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13 de septiembre de 2023

Chen Miran aspired to become a figurine designer and applied to the design department at university, hoping for a fresh start. However, she ended up being transferred to a different major. What's even more unfortunate is that she will be classmates for four years with her first love, the guy who callously dumped her in the past. Zhong Weiqiong, determined to get back his ex, resorts to all sorts of tactics to "torment and seek revenge," all in an attempt to rekindle their former love. However, Chen Miran can't bring herself to admit that everything began because Zhong Weiqiong mistook her identity back then. So, she has to come up with various tricks to escape his advances. Little did they know that, despite all the twists and turns, their hearts still beat for each other. They fall in love again and become a sweet couple once more until the "real contender" suddenly appears, turning their world upside down...

3 de julio de 2008

Don Luca c'è is an Italian television series.

Fight Science is a television program shown on the National Geographic Channel in which scientists and martial arts masters work together to analyze the world's fighting techniques, to compare the disciplines and to find out which one has the strongest hits, kicks and deadliest weapons. The show also tries to prove through science if certain legends in fighting are possible, such as whether a one-punch knockout is possible or if ninja are as nimble and deadly as stories tell. There is also a feature on human strength, wherein a man hits his head on bricks in order to shatter them. The show had several spin-offs including Sport Science.

Narrator is Robert Leigh.

It featured fighters including Rickson Gracie, Bas Rutten, Randy Couture, Alex Huynh, Amir Perets, Mindy Kelly, Bren Foster, Amir Solsky, Glen Levy and Dan Inosanto.

22 de abril de 2018

Esta serie cuenta la historia del cantante mexicano Luis Miguel, una superestrella en Latinoamérica y el resto del mundo desde hace décadas.

11 de marzo de 2007

Like the boy who cried wolf, Xia Zhi Xing had lied one too many times. So when she did tell the truth, nobody believed her except for the most unlikely person, Zhong Tian Qi, a runaway young master of a jewelry empire. His belief in her inspired her to become a real jewelry designer instead of a lying, scheming jewelry con artist. In the process, she taught him the real value of jewels that he is destined to inherit.

30 de marzo de 2018

La serie sobre la historia de la dinastía Romanov termina investigando cómo cayó la familia en Rusia en su siglo final. Ella muestra cómo los años 1825-1918 fueron sangrientos y traumáticos, un período en el que cuatro zares intentaron y fracasaron hacer frente a la creciente presión por la reforma constitucional y la revolución.

Lucy descubre cómo los Romanov intentaron cambiar el sistema ellos mismos, en 1861, millones de siervos esclavizados fueron liberados por el Tsar-Libertador, Alejandro II. Pero Alejandro pagó la pena máxima por abrir la caja de Pandora de la reforma cuando más tarde fue volado por terroristas en las calles de San Petersburgo.

Por otra parte, hubo represión, negación, guerra y en el caso del último zar, Nicolás II una creencia fatalista en el poder de Dios, como la fe de Nicolás en el notorio hombre santo Rasputín que terminó siendo una parte importante en su destrucción. También se detalla el escalofriante asesinato de Nicolás y su familia en 1918, y pregunta si todo este horror podría haber sido evitado.

Lucy también muestra cómo había un movimiento creciente entre la gente de Rusia para determinar su propio destino. Rastrea el crecimiento de la intelligentsia, los escritores y los pensadores que intentaron tener una voz sobre Rusia. Después de que Ivan Turgenev escribiera sobre la terrible vida de los siervos en 1852, fue condenado a arresto domiciliario por el zar Nicolás I. También muestra cómo la ira contra el régimen de Romanov creó una generación posterior de radicales comprometidos con la revocación el status quo. Algunos se volverían al terrorismo y, finalmente, a la revolución.

Además de la agitación política, hay drama privado y se explica cómo la vida familiar de Nicolás II jugó en la caída de su familia. Su hijo y heredero Alexei sufría de hemofilia, el secreto que la familia colocaba en torno a esta condición los llevó a la reclusión, alejándolos aún más del pueblo ruso. También los llevó a la influencia del hombre que parecía tener el poder de sanar a su hijo y que era visto como una influencia maligna sobre Nicolás, Rasputin.

23 de septiembre de 2021

Basada en la fascinante obra de Isaac Asimov, Foundation gira en torno a un grupo de exiliados en el ocaso del Imperio Galáctico y su afán por salvar a la humanidad y reconstruir la civilización.

1 de enero de 2015

An exploration of Asian cuisine's impact on food culture with Danielle Chang, Founder of the LUCKYRICE Festival, a nationwide showcase of Asian food culture in the United States, and innovative Asian chefs and personalities.

10 de enero de 2012

A wedding is supposed to be the happiest moment in a couple's life. But what if someone among the attendants does not wish success for the newlywed couple? One morning, Takako, a wedding planner, finds a threatening letter sent to the wedding hall that says, "Cancel today's weddings. Otherwise, you will receive divine punishment." There are five weddings scheduled that day, but Takako ignores the letter and decides to duly host the weddings and find out who is behind the threat.

29 de abril de 2022

There is a well-kept secret in the Beiyuan royal family of emperors being unable to escape the fate of dying in their prime. This is a story about the prince trying to pretend to be "worthless" and the ambitious princess.

In order to avoid being chosen as the crown prince and successor to the throne, eldest prince Xiao He and second prince Xiao Yu have been doing everything that they can to pretend to be frivolous and worthless. However, the arrival of Fu Qi, the Dongling princess, who has come to be wed to the royal family puts a dent to their plans. She is driven by her own motives to ensure that Xiao He will sit on the throne.

In the pursuit of love, Napdao has been doing everything. She has got her fortune read. She's gone on a string of blind dates. Unfortunately, however, no one seems to be on the same page as her. She starts to think that perhaps her gorgeous and caring boss Pheem could be the one for her. Then Wela, her new team leader, comes into the picture and shakes things up with her observant and affectionate care.

28 de septiembre de 2013

Brandon trains dogs to the point where they can find forever homes.

30 de noviembre de 2018

The story follows the extremely busy office worker Takuya and his childhood friend Manzu .One day, they meet a girl named Mae whose father owns an A.I. Development Company. They accidentally help her when she is chased down by some people. They escape together and a wild ride with a free girl, A.I. and some mysterious villians starts! The drama title "Hapygora!" Is an abbreviation for "Happy Go Lucky" and expresses the theme itself of this work "always positive and fun" even in the emergency of helping a lady who is chased by someone.

Una vida tan dramática como su obra. Lucy Worsley descubre los orígenes de la magia macabra de Agatha Christie y, con algunos personajes fascinantes, descubre secretos cuidadosamente escondidos.

This drama-documentary challenges the popular view of Richard the Lionheart and Saladin's epic clash for control of Jerusalem, using the latest research into the original Christian and Muslim ancient sources and the insight of leading experts from both East and West.

Richard emerges as a man who earned the name Lionheart as much for his murderous brutality as for his chivalry. Equally, Saladin was revered in his own time in Europe, for his mercy towards the crusaders in contrast to the demonized caricatures of popular modern-day Western myth.

Filmed on location in the Middle East, Richard the Lionheart & Saladin: Holy Warriors re-creates the heroic encounter between these two great men. It traces their very different origins, their struggle to understand each other, and the mutual respect that emerged as they battled for the destiny of the world's most sacred city.

This is the story of a power struggle between two men - one fictional, and one real. In one corner is the master of crime – the greatest detective who never lived, Sherlock Holmes. In the other is writer, physician and spiritualist leader Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Lucy Worsley explores the extraordinary love-hate relationship between author and creation.

After collision of the moon and the meteorite. "Ken" The former actor try to make way to Bangkok. But when he meet "Q" a boy who survive the disaster and try to go the his hometown Chiangmai. The incredible journey begins.

30 de mayo de 2014

A una periodista de rock se le asigna localizar a su exnovio.

23 de febrero de 1935

Spanky's mother pushes him to join a local theater amateur night.

29 de agosto de 2003

Angst-ridden Charlie Brown attempts to motivate his team, while Lucy in right field nettles poor Chuck into a nervous wreck. With their losses mounting, Charlie Brown tries every remedy to score a win--even trading his own dog--yet nothing improves the team's dismal record. Then Chuck orchestrates "the greatest trade in the history of baseball."

20 de mayo de 2017

Relata la historia de una joven madre (Jasmine Trinca) que, con un matrimonio fallido a sus espaldas, hace lo posible por luchar día tras día para alcanzar su sueño: abrir una peluquería con la que desafiar a su destino, en un intento de emanciparse y conquistar la independencia y su derecho a la felicidad.

Realizado tras un llamamiento a todos los fans norteamericanos que quisieran hablar sobre su amor/odio hacia Lucas y el universo de "La guerra de las galaxias", "The People vs. George Lucas" se centra en el fanatismo alrededor de esta saga y su propio creador, George Lucas.

A sequel to Luc Besson's Lucy (2014).

12 de abril de 2018

E., an old-time hippie lost at the foot of an extinguished Patagonian volcano, decides to pay homage to his friend and mentor Albert Hofmann, the first person to synthesize, ingest and know the hallucinogenic effects of LSD. This creative documentary focuses on E's idea to carve Hofmann's head into a granite stone, a mixture of Greek initiation sanctuary and Mount Rushmore.

8 de julio de 2020

A lonely, simple-minded barman's fleeting encounter in a rural Irish pub, with a difficult customer highlights his need for connection.

Scooby-Doo! Misterio en la lucha libre DVDRip Latino Nueva película de Aventura y Comedia Infantil protagonizada por los Amigos de Sooby Doo!, es un film el cual una vez mas tendrán que descubrir quien esta detrás de una misión fantasma, esta vez han sido invitados a disfrutar el campeonato de Lucha libre y nada los detendrá.

10 de febrero de 1942

An all-black horror comedy starring Mantan Moreland and sometimes partner (and straight man) F.E. Miller, Lucky Ghost is amusing low-brow fare that exploits the more base, stereotypical elements of old-time black life (chicken thievin', gamblin', runnin' from ghosteses) for laughs -- sort of like the BET of its day. Mantan and Miller win a house-cum-casino in a craps game, only to discover that the deceased former owners aren't too pleased that their old home is being used for "jitterbugging, jiving, and hullaballooing". I hate hullaballooing. The ghosts decide to scare everyone off by opening doors and windows, pulling out chairs, even playing the drums.

8 de octubre de 2014

An English shoe salesman inherits 6 million dollars from a recently deceased uncle he has never met before, on the condition that he takes the uncle's corpse on a trip to Monte Carlo.

Una relación sexual entre una profesora y el mozo de la limpieza de una escuela termina en violación. (FILMAFFINITY)

25 de febrero de 2013

In a far away land of jungles and wild animals, there lived a little orphan boy who was all alone in the world. But he knew that no matter how hard life can be, it's always better if you can share it with a friend. This is the story of how he found one, an elephant named Lucky. Together they face a changing world, but always manage to triumph. After a series of humorous challenges, they discover the Academy of Art, where elephants learn to paint. And Lucky becomes the star painter, a famous artist and celebrity. Finally, life is good for them, with money and food aplenty. But when Lucky falls in love with another elephant, Candy, and starts his own family, what will the boy do? My Lucky Elephant is an exotic adventure in a magical and beautiful place, and yet it's about what everyone is looking for in life - a true friend, a home, family.

29 de abril de 2021

The profound story of Lucy Temerlin, a female chimpanzee raised as human from birth in a domestic environment, and Janis Carter, the woman who took on the seemingly impossible task of giving her a new life in the wild.

14 de julio de 2009

Rusty es un joven arquitecto diseñador, dedicado a la restauración, que tiene una gran empresa junto con su socio comercial. Este le aconseja que no solo haga restauraciones, sino tembién proyectos mas ambiciosos. Pero cuando esto está a punto de suceder, la oferta no es para una nueva construcción y Rusty se siente defraudado. En esta situación se encuentra con Denny, un buscavidas sexy y adicto a la metanfetamina de cristal que le lleva a lugares oscuros que Rusty no sabía que existían y le enseña lo que realmente es el placer del sexo.

13 de octubre de 2018

A solitary Foley Artist secretly films his neighbor and reconstructs the sounds of her life, while creating an imaginary relationship that leads him to discover closely the true sound of his obsession: Lucy.

15 de enero de 2024

Lucy - a small dog is set loose in her owner's backyard, where she bears witness to a chilling discovery.

Maxine (Cary Lowell) es una camarera con grandes sueños que, inadvertidamente, se mezcla con una banda de contrabandistas que intentan hacerse con un objeto robado llamado "El Crisol de San Lucas".

24 de junio de 1989

Masahiro Kai ha llegado a la final del campeonato de artes marciales, pero hay una razón que esté ahí. Antes del último combate, Kai recordará todo lo ocurrido en el camino hasta esa final.

19 de julio de 2022

Luča, daughter of the retired secret service inspector Petar went missing. Wanting to find the reason of her disappearance, Petar digs deep into his past and his world of lies slowly starts to crumble.

Lucy Lu


Alice Lucy

InterpretaciónMad Heidi, Dirty Boy

Lucy Hong


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