her dorky guy friend, tries to express his secret love for Rebecca, but she's too busy to notice as she tries to come to terms with her breakup.

30. august, 2024

A solitary assassin, looking to escape his occupation and pursue a new life, finds a glimmer of hope in an enigmatic woman he encounters whilst navigating his final job.

Texaský ranger J. J. McQuade (Chuck Norris) má problémy s nadriadenými, ktorým sa nepáčia jeho nekompromisné metódy. Keď však dôjde k prepadu vojenského transportu, je to práve on, kto dokáže odhaliť kde sa podeli ukradnuté zbrane...

11. december, 2016

Maddie, a high-powered marketing executive, is on her way to a client’s wedding but her plans are derailed by car trouble. When a fork in the road leads her to Christmas Valley, a town in love with Christmas, an unexpected encounter and a group of strangers that start to feel like family will have her questioning what she’s really been missing in life.

After thirty years teaching in London, Mark Thackeray retires and returns to Chicago. There, however, the challenge of teaching kids in an inner city school proves to be too much to resist.

Počas osláv Dňa nezávislosti napadne Spojené štáty americké mimoriadne rafinovaný útočník. Zneuznaný počítačový génius Thomas Gabriel využíva najmodernejšie technológie, aby napáchal čo najväčšie škody na americkej infraštruktúre a uvrhol krajinu do totálneho chaosu. Jeho model deštrukcie zvaný „výpredaj pod tlakom“ spôsobí kolaps dopravných sietí, paralelnú destabilizáciu energetických a bezpečnostných systémov štátu a napokon zničí počítačové zálohy kľúčových finančných údajov. Jeho premyslený plán však má vážnu trhlinu. Neráta s tým, že sa na scéne objaví poctivý policajt John McClane, ktorý je aj po rokoch služby v prekliato skvelej forme. Počítačom síce nerozumie, ale proti teroristom vie použiť iné prostriedky. Napokon, na počítače má niekoho iného – mladého počítačového hackera Matta, ktorého mal pôvodne iba dopraviť ako delikventa na oddelenie FBI.

Seok-hyun, the younger brother of Kyu-hyun, comes between Eun-jung and Kyu-hyun. Seok-hyun, an archer, demands money from his brother and sister-in-law. When they are not accepted, they are overwhelmed with anger. On the other hand, Eunjung secretly sees another man pulled into the house and enjoyed the meeting, and I got caught by Seokhyun. Hyung-su is caught in a big weakness Eventually, she lends money to Seok-hyun. After that day, Seok-hyun continued looking for his sister-in-law and demanding money, When the sister-in-law says that he has no money, he wants her body...

The film almanac consists of three independent short stories: "The Girl and the Soldier", "The Setting Sun / The Coming of Old Age", "Feola".

Second part of an epic drama of war and its effects upon human beings, follows the fortunes of the Godai family from 1935 through Japan's invasion of China. Based on the novels by Jumpei Gomikawa, who also penned The Human Condition.

Papa's A Pervert! And He Loves His Sex Toys!

Live action films based on Swedish author Sven Nordqvist's children's books.

A series of films based on the manga of the same name.

Collection of the live-action adaptation of the Rurouni Kenshin comic series.

Séria hraných filmov zo známeho prostredia Galov a Rimanov.

Winnetou - The Myth Lives is a three-part television film based roughly on the novels of Karl May and aired on 25, 27 and 29 December 2016 for the first time. The main roles are played by Nik Xhelilaj as Winnetou, Wotan Wilke Möhring as Old Shatterhand, Iazua Larios as Nscho-chi and Milan Peschel as Sam Hawkins. The reissue for RTL was produced by Rat Pack Filmproduktion in co-production with Rialto Film, Tabbenoca, Mythos Film and Beta Film.

All 5 short films in the Time Moving series. The original Time Stops Moving; the sequel Time Always Moving; and the Three Times Moving trilogy with The Kiss Through Time, followed by A Time to Lie, and concluding with Time Forgotten.

3. marec, 2023

It's a question itself why always a Bihari suffers in another state!

From 1972 until 1974, Joris Ivens and Marceline Loridan, along with a Chinese film crew, documented the last days of the Cultural Revolution, marking the end of an era. The vast amount of footage they shot was edited into 14 films of varying lengths. Focusing on ordinary people spread over a wide geographic area—many of whom were living and working in collectives—the filmmakers recorded a unique moment in history, and also captured some of the more enduring aspects of Chinese culture.

A two-film adaptation of François Bégaudeau's novel The Injury.'

The live action drama TV specials based on the Japanese Case Closed series.

The two live-action films are featured in The Flintstones Yabba Dabba Two-Pack! It's the Hanna-Barbera classic like you've never seen it before, as director Brian Levant and his creative team capture all the wacky gadgets, colorful creatures and clever visual gags of Bedrock with wild imagination. A rock-solid cast, including John Goodman, Rick Moranis, Rosie O'Donnell and Academy Award winners Halle Berry and Elizabeth Taylor, breathe comic life into Fred Flintstone and his friends' hilarious attempts to make it in a barely civilized world.

A Chinese-Hong Kong fantasy, comedy, action, adventure, series continuing from the 2015 original.

Nebola nájdená žiadna sieť, ktorá by sa zhodovala s vaším dopytom.

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