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In New York, armed men hijack a subway car and demand a ransom for the passengers. Even if it's paid, how could they get away?

With a father suffering from neurodegenerative disease, a young woman lives with her eight-year-old daughter. While struggling to secure a decent nursing home, she runs into an unavailable friend with whom she embarks on an affair.

Following a brutal series of murders taking place on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, Gotham City's young vigilante known as the Batman sets out to pursue the mysterious serial killer alongside police officer James Gordon and district attorney Harvey Dent.

Uma das grandes figuras da música pop mundial, Elton John apresenta uma performance memorável no famoso Madison Square Garden, em Nova York. Este concerto espetacular foi filmado em duas noites de outubro de 2000 e Elton e sua banda tocam alguns dos seus grandes hits ao longo de quatro décadas, incluindo "Your Song", "Crocodile Rock", "Candle In The Wind" e "Rocket Man". Elton ainda divide o palco com convidados célebres, como Anastacia, Mary J. Blige, Ronan Keating, Billy Joel, Bryan Adams e Kiki Dee. Você nunca viu Elton John assim antes... Um show imperdível para qualquer fã!

A quarantine hotel where overseas travellers stay in isolation to curb the spread of a contagious virus, but they soon become prey to a strange breed of a 100-legged monster.

29 setembro 2021

An immigrant in search of the American dream is forced to take a room in a boarding house and soon finds herself in a nightmare from which she can't escape.

Hoops sonha escrever e ilustrar uma história de amor em quadrinhos. Seu amigo George então o convida a passar o verão em Nantucket. No caminho, ajudam Cassandra, que está sendo perseguida por motoqueiros e prestes a perder a casa do avô para um empreiteiro. Entre confusões e romance, esse verão vai ser muito louco.

30 dezembro 1953

The Black Rebels Motorcycle Club ride into the small California town of Wrightsville, eager to raise hell. Brooding gang leader Johnny Strabler takes a liking to Kathie, the daughter of the local lawman, as another club rolls into town.

2 setembro 2022

On the run with a bag full of cash after a robbing his former crime boss—and a potentially fatal wound—Freddy slips onto a bus headed into a rainy night in Georgia. With his life slipping through his fingers, Freddy is left with very few choices to survive.

Num sistema educacional à beira do colapso, um homem é levado aos limites... Trevor Garfield é um professor de ciências em Nova Iorque, num sistema onde aprender deixou de ser o objectivo principal. Com os alunos em gangs, a escola é uma zona de guerra e as respostas são a violência física. Quando Trevor chumba um dos seus alunos, este reage esfaqueando-o, deixando-o às portas da morte. Um ano mais tarde, Trevor, receoso e afectado pelo incidente, é transferido para Los Angeles; para os colegas, ele é simultaneamente um herói involuntário e um enigma; para os alunos, simplesmente não conta. Trevor depara-se com os mesmos problemas: um sistema escolar que não funciona, uma administração escolar impotente para se impor, alunos que preferem a violência aos estudos. Mas poucos admitirão até onde pode chegar um homem, quando emourrado até ao limite...

Peter Warren, um jornalista desempregado, encontra Ellie, a filha de um milionário que fugiu do iate de Alexander Andrews, seu pai, pois este não aprova quem ela escolheu como marido. Peter vê a oportunidade de obter uma boa matéria, mas vários fatos criam uma forte aproximação entre eles.

A história se passa no futuro, em tempos de colonização interplanetária. Sy Lombrok (Kellan Lutz), um ex-enfermeiro e que agora é um andarilho, com um passado assombrado, forma uma aliança improvável com Kane Sommerville (Daniel MacPherson), um tenente que trabalha fora do mundo militar Exor. Em meio a uma crise global, numa corrida contra o tempo eles vão atrás da filha de Kane, Indi (Teagan Croft).

22 dezembro 1999

In the opulent St. Petersburg of the Empire period, Eugene Onegin is a jaded but dashing aristocrat – a man often lacking in empathy, who suffers from restlessness, melancholy and, finally, regret. Through his best friend Lensky, Onegin is introduced to the young Tatiana. A passionate and virtuous girl, she soon falls hopelessly under the spell of the aloof newcomer and professes her love for him

11 fevereiro 1982

The five-year romance of a window dresser and her boyfriend breaks up, as each of them finds a more interesting partner.

Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg, Green Lantern and Vixen are transported to the strange world of Remnant and find themselves turned into teenagers. Meanwhile, Remnant heroes Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang must combine forces with the Justice League to uncover why their planet has been mysteriously altered before a superpowered Grimm destroys everything.

Foi inspirado através de um artigo de Chris Heath publicado na GQ 2010 que narrava as desventuras de Gary Faulkner, um operário do estado do Colorado que viajou até ao Paquistão para tentar matar o líder da Al-Queda, Osama Bin Laden, porque Deus assim o ordenou. Faulkner acabou detido em 2010 pela polícia do país asiático. Tornou-se rapidamente no homem-sensação quando descobriram que já tinha viajado onze vezes para o país com a mesma missão levando apenas consigo uma pistola, literatura cristã, uma faca, uns óculos de visão noturna e uma espada Samurai.

Após os eventos de O Incrível Hulk, o agente Phil Coulson, da S.H.I.E.L.D., tem más notícias para o agente Jasper Sitwell: o Conselho de Segurança Mundial quer que Emil Blonsky se junte à Iniciativa Vingadores e Coulson tem ordens para pedir a sua libertação ao general Thaddeus Ross. Sem poderem desafiar o pedido do Conselho, Coulson e Sitwell pensam num plano para o sabotar com uma arma secreta muito especial.

4 abril 2023

Jackie Powers will stop at nothing to prevent his son from following him into a life of crime. With his mob employer in pursuit, a chance encounter at a roadside diner charts a new path.

Franny regressa a casa após um longo afastamento e depois de saber que o seu irmão Henry, músico de profissão, sofreu um acidente de viação que o deixou em coma. Franny começa a consultar o computador de Henry para verificar o quanto a vida do irmão evoluiu na sua ausência, descobrindo os músicos e artistas de que o irmão gostava. Casualmente, conhece James Forester, que é o maior ídolo de Henry e cujo sucesso e fama não parecem indicar o homem tímido e reservado que encontra. Com uma forte ligação romântica a surgir entre Franny e James, a questão que se coloca é: pode o amor florescer mesmo nas circunstâncias mais adversas?

7 abril 2023

Emma and Jesse are living the perfect life together, until Jesse disappears in a tragic helicopter crash on their first wedding anniversary. Four years later, Emma has found happiness again and is about to marry her best friend when Jesse resurfaces, turning her world upside down and leaving her torn between two great loves.

The story is about Kozue Ayuhara, a girl who transferred to Fujimi College and tried out for the school volleyball team. She develops a friendship with her teammate Midori Hayakawa, and her talents impress coach Hongō more and more each day. Though she showcases extraordinary volleyball skills, she makes enemies with Yoshimura, the star of the current team. Kozue discovers that being at the top would bring stress, incompatibilities and other dilemmas into her life. Her high expectations of becoming the best volleyball player in the school, Japan and eventually the world, set the tone for the drama to follow.

Watch Kyan Khojandi interview celebrities as they burn their tastebuds!

The Three-Eyed One is a romance SF manga by Osamu Tezuka. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine from 7 July 1974 through 19 March 1978 and was later published into thirteen tankōbon by Kodansha. This story is about Hosuke Sharaku, the heir to the long lost super civilization of the "Three Eyed Ones", and his best friend, Chiyoko Wato, with whom he solves various problems, often of his own doing.

In 1977, The Three-Eyed One tied with another Tezuka manga, Black Jack, for the Kodansha Manga Award. The manga has since spawned a TV special by Shueisha and later an anime whose 48 episodes ran from 18 October 1990 through 26 September 1991. The main character appears in three video games: Mittsume ga Tooru by Natsume on the MSX in 1989, Mittsume ga Tooru/The Three-Eyed One by Tomy on the NES in 1992, Astro Boy: Omega Factor by Sega on the Game Boy Advance and Astro Boy by Sega on the PlayStation 2.

28 junho 2022

The Only Murders in the Building aftershow that isn't afraid to tackle the hard question. One question. That's it. Featuring host Ali Stroker, the show's actors, a slew of celebrity superfans and one big murder to solve it just might be the only Only Murders In the Building aftershow you need to watch.

Kisaragi Amatsuyu is invited out alone by the cool beauty upperclassman Cosmos and his childhood friend Himawari. Expecting to hear their confessions, he triumphantly goes to meet each of them in turn. But Cosmos and Himawari both instead confess to Amatsuyu that they like his friend. Amatsuyu fights this lonely battle, but there is another girl who is looking at him. She is a gloomy girl with glasses and braids. Amatsuyu finds that he hates her, because she's always turning her sharp tongue only on him and finding enjoyment in his troubles. But it turns out that she's the only one who actually does like him.

A extraordinária história da Terra e por que é especial e singularmente repleta de vida entre uma arena cósmica em grande parte desconhecida, mas dura; astronautas contam a história da Terra através de uma perspectiva única.

27 outubro 2019

Millions of years ago, incredible forces ripped apart the Earth’s crust creating seven extraordinary continents. This documentary series reveals how each distinct continent has shaped the unique animal life found there.

19 abril 1998

You're the One is an American sitcom that aired from April 19 until May 3, 1998.

Charlie Golf One (TAAGAD in Hebrew) is a fast-paced action comedy drama series that follows the extraordinary and unusual events in the lives of medical soldiers serving in a remote military base of an elite infantry unit. The series will have you laughing one moment and put you at the edge of your seat in the next.

Asahi, a boy who loves video games is killed in a traffic accident and ends up in another world. He tries to enjoy the otherworldly adventuring life he's always dreamed of, but his stats are on the level of an NPC's. He is in big trouble and is being chased by a monster when he hears, "Fear not, little brother!" and the monster is killed in one hit by Asahi's older sister, Maya, who followed Asahi to this world. So Maya has acquired some seriously OP skills, but she takes her adoration of her younger brother to extremes. Thus begins their story about an overpowered older sister with a brother complex and a younger brother with the weakest of stats in another world.

Ten years ago, the hero Max defeated the Demon Lord. In order to regain his power, the Demon Lord went into a deep slumber...but when he awakens, his body is only a chibi version of its fearsome form. Now curious to see what his enemy is up to, the Demon Lord visits Max, only to discover the mighty hero living in a dirty one-room apartment. The Demon Lord decides to move in with Max and help his old enemy become a formidable opponent once more!

8 janeiro 1980

One In A Million is an American television sitcom that aired on ABC for one season in 1980. The show was developed as a starring vehicle for comedienne Shirley Hemphill after the success of What's Happening!! in which she played a supporting role. The show was not a success and was cancelled after just 13 episodes. The series was broadcast on Saturdays at 8 p.m Eastern time.

The series centers around Shirley Simmons, a sharp-tongued taxicab driver who inherits controlling interest in the multimillion dollar conglomerate Grayson Enterprises at the death of its founder, Jonathan Grayson, one of Shirley's regular fares. Gleefully assuming her position as CEO, she declares war on 'pompous stuffed shirts', especially company vice president Roland Cushing. She finds an ally in Nancy, Grayson's secretary. The series was set in New York City.

The cast included several well-known character actors including Richard Paul as Mr. Grayson's nephew and Carl Ballantine as the owner of Shirely's favorite deli.

Three people come from different backgrounds and face their own troubles. Their fate leads them to face each other as their destinies become intertwined.

Roadfood: Discovering America One Dish at a Time is a new PBS TV show that aims to re-discover America’s regional culture through its iconic dishes. Our host, Misha Collins, will hit the highways and byways of America, exploring a uniquely American dish in each episode. Meeting local cooks, pit-masters, bakers, cafe owners, and proprietors of local eating establishments, Misha will explore the roots of a dish through these modern culinary folk artisans.

When Lee Jeong-in and Yu Ji-ho meet, something unexpected happens. Or it just may be that spring is in the air -- and anything is possible.

They're comedians starring in a thrilling drama, but if their jokes don't land in the unscripted scenes, they're off the show. Let the mayhem begin!

16 abril 1982

Odd One Out is a weekly quiz programme that was hosted by Paul Daniels and was broadcast on BBC1 from 16 April 1982 to 19 April 1985.

19 junho 2017

A série narra a história de Gabo Moreti, um adolescente de dezasseis anos que mora com a sua avó Amélia, numa aldeia chamada Álamo Seco. A grande paixão de Gabo é o futebol e o seu talento não passa despercebido a Francisco Velázquez, o treinador dos Falcões Dourados, que lhe oferece uma bolsa de estudos no Instuto Académico Desportivo (IAD).

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