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The Rangers are made up of fifteen GMMTV artists whose appearances rotate. Often joined by celebrity guests, they separate into teams to compete in themed games. With nothing more to win than bragging rights, the true motivator is to avoid the surprise punishment that comes with last place.

Typically, episodes are hosted at different schools throughout Thailand where students get to show off their skills. However, the onset of the coronavirus pandemic necessitated that the show find new venues that would limit their exposure. It wasn't until 2023 that episodes began to take place in schools once more.


2001 年 04 月 08 日



2019 年 04 月 06 日


Stories from a daily life of children attending a regular school.

2018 年 10 月 04 日

电视动画片《学园BASARA》改编自《战国BASARA》系列的官方恶搞漫画作品,将《战国BASARA》登场的武将们设定成现代高中生,讲述他们之间展开的校园战斗故事。作品于2018年4月2日宣布动画化,由Brain’s Base负责制作 [1-2] ,于2018年10月5日至12月21日每周四在TBS电视台播出,全12集。中国大陆方面由AcFun全网独播








  市丸恭介(真殿光昭 配音)是一个外表和内心都十分朴素的青年,目前就职于一所高中担任物理老师的职务。虽然个性有些木讷害羞,每天都过着两点一线的枯燥生活,但是恭介在教员和学生之间却有着意外高昂的人气。其实,恭介有着一个天大的秘密,他不仅已经结婚,并且,其结婚的对象,居然是在同一学校就读的女子高中生小野原麻美(川澄绫子 配音)!


A huge fan of the Hiroshima Carp baseball team, you the viewer become the story protagonist, Ryo Kirigamine, vice-president of the Young Detectives Club at Tokyo’s Koigakubo Academy. In the search for truth, each week the school club gets tangled in perplexing local crimes and mysteries, including murder! Ryo is a self-avowed super detective, but tends to get lost in the maze of clues at critical junctures of a case. But never fear; there are plenty of people to come to get her back on track, including the biology teacher, Hiromi Ishizaki. Take part in an intricately-constructed, hardcore mystery every week.


重新出发的吉森真也(竹野内丰饰)曾经是一名不折不扣的不良少年,从北友学园余市高校毕业,后来他变成了一名老师,回到母校来教育一群不知天高地厚的学弟、学妹们,这位充满热情、满怀壮志,决心要将他们洗心革命。然而,这些血气方刚的不良少年可没那么容易受到感化。 [2]

浪费青春――。连载于线上漫画志《COMIC Newtype》,大受欢迎的学园女子喜剧,终于众望所归的电视动画化!以聚集了令人感到有些残念的女孩们的埼之玉女子高中为舞台,以破天荒的笨蛋.田中(通称:笨蛋)、热爱动画及漫画的御宅族女孩.菊池(通称:阿宅),及总是面无表情、像机器人一样的少女.鹭宫(通称:机器人)为中心,与个性丰富又充满魅力的伙伴们一同虚度这闪耀璀璨光辉、名为“女高中生”的青春时代,令人捧腹大笑的JK学园喜剧,即将揭开序幕!

2018 年 01 月 15 日

When successful businesswoman Katya's daughter tries to commit suicide, she becomes an economics teacher in order to be closer to her daughter and understand what the kids are up to at school. At the same time, Alex, a new English teacher, former lawyer, son of the principal, and newly engaged, also comes to the school. As sparks begin between Katya and Alex, the skeletons of the past still haunt them and won't let our heroes go.

平凡的高中男生望月小太郎(三浦春马 饰)在上课打瞌睡时做梦,梦中的他回到了战国时代,英姿勃发,武力系数爆棚,但最终还是殉国。这个看似一般男生都会做的英雄梦却注定不平凡。因为作业的要求,小太郎不得不去翻找古籍资料,在史书上,他看到一个和他同名的小太郎——作为真田幸村家臣的他如同梦里上演的那般。

而最奇怪的事情是,本来很懦弱的小太郎却被战国的武士附身,成为了战无不胜的勇猛之人,接二连三的保护了他的同学——极度胆小懦弱的中村刚(城田优 饰)、青梅竹马的永沢爱(杏 饰)等。性格上的鲜明反差让小太郎经历了不少有趣离奇的事,而这附身也渐渐的越发不受控制……

2018 年 09 月 19 日

三十岁的陈末每天看似匆忙,实则碌碌无为。白天西装革履,人模狗样,晚上却待在一间不足10平米的出租屋里。疲惫的陈末无意中看到电视里周杰伦结婚的消息,回忆起了那些年和曾经的朋友们一起追星,充满青春躁动的高中时光。高中时代的陈末是老师眼中的“坏学生”,家长眼中的“坏孩子”,但却是朋友心中的好兄弟。女同学心中的帅气男孩。因为一次意外的调换座位,不读书,成绩差的学渣陈末和死读书,成绩依然差的赵小雨成为同桌,三观违和的两人从互相不愿搭理,到逐渐建立起友谊的小船…… 在教室的那一间,聚集着陈末的一帮好友,暖男学霸型的苏舟,老气横秋再加点猥琐的姚从良,古灵精怪,活泼可爱的萌妹子于贝贝,还有一位陈末喜欢到连老师都看的出来的女孩赵小雨,但是,陈末可打死都不会承认这件事……在那个能够为了一点小事赌上性命的年纪里,5个好友共同经历着友情、亲情和爱情的成长与蜕变…… 这既是陈末和他的小伙伴们的青春记忆。也是属于90后整整一代人的匆匆时光。像逐渐泛黄的旧照片一样慢慢模糊,又随着陈末的回忆而缓缓展开……

 金顺(韩惠贞 饰)自小就失去父母关爱,由奶奶抚养长大的她深受感染,自小便开朗乐观、爱突发奇想。由于只有奶奶一人照顾,为了不让奶奶操心,金顺自小便十分听话。早熟的金顺高中毕业便出来工作,虽然学历不高,但金顺从来没有放弃成为全国顶级美容师的梦想。一次偶然,金顺和大学生正完发生了一夜情。正完为了肩负起男人的责任,两人结了婚。可是正完的母亲因为歧视金顺学历低而常常奚落、刁难她。一次意外正完突然去世后,金顺边被婆婆赶出了家门。


2022 年 11 月 16 日

Nestled quietly in the heart of a buzzing community, there sits a school that to any who might pass it by, appears to be quite normal. However, as is often the case, looks can be quite deceiving. Inhabited by several malicious phantoms, this school plays host to more than its dedicated faculty and lively student body.

1932 年 03 月 16 日

An ex army officer is forced to resort to a life of crime.

1965 年 02 月 03 日

An investigative reporter travels to a small European country with the hope of exposing its dictator's family secrets.

1997 年 12 月 31 日

Explores and questions non-Native perceptions of Indians by asking pointedly: “What were you expecting, anyway? Sitting Bull? Chief Joseph… saying ‘the earth and I are one?’”

1946 年 08 月 09 日

A mystery grows after a bank robbery car leads investigators to a carnival sideshow.

Set in America’s West, the true story of a family’s generational wealth is revealed through the legend of a father and son who rob a prospector.

A gang of bikers have worked up a thirst and stop for some lemonade from a smart cat. This is a math tutorial showing how to make change by using the counting back/counting up method.

Funnier in Color! Each classic short has been painstakingly restored from the original negative for the very best picture and audio quality. Dedicated Stooge-o-philes needn't worry - the black and white originals are also here, fully restored and remastered in high definition. Includes: "Violent is the Word for Curly" (1938) - "You Nazty Spy" (1940) - "No Census, No Feeling" (1940) - "An Ache in Every Stake" (1941)

An empty house, an alienated daughter, an unseen presence watching. Two parents find themselves alone together as their marriage crumbles.

1969 年 08 月 31 日

Set in an exclusive boy's school, about a man who plans to kill off his wealthy teacher wife by encouraging her to drink and pushing her into suicide. To assist him he recruits a young student who will claim that he was sexually assaulted by her. (from: http://ftvdb.bfi.org.uk/sift/title/390627)

2008 年 09 月 05 日

Born in Long Island, NY, and educated at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Rick Hodes has dedicated his life to helping heal the sick and poor of Ethiopia over the past 20 years.

2015 年 10 月 01 日

This Short film is written and directed by Danny Sedore and produced by Eric Tesainer & Alex Grewenig. Featuring Ty Ippolito and Murray Urquhart. When Chloe Simmons was just six years old, she witnessed her father being arrested and taken away in handcuffs. The trauma of that moment still haunts her every night. Recently, her family was evicted from their home and Chloe was given a cardboard box by her mother. On her way to school, she finally opened the box and found a kitten inside. Overwhelmed with emotion, Chloe cried on the subway while other passengers looked on. A little girl behind her wanted to play with the kitten, but Chloe couldn't bear to let it go. She eventually got off the subway and daydreamed about her father coming to rescue her from her difficult life. When she woke up on a bench at a bus stop, she was still clutching the box and her backpack.

1969 年 11 月 18 日

A man witnesses a murder in a secluded mansion. When he reports it, there's no evidence of the murder, or that anyone was there. Two years later he wakes up in a hospital room after a polo accident to find he's had amnesia, is now married, and living in Switzerland. Now remembering the incident he returns to England to try to solve the mystery.

Them Crooked Vultures Austin City Limits

Them Crooked Vultures perform at the Royal Albert Hall as part of the #teenagecancergigs series in 2010

Them Crooked Vultures is a rock supergroup formed in Los Angeles in 2009 by John Paul Jones (former member of Led Zeppelin), Dave Grohl (of Foo Fighters and formerly of Nirvana), and Josh Homme (of Queens of the Stone Age). The group also includes guitarist Alain Johannes during live performances.

Follows a group of young homeschoolers on Mount Desert Island, Maine, as they rehearse and ultimately perform Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1.

1990 年 12 月 01 日

During a storm on a Christmas tree farm, a dove and her family asks a small tree for protection, which the tree gives straightaway. The shelter it created for the doves bent the trunk, and causes it to grow crooked. Now, no one wants the small imperfect tree. Based on the book by Michael Cutting.

Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors is a 1964 Soviet fairy tale film directed by Aleksandr Rou based on a story with the same name by Vitali Gubarev. Both the surreal story by Vladimir Gubarev, together with the 1964 film, written in a Through The Looking Glass style. Alice-type Soviet girl, named Olya meets her counterpart Yalo, while looking into the mirror. Yalo is an absolute antipode to Olya, for example where Olya is precise and neat, Yalo is absent-minded, careless, etc. The explicit plot relates to Olya learning to see herself differently, but this occurs through an experience in the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors which serves as a mechanism for commenting on the ability of a society to manufacture a false reality.

Dont mess this up

2022 年 02 月 01 日

A butoh dancer (Atsushi Matsuda, of the internationally-renowned group Dairakudakan) travels across Tokyo on his way to rehearsals, traversing a subconscious landscape that bridges the interior world of the self with an exterior world that extends through the city to the cosmos. In reflecting on a dancer’s creative process, "A Crooked Path Through The Dark" offers a phantasmagorical look at the ties that bind the individual to the world around them, the connections we form with our environment, and the role of personal experience in shaping both lives and artwork. As storms boil and earthquakes rattle, we witness the visceral and moving process of destruction and renewal needed for the creation of a new







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